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T T T TJ? rr T T T # T T ?TT' 4k 4k w4*4k4k4k4k4k4*4k4k4k4^ 1 cf» *f» 4* >f* 4^ «^r» 'f* 4^ 4^ 'f' vf» 4^ A *^* A l» 4k *t* 4k 4k 4^ 4k 4k 4k 4* 4k 4k 4k 4k 4c # k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4^4 *^* *f* *f ^v* *f* *f> «jf» »f •T* 4^ ^' *^ *^* 4k •f* 4k 4k 4k 4k 4k 4k 4k 4k 4k 4k 4k t^V tJ|v o'fv "JJv «^» ^v^ v|w -^Jv <^I>' < w tf« ~TP~> rf^ 'l^ iLi S. /zo. i National Library of Scotland *B000279521* Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from National Library of Scotland See page 2 Zfyt ^pivii of £weeb + THE History OF THE Tweedie, or Tweedy, Family; A Record of Scottish Lowland Life & Character. BY MICHAEL FORBES TWEEDIE. A.D. 1902. e { 9 MARIS ; ILLUSTRATED. v<3 London : IV. P. GRIFFITH & SONS Ltd., Prujean Square, Old Bailey, E.G. [Entered at Stationers' Hall.] INDEX OF CHAPTERS. Preface. Chapter I. Ten Centuries Ago Chapter II. The Dawn of Record 8 Chapter III. A.D. 1500 25 Chapter IV. A.D. 1600 58 Chapter V. A.D. 1700 94 Chapter VI. A.D. 1800—1850 115 Chapter VII. Armorial Bearings, Tombstones and Memorials 129 Chapter VIII. The Towers and Homes of the Family 140 Appendix. Pedigrees, Abstracts from Parish Records, &c. 151 The nature of the work does not lend itself to a detail index, which ivould consist largely of lists of Christian names, and therefore no such index is given. ....... ..... ....... ILLUSTRATIONS. The Spirit of Tweed . Frontispiece. The River Tweed above Drummelzier . 2 The Ruins of Drummelzier Castle.. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 Drummelzier Castle in 1791 (from an old engraving) .. .. .. .. 6 Widmore Lodge, Widmore, Kent . 6 Facsimile of Grant by Robert (Bruce) King of Scots . 8 Facsimile of Charter by William Fraser . 10 „ „ Confirmation by Robert (Bruce) King of Scots .. .. 12 „ ,, Confirmation by David (Bruce) King of Scots . 14 „ „ Letter of Maintenance and Defence by James King of Scots 16 „ „ Gift by Mary Queen of Scots . 38 „ „ Dispensation by King James VI. 42 „ „ Precept by King James VI. 44 The Ancient Coat of Arms at Oliver . 66 Neidpath Castle . 66 The Site of Fruid Castle . 80 Dreva . 80 Kingledoors . 84 The Ruins of Wrae Castle . 84 Tweedsmuir Church . 88 Drummelzier Church.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 88 Hall Manor . .... 94 The Valley of Manor . 94 The House of Quarter . 98 The Old Farmhouse at Rawlinson . 100 The Snuff Box of Prince Charles Edward . 100 Armorial Bearings .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 128 Facsimile of Arms of Tvveedie from the Lindsay Register, A.D. 1542 •• 13° . „ ,, Arms of Forbes „ „ „ 130 The Ancient Coat of Arms at the Church of Drummelzier .. .. .. 132 The Ancient Coat of Arms at Quarter .. .. .. .. .. .. 132 The Oliver Stones at Tweedsmuir Church .. .. .. .. .. 134 The Tweedie Stone in the Yard of St. Andrew's Church, Peebles .. .. 134 The Brasses in the Church of Stock Harvard -cum-Ramsden Bellhouse in Essex 136 [OVER VI. Illustrations—continued. PAGE. The Monument in Sampford Parva Church, Essex 138 Tablet in Church of St. Mary Castlegate, York 138 The Ruins of Tinnies Castle I40 The Site of Tinnies Castle I4O The Site of Oliver Castle 142 Tweedsmuir with Oliver House in the distance 142 Oliver House 144 Rachan 144 Rawlinson House I46 The Hoo, Kempston, Bedfordshire I46 Elmshurst, Chatham, Northumberland County, New Brunswick 148 Cloonamahon, co. Sligo, Ireland 148 PREFACE. "Did I fear a great multitude, or did tlie contempt of families terrify ?ne. Oh . that mine adversary had written a book" THIS history, which has been nearly twenty years in making, was originally intended solely for the members of the family, but as time went on the hope grew that it might also be of interest to others as a picture of the inhabitants of the Scottish Lowlands, whose manners and customs formed so distinctive a feature of the country and who played such a prominent part in its story. As it is actually written, however, for the family only, I have not hesitated to make frequent extracts from other authors, notably from the late Professor John Veitch, with whom I had a pleasant correspondence concerning this work. I feel that the highest tribute I can pay to him, the greatest authority on Scottish Border history, is to quote from him. He, himself, kindly said that my name and the ancient relations between our two families were more than sufficient apology, and I have, as well, since received kind permission to the same effect from his publishers, Messrs.
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