A Timeline of the Occult and Divinatory Tarot from 1750 to 1980 Collected by Mary K.K. Greer with assistance from Lola Lucas, K.K. Frank Jensen, Cerulean Retreived from http://www.tarotpassages.com/mkgtimeline.htm and the Aeclectic Tarot Forum onon 13/5/2010 Noct Press 2010 A Timeline of the Occult and Divinatory Tarot from 1750 to 1980 c. 1735 The Square of of Sevens by Robert Antrobus: ”Genuine Gypsy Card reading”— claims to be a reprint of a 1735 tome with a second edition in 1896. 1735 date is apocryphal. c. c. 1750 Manuscript (discovered by Franco Pratesi in the late 1980s), that lists cartomantic interpretations for 35 Bolognese tarocchi cards along with a rudimentary method of laying them out. A sheet of 35 Bolognese cards (trumps and number cards) are labeled with simple divinatory meanings such as “journey,” “betrayal,” “married man,” “love.” A later deck of double‐ headed Bolognese cards from the 1820’s are labeled both top and bottom with divinatory meanings, showing a continuity of use. c. c. 1750 Etteilla stated that he learned the art of telling fortunes with playing cards from three cartomancers, one of whom hailed from Piedmont in northern Italy. In 1757 his Piedmontese teacher led him to the tarot, declaring that these cards contained the secrets of all the wisdom of the ancients. [Huson, The True Tarot, recently republished as Mystical Origins of of the Tarot ].]. 1751‐1753 Three persons in Paris were publicly known as offering their services for divination by playing cards. The practice spread until a cry of sacrilege was raised and was stopped by officialdom. [p 160 W. H. Willshire. 1876. A A descriptive catalogue of of playing and other cards inin the British Museum.. (reprinted 1975 by Emmering, Amsterdam)] 1757 Etteilla claimed that his Piedmontese (Italian) teacher first taught him the Tarot in this year. 1760 Nicolas Conver’s Tarot de Marseille‐style cards engraved and printed. (Reproduced by House of Camoin in the 1968.) 1765 According to Casanova, his Russian peasant mistress would read the cards every day—laying them out in a square of twenty‐five cards. 1770 Jean‐Baptiste Alliette (1738‐1791 publishes the first treatise on fortune‐ telling with playing cards: Etteilla, ouou maniere dede sese ré ré cré r r avec unun jeu dede cartes part M*** ((Etteilla, or or aa Way toto Entertain Oneself with aa Pack of of Cards by Mr*** ) which includes reversed meanings for the 32 cards. He mentions lesles Taraux iin a lliisst oof mmeetthods of fortune‐t eelllliinng [[Wicked Pack, p. 83]. According to Etteilla “the Book of of Thoth had been engraved for posterity by seventeen Hermetic adepts, priests of Thoth, on plates of gold 171 years after the Great Flood, and that these plates had been the prototypes for tarot cards. [Huson, The True Tarot ( ( recently republished as Mystical Origins of of the Tarot .].] 1770 Krata Repoa or “Initiations into the ancient society of Egyptian priests,” published in German (by Von Köppen) as a revelation of a new branch of Freemasonry. Its rituals were clearly based on translations of Graeco‐ Egyptian texts. (See MP Hall Freemasonry of of the Ancient Egyptians.) A later edition appeared in French in 1778. Dr. John Yarker published the first English edition in a Masonic Journal, The Kneph. Blavatsky claimed it was based on The Ritual of of Initiations by Humberto Malhandrini, published in Venice in 1657. 1770 In the spring of 1770, the young Goethe, at this time 20 years of age, went toto Strasburg in the Alsace to continue his studies at the university. There he witnessed and himself had a reading of the playing cards by an old woman. 1771 Count Cagliostro (1743‐95) appears in London and Paris with his Egyptian Masonic Rite. 1776 American Declaration of Independence and beginning of the American Revolution. 1776 Founding of the Illuminati (?) 1777 Cagliostro is said to have invented his scheme” of Egyptian Masonry, which would become known as the Egyptian Rite of of Freemasonry (see 1782). He claims to have discovered a mysterious document in a London bookstall, written by a “George Cofton.” 1778 Volume 5 of Antoine Court de Gébelin’s LeLe Monde Primitif contains an “Etymological Dictionary of the French Language” in which the old‐fashioned form of the word, Tarraux , is listed as a “Game of cards well known in Germany, Italy and Switzerland. It is an Egyptian game, as we shall demonstrate one day; its name is composed of two Oriental words, Tar and Rha,, Rho, which mean ‘royal road.’’ ” 1781 The American Revolution ends October 19th. Uranus, first planet to bebe discovered since Babylonian prehistory, identified March 31 by William Herschel. Russia’s Catherine the Great and Holy Roman Emperor Josef II spilt the Balkans. Los Angeles is founded in California by Spanish settlers. Kant’s Critique of of Pure Reason and Gibbon’s Decline and Fall of of the Roman Empire. Mozart is composing.” 1781 8th volume of of LeLe Monde Primitif by Court de Gébelin, claiming Egyptian origin of Tarot, as a book of wisdom. Includes an essay by le Comte de M*** [Mellet] which explains how to use the cards for divination. De Gébelin says there are 22 Trumps just as there are 22 Hebrew letters. Le Comte de Mellet gives only the following correspondences (based on the cards running in a descending order): The Sun = Gimel (signifying “recompense or happiness”); The Devil = Zain (“inconstancy, error or crime”); Death = Teth (“the action of sweeping”); Fortune = Lamed (“law or science”); The Fool = Tau . We can assume that The World = Aleph, Judgment = Beth, etc. De Mellet also uses these significances for divinatory purposes. It is de Mellet also who first changes coins to “talismans” (pantacles) which is later developed by Éliphas Lévi. According to Court de Gébelin the cards were: 0 0 LLe FFoouu I I Le Joueur de Gobelets (Thimble‐rigger), ou Bateleur (Juggler, Montebank) Chefs Temporels & Spirituels de la Société II Roi IIIII RReeiinnee IV Grand Prêtre (Chef des Hiérophantes) V V Grande Prêtresse VI Le Mariage VIVII Osiriris TrTrioiomphahant Planche V. No. VI II, XI, XII, XIIII: Les quatre VERTUS Cardinales XI La Force [c[coming to the aid of Prudence. Moakley] XIXIIIII La Tempéréranance. VVIIIII LLa JJuussttiiccee XXIII LLa PPrruuddenccee IX Le Sage oou le Chercheur de la Vérité & du Juste. [Seeking Justice. Moakley] XIX Le Soleil XVIII La Lunene (T(Teaears of IsIsisis). CrCreaeatition of ththe Moon & Terrrresestrtriaial Animalalss XXVVIII LLa CCaanniiccule (Dog‐star) Sirius (Sothis). Creation of the Stars & Fishes XIII La Mort XV Typhon XVI Maisison‐D‐Dieieu, ou Chââteau de Plutus. [House of God overturned, with man and woman precipitated from the earthly Paradise. Moakley] X X La Roue de Fortune Planche VIII XX Le Jugement Dernier (Last Judgment) ou La Créationon X X Le Tems ou le Monde, représenreroit le Globe de la Terre & ses révolutions. [Moakley says “The Word”] 1782 Etteilla applies to the Royal censor to publish Cartonomanie Egiptienne, ouou interpré taton dede 7878 hieroglipes qui sont sur lesles cartes nommé eses Tarots ((Egyptian Cartonomania, or or Interpretation of of the 7878 hieroglyphs which are onon the cards called Tarots). He is refused. 1782 Cagliostro founds his Egyptian Rite Lodge combined with a private temple of of Isis at which Cagliostro is High Priest. His researches consist of a body of knowledge known as the Arcana Arcanorum, or A. A., and basing his “internal alchemy” on Tantrik techniques from German Rosicrucian lodges. 1783‐86 Publication of Etteilla’s Manière dede sese ré ré créer avec lele Jeu dede Cartes nommées Tarots (( A A way toto entertain onesel with the pack of of cards called Tarots) in four parts. He claims it was devised by a committee of seventeen magi, presided over by Hermes Trismegistus nearly 4,000 years before. The first copy was inscribed on leaves of gold which were disposed about a fire temple at Memphis. [3Ds, pp. 83‐85] His recreation of the deck has the first 12 cards based on the creation myths in the Divine Pymander, and on astrology, as he felt Tarot could be consulted in an astrological manner.r. 1789 Publication of the first Etteilla deck. Available as the Grand Etteilla deck from Grimaud since 1982. The Trumps and all astrological correspondences are as follows: 1 1 Etteilla ‐ Le Consultant (Male). Aries. Papus says this is “special to the Tarot of Etteilla” ‐ I'd make it the Bateleur, as doesEdmond 2 2 Eclaircissement (Enlightenment/Fire). Taurus. Papus: Sun 3 3 Propos (Discussion/Water). Gemini. Papus: Moonon 4 4 Dépouillement (Loss/Air). Cancer. Papus: Star 5 5 Voyage (Travel/Earth). Leo. Papus: World 6 6 Nuit (Night/Day). Virgo. Papus: Empress ‐ I'd make it the Popess 7 7 Appui (Support/Protection). Libra. Papus: Emperor 8 8 Etteilla ‐ Le Consultante (Female). Scorpio. Papus: PoPopess ‐ I'd make it the Empress 9 9 La Justice (Justice/Jurist). Sagittarius. Papus: Justice 10 La Tempérance (Temperance/Priest). Capricorn. Papus: Temperancncee 11 La Force (Strength/Monarch). Aquarius. Papus: Force, i.e., Strengt hh 12 La Prudence (Prudence/The Masses). Pisces. Papus: Hanged Manan 13 Mariage (Marriage/Union). Papus: Lovers 14 Force Majeure (Absolute Necessity/Absolute Necessity). Papus: Devil 15 Maladie (Illness/Illness). Papus: Bateleur ‐ I'd make it the Pope ‐ it shows the same person as performed the Marriage (in bishop's fish‐hat) holding a wand over an altar table with ram's heads on the corners; one of the reversed meanings is “Mage.” 16 Jugement (Judgment/Judgment). Papus: Judgment 17 Mortalité (Death/Nothingness). Papus: Death 18 Traître (Traitor/Traitor). Papus: Hermit 19 Détresse or Misere (Poverty/Prison).
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