Sunday June 2, 2019 Schmuel and the Mentshn Plays Klezmer Music 11 am: Doors Open & Blowing of the Shofar 11:30 & 1:30: Walking Tour of the Synagogue 12:15, 1:15 & 2:15: Klezmer Music by Schmuel and the Mentshn 1:00 & 2:00: Israeli Folk Dancing CORNEDCORNED BEEF BEEF SANDWICH SANDWICH CABBAGECABBAGE ROLLS KUGELKUGEL CHICKENCHICKEN SOUP SOUP ISRAELIISRAELI SALAD MACAROONSNUT POOFS MATZAHMATZAH BALLS BALLS BAGELSBAGELS WITH LOX && BISCOCHOSMACAROONS CHALLAH CREAM CHEESE HONEY CAKE CHALLAH CREAM CHEESE HONEY CAKE STRUDEL MANDELBROT RUGELAH STRUDEL MANDELBROT RUGELAH HAMANTASCHEN HAMANTASCHEN Dance Program - 2019 Jewish/Israeli Dance Team Members Marilyn Beeman Georgia Rowswell Phyllis Bloomberg Agnes Weinstein Sue Carlass Mary Weinstein Lea Gancz Jeff Weinstein Priscilla Golden Brenda Lyday Janet Melia Therese McKinnon Sharon Pucillo Our Dances Hora Nirkoda Hora Medura Tzadik Katamar Hora Chaderah Niguno Shel Yossi Kirya Lech Lech Lamidbar ANNUAL YIDDISH FOOD FESTIVAL MT. SINAI SYNAGOGUE SUNDAY, JUNE 2, 2019 11:00 AM Doors, food and drink booths, and gift shop open in the Social Hall. This will be accompanied by the blowing of a Shofar by Dr. Jason Bloomberg, and the singing of Is- rael’s National Anthem by Howard Rodack 11:30 - 12:15 A walking tour of the Synagogue with Dr. Jason Bloomberg will begin at the small sanctuary 12:15 - 1:00 Klezmer Music 1:00 - 1:15 Israeli Folk Dancing 1:15 - 2:00 Klezmer Music 1:30 - 2:15 A walking tour of the Synagogue with Dr. Jason Bloomberg will begin at the small sanctuary 2:00 - 2:15 Israeli Folk Dancing 2:15 - 3:00 Klezmer Music 3:00 Festival ends Mt. Sinai Synagogue Yiddish Food Festival President of the Congregation David Lerner General Chairman David Lerner Food Chairman Jeff Weinstein Dance Team Leader Mary Weinstein Dance Team Senior Advisor Bea Montross Emcee & Soloist Howard Rodack Synagogue Tours and Shofar Blowing Jason Bloomberg MD Medical Team Jason Bloomberg MD and Georgia Young MD And a great deal of appreciation for all of the wonderful and talented volun­ teers without whose help the Festival would not have been possible. SpecialSpecial thanksthanks toto thesethese groups who havehave assistedassisted usus inin soso manymany ways:ways: CheyenneCheyenne Boy Boy ScoutScout TroopTroop 101 101 AscensionMort’s Lutheran Bagels Youth Group Primary Festival Sponsors Jewish Federation of Wyoming B'nai Brith PricesPricesPrices Eat somPricesething – YPricesou shouldn’t leave hungry! EEaatt ssoommeetthhiinngg –– YYPricesoouuPricessshhoouullddnn’ ’tt lleeaavvee hhuunnggrryy!! Eat something – You shouldn’t leave hungry! 5E ShatekelssomE–a eChickent tsohEmianetgt hsSoupo–inmgY –oewith tYuhoi usManh sgohtzahou–ulldYd Ballno’’tut lelsaehvaeov hueulhndgunrny’t!g lreya!ve hungry! 5 Shekels – Chicken5 Shekels Soup– Chickenwith Ma tzahSoup Ballwith Matzah Ball 5 Shekels – Chicken4 Shekels Soup– withKosher Ma Htzahot D Ballog and chips 4 Shekels – Kosher5 Sh54ekels Shekels H– otChicken D–og KosherChicken Soupand withc Hhips Soupot Ma Dtzahogwith Balland Ma chipstzah Ball 45 ShShShekelsekels–– KosherChicken56 ShShekelsekels H Soupot D –og withStuffedChickenand MaMa c hips CtzahSoupabbage Ball with Rolls Matzahand ryeBall b read 6 Shekels – Stuffed4 Sh46ekels ShShekelsekels –C Kosherabbage– KosherStuffed Hot Rolls Dog HandCandotabbage c Dhipsryeog andb Rollsread chipsand rye bread 64 ShekelsShShekels –– StuffedKosher46 ShShekelsekels HHCotabbage DD–og KosherBageland Rolls with cc Hhipsandot L Doxryeog an banddread C reamchips Cheese 6 Shekels – Bagel6 Shekels6 Shekelswith– Stuffed Lox– StuffedBagel anCabbaged Cwithream C Rollsabbage L oxCheeseand anrye Rollsd bC readreamand Cheeserye bread 66 ShekelsShekels–– BagelStuffed6 Shekels76 ShShekelswithekels –CC abbageBagel L ox– withHomemadeStuffed an Rollsd L oxCream an Canddabbage Cream CheeseCornedrye Cheese bb Rollsread Beef andon rye Rye, bread includes pickle & chips 7 Shekels – Homemade67 ShekelsShekels –Corned BagelHomemadewithBeef Lon oxCorned R anye,d iCncludesBeefreamon Cheese pickleRye, i ncludes& chips pickle & chips 76 ShShekelsekels –– HomemadeBagel7 Sh61ekels ShekelsShekelwith– Homemade LL –oxCorned– DillBagel an dPickle CornedCC Beefwithreamor BeefonL oxCheeseChips R onanye, Rd ye, iC ncludesream includes Cheese pickle& &chips chips 1 Shekel – Dill1 S71hekel Pickle ShShekelekels– Dillor –Pickle–Chips DillHomemade orPickle Chips or CornedChips Beef on Rye, includes pickle & chips 17 SShShhekelekels–– DillHomemade7 Pickle Shekelsor Corned–Chips Homemade Beef on Corned RRye, ii ncludesBeef on pickleRye, includes& chipschips pickle & chips 1 Shekel – Dill Pickle or Chips 1 SShekel – Dill1 Pickle Shekelor –Chips Dill Pickle or Chips Drinks DrinksDrinks Drinks Drinks 1 Shek1 Shekel – Sodael –, SodaBrisk Tea,, Brisk Bottled Tea, Water BottledDrinks Water Drinks 1 Shekel – Soda1 ,Shek Briskel Tea, – Soda Bottled, Brisk Water Tea, Bottled Water 1 Shekel – Soda, Brisk Tea, Bottled Water 1 Shekel – Soda, Brisk Tea, BottledPastries Water 1 Shekel – Soda1 ,Shek Briskel Tea, – Soda Bottled, Brisk Water Tea, Bottled Water Pastries Pastries Pastries Pastries 8 Shekels – Sampler Platter – includes Strudel,PastriesRugelach, Pastries Nut Poofs, Macaroons, Mandelbrot, HamantashPastriesen, 8 Shekels – Sampler Platter – includes Strudel, Rugelach, 8 Shekels – SamplerMa8tzah Sh Brittleekels Platter, –and Sampler Ho– neyincludes Cake Platter Strudel, – includesRugelach, Strudel, Rugelach, 8 Shekels – SamplerNut Poofs Platter, Macaroons,– includes M Sandetrudel,lbrot,Rugelach, Hamantash en, Nut Poofs, M1 acaroons,SN8hekel utSh Poofsekels– StrudelM,–M andeSampleracaroons,lbrot, PlatterHamantashMande– includeslbrot,en,Hamantash Strudel, Ren,ugelach, N8 utShSh Poofsekels,–M Sampleracaroons,Ma8 Shtzahekels PP latterBrittleM–ande Sampler–, andincludesincludeslbrot, Ho PlatterHamantashney SStrudel, Cake– includes Ren,ugelach, Strudel, Rugelach, Matzah Brittle1 SMaNhekel, anduttzah Poofs– HoRugelach Brittleney, M Cakeacaroons,(contains, and Ho nuneyMts) ande Cakelbrot, Hamantashen, MaNuttzah Poofs Brittle, Macaroons,N, andut Poofs HoneyM, Mande Cakeacaroons,lbrot,lbrot, HamantashMandelbrot,en,Hamantash en, 1 SMahekeltzah– Nut Brittle Poofs (Gluten, and Ho Freneye) Cake Matzah Brittle1 S1Mahekel, andShekeltzah– HoHoMacaroons Brittle ney– Strudel Cake, (Glutenand Ho Free)ney Cake 1 Shekel – Strudel1 Shekel – Strudel 1 Shekel – Strudel1 S1hekel Shekel– Mandelbrot – Rugelach(contains (contains nuts) nuts) 1 Shekel – Rugelach1 S1hekel Shekel– Hamantashen(contains– Rugelach nuts)(contains nuts) 1 Shekel – Strudel1 ShekelShekel – BiscochStrudelos 11 SShekelhekel–– RugelachStrudel1 S1hekel Shekel– Chocolate(contains– NutMatzah Poofs nuts) Brittle (Gluten Free) 1 SShekel – RugelachNut1 Poofs Shekel(contains(Gluten– Rugelach Fre nue)ts)(contains nuts) 11 SShekelhekel–– NutRugelach1 Poofs Shekel(contains(Gluten – MacaroonsRugelach Fre nue)ts) (contains (GlutenSide nuFree)ts) Dishes 1 Shekel – Macaroons1 Shekel(Gluten– NutMacaroons Poofs Free)(Gluten (Gluten Fre Free)e) 11 SSShekelhekel–– MacaroonsNut1 Poofs Shekel(Gluten(Gluten – MandelbrotNut PoofsFreFre Free)e) (Gluten (contains Free) n uts) 1 Shekel – Mandelbrot1 Shekel –(contains MacaroonsMandelbrot nuts)(Gluten(contains Free) nuts) 11 SSShekelhekel–– MandelbrotMacaroons4 Shek1 Selshekel – Israeli (Gluten–(contains HamantashenMacaroons Salad Free) nuts) (Gluten Free) 1 Shekel – Hamantashen3 Shekels1 Shekel– Pita– ChipsMandelbrotHamantashen with Hummus(contains nuts) 11 SSShekelhekel–– HamantashenMandelbrot1 Shekel –(contains ChocolateMandelbrot nnuts) Matzah(contains Brittle nuts) 1 Shekel – Chocolate3 Shekels1 Shekel– SMatzahweet– HamantashenChocolateCasserole: Brittle NoodleMatzah Kugel Brittle 11 SSShekelhekel–– ChocolateHamantashen1 ShekelMatzah– Hamantashen Brittle Side Dishes 1 Shekel – Chocolate MatzahSide Brittle Dishes Side Dishes 1 SShekel – Chocolate1 ShekelMatzah– Chocolate BrittleMatzahSide BrittleBreads Dishes 4 Shekels – Israeli Salad Side Dishes Side Dishes 4 Shekels – Israeli6 Shek4 Shekels Salad – elsChallah – Israeli Salad 4 Shekels – Israeli6 Shekels3 Shekels Salad– 6 Bagels– Pita Chips with Hummus 3 Shekels – Pita43 ShekShekelsChipsels with – IsraeliPita Hummus Chips Salad with Hummus 34 ShekelsShekels –– PitaIsraeli6 Shekels34 ShekelsShekChips Salad– elsLoaves with – SIsraeli –weetHummus Rye, Rye SaladCasserole: Swirl… Noodle Kugel 3 Shekels – Sweet3 ShekelsCasserole: – PitaSweet NoodleChips Casserole: with Kugel Hummus Noodle Kugel 33 ShekelsShekels–– SPitaweet3 ShekelsChipsCasserole: with– Pita Hummus NoodleChips with Kugel Hummus 3 Shekels – Sweet Casserole: Noodle Kugel 3 Shekels – Sweet3 ShekelsCasserole:– Sweet NoodleCasserole: Kugel Noodle KugelBreads Breads Breads Breads 6 Shekels – Challah Breads Breads 6 Shekels – Challah6 Shekels – Challah 6 Shekels – Challah6 Shekels – 6 Bagels 6 Shekels – 6 Bagels6 ShekShekelsels – Challah6 Bagels 66 ShekelsShekels –– 6Challah Bagels6 ShekelsShekels – LoavesChallah – Rye, Rye Swirl… 6 Shekels – Loaves6 Shekels– Rye,– 6LoavesRye Bagels Swirl…– Rye, Rye Swirl… 66 ShekelsShekels–– Loaves6 Bagels6 Shekels– Rye,– Rye6 Bagels Swirl… 6 Shekels – Loaves – Rye, Rye Swirl… 6 Shekels – Loaves6 Shekels– Rye,– RyeLoaves Swirl…– Rye, Rye Swirl… Mt. Sinai Gift Shop Under the direction of Dr. Georgia Young, this unique gift shop resting in the Northeast corner of the Social Hall specializes in something for everyone. In addition to Israeli cookbooks, there are CDs featuring Israeli music, holiday candles and candle holders, AHAVA Dead Sea Skin products, seder plates,
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