JCOTCH PLAINS PTTRT.TC LWRRVLY FORMERLY THE THE SCOTCH PLAINS TIMES AND FANWOOP INDEPiNDENT VOL. 9 NO. 8 SCOTCH PLAINS-FAN WOOD, N.J., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, L968 10 CENTS A COPY School Budget Defeated Beetham Names Committee The second budget submitted to voters by the Scotch Plains- for Business Development Fanwood Board of Education was defeated yesterday. The budget totalled $7,173,264 - $101,574 in capital expenses, $6,363,558 in An inauguration promise of current expenses, and $708,132 in debt service. Fanwood Mayor Roland Beetham The initial budget, defeted 3 to 1 with a 32% voter turnout, was Fanwood Budget Hearing reached fruition last week with trimmed by $144,338, which represents a reduction of 13% of the in- the appointment of a five-mem- crease, ber business development com- The budget next will be considered by the combined Township Set for Feb. 28 mittee established to develop and Committee of Scotch Plains and the Borough Council of Fanwood. A public hearing on the muni- All five categories of patrol- implement a program to encour- This body, after extensive consideration, will suggest a figure cipal budget will be held at Fan- men, Class A through Class E, age new business and to aid which it considers reasonable, If the figure is unacceptable to wood Borough Hall on February would receive a $500 annual in- growth of the present business the Board of Education members, they may appeal to the State 28, at 8 p.m. Copies of the budget crease. Their salaries are list- community. Department of Education, which sets a figure for operation of may be obtained in the borough ed as; Class A, $8100; Class B, The five men named to the new local schools. No further public hearings are customary at this clerk's office in ads'ance of hear- $7500; Class C, $7200; Class D, board are David Ringie, an in- stage of budget negotiations. ing. Mayor Beetham encouraged $6900; Class E, 56600, Proba- surance man with the Peterson- community interest and attend- tionary patrolman salary is set Ringle Real Estate and Insurance ance at the budget hearing. at $6200, up $200. firm of Scotch Plains; Lawrence Vote - 3 1 Opposed Another public hearing, sched- In addition, members of the Andrews, head of Young Paint uled for March 13 at 8 p.m. in Police Department as well as and Varnish Co., in Fanwood, and Turnout - Light Borough Hall, will be concerned Public Works employees, receive ex-member and President of the with municipal salaries for 1968, longevity benefits at the following Scotch Plains-Fanwood Board of Two ordinances listing proposed rate: 2 percent after 5 years; Education; Theodore Franken- salaries for municipal employees 3 percent after 10 years; 4 bach of Pearsall and Franken- were introduced at the February percent after 15 years; and 5 bach, Inc., a Westfleld realty Neighborhood Aroused 13 council meeting. percent after 20 years. The lon- firm; Clarence Slocum, a former Salaries of officers and em- gevity benefits are unchanged Mayor of Fanwood; Harry Diller, by Dog Attack Incident ployees have been set as follows: from last year. They are ap- Assistant Vice president of Collector, $4500.00 (unchanged plicable only to employees who Plainfleld Trust State National Several residents in the area of Cook Avenue and Nicholl Avenue from 1967); Assessor $6900,00 work 35 or more hours a week. Bank. AH but Diller are Fanwood in Scotch Plains have expressed strong concern and protest over a (increased $400); Clerk, $5000 The N, j. Department of Motor residents. dog-bite incident which occurred on Wednesday, February 14, A (unchanged); Attorney, $3000 (un- Vehicles has approved installa- Beetham said he and the coun- German Shepherd owned by the Chmlelewski family of 333 Cook changed); Director of Welfare, tion of stop signs at a number cil were excited about the new Avenue attacked and bit a passing schoolgirl. Donna Seda, daughter $400 (increased $100); Magis- of Fanwood corners. Action was committee, and hoped that their of Mr. and Mrs. L, Seda of 202 Harding Road. The girl and a com- trate, $2750 (unchanged); Build- taken on the signs in December. activity would increase tax rat- panion were on their way to school when the dog, being moved ing Inspector, $ 1600 (unchanged); ables and ease the tax burden from garage to backyard pen by Mrs, Chmielewski, jumped from Borough Administrator, $4500 slightly for Fanwood home- her grasp and bit the girl severely in the nose, mouth, and under (increased $400); Treasurer, owners. the chin and hospitalized her for five days. She also had a minor .15200 (increased $300); Court Raiders Clinch In further appointments, Bee- wound on her upper arm, Mrs, Seda said that she will require Clerk, $1200 (unchanged). The tham named Richard W. Sage of extensive treatment over a long period of time. Borough Engineer's retainer is Wrestling North Avenue to fill -the unex- Neighbors reported that they nat0 sald that the dof rnust be increased from $3000 to $4500. pired term of Howard Van Towle have notified police on numerous quarantinecj for ten days, pend- The $1500 added amount, how- on the local Planning Board. occasions that both Chmielewski ing a report from the Board of ever, will cover expenses, (sec- Title! Towle resigned from his term, dogs were running loose. They Health. Then, he said, an in- retarial, supplies, etc) pre- The Raider's high-flying which expires December 31, said they have been warned that vestigation will take place to viously paid separately. The wrestling team finished an un- 1969. the dog was being trained to determine how vicious the dog above employees do not receive beaten season and clinched the Edward Waller of Belvidere attack, and that they should keep is, what provoked the attack, and longevity benefits. Watchung Conference Title for Avenue will replace Ernest Geb- their children away from the if the dog is a hazard. The case A second ordinance established Scotch Plains - Fanwood High ler on the Shade Tree Commis- yard. will be considered after the in- the following schedule for Police School on Saturday night by hand- sion. Cebler, whose term expires A housewife on Nicholl Ave- vestigation, he indicated, Department salaries: Chief, ing a hitherto unbeaten Bound December 31, 1971, resigned due nue, which runs into Cook Avenue A neighborhood group plans $11,400 (increased $700); cap- Brook team it's only defeat. The to the burden of graduate school in the vicinity where the inci- to question borough authorities tain and lieutenant, $9300 (in- final score was 25-16, studies. dent took place, said she has on ordinances for the fencing of creased $500;; sergeant, $8800 Watch for a feature story in Joseph S, Fuhrmann was ap- been afraid to allow her children large dogs. (Increased $500> next weeks TIMES. pointed as acting Borough En- in the area for some time. She gineer in the absence of Borough pointed out that the street is Engineer Richard Luster, used by children going to four An application for $4385 in nearby schools. She said many state aid was approved by the neighbors have felt that the back- council for the completed Sec- yard fence used to pen the dog tion 5 in the reconstruction of is insufficient in strength, She North Avenue, claimed It is a small pen, and is Contracts for tar and asphaltle of chicken wire. materials to be used throughout Another said "I don't con- the borough were awarded to sider this a dog bite. I consider A.L. Randolph of Bound Brook, it a vicious attack. If the owner tar and asphaltic matierials, hadn't been behind the dog to 52814; Carwood Asphalt, bitum- pull it off the girl, it would inous concrete, $9600* and Fan- have killed her". wood Crushed Stone $2880 for Chmielewski said that the dog crushed stone. had not been trained to attack, but had attended dog obedience school, and had a certificate Home Burglarized from the school. He said the dog A hurgUu Y occurred at the was, on the whole, good, gentle, home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert: and obedient. It was one year Scott, 1880 Winding Brook Way, old last month. Chielewski said Scotch Plains, sometime between that neighborhood children poke 5:W and K:(K) p.in, on Wednes- sticks in the dog's cage, throw day, February 14. stones at it,' cue through the Damage included a ripped tele- yard, and tease it all thci time, vision antenna, and broken win- He said that the dog is still a dows in the kitchen door and in puppy, although big, weighing 70 the second floor bedroom. The to 75 pounds. It was a very un- Si olts rrpuricd many items mis- fiiriunate happening he said, and sing, totalling $1440 In value, the dog, usually taken by the including three television sets, cullur from garage to pen by <.\i-h, LWO radios, and other jew- his wife, probably wanted to play. elry and appliances, The family has no plans to get RoberL Scott praised the effi- Three-year-old Sandra Graham of Kenilworth, Little Miss Heart Fund, receives attention rid of the dug, he said. They ciency ;UILI competence of both have had telephoned threats to from left to right Lawrence Roberts, Fanwood heart chairman; State Senator Matthew J. Patrolman Michael Ford and.De- poison the dog. Rinaldo of Union, the county chairman, and Robert Haug, co-chairman in Scotch Plains. L«I tuc Kobeii Lucas in Inves- Scotch Plains Police Chief Os- Roberta and Hang head scores of volunteers who will make their appeals for funds Sunday.
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