•• . C. ".) (_;..; 11ew~ 6.. "iew& ) N -o WEEKLY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED ON SAIPAN M.I. .. .-3 NOVEMBER 10, 1977 - Vol. 6 No. 35 - Price .15 Camacho, Joeten Address Chamber Of Commerce SAIP AN - Reminiscent of actual cost of the type of gov­ centers of the Pacific and will Nor would the development ment facility which can hope­ the 1960 Kennedy/Nixon and ernment each candidate plans to encourage various businesses and of the islands' infrastructure be fully be developed as an inter­ more recently, the Ford/Carter administer. industries to invest in the islands. entirely in the hands of private national port in the Pacific televised debates, Northern Ma­ While in basic agreement over But, said Camacho, outlininj enterprise, Camacho said, area," he said. rianas gubernatorial candidates the need to establish a sound the Democrats policy "We don't favoring a system of government Both candidates said they faced the Saipan Chamber of economic environment, Terri­ believe nor support monopolistic commissions to oversee in­ recognized the need for reliance Commerce in a first of its kind torial candidate Joeten said he businessmen who think that frastructure programs and joint on outside technical expertise in question and answer session on preferred to see the encourage· everything or anyone who wants ventures in its construction. the development of the infant Monday last. ment of locally-owned busines­ to come in to establish busines­ The Democratic Party would government pending sufficient Democratic candidate Dr. ses in the development of the is­ ses should be stopped. The gov­ also make a major thrust to­ training of local people. Carlos S. Camacho and Terri­ lands' infrastructure. Saying ernment under the Democratic war<ls the development of port Said Territorial candidate torials' J.C. Tenorio (Joeten), that while local businesses Party will not encourage or ap­ facilities, Camacho said. "We Tenorio, "our is a major concern who were hosted by the Cham­ should be assisted with loans, prove attempts to monopolize." see Saipan as a major transship- Continued on page 3 ber in a lunch-time session to tax incentives and equity part­ clarify the basic issues outlined nership) "We must recognize in their parties' campaign plat­ there will be many times when forms, however, left the business new or existing businesses in the community uninspired and dis­ Northern Marianas cannot meet appointed. our economic growth demands." Said one member, "It was a "It- is at this point that gov­ very low-key presentation on the ernment should aggressively en· part of both candidates." who courage outside investments," made introductory speeches Tenorio said. "We must work prior to opening up questions hard to develop our infrastruc­ from the floor. ture. Water, power, docks, and With election day· a mere roads are some of the major month away, others said they areas we must develop." ha4 hoped for a more "heated Camacho said his party wants debate," and apparently ex­ to see the Northern Marianas be­ pected more commitment to the come one of the several business Attorney Pounds Exonerated Eve Lowe Marianas Gobernatorial candidates Jose C. Tenorio (Territorial) andCarlos S. Camacho (Democrat) Staff Writer address members of the Saipan Cluunber of Commerce on issues from their campaign platform SAIP AN - Ponape District proved to be ~ total lack !)f Attorney Minor Pounds was evidence in support of the fully exonerated from all allega­ charges. tions of professional misconduct ''The panel'& duty was so by a Trust Territory disciplinary clear that they made an oral Coleman Wins Samoa panel during a Friday hearing in ruling from the bencn," Lowe the TT High Court on Saipan. said. The oral opinion is to be Governorship Race The hearing resulted from a later issued in writing by the written order to show cause why Chief Justice. SAIP AN, (MNS) - Former and his closest opponent, since Mariaal. a State of Texas ruling sus­ The Ponape District Trust Territory Deputy High none of the seven candidates re­ Following Ilia re 'p Ow • pending Potinds from the prac­ Attorney, who also took leave of Commissioner Peter T. Coleman ceived more than 50 percent of Deputy HiCom, Coleman ll'Nll tice of law in that state, should absence and was present on Sai­ has won the Governorship race the votes. If there should be a in Hawaii for a while. Previous not apply in the Trust Territory, pan at his own expen~, said he in American Samoa, taking 39 runoff, the election will be held governors of American Samoa the charge submitting that was. ''very gratified by the find­ percent of the votes in an elec­ next week, Thursday (Nov. 27). were appointed by the Depart­ Pounds had engaged in dis­ ind of the TT panel," and that tion held Tuesday (Nov. 8). According to the report, ment of the Interior. honorable conduct while the he could be contacted at the According to unofficial elec­ there are indications that the president of two Texas corpora­ office of the District Attorney in tion results, Coleman tallied second team would not run tions. Ponape "where I shall continue 2,358 of the 5,951 votes cast in against Coleman in a runoff elec­ The disciplinary panel, com· to do my job." the historic election. tion. Their decision will be an­ posed of Chief Justice Harold W. "The ruling," Pounds con­ Coleman's closest opponent, nounced sometime this week. Burnett and Associate Justice tinued, "renews my faith in a Lutali, received 1,270 and Coleman, who until earlier Robert A. Hefner, had no choice system of justice that is con­ Fuimaono, a senator .in the Ame­ this year was the Deputy High but to decide in Pounds' favor tained by the law and the per­ rican Samoa Legislature came in Commissioner for the Trust because of the absolute lack of so.ns applying ~at law with the third with 951. Seven candi­ Territory, is not new to the due process in the ~arch. 1977 courage to make a decision in dates ran for the position. Samoan political scene. ·He was Tel'(as proceedings, said David W. accordance with the law." A report received through the fmt Samoan appointed Lowe, who represented Pounds Pounds has been · Ponape's PEACESAT satellite from Governor under President Eisen­ at the hearing. District Attorney since February American Samoa indicated that hower's administration. He Lowe, who took leave· from 1973. His suspension in the· election officials are still un­ subsequently became the Dist­ . e Public-Defender's Office, tQ State of Texas remains in effect decided on whether there should trict Administratior for the Mar­ '~#ll:~ ~i the case, said ~ere until February next year. be a runoff between Coleman shalls as well as the Northern COLEMAN party hopefuls and supporters is SAIPAN,-The two major cratic Party and Jose C. Tenorio businessmen on Saipan. The Governor will serve for a also being waged. Cars with political parties in the Northern (Joeten) of the Territorial Party For Washington Representa­ four-year term as will the the loudspeakers blaring out songs Marianas have begun canvassing are first cousins. Dr. Camacho tive, the Democrats named Washington Representative, and party slogans are a common the villages and islands in the is the head of the Public Health Edward Dig. Pangelinan, who Mayor, and Senators, while the sight and sound these days. hope of capturing seats for the Division of the Department of presently holds that position. House of Representative members Government employees who are Governorship, Legislature, Wash­ Health Services and "Joeten" Juan Lizama, a young Saipanese will serve for two years. running for public office or ington Representative and prior to his resignation on who recently retun).ed from Under the constitutional are supporters of certain candi­ Mayorship under the new Con­ November 1st. was of J.C. school on the mainland, is the government, which take dates have either resigned · or will stitutional government. Tenorio Enterprises, and the lead- Territorial Party's candidate. effect January ninth, the taken leave. The Democratic Party, ing businessman in the Northern For the Mayorship, the two Governor ' will nominate his Observers say this is the most formerly the Popular Party, have Marianas. candidates are Senator Francisco staff of department heads with intensive campaigning ever in the since last week begun their The candidates for Lt. Gover- Diaz and Saipan Municipal Coun­ the advice and consent of the history of the Northern Marianas. village to village nightly nor are F_rancisco C. Ada for the cil Speaker Jose Rios of the Senate. Candidates have made many campaign. The Territorial Party Democrats and Senator Olympio Democrat and Territorial parties The question most often asked promises that "if" elected, they kicked-off its campaign Sunday T. Borja for the Territorials. respectively. in the Northern Marianas these will "work for the betterment of (Nov. 6). Ada was a former District The Legislature will be a days is, "Who do you think will the islands and better protection Posters and bumper stickers Administrator for the Northern bicameral house under the Com­ win the Governorship." The of its people." Economy, educa­ have sprung up on cars, in stores, Marianas and most recently was monwealth Government with question, to most observers, is de­ tion and crime prevention were private homes, and even on tele­ the Executive Officer until a three each from the three major batable in .that the people are the major emphasis of the Demo.­ phone poles and trees. Plat­ month ago when he .resigned to island municipalities for the no longer voting on straight cmtic Party's platform. forms for both parties have been run in the Democratic ticket. Senate and the House will be party lines like before but rather It is interesting to note that printed and are being explained Senator Borja is the Vice-Speaker apportioned according to popula­ on family ties or in some cases the Gubernatorial candidates Dr.
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