Glendon's Bilingual Newspaper • VoluDle 34 no. 3 Lundi Ie 3 octobre 1994 • Journal bilingue de Glendon Mutilation of female genitals, and Canada's right to legislate that practice, is coming under fire as the international women's community attempts to put a stop to this life­ threatening "tradition". In a seminar presented last she could later face vulva demeroid Thursday at the HarbourfrontCentre, cysts, infertility, difficulty with five panelists outlined the moral urination~ and other complications. complexities between H t1tes", the Social risks for not submitting traditional ceremonies that have to this rite may be more far-reaching. been practised for centuries, and the Girls are told, often by older rights of women to control community WOlnell, that itwill ensure procedures perfonned on t1leir own their marriageability. Refusal to 1xxIies. SUblnit can lead to social ostracisln. Female genital mutilation Madonna Larbi, an executive can consist of a simple removal of with the international women's the clitoris, or can be as severe as liaisongroup MATCH International, complete removal ofthe clitoris, t1le said that it is imperative for women labia minora and two-thirds of the to oppose these procedures in their anterior labia minora. own countries. It cannot be opposed "I can even feel right now solely by Western societies that do how horrible it was," said Kowser not practise it or understand its Omer-Hashi, as she desclibed the complexities. MArTCll is seeking to procedure. "I accepted it as a way of strengthen the intenlational wOInen' s our life". conununity through a partnership The Canadian government with groups in Asia, Africa, the now faces a decision on this Caribbean and I-Iatin America. • procedure, as a result ofan influx of Although there is no Canadian CAFETERIA • refugees who either have had this legislation which bans the procedure operation or are fleeing Somalia, specifically, existing laws do forbid Egypt, Indonesiaand othercountries all forms of bodily mutilation. NOUVELLE ENTENTE where this practice is still common, Precedent was also set when Canada in order to avoid its inevitability. granted refugee status to a woman Dominique Marcotte Immediate health risks from this and her ten year old daughter earlier operation include shock, infection this year, fleeing Somalia to avoid Durant la periode estivale, une entente a ete signee entre pour la premiere fois six etudiants and tetanus. Ifthe woman survives, Continued on page 2 York et Restauronics, pour renouveler Ie contrat ce dernier pour hors-campus sur Ie comite. Les une periode de 5 ans. Plusieurs modifications ont ete apportees it reunionsducomiteserontsupelVisees I'entente. par Ie doyen aux affaires etudiantes, MBouhenic. M. Lou Salemseraaussi l.epremiertennereI'entente par Ie comite d'alimentation sur une presentauxrencontresducomitepour est Ie mecanisme pour limiter les base penrumente. representer Restauronics. augmentations de prix. Le systeme Un nouveau comite d'ali­ Durant I'ete, Restauronics a de fonctiolll1ementde cemecanisme mentation sera mis sur pied par voie fait des modifications aux selVices est que toute augmentation de prix d'election. Ce comite a completement offerts,tellesquelamachinea yogo~ devraetrepresenteeau mais la principale trans­ comite d'alimen­ fonnationestle Bistroqui tation et devra etre acompletementeterenove approuvee par Ie etquipresenteonnouveau comite. Le meme menurotatif, onenouvelle systeme s'applique en ambiance, et on service ce qui conceme les entierement repense. La heuresd'operationdes direction de Restatironics services offerts par prepared'autresmOOifica­ Restauronics, de tions pour ameliorer Ie meme que les Inetho­ service alimentaire, tel des de services. qu'un nouveau comptoir Dans Ia pour servir Ies plats prin­ • nouvelle entente, cipaux et des modifi­ Restauronics s'en­ cations concernant Ie gage a offrir un repas service de pizza Fait a Photo: Heather Braiden ..... ... complet (boisson et noter, Restauronics offre .~ pIatprincipal) pour moins de quatre ete remodele cetteannee arm d'avoirune 20 a 25 postes pour les etudiants. ~ c dollars.Cenouveaucomboseraoffert parite des representations, c'est-a-dire Lie service alimentaire est offert ~ ~ pour la periode du dejeuner et du que l'on trouvera dans ce comite trois dans Ia mesure du possible dans les ~ omer. Ce menu changera cons­ etudiants de Wood et trois de l-lilliard, deux Iangues officielles du Canada. ~ tamment durant la periode scolaire, dont un de premiere pour chaque ~ annee Bon appetit a tous et a toutes! ..::= mais tous les details scront negocies residence. De plus cette annre, ilyaura ~ Lundi Ie 3 octobre 1994 PROTEM 2 Pro Tem is the weekly bilingual and independent newspaper of Glendon College, founded in 1962 as the student publication of York 2275 avenue Bayview eniversity.En plus de sa gratuite Pro Tem est Ie seul journal bilingue en Ontario. Les opinions et les faits emis par les signataires n'engagent Toronto. Ontario qu'eux-meme, et non I'equipe editoriale. Les articles sous-entendant des propos diffamatoires, racistes, antisemites, sexistes ou homophobes PRO TEM ~14N 3M6 ne seront pas publies. The deadline to submit ads and articles is Thursday at S pm. Meetings are on Tuesday at 6:30 pm. Nos bureaux sont situes dans Ie Manoir Glendon, local 117. Editorial and Advertising: 487-6736 ou 487-6821. Tirage: 3000 exemplaires. Redactrice-en-chef f:ntertainment editor Production Copy editors Collaborateurs Jill Havens David Bolduc Nathalie-Roze Fischer Johanne 1'remblay Chantale lIarvey Manon Harvey Stephane Cloutier Assistant editors Sports editor Simon Marchand Sonja Thomason Linda Christensen Marlaine Ijndsay Micheal Haberlin ... Paul Grewal Eric Tremblay I:Inily Pohl-Weary Typesetter Micheal F. Jursic Sheri Ladoucier :Fiction & Poetry' editor Photography editor Suzanne Hinks it Didier Leclair Assistant la redaction Priscilla Oxendine Liam O'Neil Lisa Walker Todd McDaniel Julie Gauvin Sarah Shauhghnessy Advertising Manager Heather Braiden Distribution DOIninique Marcotte Christos Vritsios Cameron Fraser Chris Struk S. B. Wiseman -- --- --------~--- EDITORIAL-- - -- - --- -- -- - - ---- - -------- --------- Fear 'The rippling effects of the AIDS virus have left scars on many lives. Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, although a relatively new discovery, has already taken a huge toll on the spirit of humankind. Whether we believe the disease is God's way of purging us of sinners, or that it was a genetically engineered FBI plot to eradicate homosexuals gone awry, we will all agree that it as had a tremendous effect on our lives. :From safer sex to blood tests to uncovering facts about a lover's previous sex life, adjustments have had to be made. There have been multitudes of articles written, TV shows produced and stories passed around about the ravages of the disease. We're at the point where hearing about suffering because of AIDS really hits home. rrhat's only because there are few who have managed to escape unscathed. What we should all keep sight of when the storm of emotional reactions overwhelm us is the repercussions our attitudes have on those diagnosed with HIV. I'he closest I have come to AIDS was about a year ago when a faIllily friend. Roberto [)alFOlll0, lost his life to the disease. Even though he had not hel:n able to let his faIniJy know he was gay and infected with AII)S. h~~ didn· t die alone. Roberto had a "helper" from -Letters to the editor--- the gay comlllunity. A .naIl whoIn he hadn"t previously known took Lettre a la redaction Roberto under his wing. rrhis aIl0nyInous helper fed him, cared for Cette lettre a pour objectif de repondre it I'article de la loin.... him, made sure the nurse showed up on time, and watched hun die. He semaine derniere intitulee "Conseil aux femmes seules" II J'ai grandi dans une was one of the lucky ones, and I still can't begin to imagine what he est triste de constater que les femmes sont les premieres mentalite qui m'a apprise a me endured in those la~t few months. At the end he wasn't able to do visees par la violence qui nous menace quotidiennement. debrouiller seule et ane compter anything except give signals with his eyes, one blink for yes, two for Mais etre une femme en cette fin de vingtieme siecle se que sur moi-meme. Je ne no. tr~duit.il par la necessite de devenir paranolaque? C'est du commencerai certainement pas a Recently. AII)S has hit even closer to home. My aunt Karen in moins ce que m'a inspire ce communique. m'accompagner d'un homme ou New Jersey tested positive. rrhe whole family thinks she got it from a d'une banded'amis pourallerfaire heroin addict ex-husband. There's no way of knowing for certain J'ai moi-meme experimente qui s'approchent de vous etc. mon marche.... J'ironise un peu,je because four years ago he cOIIunitted suicide. I don't know her very c~ sentiment de noeud qui vous Toutes ces preventions m'mnenent vous l'accorde, mais il demeure well but the repercussions ofher illness on my entire family have been prenda Ia gorge etqui fait debattre a me demander si j'ai encore la un fait: je ne passerai pas rna vie a phenomenal. She has a son, 1'ommy, who's seventeen. I~veryone's votre coeura un rythme ahurissant pelmission de respirer! avoir peur de tout, dO au simple asking who will take care of him if Karen dies. When my mother's lorsque vous marchez seule la nuit Citation: • Si vous croyez fait que je sois une femme. elderly step-mother found out about her daughter's illness, she suivi d'un etranger dont vous ctre suivi, [...J rendez-vous a la Je pourrais vous en parler became severely depressed, chained smoked, neglected her own soup~onnez une intention maison la plus pres [...J et pendant des pages etdes pages du health, and eventually fell and broke her hip.
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