Winona State University OpenRiver Winona Daily News Winona City Newspapers 3-9-1976 Winona Daily News Winona Daily News Follow this and additional works at: https://openriver.winona.edu/winonadailynews Recommended Citation Winona Daily News, "Winona Daily News" (1976). Winona Daily News. 1423. https://openriver.winona.edu/winonadailynews/1423 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Winona City Newspapers at OpenRiver. It has been accepted for inclusion in Winona Daily News by an authorized administrator of OpenRiver. For more information, please contact [email protected]. tuesdly's^ W^SfffHBll LimifJ army mutiny swells. Lebanese -» By FAROUK NASSAU The sources said Syrian truce enforcers, however, the Arabs, ^** TV^rttyuxTutvaqA talked the rebels into abandoning the artillery base at The Beaufort mutineers said they would shootat .BEIRUT," Lebanon (AP) — Moslem army deserters the Crusader-era Beaufort Castle today, allowing them Israeli spy planes from their positionsin the castle, built took over another southernLebanese garrison before safe conduct to push east and join Khatib's forces on-—- .on a hilltop nine centuries ago by FrenchCrusadersin Conviction upheld Receive awards dawn today, and President Suleiman Franjleh warned molested. their campaign to liberate the Holy Land fromMoslems. w*that a chain of mutinies might encourage Israel to in- The first hint about the Rachaya attack came from The castle commandsa broad view of the Israeli border The federal atoeals court In New Two prominentJerusalem residents York has upheld vadesouthLebanon and triggersnew Middle East war. ' Moslem Premier Rashld Karami at an extraordinary - just five miles to the south. - ' the conviction of - Mayor Te# Kollek and Jewish • Parliamentary sources said units from the rebel parliament session that extended the legislature's term Sgt HassanJaber , 26, leader of the revolt, said his unit Jack L? Ghestout, Sen. -Hubert H. tiMloglan ShemaryahuTalmon — ' Arab ' ; had been assigned to shoot at Israeli jets that regularly Humphrey's former ^'Lebanese Army" . occupied the garrison at , 2«extra months. / - . campaignman- were to be presented with Roman Rachaya, a strategic town that controls supply routes The W-man parliament's term expires in April. But pass over Lebanon to reconnoiter positions of ager,, for arranging an unlawful Cathplic meqaJs today in Munich, , Palestinianguerrillas , but the jets were never fired ofl.' dairymen' from - Syria to Palestinian; guerrilla bases in south insecure^conditions, after 10 monthsof sectarianwarfare ' s corporate dbnatton. to Germany, in a challenge to the Eebanon. ¦ -,,¦ ¦: , ; ' , -y ; were deemedunfit for new general elections. "Wow we will,- '! said Jaber. "We will shoot¦ at any : Humphrey's 1970 Senate campaign. recent U.N. - ' resolution denouncing The sources had no immediate information whether Karami told parliament the Beaufort Castle mutiny ' Israelis." . • -, .¦:?* , - Chestnut, 42, nas been free without Zionism as a. form of racism. The bail there was a shootout in Rachaya, the main station at the Monday and "what happened later in Rachaya" were Israeli jets have made frequentretaliation raids on the pending appeal since his Catholic Academy of Bavaria an- eod of the so-called"Arafat Trail" on the westernslopes part of a plot to "partition the army into Moslems and hilly area of south Lebanon known as "Fatahland." conviction lastMay fc U.S. District nounced Monday tliat the two were of Mount Hermorijust six miles from the Israeli border. Christian factions." Fatah, the largest Palestinian guerrilla group, uses the Court Juilge Edward Wefnfeld had awarded the Romano Guardini area to stage commandoraids into Israel. sentenced The Lebanese ArabArmy is led by Lt. AhmedKhatib , Beirut newspapers said Franjleh told an emergency hiin to ifour months in prize, commemorating a.noted a Moslem who defected from'the army just before a session-'.of- Karami's cabinet that "the takeover may Jaber said his unit peacefully took over the an- ., - prison and a $5,000 fine. Catholic theologian . It is given, Syrian-sponsored cease-fire began the current 47-day touch off a chain of similar mutinies and plunge the tiaircraft battery inside the castle Monday. Soldiers Who t without religious preference, for hulm Lebanon's civil war. army Into an openMoelem-Christian confrontation. did not want to join were allowed to leave the castle.'he outstanding,service in "interpreting The sources said Rachaya was seized barely 24 hours "The takeover may also provide Israel with the said.:- - time and the world in all areas of after anothergroup of mutinous Moslem soldiers took pretext it has long been seeking to invade and annex Jaber said the number involved was a "military spiritual life." v control of a major artillery base in the south, five miles south Lebanon. Of course this would touch off a fifth secret," but at least 50 men were seen wandering about north of the Israeli'frontier. Arab-Israeliwar at an absolutely unfavorable timing for the base carrying M16 rifles. & ,; Political crackdown South Korta - President fining Hee Park's authoritarian government is cracking down on its political opponents. In Seoul, Korea, Monday, security agents seized Kim Da*Jung, a former presidentialcandidate , and his wife; and confirmed that former President Yun Po-Swf, 78, had been Suestioned at his home after he refused to go with Yun Po-Siin leagents fpf inierrogatibri. : ' :? Fllght to freedom . A young South Vietnameseair force lieutenant, accompaniedfcy his Wife and their four young childrenpuis a mechanic, flew a helicopter 300 miles;frcm South Vietnam to Thailandon Monday in the first known airborne escapefrom South Vietnam since lastMay. y Weather World premier set Official duty i An important colonial ¦ opera pub- America's new ambassador in Ijlay hurt lished in 1767 • but suppressed, London, Anne Armstrong,has called presumably because Of;its caustic on PrimeMinister Harold Wilson for social satire, will be given its world tea in her first official engagement. premiere this Bicentennial year. IVearinga smart two-piece blue suit ilofida vote Andrew Barton's "The Disappoint- with white gloves and scarf, Mrs. By LARRY HOBBS ment, or the Force of Credulity,'" is Armstrong exchanged pleasantries , Associated Press Writer a balladcomic opera and it included with the prime minister Monday at Florida voters went to the polls today, to the firstpublished-lyrics of "Yankee 10 Downing St., the customary first ' cast ballots in the second major match Doodle". and the first role in visit for new ambassadors. between President Ford and challenger America drama depicting a black Ronald Reagan, while three leading character. Democratic contenders each hoped to emerge as a frontrunner for their party's presidential nomination/ ' The House Is note home . ' Election officials had predicted that less ¦ ¦ ¦ than half the state's 3.4 million registered Patti Cornian, wife of ./Rep; James .'Cornian, '. .' :¦ voters would go to the polls, and a forecast D^Calif,, who, filed last week for the Democratic of widespread rain and a tornado watch in nomination In California's 20th Congressional nojth Florida could keep the turnout even District, also filed for divorce against her husband lower. .';. ,¦'¦'" '" ¦: Monday because he;wanted her "in the home but not , Rain was reported in some areas in the the House", she said. northern pari of the state, and showers and i thuhderstorms. were expected in central Patti Corman 1 Florida. There was a 30 per cent to 50 per cent chance of rain in populous south Seizes hostages ' an In Florida as well. - .. - A gunmanse^ingfreedomfor accu8edbank robbe>&eizedtwo hostages a Officials issued' a ' tornado watch for Frankfurt, Germany, courthousetoday and demanded $3.2 million and passage north Florida; warning of the possibilty of on a jetliner to Cuba. The hostages were believed to be a court employe and a twisters and severe thunderstorms with For rrier-Georgia Gov. Jimmyv(^rter>;campalgnlrtg-for the Democratic member of the jury trying Gerhard Linden for an $800,000 taajpkvehicle holdup large hail and damaging winds. By the presidential nomination, out,to in Frankfurt two years ago. ' . paigning reaches greet* voter at Florida Memorial - time polls opened at 7 a.m., no tornadoes Cam College In/Wamrrvtonday. had been reported.- (APPhotofa^ Actor sentenced Actress asks trial The polls will be ' open until 7 throughout the state. But sylvania Gov,. Milton Shapp was not ex- campaigned and won . Vermont where —Carter pulled even with Wallace as Former child actor Thomas Noel Actress Gloria Swanson has asked p.m. local tune pected to be a major factor in the race. , Rettig of . the "Lassie" television for a jury trial before the U S. Tax while most of the state «is on Eastern Reagan was not on the ballot Democrats in South Carolina continued ,' communities in the "ft looks good," said Rogers C.B. : Both .Wallace and Carter predicted ' their three-step process of picking national series was sentenced in U.S. District Court in Washington to decide the Standard Time Morten, Ford's chief political adviser. "In Court, Los Angeles, to 5Vs years in validity of an Internal Revenue Florida panhandle are on. Central Stan- triumph in the Democraticrace. convention delegates: Incomplete returns Service claim that she owes $14,000 dard Time". fact, it looks so good that I'm afraid to "I'm not going to get into a percentage Monday- night .from county meetings prison for conspiring to smuggle predict" guessing game," Wallace said during his showed Carter and Wallace each with 27 cocaine from Peru. Rettig, 33, was on her 1969-70 taxes. ' However, the Only a smattering of last-minute cam- Lou Frey, Ford's campaign chief in the convicted last month of two counts of court has never had a jury trial in its paigning was expectedtoday. At least four final Florida campaign-swing. "Of course, per cent of the delegates picked and ¦ '¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ of the six candidates who actively sought state, said the President would carry the there, is a well-organized effort against another 44 per cent uncommitted.
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