V ' ï ï i i U - J·: η · :■ ir, ΐ'^. ■<’4 fÄ.·, .·■.· ■твб GREEK CYPRIOT REARMAMENT 1974-1998: AN ASSESSMENT The Inslitule of Economics and Social Sciences o f Bilkent University by ALMILA TUNÇ In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of MASTER OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS in THE DEPARTMENT OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS BiLKENT UNIVERSITY ANKARA August 1999 7^ h esic b s % . e ж 1993 I certify that I have read this thesis and ] have found that it is fully adequate, in scope and in quality, as a thesis for the degree of Master of International Relations. A sstProf. GliIglin Tuna Supervisor I certify that I have read this thesis and I have found that it is fully adequate, in scope and in quality, as a thesis for the degree of Master of International Relations. i Asst. Prof. Hasan Ünal Examining Committee Member 1 certify that I hav(y^rtd this thesis and I have found that it is fully adequate, in scope and in quc^h^ as a thesis for the degree of Master of International Relations. A sst/frof. Hakan Kırımlı Examining Committee Member Approval of the Institute of Econoinifs and Social Sciences Prof. AH Karaosmanoğlu Director ABSTRACT GREEK CYPRIOT REARMAMENT 1974-1998: AN ASSESSMENT Tunç, Alımla Department of International Relations Supervisor: Asst. Prof. Dr. Gülgün Tuna August 1999 This thesis aims to analyze the rearmament of the Greek Cypriots between 1974-1998. In the beginning, the C)'prus problem is explained in order to base the current situation of the island on healthy ground. Detailed information has been obtained from the Greek Cypriot Press Abstracts about the weapon purchases of the Greek Cypriots and the analysis has been made under the light of that information. The thesis evaluates the effects of the Greek Cypriot rearmament on the Turkish- Greek balance and on the Cyprus conflict. It also assesses the impact of the Greek Cypriot rearmament and the Cyprus conflict on the quest for the security system in the Eastern Mediterranean. Ill ÖZET KIBRISLI RUMLAR’IN SİLAHLANMASI 1974-1998: BİR DEĞERLENDİRME Tunç, Alımla Uluslararası İlişkiler Bölümü Tez Yöneticisi: Assl. Prof. Dr. Gülgün Tuna Ağustos 1999 Bu tez Kıbrıslı Rumlar’ın 1974-1998 yılları arasındaki silahlanmalarını analiz etmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Başlangıçta, Kıbrıs’taki şu anki durumu sağlam bir temele oturtmak amacıyla Kıbrıs sorunu anlatılacaktır. Daha sonra, Kıbrıslı Rumlar’ın silah satın almalarıyla ilgili detaylı bilgi verilecektir. Analiz ise Rum Basın Özetleri’nden derlenen bilginin ışığı altında yapılacaktır. Bu tez aynı zamanda Kıbrıslı Rumlar’ın silahlanmalarının Türk-Yunan dengesi ve Kıbrıs sorunu üzerindeki etkisini de değerlendirecektir. Tezin sonunda, Kıbrıslı Rumlar’ın silahlanmasının ve Kıbrıs sorununun Doğu Akdeniz’de oluşturulmaya çalışılan güvenlik sistemi üzerindeki etkisi analiz edilecektir. IV ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First of all, I would like to present my infinite thanks to my advisor, Asst. Prof. Gülgün Tuna. Without her encouragement, I would not be academic and comfortable enough to be able to complete this thesis. Her unique opinions and proofreading showed me the way towards reaching the end. Also, I want to thank the personnel of the T.R.N.C. Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Defence that helped me in my struggle with their archives. I thank to Mr. Mustafa Kortun and Mr. Şakir Alemdar for their guidance within the Ministry, the numerous material they supplied and for their patience that lasted during my research in Cyprus. In addition, 1 thank my dear friend. Elif Burgaz for all her inspiration that came to me together with her friendship and'intangible assistance. Behind every single word of this thesis, there lies her true heart and real existence that helped me to slay alive between all those photocopies. Elif, I believe my sincere thanks can reach you in İzmir. Last but definilely not least, I want to thank my mother, Ziihre Candaş. Mummy, thank you for granting everything I have. Thank you for all your devotion that lasted for long years. With this thesis, I hope I can show you all my gratitude. TABLE OF CONTENTS PRELIMINARIES ABSTRACT........................................................................................ ii ÖZET.................................................................................................. iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS................. iv TABLE OF CONTENTS................................................................... v INTRODUCTION.............................................................................. 1 LCIIAPTER I: THE CYPRUS CONFLICT....................................5 /./. The Bef>imiing of Violence.................................................................... 6 7.2. The Republic of Cyprus.........................................................................7 1.3. The Peace Operation............................................................................10 1.4. Intercoinnninal Talks............................................................................11 J.5. The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus................................................ 14 ] .6. Set of Ideas..........................................................................................16 7.7. Confidence Budding Measures................................................................18 L8. The Effects of the EU on the Cyprus Problem............................................20 7.9. Recent Developments in Cyprus Problem.................................................21 2. CIIAPTER II: THE REARMAMENT OF THE GREEK CYPRIOTS SINCE 1974............................................................... 23 2.1. The Rearmament Before 1988............................................................... 25 2.2. The Rearmament After 1988................................................................. 32 3. CIIAPTER III: THE EFFECTS OF THE JOINT DEFENCE DOCTRINE ON THE CYPRUS THEATRE AND THE LAUSANNE BALANCE BETWEEN TURKEY AND GREECE................................................................................. 45 7. Lausanne Treaty and the Lau.sanne Balance............................................ 45 3.1.1. Greek and Turkish Attitudes Towards the Lausanne Balance.................................................................................... 48 3.2. The .Joint Defence Doctrine...................................................................51 3.3. The Effects of the .Joint Defence JDoctrine................................................55 VI 3.3.1. Tile Effects on the Cyprus Tlieatre.................................................................55 3.3.2. The Effects on the Turkish-Greek Relations and the Lausanne Balance.................................................................................................................. 56 4.CIIAPTER IV: RESULTS OF THE REARMAMENT EFFORTS OF THE GREEK CYPRIOTS AND THEIR EFFECTS ON THE BALANCE OF THE AREA.................... 60 4.1. Cyprus Conflict............................................................................................................60 4.2. The Rearwament of the Greek Cypriots................................................................63 4.2.1. The Rearmament Before 1988..................................................................... 64 4.2.2. The Rearmament After 1988........................................................................67 4.3. 7’he effects of the Joint Defence Doctrine on the Cyprus Theatre and the Lausanne Balance Between Greece and Turkey.........................................69 4.3.1. Lausanne Peace Treaty and Lausanne Balance......................................69 4.3.2. Greek and Turkish Attitudes Towards the Lausanne Balance.............70 4.3.3. 7'he .Foint Defence Doctrine.......................................................................... 71 4.3.4. The Effects of the Joint Defence Doctrine..................................................73 The Effects on the Cyprus Theatre.................................................73 The Effects on Turkish-Greek Relations and the Lau.sanne Balance.................. 73 4.4. Residís ( f the Rearmament Efforts of the Greek Cypriots: Success or Failure...................................................................................................................... 74 4.4.1. The Comparison of the Selected Equipment of the Both Sides............. 74 Tanks...................................................................................................... 76 Antitank Weapons...............................................................................78 Air Defence Weapons......................................................................... 80 4.4.2. S-300 Crisis...........................................................................................................81 The Characteristics of the S-30()s.................................................... 81 Turkey’s Reaction................................................................................82 The Result of the Crisis: The Decision to Deploy them on Crete........................................................................................................ 83 4.5. The Evaluation of the Rearmamanet Policy of the Greek Cypriots.................................................................................................................83 CONCLUSION; REARMAMENT FOR DEFENCE AND P O L IT IC A L G A IN S ..................................................................................................85
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