T H E WOO D FA M IL Y ATT , W ITH H l storlc N otes Ped lgrees . GENEAL u mUAL SOCIETY OF UTAH DE C 1928 / 0 55 4 BY OH N ROBIN SON J . A u thor of D escriptiv e G u ide to the L au g h a nd N oble M odels of Bu sts a nd Statu ary The D ela wl P apers The L eg end s a nd Traditions of the Coas t P as t Vicars of N ew castle ; Su nderland W0 69 m , (Fr o. Illu s t ra tions . I NTE D FOR I CIRCU L ATION PR VATE , AND 1 FAWCE TT STRE E T S U ND E RL AND . COMPANY, 9 , 1 90 3 . To THE REPRESENTATIVES OF THE ATTWOO D AN D M OO R E FAM I LI ES THIS BRIEF ACCOUNT A N HISTORICAL A N D DISTING UISHED RA CE IS R E SPECTFULLY DEDICATED . P RE F A C E . The interest evoked by the origina l appearance in the newspaper press of my brief descriptive notice of the Att o n the of th t wood Family, occasion e erec ion of a memorial M r . t o . s brass in Southwick Church , Co . Durham , Mr and it Edward Attwood , of Bishopwearmouth , has led to s issue . f in a more permanent form To the courtesy o Mr. and M rs . M r s . Moore , of Oakwood , Beckenham , Kent ( Moore t f being the only daughter and represen ative o Mr. Edward t for Attwood) , I have been indeb ed much valuable informa descri tion , which is added as an appendix to the original p In tive essay of the family history . these valuable historic references the reader will fi nd conclusive evidence that my original estimate of the influence and territorial importance t a of the family was underra ed r ther than overest imated . I have t o apologise for the want of arrangement in the his toric notes . So voluminous were the documents placed a t t t ffi t t my disposal , ha the di cul y was what o leave out rather t h t t o the in han w a embody in appendix, many of those cluded having only reached me after the book had gone to Bu t for th press . I make no apologies bringing before e reader the records of s o remarkable a family . From the far- off days of our pre- Norman history down t o the great th - Victorian Era of e last half century , the family have ever been conspicuous for their patriotism and ceaseless indus In t in the try . the Southern Coun ies, Midlands , and in the t has North of England , the high charac er of the Attwoods a become a s familiar s household words . On the field of of battle, in the Councils of the nation , in the walks Science , of for f and in the marts Commerce, the family upwards o a thousand years have been foremost citizens in our national a s life and history . While liberal dispensers of charity, t and in the exercise of benevolence , heir names will ever be held in grateful remembrance in the bead- roll of national benefactors of the sick and the poor . Of the present rept e ntat iv es of its se the family in numerous branches , it needs only to be recorded that they are worthy descendants of noble ancestors . OH J N ROBINSON . Bela wa l H ou s e, Su nderla nd , October 1 0 . , 9 3 IL L U ST RAT I ONS . ARMS OF THE ATTWOOD FAMILY MEMORIAL BRASS HATCHMENT BENJAMIN ATTWOOD V M . WOL ERLEY ATTWOOD - . c . B ST JOHN ATTWOOD MATHEWS AND . E MATHEWS JOHN MOORE BISHOPWEARMOUTH CHURCH RS M . MOORE ! FRANCES JOHN MOORE, SENIOR HALESOWEN THOMAS ADAMS W o L VE RL E v CHURCH COLUMN To THE THIRTY BEAUCHAMP MONUMENT, WORCESTER CATHEDRAL RS . MR . AND M JOHN MOORE ’ - - ST . JOHN S CHURCH , NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE THE BOYNES RS MR . AND M . MATTHIAS ATTWOOD THE L E ASOWE s MANOR HOUSE DULWICH HOUSE S OU THW ICR CHURCH EDWARD ATTWOOD CHESHUNT CHARLES ATTWOOD H HOLYWOOD HOUSE , WOLSING AM THOMAS ATTWOOD PENGELLY HOUSE HAWNE HOUSE AUTOGRAPH OF THOMAS ATTWOOD THOMAS ATTWOOD ' S STATUE PONTRILAS COURT ' MR. MOORE S FAMILY - RS RS . M . RACHEL MARIA MATHEWS , M J B ATTWOOD MATHEWS, AND MR . WILLIAM MATHEWS ILLUSTRATIONS ' RS L M . WAKEFIE D S COTTAGE RS M . WAKEFIELD, CHARLES M . WAKEFIELD, AND CHARLES AND S MI S A . M . WAKEFIELD BELMONT WOLLASTON HALL ATTWOOD BANK NOTE MAT THIAS ATTWOOD MEMORIAL CROSS To MARY ANNE ATTWOOD WAU D BY LIEUT . CECIL RS WAU DBY W AU DBY . W AU DBY . MAJOR , M , CECIL , AND LIEUT WM WAU D BY “ MISS FLORENCE MOORE As MADAME FAVART RE V MISS FLORENCE MOORE , . EDWARD MOORE , CHARLES WILLIAM MOORE, AND ALFRED MOORE OAKWOOD , WEST FRONT OAKWOOD PARK OAKWOOD ANDERSON PLACE ' ST. NICHOLAS CATHEDRAL PALLION HALL BAINBRIDGE HOLME RS . M . BROWN , THOMAS A ATTWOOD , J . A . CARLESS ATTWOOD, AND G . REGINALD ATTWOOD MIss FLORENCE MOORE M . R. N. MRS . MRS JACKSON . CAPT JACKSON , , SMITH, AND ISS F H MOORE A FAMILY PARTY P E D IG RE E S . THE GAUNT FAMILY. G RAZE BROOK SUTTON ALIAS DUDLEY ( FROM ). WILLIAM GANDE . RACHEL MARIA GAUNT. G RAZE BR K ATTWOOD FAMILY (FROM OO ). ATTWOOD FAMILY . V . ELLIOT, OF WHITEHA EN V . WOOD , OF WHITEHA EN MOORE, OF SUNDERLAND . HUTCHINSON OF SUNDERLAND . LAMB , OF SUNDERLAND . m cD OWE L L . , OF SUNDERLAND OF . HULL, SUNDERLAND P BUCKINGHAM ALACE , D 1 0 . ECEMBER I 9TH , 9 3 The Private Secretary is commanded by the King t o t t t he 1 th n t . t t hank Mr. Robinson for his le er of 7 i s , wi h t ’ the copy of his volume on The A twood Family , which t o t t he has be en good enough present o His Majes y . P BUCKINGHAM ALACE , z I S T D 1 0 . ECEMBER , 9 3 Miss Knollys is commanded by the Queen t o thank for t he Mr. John Robinson copy of his book which he has been kind enough t o send for her acceptance . A T OO D E O AL A THE T W M M RI B R SS . K F H ISTO RY OF A RE MAR ABLE AM I LY . T HERE ha s been erected on the sout h wall of the Nave t M em o r in Holy Trinity Church , Sou hwick, Sunderland , a Of ial Brass , which recalls the remarkable history a once - th . well known family of e Tyne and Wear . Mr and Mrs t Moore , of Beckenham , Kent, have caused to be erec ed this M . tt emorial to Mr Edward A wood and Elizabeth , his wife , who for nearly half a cent ury were associated wit h South wick , and whose remains rest in the adjoining churchyard . t h t For more than a generation e Ha chment of Mr . n Edward Attwood , has hu g from the walls of the Church in which he wa s a worshipper ; and now filial love has caused a monument of enduring brass t o record the memory f ’ o a father and mother. The inscription reads E D A O WARD TTW OD , OF BISHOPWEARMOUTH . h 1 t 1 866. Died 9 October , A ged 77 years . E Z A H I S . LI ABETH TTWOOD , WIDOW h t 1 8 . Died 9 February , 69 A 6 ged 7 years . A N N E LLIOTT, OF WHITEHAVEN . t Of t h Mo her e above . 2 th 1 8 Died 9 December , 44. Aged 76 years . t . t The Memorial Brass has been execu ed by Messrs Har , S o n CO . t a nd t , Peard , , Limi ed , London , is a beau iful ex ’ Of t he a r f ample engraver s t . The family coat o arms is especially well executed . Immediat ely above the Memorial he t t t . t o Brass hangs Ha chmen of Mr Edward At w od , which t o o u t the t of the has been cleaned , bring arms and cres t t tt — t t o family wi h heir mo o Arms , a lion rampan wi h d uble t t n . tail . Cres , a demi swan wi h expa ded wings The ’ ” tt P oss z m t u ia os s e o zd en tu r Mo o , q p , which may be freely “ t ranslat ed : They are able t o acco mplish anyt hi ng because ” they seem t o themselves t o have t he power necessary (self confidence) . The associat ion of the Attwood family wit h t he North t t n of t h of England is of Special in eres . No e e male mem bers of the name were born in our Northern Count ies yet the family have left an impress upon the hist ory and t rade t t of Durham , Northumberland , and Cumberland , ha will ever be remembered and cherished . There is SO much of the rom ant ic combined wit h the practical in the history of t t o this remarkable family , that it is wor hy of atten i n and “ The tt admirat ion . name of A wood is as familiar as househ old words to all who know t he histo ry of the Iron o n t he bu t m and Glass Trades the Tyne and Wear, ore especially t o the student s of North Count ry Radicalism a nd Chart ism .
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