J r - • i • ^ V -* ^ * -■^- ^ ■». fi- a “ ■ v. ,-.. ... ..v _ ••---------- :«^-* . _ _^. - ^ _ DR. FRANK McCOY I n t e m a ^ ly Famaius fli^lth Specialist C o n u n g t O . THE WEATHER V Mirt PRESS RUN ' rarecaat hr D> Wcatter Bareaa. AVERAGE DAILY dRCULATlON New Ha Tea for the month of May, 1928 Fair tonight; Saturday local thundershowers. IV 5,140 Member of the AaMt Bureau of Clrealathtaa Conn. State' Library i M (SIXTEiSN PACES) PRICE THREE CENTS VOL. XUI., NO. 208. (Classified Advertising on Page 14) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JUNE 1, 1928. SEARCH FOR ICY SILENCE HIDES THEIR FATE UNER SINKS PRIMARIES IN <$,. ITALIA IS FREIGHTERS W..VA., CLAIMED NOWDELAYED T H O U ^ DEAD BY A U HANDS FROM GOAL It Will Take a Week Before 29 Others Rescued After ‘TYe Are Lost. Please Get IIV ‘H tX1:^Mohammedan Throngs buid, Sea and Air Units Collision in Vineyard Ships to Get Oar Bear­ Are Ready to Start Hunt; Sound— ^Few Details of Reed’s Friends, All Fmd LcOVe MeCCU foT Home ings” Pacific Racers Re­ Alpine Experts on Job. How Crash Occurred. Solace in Resnlt of Vote. port— To Keep on Going; Jerusalem, June 1. Thousands^of Turkey, from India and 'from upon thousands of faithful Moham­^northern Africa—from as far away as Morocco. Enongh Fnel to Complete Oslo, Norway,' June 1.—While Vineyard Haven, Mass., June 1. Washington, June 1.—All hands medans are on ‘ their way back to One of the features was the fam­ Italian Alpine troops and fur trad­ ----Between six and nine men, it claimed a measure of victory today their homes today after the annual ous “Stoning of the Devil,” ope of ers are painfully searching the was believed, went to their doom in ! in West Virginia’s presidential pref- pilgrimage to .Mecca to pay homage the most ancient rites of the Mos­ Trip—Army Planes Start northern coast of Spitsbergen to­ tbe waters of Vineyard Sound off j erence primary. to the memory of the prophet lem faith. through fasting and prayer. The | The task of protecting the pil- day for traces of the missing Italia, East Chop early today when the i The “Allies” against Herbert final services at Mecca were held ! grims on their journey across the Ont From Honohln. it will be nearly a week before a freight steamship Kershaw, bound j Hoover were encouraged over his on Tuesday when between 200,000 ■ desert fell to Ibn Sand, famous Wa- great combined land, sea and air for Norfolk, Va., was rammed to j defeat by Senator Goff, favorite son and 250,000 followers of Mohamet habi king and monarch of the Hed- search can be started that will the bottom by the Dollar linpr Pres- ^ndldate by a margin estimated at gathered in mosques, temples and jaz, a devout follower of Islam. BULLETIN ! ident Garfield, enroute to Boston j between 12,000 and 15 000. It re open spaces at Mecca for the rites of While the last rites were con­ San Francisco, Cal., June 1. comb the Arctic wastes. from New York as part of a world jvived their hope that the secretary the day of sacrifice, which brought ducted Tuesday the pilgrims had •The ice-breaker Hobby, sent out —^Tlic Southern Cn»ss, trans­ cruise. of commerce, who has massed the to an end the great pilgrimage to to remain in Mecca until Yesterday by the Norwegian government, and A late wireless message from highest delegate total of any of the the City of the Faithful at sundown Bwing to minor cere- pacific monoplane, has been the Braganza, chartered by the the President Garfield stated that candidates, can be stopped at Kan­ Tuesday was the tenth day of ; monials. They started back home sighted near Honolulu b„ ■ an 29 survivors of the sea crash were sas City. They plan to press the Juljiijja, or the id U1 Azha, as it j all holy men, having been purified .Yrniy plane which is reported Italian government, are due at “defeatist” talk against Hoover by aboard. Six were reported missing. is known and celebrated through- | of their sins by their prayers, fast- heading towanls it, act:dr<ling King’s Bay, Spitzbergen, within The full complement of the Ker­ declaring that West Virginia, fol­ out the world of Islam. | ing and sacrifices under the eye of 4S hours. shaw, however, was 38 officers and lowing his Indiana defeat, shows he The pilgrims came from all parts ' Mohamet. to a messjige to 6-.AR1), the On board the Hobby is Lieut. men. is not the vote-getter his friends San FYancisco Examiner’s Luelzow Holm, a Norwegian avia-1 The President Garfield, carrying proclaim. short wave radio station herg. tor, with a seaplane. j icsWx dbw I passengers, reported she was only Hoover managers refused to be WOM.YX 93, KILLED The conibiuation ice-breaker and | slightly damaged and was proceed­ greatly discouraged, claiming that BY A FOLDl.XG BED V.S GEN. COXEY PLANS 1 Honolulu, T. H., June 1—Less coal -carrier Ingerla will follow to j ing to Boston. She was due in that' he will have at least six of the 19 West Virginia delegates. The re­ Perth Amboy, N. J., June 1— {than 150 miles from Honolulu the King’s Bay carrying Captain Hjal-j port late this afternoon. i monoplane Southern Cross flashed mar Riiser-Larsen and another sea- j First Message sult is not binding upon the dele­ Mrs. Jane. Overington, 93, said gates. They declared his showing MARCH ON CAPITAL to be the' oldest resident, of • to the Radio Corporation of Ameri- plane. ; ! The commander of the President } ca station here: Lieut. Dietrichsen, another Nor-1 Garfield at first wirelessed that all was satisfactory Inasmuch as he Perth Amboy, is dead from in- ! ran well against a favorite son juries received when a folding “We are lost. Radio battery wegian flyer, is leaving for Ger­ officers and men of the Kershaw j went down. Please get ships with many to obtain . a Doruier-Napier were safe but just before starting backed by a formidable state ma­ bed in which she was sleeping j chine. They pointed out that his­ folded up. 1 receiving sets to get our bearli'.7s plane for use in the search. for Boston he messaged that he bad Threatens to Lead Army of on 740 wave. Will keep on going Search on Foot rechecked with the commander of tory has recorded few instances --------- :---------------- ^--------------- <S> The little party of four Italian the Kenshaw and that six men were j where an “outsider” has triumphed so they can track is. (signed) Alpine chasseurs that were set unaccounted for. over a native son in such contests. Jobless on Trip to Wash­ KHAB.” Details of the sea crash were Smith Won Ont This mesjsage was iminedialely ashore from the Citta di Milano to | GoV. A1 Smith of New York came followed by another, timed 6:51 a. skirt the northern coast of Spitz-1 'meager. The cause of the sinking CAMPAIGN of the Kenshaw was a mystei'y. The out ofv West Virginia in a strategic ington Soon. m., Island time, reauing: bergen to- Mossel Bay in search of position by virtue of his victory traces of General Umberto Nobile’s night was clear and a moon was “Land is yet unsighted. We have shining nearly to daybreak. over Senator James A. Reed of Mis­ mistaken clouds for land and sent expedition has been isolated ever souri by between 8,000 and 10,- TO OUTLAW “DOPE” since It landed^ several days ago. It These men of the staff and crew of the dirigible Italia are- feared Take to Boats Washington. June..«,1.-ttt-A„ new messago by mistake. • We have siif-s One message from the President 000 votes for the Democratic pref- j ticient gasoline left to last for has no means of communication lost in the vast polar regions. They are: (1) Capt. Adalberto Mariano, erence. • Reed has been behind in j march on Washington of "Coxey’s with King’s Bay. navigator: (2) Natale Cecioni, chief engineman; (3) Lieut. Alfredo Garfield stated that the men of the four hours more.” Kenshaw were rescuecT by small every contest in which he faced Army” of the unemployed may be .At 6:35 a. m., the Southern Cro.ss: It was announced here that Viglieri, navigator: (4) Benato Alessandri, aeronautical mechanic: (5) Smith, Roald Amundsen,' one of the Giuseppe Biagi, radio operator: (6) Capt. Filipo Zappi, navigator; (7) boats. Soon‘after the collision and made after all. Father of Porter Bill to had radioed a messp.gv. picked up as the Kenshaw was going down The result has led to a revival of world’s foremost Arctic explorers, Attilio Garatti, engineman. Pictured below is Sassen Bay, Spitzbergen, talk for nomination of Smith by ac- General Jacob S. Coxey of Massil- by Radio Corporation that they had and Lincoln Ellsworth, who flew typical of the wastes where the Italia problably bad,^to land. and the officers and crew of the j^oiiteik-bound freight st^i^ship clamptlon, but Reed announced be *. Visit fcurope to bet^np- oTftc^thft^oct^Pole In an airplane,, woulS ftght this 'move-'vlgofffualy Army uJ^c.s. no-V/ in the air to ~~Tli Itlftfl g|^ '^^f-’T'°*<AnnTrSaigf were either clinging to tlfe^wfeck, capitol ,ste^*'V*wlai™iHg--«''^fo*’y ‘ort the ^ ah sp a^ T ’pIane to lh» were over the side in small boats or He has selected the man to place pedition for the Italia.
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