TT '•I -i .»>•,, ~J ,vf •J, .•:•' «•]•• I" ; c 'TIL ^TONIGHT Second Clmss Postage paid Vol. i,XX*V. No. 3L 2 Sections, 16 Pages CRANFORD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, AUGUST 17, 1967 CMnford. Hew Jersey 07016 •TEN CENTS SiMtiiiier Playground SeiisorrEnds; Landlords React favorably Total Registration of 1,738 Told , Open House Saturday Last Thursday saw the end of The Cranford First Aid Squad, Which is conducting, a drive for new To . the 1967 playground season. The members, will hold openjioiise .at its headquarters building at Centen- The current paint-up anoV-fix tiip Cranford Department of Recrea-r Iranian Boy Scouts to Visit nial and North Aves^ from ito 5 p.m. this Saturday. Refreshments will campaign aimed at improving con- tion reported that a total registra- be served throughout the afternoon and those desiring inlormation ditions in the township's business - tion of 1;738 was recorded at the about the squad will be able to talk to members. center was, given impetus, at a meeting Tuesday morning at Mari- eight playgrounds serving the In Cranfor^After Jamboree In an appeal for volunteers to serve on the squad; President An- sa's Restaurant with an almost town. s •'•-''•..•.•.•• • • Scoutmaster Richard Dolsen of Boy Scout Troop 80, sponsored by thony LaRosa issued the follow- 100 percent representation- of the For the final week a sad note of the First Presbyterian. Church, announced this week that the entire ing, statement: ...-»• . • >Scnafer owners of properties on North and farewell accompanied a lively and- IwnjajLMmjtfngen^ ^o tM "Men and -women dedicated- to North,LUnionL_Aves^^. bordering on^ exciting program. Children parr Farragut State Park in Idaho will be visiting in Cranford from August helping others in time of need are Boy's Camp the central parking plaza wifiose ticipated in a carnival, beauty con-, 27 through 31. members of the Cranford First Aid premises have not yet been reno- test, farewell,'parties, and water, •Mr. Dolsen reported that the Squad and man the two ambulances vated. balloon battles to cool things off. contingent of 22 boys and eight 24 hours a day. A call.to police Week Title Lewis A; Goldberg, chairman of Sunny Acres .; adult leaders left Tehran, Iran, headquarters usually will bring- an Robert Schafer, son of Mr. and a Chamber of Commerce committee ^ Mtmday was Carnival. Day at Summer Singearly in Jfuly/and traveled by ambulance to your door in a mat- Mrs. Edward Schafer of 303 .Cen- appointed to stimulate interest in ter of minutes. There are times tennial Ave., was named Camper, Sunny Acres Jast week,.. In the bus to Paris/France, where they 1 a project to improve the backs of morning booths we're set, up., Ac- left on an Air France flight for •when it takes longer, however, be- of the Week at Cranford Boys' these buildings, reported that thbsB tivities included ring toss, fortune Concert Merethe United States. During this trip cause of the lack of'members who Camp on Saturday night by David present Agreed unanimously that ' telling, bean bag toss, paper cup they passed through Turkey, can serve during the daytime hours Naylor, camp" director. repairs and renovations should be r shuffle, balloons, and darts, lock Greece; Yugoslavia and Italy. between 6 a.m. and 7 p.m. He was Selected from the follow- undertaken as" soon as possible for' and keys, fishing for prizes, 1,000 The Summer Sing Chorus under The Iranian group's itinerary has . "A critical need exists for addi- ing boys who 'were named^besi; the sake of both safety and at- included touring the United States tioriajl' members to augment those campens of their cabins: tractiveness. • ; strings, and pistols—and candles. the direction of Miss Many special prizes werewofi. by bus prior to the Jamboree and now serving with the squad. I ap- Thompson, tf . The sise of the turnout, for the The youngsters had lunch, to-, Bride will present its annual 'con- following its closing. They are peal to all those over the age of Speer, Cabin Two; Gary Becher, meeting andjhe fayorable._responsel_ scheduled to arrive in Washington; Cabin Three; Charles Speer, Cabin 1 "gether before^ the cartiival.Over* cert at 8p.m,Monday- in" the 'Or- ijiLyears, men or women, to talk MODERNIZATION SUGGESTIO%S — Samples of sculptured Of the landlords or their repre- D. C. on August .24 and then .come, .over the activities of the squad with Four; Scott Kreiger, Cabin Five.; 70 children participated in the ac- ange Avenue Junior High School and Robert Schafer, Cabin Six. aluminum, among suggested means of .modernizing appearance of sentatives were described as "re- tivities at the booths, which were auditorium. * . north to Cranford on August 27. myself or Capt. Thomas V. Reilly warding and stimulating" by Boris run by talented teenagers. 'During their stay here the boys at an hour convenient to those Honor Cabin title this-week, went buildings backing up on central business area parking plaza,.afe Bergen, wfto is serving as liaisoa \ The;chorus^ under the sponsor- of this group will be housed in the inaking application." to Cabin 4 with Jeffrey LeJ&eancois shown displayed at reaiKof Goldberg's Men> Store for examination Other activities .of the last week, as counselor. The members of the between the Chamber, of Commerce •' included "a candy hunt, making col- Ship of the Cranford Recreation homes, of scouts from Troop. 80 Capt. Reilly pointed out that by landlords who discussed renovation plans at a meeting Tuesday and the-township's recently-fornied- ' Department, will end iis season and will be entertained by them there presently are four women Honor Cabin were Scott Thompson, in Marisa's Restaurant. leges, scrap, paper crafts arid a John Robinson, Robert Washerman, Housing. Authority. soggy water fight. Members of the with this final concertjoi soios and until the end of the month. They serving on the squad. Several renovation, procedures are in charge of their scoutmaster, Charles Speer, David Daniels, playground staff expressed thanks choral works. Some of the music "They are very conscientious in James. Lynch and Wayne Rozman. were suggested at the meeting, . for the support given; by the pa- A, HJ Hbsseini and his assistants, their duties, and I would like, to and the property owners1 were re- to be performed includes, Gersk Had! Pazeshpour and Akbar Kordi. talk to many more willing to help included in :the week's .activities' rents of the childreil from the Sutt- were trips to the Hackettstown Local Boys quested to take them under con- ny Acre area. win's '<Lbye Walked In;" "Ifca's An informal , program* during the squad,"."he :said. sideration and meet again on Mon- Castle/'. '•..' Czeehoslbyakian folk their stay Has been planned by the "Uniforms are furnished to all Fish Hatchery and Pocono Wild „ . Lincoln Avenue Animal Farm, a scavenger hunt, a day morning, September 2, to fle- - song; "Shenaridpah," ;and "I've parents.with.whom the boys will members, and while there is no At New Mej&iiScoift Ranchcide on a common "procedure to be . The last week of the summer stay. A combined family and scout compensation as such, a greater re- hike to Hope and a campfire. .'. program saw the boys arid girls at been 'bilked,".a spiritual. During the early ,part of the • Fourteen Cranford Boy Scouts and Explorers arrived at the Phil- followed by all to give the area a get-together will be held prior to ward is seeing thhe happy faces of mont Scout Ranch and" Explorer Base in Cimatron,;N. k., last Wednes- coherent appearance.-• . the Lincoln. Ave. field taking part Soloists include Peter Prior sing- their leaving Cranford, and any- week tournaments were held in in such- activities as making party those helped through.'thDUgl e efforts of which the -following boys were day and Immediately began training at the "university of the great One suggestion was to cover the< V ing "Che gelida manina" from the One interested in meeting the boys the squad," President LaRosa add- hats, having ja big farewell party ! outdoors" for their 12-day high adventure expedition under g&idance rear: porches of the buildings with is invited to attend. ed. winners; and finally a big water balloon opera "La. Boheme" and Phyllis Tetherball peew.ee, Robert of Philniont's ranger staff, it was reported, this week'.by Scout Michael sculptured aluminum, samples of "Since the squad was started which were displayed on the rear! fight. v- Birchett singing "tCaih't Say No" Speer; junior, Charles Speer, and Totten, scribe for the local group.. from the Rodgers and Hflmjner- oyer 13 years ago it has responded senior, Thomas Lester. of Goldberg^ Men's.Shbp for ex- The children prepared .for the to over 9,000 calls. As the months The Craftford boys are part of ah amination by the group. ^. party by making thfeiiSHOju^par^r eiiiooiiisicaj "Okalahoma." Is Year . Archery—peewee, Robert. Wink- n of 38 Scouts an4d Ex- of this yeir go by the monthly to- ler; junior, James Lynch, and sen- .6- It was explained that this ma^ • hats. These hats ended, up looking Patricia Koefoed, Phyllis Birch- tals are increasing and the squad porers from Union Council; Boy terial, available an many patterns like animals* "• people's faces, c* ior, Robert Schafer. ., - ". Scouts-of America. yyRoger Fingerlin-ati4 Jay Gum- will attain its greatest number Of Foul shob.ting— peewee, Robert' and color; combinations, has'been Justran pelting desigia. 'With their United Fund calls per year to date by the: end After j'three 'days. wiflii their put to practical use throughout the thjer will perform"^nglish madri- jr Winkler; junior, Scott Krieger,, party hats $11 made, a large group of this year , .
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