13348 THE LONDON GAZETTE, 2ND OCTOBER 1984 WRIDE, David Michael, of 34 Prospect Avenue, Fain- 125 of 1984. Date of Order—10th September 1984. Date borough, Hampshire, lately residing at 45A Vera Road, of Filing Petition—4th July 1984. London SW6 6QP, formerly at 33 Netherwood Road!, London W.1G, previously at 7 Auckland! Road, Batter- WILLIAMS, Anthony Clifford (described in the Receiving sea Rise, London S.W.11, a COMMODITY TRADER Order as A. C. Williams (male)), unemployed, residing (described in the Receiving Order as whose present and lately carrying on business at 72 Oxcord Road, address is unknown as as a Commodity Broker). Court Acocks Green, Birmingham in the metropolitan county —HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. No. of Matter—407 of of West Midlands as a HYDRAULIC ENGINEER. 1984. Date of Order—30th August 1984. Date of Fil- Court—BIRMINGHAM. No. of Matter—130 of 1984. ing Petition—9th, February 1984. Date of Order—10th September 1984. Date of Filing Petition^-12th July 1984. RICHARDS* Thomas Wilson, residing at 1 Maesteg Pennal, Machynlleth, RICHARDS, Stephen Thomas, residing at NETTLESHIP, Joan, previously Joan Picken nee Andrews, Flat 8, Maesteg Pennal, Machynlleth and RICHARDS, also known as Joan Andrews-Nettleship, a COMPANY David Christopher, residing at 2 Tyddyn Isaf, Aber- DIRECTOR, of 1 St. Georges Square, St. Annes, Lytham dovey, all in the county of Gwynedd, lately carrying St. Anmes, Lancashire. Court—BLACKPOOL. No. of on business< in co-partnership under the name or style Matter—39 of 1984. Date of Order—24th August 1984. of T W Richards & Sons at Maldwyn House, 1 Pen- Date of Filing Petition—19th June 1984. rallt Street, Machynlleth hi the county of Powys as BUILDING CONTRACTORS, Court—ABERYST- EVANS, lorwerth David Joseph, unemployed, residing at WYTH. No. of Matter—3 of 1984. Date of Ordei^- and lately carrying on business from 7 Rhyd-y-Cae, 3rd September 1984. Date of Filing Petition—10th Rassau, Ebbw Vale in the county of Gwent as a JOB- August 1984. BING BUILDER (described in the Receiving Order as Mr. D. Evans, male). Court—BLACKWOOD. No. of WHITE, Malcolm Harry, unemployed ENGRAVER, resid- Matter—13 of 1984. Date of Order—17th September ing at 13 Rutland Street, Hyde in the county of 1984. Date of Filing Petition—21st June 1984. Chester, formerly residing and carrying on business as a PUBLICAN at The Swan, Stamford Square, Ashton- MILES, Richard Alan, unemployed, residing at and form- under-Lyne in the metropolitan county of Greater Man- erly carrying on business from 7 Claerwen, Gelligaer, chester. Court—ASHTON-UNDER-LYNE AND Hengoed in the county of Mid Glamorgan as a TAXI STALYBRJDGE. No. of Matter—23 of 1984. Date, of and MINIBUS PROPRIETOR under the style of M & M Order—31st August 1984. Date of Filing Petition—26th Taxis and Minibuses. Court—BLACKWOOD (by transfer April 1984. from High Court of Justice). No. of Matter—13A of 1984. Date of Order—12th September 1984. Date of Filing Peti- DHILLON, Harwant Kaur (housewife), latterly a COM- tion—9th March 1984. PANY DIRECTOR, of 63 Priory Avenue, ffijgh Wy- combe, Buckinghamshire (described in the Receiving GAINER, Geoffrey (Market Trader), of 41 Marlecroft, Order as Mr. H. Dhillon). Court—AYLESBURY. No. Whitefield in the county of Greater Manchester. Court— of Matter—36 of 1984. Date of Order—llth Septem- BOLTON. No. of Matter—78 of 1984. Date of Order— ber 1984. Date of Filing Petition^-17th July 1984. 17th September 1984. Date of Filing Petition—17th Sep- tember 1984. HAMMOND, Christopher Peyton, of Holes Farm, Upcott, Nethercott, Braunton, Devon and carrying on business HARPER, Kevin Patrick, of 6 Drake Road, Poole, Dor- as Hammond Visual as a PHOTOGRAPHER and set, SUB-CONTRACTING STEEL ERECTOR. Court— GRAPHIC REPRODUCER at 21 High Street, Barn- BOURNEMOUTH (by transfer from High Court of staple, Devon (described in the Receiving Order as Justice). No. of Matter—58s of 1984. Date of Order— Chris Hammond (male)). Court—BARNSTAPLE. No. 20th September 1984. Date of Filing Petition—161 h April of Matter—10 of 1984. Date of Order—2nd August 1984. 1984. Date of Filing Petition—8th May 1984. HAWKINS, Barry Edward, WELDER of 5 Jackson Road, SPENCER, John Walter Frederick, unemployed, and Parkstone, Poole, Dorset. Court—BOURNEMOUTH. SPENCER, Joan Mary (married woman), residing at 12 No. of Matter—81 of 1984. Date of Order—25th Septem- Sunderland Close, Bower Hill, Melksham, lately resid- ber 1984. Date of Filing Petition—25th September 1984. ing and carrying on business in partnership from 8 High Street, Melksham, both in the county of Wiltshire under LAYZELL, Derek John, of 20 Balfbur Road, Brighton, the style Rose Marie Restaurant as RESTAURANT lately carrying on business as Carpet & Tile Discount PROPRIETORS. Court—BATH. No. of Matter—45 Centre at 37 Prestonville Road, Brighton, both in the of 1984. Date of Order—10th September 1984. Date County of East Sussex, now unemployed. Court— of Filing Petition—18th May 1984. BRIGHTON. No. of Matter—104 of 1984. Date of ARKLESS, Derek Kevin, of 28 Stanbury Road, Warstock, Order—29th August 1984. Date of Filing Petition— Maypole., Birmingham, unemployed, lately of 58 Lismore 25th June 1984. Close, Rubery, Rednal, previously of 57 Taunton Tower, Lower Beeches Road, Northfield, Birmingham, lately GILL, Ronnie, Private Hire Vehicle Driver, residing at 91 carrying on business at the rear of 30-32 York Road, Coalclough Lane, Burnley, and formerly carrying on busi- Kings Heath, Birmingham, all in the metropolitan county ness in partnership with another and previously on his of West Midlands, under the style of " D K A Builders own account under the style " Ronnie's Taxis " as PRI- and Joiners" (described in the Receiving Order as a VATE-HIRE VEHICLE OPERATORS at 2 Sandygate, firm) as BUILDER and JOINER. Court—BIRMING- Burnley, both in Lancashire. Court—BURNLEY (by HAM. No. of Matter—91 of 1984. Date of Order— transfer from High Court of Justice). No. of Matter— 24th August 1984. Date of Filing Petition—9th May 33 of 1984. Date of Order—31st August 1984. Date of 1984. Filing Petition—18th April 1984. JAVED, Saleem (described in the Receiving Order as Salim SMITH, Francis Adrian, of 14 Maple Drive, St. Mary's Javed), residing at 48 Harton Way, Kings Heath, Birm- Bay, Romney Marsh, Kent, unemployed ACCOUN- ingham in the metrooiltan county of West Midlands, TANT. Court—CANTERBURY. No. of Matter—24 lately a COMPANY DIRECTOR but presently unem- of 1984. Date of Order—6th September 1984. Date of ployed. Court—BIRMINGHAM. No. of Matter—175 Filing Petition—9th March 1984. of 1983. Date of Order—3rd September 1984. Date of Filing Petition—12th December 1983. LEACH, Ernest Alfred Charles Herbert, of Broadmoor Farm, Broadmoor, Kilgetty, Dyfed, formerly of 56 Maes- MORRIS, David Clement of 45 Raeburn Road, Great glas, Pontyates, Dyfed, and previously residing at Con- Barr, Birmingham, Taxi Driver, lately residing at 150 stant Farm, Llandyfoeg, near Ferryside, Dyfed, unem- Foley Road West, Streetly, Sutton Coldfield, both in the ployed, formerly a COMPANY DIRECTOR, and pre- metropolitan county of West Midlands, COMPANY viously carrying on business with another as TRAILER DIRECTOR, formerly residing at Church House, Bockle- MANUFACTURERS under the style of Carmarthen ton, near Tenbury Wells in the county of Hereford and Trailers, and also previously carrying on business with Worcester. Court—BIRMINGHAM. No. of Matter— others as FISHERMEN under the style of Constant.
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