Robinson, Ill. • Crawford County’s Newspaper since 1919 www.robdailynews.com $1.00 Wednesday, April 21, 2021 SPORTS: Maroons back in the win column after downing Olney. PAGE B1 Daily NewsOnline daily • Printed Wednesdays and Saturdays Annapolis Flat Rock Hutsonville Oblong Palestine Robinson Stoy West York Only one Election canvass today new case By RANDY HARRISON no later than the date of the Daily News election. Today is the dead- line. The April 6 consolidated The canvass will finalize here election will be finalized today. the vote for most races on the Maybe. ballot. The outcome of the By RANDY HARRISON Two mail-in ballots are still Robinson mayor’s race may Daily News absent, but Crawford County not be so clear cut, however. Clerk Fayrene Wright will per- Incumbent Mayor Roger Coronavirus cases in Craw- form a final re-tabulation and Pethtel leads challenger ford County have dropped canvass the vote at 10:30 a.m. Mike Shimer by only four again. Five mail-in ballots arrived votes. Shimer could request A woman in her 40s is the sole in the days immediately after a recount because his total new coronavirus case reported the election. Under state law, is less than 5 percent behind by the Crawford County Health late mail-in ballots must still Pethtel’s. It is also possible Five mail-in ballots arrived in the days immediately after the elec- Department since Friday. be counted, provided they ar- the five votes that arrived tion. Under state law, late mail-in ballots must still be counted, rive within two weeks of the after April 6 could change the provided they arrive within two weeks of the election and are post- See Case, Page 6A election and are postmarked outcome. marked no later than the date of the election. Today is the deadline. Visit here may have helped launch cowboy crooner’s film career By RANDY HARRISON 23, 1934, issue trumpeted that Ind., native and former news- Daily News the WLS National Barn Dance paper man George Hay took show would feature “30 radio over as the show’s announcer. A long-standing local legend stars” on stage, followed by a More than a year and a half may be more than just an old feature film. later, Hay, who billed himself wives’ tale. Admission for the two-and- as the “Solemn Old Judge,” left Legend has it that singer/ a-half-hour April 24 program Chicago for a job with WSM in songwriter/actor Gene Autry was 10 and 25 cents, or $1.96 Nashville. There, he launched signed his first film contract and $4.91 in 2021 money. his own version of the Barn while in Robinson. While no Autry headed the cast of the Dance. physical evidence remains, live show. Other stars from The show’s name was quick- there is reason to believe the the popular radio program ly changed to The Grand Ole story is true. were the Prairie Ramblers and Opry. According to Maxine Patsy Montana, Max Terhune, Hansen, executive assistant to the Girls of the Golden West, SINGING COWBOYS Autry’s widow, Jackie, the con- Jimmy Long and Smiley Bur- (AND GIRLS) tract and any record of when nette. and where it was signed is lost. An early Republic Pictures public- Orvon Grover “Gene” Autry “Most of Gene Autry’s very ity shot of Autry, courtesy of his WHAT’S OPRY, DOC? was born in Tioga, Texas, Sept. early files were burned in a official website. 29, 1907. Interested in music fire at his ranch,” she ex- The Barn Dance was one from an early age, he sang with plained. Few files from that pe- arriving in California. of the most popular and the choir at his grandfather’s riod remain and the contract is “However, given that he was longest-running programs on church and learned to play believed to be among the items based in Chicago for the WLS radio. guitar through a mail-order destroyed. radio show and he was making The show, which blended course. In fact, Hansen could not personal appearances, it is music, comedy and down- After high school, Autry find any information on per- possible he was in Robinson,” home theatrical skits for more took a job with the St. Louis sonal appearances in 1933 or Hansen said. If so, he might than 50 years, debuted April & Frisco Railroad, eventually 1934. have signed it here. 19, 1924, the first Saturday the becoming a telegraph operator. This much is known: Autry Autry was indeed in Robin- fledgling station was on the air. According to a possibly met with producer Nat Levine son shortly before launching At the time, WLS was owned apocryphal tale in his autobi- at the Blackstone Hotel in Chi- his film career. A search of by Sears-Roebuck and com- ography, it was while working cago sometime in 1933 or early Daily News back issues has pany management detested this job Autry encountered 1934. On July 4, 1934, Autry left turned up proof of an appear- the show’s “disgraceful low- humorist Will Rogers. The Illinois for Hollywood. ance at the Lincoln Theater 87 brow music.” Their protests meeting inspired him to pur- The singer may have signed years ago this week. were drown out by the over- sue a musical career. From the April 23, 1934, Daily a contract at the Blackstone, An advertisement on the whelmingly positive public News. or he may have waited until back page of the Monday, April response. In May 1924, Attica, See Cowboy, Page 6A County sheriff’s fees increasing State won’t By RANDY HARRISON The assessment cost $11,000 but should Palestine, increasing its share of the bill Daily News more than pay for itself the first year, Ru- for police dispatching and other related take county tan said. An anticipated $50,000 should be services. Rutan explained it costs his Crawford County is continuing efforts generated in sheriff’s fees in the coming department $100,000 per year to provide to raise revenues and cutting costs to year. dispatch for the various law enforcement inmates avoid another budget crisis. The same firm also performed a study and emergency services in the county. The Crawford County Board Thursday looking at where the county’s costs and Rutan also said plans to sell some By RANDY HARRISON approved raising fees charged for sher- revenues come from. It said it is import- of the military surplus equipment he Daily News iff’s department services and reducing ant to amend the budget every year to has acquired once his department has the pay of the next county clerk and reflect changes and that the county needs held on to it for the mandatory one-year The Illinois Department of treasurer. to avoid relying on financial reserves period. Funds generated from the sale Corrections apparently does The fee increase covers “everything,” that will eventually run out. can be used to fund law enforcement, not want new inmates from Sheriff William Rutan said. “Any kind The county is seeking ways to increase taking some of the burden off the county Crawford County. of service we do.” income after facing a $300,000 budget general fund. Or anywhere else, according That includes bonding fees and the deficit last fall. The deficit was drastical- Also Thursday, the board voted to to Crawford County State’s price of serving subpoenas, summonses ly reduced before the final budget was reduce the salaries for county clerk and Attorney Cole Shaner and and eviction notices. None of these have adopted, but with revenues down and treasurer by about 15 percent following Sheriff William Rutan. been raised in more than 20 years. Under expenses up, the concern is that another the November 2022 general election. Shaner and Rutan again state law, however, fees could not be in- deficit budget is coming. It is possible, it was explained, that creased until a financial consulting firm For that reason, the board also updat- See Inmates, Page 6A did a cost study. ed a joint ordinance with the Village of See Sheriff, Page 6A INSIDE TODAY: Despite rain, WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY Sunny Sunny Cloudy county in drying out. HI 51 LO 30 HI 56 LO 36 HI 60 LO 46 2A DAILY NEWS | robdailynews.com Wednesday, April 21, 2021 FOR THE RECORD POLICE Robinson Police in the 600 block of East probation violation war- license, following a traf- Jalisa Dunlap, 19, Rob- unlawful possession of a Main. rant, following a pedes- fic stop at West Main and inson, was driving in a controlled substance for Department Vickie D. Heleine, 56, trian stop in the 800 block South Lincoln. 2012 Chevrolet, when she bringing reading books April 15 Hutsonville, was arrested of South Madison. James N. McCullough, left the roadway on North into the Crawford Coun- Hunter L. Nidey, 26, on a charge of driving Ryan K. Grounds, 44, 32, Robinson, was Trimble road near 1425N ty Jail with amounts of Palestine, was arrested with no valid drivers li- Robinson, was arrested arrested on a charge of and struck the ditch. The drugs on them. on a charge of driving cense, following a traffic on a charge of driving disorderly conduct, fol- vehicle sustained more April 18 while license is suspend- stop at South King and while license is revoked, lowing an investigation than $1,500 in damage. ed at Locust and Clay. West Emmons. Heleine following a traffic at West on the 1200 block of West April 17 Dustin Atteberry, 29, Douglas A. Sale, 45, was also charged with Mulberry and South Cherry.
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