Ready to manage a farm Nike+ Kinect Will NeoGeo X Gold on the Wii U? Are you Training helps fam- Interest your family? Funky enough? ilies lose weight Family Friendly Gaming TM The VOICE of the FAMILY in GAMING Issue #65 December 2012 AADAM’SDAM’S VVENTUREENTURE Three Episodes Adventure Fun for ages 7 and up on Windows PCs Page 10 All Three Episodes available separately or together for only $50 shipped within US at Christian GamesNOW.com Contents Issue Number 65 December 2012 www.familyfriendlygaming.com 5 Editor’s Desk Four More Years 6 Female Side Black Friday 7 Working Man Gamer How good are you? 8 - 11 Sound Off Readers opportunity to tell Family Friendly Gam- ing what they think, and why. Page 10 Sound OffWii U 12 - 13 Events Family Friendly Gaming invades Comic Con. 14 - 17 Sports Fifa Soccer 13 and Nike+ Kinect Training. 18 - 25 In the News ECA Chapters hold food drive to help hungry for Christmas, MSI Reloads Arsenal of Gaming All the Cheats App Update, Photo Book of Your Kids in a Flash, Pid Now Available for PSN, 7 Wonders: Ancient Alien Makeover Goes to iOS, Temple Run Comic Book, Z for Zorro, Dragon Collection is now available, The Song in You: Finding Your Voice, Kalypso Releases Dawn of Pirates for Port Royale 3, and more. 26 State of Gaming Page 16 Sports Nike+ Kinect Training Being Thankful Important Legal Disclaimer: “Family Friendly Gaming” is trademarked. Contents of Family Friendly Gaming is the copyright of Paul Bury, and Yolanda Bury with the exception of trademarks and related indicia (example Digital Praise); which are property of their individual owners. Use of anything in Family Friendly Gaming that Paul and Yolanda Bury claims copyright to is a violation of federal copyright law. Contact the editor at the business address of: c/o Paul Bury Family Friendly Gaming 7910 Autumn Creek Drive Cordova, TN 38018 [email protected] Trademark Notice Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft all have trademarks on their respective machines, and games. The current seal of approval, and boy/girl pics were drawn by Elijah Hughes thanks to a wonderful donation from Tim Ememrich. Port Royale 3 News Page 25 Family Friendly Gaming Contents 27 - 39 Reviews Circus Atari, The Secret Society - Hidden Object, NCIS The Seventh Season, RiverWorld, Star Trek The Next Generation Season One, Gain Ground, Donkey Kong Original Edition, Lego Harry Potter Years 5-7, uDraw Kung Fu Panda 2, and Phantasy Star 0 are reviewed this issue. 40 - 61 Developing Games Rayman Legends, NEOGEO X GOLD, Puppeteer, Fluidity: Spin Cycle, LIGHTNING RETURNS: FINAL FANTASY XIII, Carnage Heart EXA, Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, and Final Fantasy XIV A Realm Reborn are featured. 62 - 73 Recent Releases Developing GamesRayman Legends Page 44-45 Reel Fishing Ocean Challenge, Funky Barn, Giana Sisters Twisted Dreams, Cabelas Dangerous Hunts 2013, Cabelas Hunting Expeditions, Rabbids Land, BreakQuest Extra Evolution, Robot Rescue 2, and Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask are featured this issue. 74 Devotional Supporting Sin 76 - 89 Last Minute Updates Sports Champions 2, Rabbids Rumble, Liberation Maiden, Toy Story Mania, Midway Arcade Origins, and Monster High Skultimate Roller Maze and more are featured this issue. Recent Releases Reel Fishing Ocean Challenge Page 63 Editorial in Chief: Paul Bury S Art Editor: Yolanda Bury Inspiration: Peter Bury Inspiration: Noah Bury T Sports: Frank Bury Hunting: Kimp Boykin A Game Journalist: Mark Game Journalist: Roger Game Journalist: Milluma F Game Journalist: Luke Game Journalist: Shirley Game Journalist: Sam Working Man Gamer: ??? F Last Minute Updates Sports Champion 2 Page 81 Family Friendly Gaming Editor’s Desk Four More fect all of us. resources to survive. I am baffled over the Finally I have some- Years double standard that so many thing video game related to others in the media continue to discuss. I am growing con- Amidst all the stories of voter exhibit. They blamed President cerned over all these “free” fraud, and the presidential Bush for Katrina. Yet Sandy apps. Few of them are actu- election being stolen by the has caused more pain and mis- ally free. Most of them need democrats again I realized ery and there is no accountabil- finances to play for any length something. God allowed it. ity of President Obama for it. of time. I am wondering if all These past four years have All that I ask is they apply the these “free” apps will bring been miserable for so many same standard to both histori- about a new video game crash. Americans. America is being cal events. How much lower can compa- transformed into a third world We believers need to nies go? Will they start to pay country. Christians are being continue to pray for the lead- people to play their games? persecuted by the “tolerant of ers God has allowed over this Apps are already a dime a diversity” crowd. The economy country. I know there are those dozen, but the free ones are has slogged along. Prices have that want to secede from this making that even worse. Will gone up, and wages have gone country as it marches lock step the entire video game market down. So many people have and barrel away from God. crash because of this? I am not lost hope. I find all the oppres- God can transform those who sure. I do know that many of sion from government to be are serving Satan (knowingly these games will be completely horrible. Yet many Americans or unknowingly). I understand ignored. People only have so have turned away from God. that persecution is not pleasant. much time. Not just turning away but It is something I have faced for being hostile to Him and His many years in the video game God bless you, and yours, people. I disagree with those industry. You would be amazed Paul Bury actions. I see it like kicking at some of the ugliness I have dirt on a rattlesnake - see if you seen and faced over the years. like what happens next. I know it is not pleasant. I can Do not misread me - for see that God is allowing Amer- that is not a threat. It is reality. ica to fall away, and fall apart. As America transforms itself Many Christians will fall away into an enemy of God, there as persecution comes. Stay true will be a price to pay. A reck- to God as it gets worse. oning will come. I pray that Hurricane Sandy and those attacking God and His hurricane Katrina teach us all people will repent. I pray they an important lesson. You can will turn from their evil ways. not depend on government to I pray that after repenting and save you. You can trust in God. turning that God will have I also believe you should make mercy on all of us Americans. preparations for disasters to All of those attacking God and keep yourself and your family His people in America can ef- taken care of. Build up some Family Friendly Gaming Female Side Black Friday ers about certain patrons time. Once they thought who wore their pants around to open up more lines to those their thighs. Quite a few people Paul and I have a family of us who wanted to purchase commented on not wanting tradition to go out and enjoy and leave, it got better. Best to see their boxers. Or thong the Black Friday sales. Places Buy was surprisingly not bad. underwear in one case. Yes it started even earlier here. They We got in, got what we wanted, was visually traumatic, and started at 8pm on Thanksgiv- and were quickly ushered nauseating. I lost track of how ing. So I am not even sure it is through a line. There were no many people offered them belts still Black Friday. More of a other stores this year that inter- for free. A few were willing to Black Thursday. We finally fin- ested us one little bit. give them their very own belts ished at 2am on Friday morn- All in all it was a very so they could keep their pants ing. good night that flowed much up. That waddle of a walk as Both of us love to meet smoother in many areas than they held on to their pants was so many wonderful people out previous years. Did you brave pretty funny though. there while we wait in line. Not the crowds or stay at home? We found some pretty one of them knew we were a good deals for our family - for part of Family Friendly Gam- God bless your family, Christmas. We also found some ing. We helped wherever we Yolanda Bury great stuff to use with and for could, and did not advertise for Family Friendly Gaming. It this e-magazine, and website was a long and exhausting ministry. There is too much day, but at the end we were commercialism going on at this satisfied with the progress we time anyway. We would rather made. We walked out when help others without attaching the price was wrong, or the it to any organization. I always line was too long. find it pathetic when some Toys R Us was a church gives out water, and disaster. There was little there has to put their church name, we wanted, and the lines were address, and website on it. way too long. We had a back Are you really trying to help, up plan for those products or promote your church? We though. Target was amazing. fielded questions on Skyland- People tried to cut into the ers, Wii U, Vita, Kinect, sports long line to get into the store games, exercise games, and and that got the cops over more.
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