28958 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 155, Pt. 21 December 1, 2009 barriers in evaluating pathology, bilingualism, A TRIBUTE TO MRS. JENNETTE of our Nation’s defense as the commanding cross-cultural issues in mental health and EICHELBERGER WAITERS officer of a United States Navy destroyer. chemical dependency, language and psycho- Commander Sethi is a native of Reno, Ne- therapy, meaning of silence in psychotherapy, HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS vada but was raised in Connecticut, New York, Oregon, and California. Her step-father elective mutism, cognitive restructuring, de- OF NEW YORK pression and suicide. is Hall of Fame drag racer Conrad ‘‘Connie’’ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Dr. Urcuyo is married to Sue Ellen Carney, Kalitta and she spent many of her formative Ph.D., and is the proud father of two children, Tuesday, December 1, 2009 years at the track honing her mechanical Dr. Sergio Urcuyo and Ms. Anya Elena Mr. TOWNS. Madam Speaker, I rise today skills. She graduated from Norwich University Urcuyo. in recognition of Jennette Eichelberger Waiters in 1993 with a degree in International Affairs Madam Speaker, I urge my colleagues to who was born in Columbia, South Carolina. and commissioned through the NROTC pro- join me in recognizing Dr. Leonel Urcuyo. Mrs. Waiters migrated to Brooklyn, NY to fur- gram. She holds a Masters Degree in Inter- f ther her education. national Policy and Practice from The George RECOGNIZING MAJOR GENERAL Mrs. Waiters worked at Kings County Hos- Washington University. At sea, Commander Sethi served on USS JOHN R. ALISON pital as a nurse’s aide and then attended Wyckoff Hospital School of Practical Nursing. Butte (AE 27) from March 1994 to June of She returned to Kings County Hospital and at- 1996 as Communications Officer and Elec- HON. IKE SKELTON tended New York City Community College to trical Officer, making a Mediterranean and OF MISSOURI obtain her Associate’s Degree in Nursing and Arabian Gulf deployment in support of Oper- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES made the Dean’s list. Mrs. Waiters worked as ations Deny Flight, Sharp Guard, and South- Tuesday, December 1, 2009 a head nurse in the chest clinic for 14 years. ern Watch. From August of 1996 through Oc- Mr. SKELTON. Madam Speaker, let me She worked a total of 45 years in Kings Coun- tober of 1998, she served as the commis- take this means to honor Major General John ty Hospital doing the things she loves most, sioning Navigator onboard USS Hopper (DDG R. Alison, a distinguished Airman, a dedicated caring for the sick and the elderly. Mrs. Wait- 70). During this tour she supported a Panama public servant, and a true American hero. ers worked six months with the Department of Canal transit, accelerated test and trials, and Major General Alison served in the United Health and also was a relief supervisor at the a Middle East Force deployment in support of States Air Force during World War II and the Metropolitan Jewish Geriatric Center on some Operation Southern Watch commencing within Korean War and also served as Assistant weekends for 12 years. one year of the ship’s commissioning. She Secretary of Commerce for Aeronautics under Mrs. Waiters is a God-loving person. She served as the Weapons Officer and Combat President Harry Truman. Known as the father does community work assisting the elderly on Systems Officer on USS Higgins (DDG 76) of Air Force Special Operations, Major Gen- shopping trips and helping them to keep their from March of 2001 until May of 2003. On- eral Alison turned 97 on November 21, 2009. doctors’ appointments when needed. She be- board USS Higgins, she completed an Arabian As a boy growing up in central Florida, longs to Bethany Baptist Church where she Gulf deployment for Operations Enduring Major General Alison dreamed of becoming a serves on the Senior Ladies Usher Board as Freedom and Iraqi Freedom including missile pilot for the United States. He graduated from Vice President and a member of the Nurses defense tracking and cruise missile oper- the University of Florida School of Engineering Unit. She is a member of the Stark Senior ations. She subsequently participated in the in 1936 and soon after joined the United Center and is Queen of the Red Hat Society. first test of crew exchange on destroyers serv- States Army Air Corps. He earned his wings Mrs. Waiters encourages our youth to con- ing as Combat Systems officer on USS in 1937 at Kelly Field and went on to serve as tinue and pursue their highest goals in edu- Benfold (DDG 65) until her transfer in Novem- the assistant Military Attache´ in England and cation so that they can accomplish anything in ber of 2003. Commander Sethi was selected the Soviet Union. life. for early sea command and assumed com- During World War II, Major General Alison Mrs. Waiters continues to work at commu- mand of MHC crew BOLD in April 2006 while served as commander of the 75th Fighter nity outreach health fairs, passing on informa- embarked in USS Blackhawk (MHC 58). Dur- Squadron, formerly known as the ‘‘Flying Ti- tion to senior citizens to enhance their health ing her command she was responsible for gers.’’ With seven confirmed victories and nu- and well being. She loves giving and sharing training Greek naval officers in the operation merous probable kills, he ended his tour as a with others. Her mission in life is to help oth- of MHC vessels prior to foreign military ex- combat ace and earned a Distinguished Serv- ers. She is a lady of fashion and participates change. She subsequently assumed command ice Cross and a Silver Star for his unmatched in numerous fashion shows. She is a member of MHC crew Detector embarked on USS courage and skill. Major General Alison re- of the acting guild where she has performed in Kingfisher (MHC 56) where her ship provided turned home in May of 1943 only to be re- a play called ‘‘The Family Feud.’’ valuable services to pre-deployment workups called to co-command the highly innovative She was married to the late Andrew J. Wait- for Navy carrier strike groups. 1st Air Commando Group. This secret flying ers. She has two children, Bernard and Janet. Her shore assignments include serving as unit flew over 200 miles into enemy territory in She has four grandchildren and five great- the Executive Assistant to the Commandant of support of some 9,000 Allied forces. For his grandchildren. She is affectionately known as Midshipmen at the United States Naval Acad- skill and courage as a pilot, he was inducted ‘‘Grandma’’ Waiters by many. emy, Resource Officer for Shipboard Protec- into the Air Commando Hall of Fame in 1994. Madam Speaker, I urge my colleagues to tion Systems and Shipboard Radar Systems After the war, President Harry Truman join me in recognizing Mrs. Jennette on the staff of the Chief of Naval Operations called on Major General Alison to serve as As- Eichelberger Waiters. where she was instrumental in the rapid field- sistant Secretary of Commerce for Aero- f ing of systems to protect warships from small nautics. In this role, he developed thoughtful boat and unconventional attacks, and her cur- recommendations on U.S. foreign policy relat- TRIBUTE TO COMMANDER SHANTI rent assignment as the surface warfare liaison ing to the Soviet Union, the Marshall Plan, and SETHI, USN officer assigned to the Navy Office of Legisla- the European Recovery Program. These rec- tive Affairs. ommendations and other documents from his HON. GENE TAYLOR In her current assignment Commander time as Assistant Secretary are held at the OF MISSISSIPPI Sethi’s responsibilities included primary liaison Harry S. Truman Library and Museum. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES for surface combatant construction, surface Madam Speaker, Major General John R. Ali- ship combat and weapons systems, ballistic son has spent his life fighting for our country Tuesday, December 1, 2009 missile defense, and a myriad of other as a pilot and a public servant. Never waver- Mr. TAYLOR. Madam Speaker, I rise today logistical and operational issues affecting the ing in his commitment to freedom and the to pay tribute to Commander Shanti Sethi, surface fleet. CDR Sethi provided invaluable ideals of our country, he sets a high standard United States Navy, who provided invaluable support to me, the Committee on Armed Serv- for all Americans. I am proud to call him my service to this House on national security ices, and the various Members and personal friend, and I trust that my fellow members of issues for the last two years as a liaison offi- staff of the subcommittee on Seapower and the House will join me in recognizing this cou- cer assigned to the Navy Office of Legislative Expeditionary Forces. She displayed a unique rageous and talented American. Affairs and who will soon be on the front lines ability to explain complex military requirements VerDate Mar 15 2010 13:42 Jul 11, 2012 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR09\E01DE9.000 E01DE9 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD December 1, 2009 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 155, Pt. 21 28959 against the backdrop of uncertain future commitment to aerospace education, cadet Chief McIntosh enlisted in the Air Force on threats. In this she served this committee well programs and emergency services. I am July 7, 1981 as a Security Forces Specialist. and reflected great credit upon herself and the greatly appreciative for their contribution to the He served for four years in this role prior to United States Navy. safety of all Americans.
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