Boise State University ScholarWorks Student Newspapers (UP 4.15) University Documents 3-14-2005 Arbiter, March 14 Students of Boise State University Although this file was scanned from the highest-quality microfilm held by Boise State University, it reveals the limitations of the source microfilm. It is possible to perform a text search of much of this material; however, there are sections where the source microfilm was too faint or unreadable to allow for text scanning. For assistance with this collection of student newspapers, please contact Special Collections and Archives at [email protected]. ...~;.;_,,.;.";;'#;~,i,,.'¢,,,~..,;,,,,;..w...;;,,..;;.:;;;;~,:;;;';:';;;~;;f<}t:it~;:;;;-~::;;'~.,,,,·:,,,,,:~:,,,, ....,..~..........r :..... UOLUIIE 11 tHE INDEPENDENT' STUDENT VOICE OF BOISE STBTE SINCE 1933 MUDRY MARCH 1'1 2005 ISSUE 50 FI.RST ISSUE FREE (6) LSU20-9 2005 NCAA 111) UAB21-10 (3) Arizona 27-6 Men's basketball (14) Utah State 24-7 (7) So.Illinois26-7 (10) St.Mar '525-8 tournament . \ (2) ) Oklahoma 24=6 Ok. City -'-'-'-0..;;..0..;;..;;.;.;.;=-.;;..;....=------. on Friday (15) SELouisiana 24-6 .bracket State Board 's marketing skyboxes sion of Bronco Stadium that has The initial plan is for. the ex- BY TREUDR HORN pansion of Bronco Stadium to be Sports Editor been. named the Luxury Suites Complex will have around 30 built no sooner than 2008. luxury suites and nearly 650 club In other news from the board meeting on Thursday, Boise State On Thursday, the State Board of seats. All of these will be in the received approval to issue a re- Education announced itwould al- secured area where alcohol sales low Boisp.State to market skvbox will be permitted. quest for proposal to design the 72,000 square foot indoor prac- suites at Bronco Stadium with the "This is a private space, and it understanding that alcohol can can be controlled and monitored. tice facility. According to Bleymaier, ground be served. Because of that, there won't be breaking for the new facility could BSU told board members the problems with selling alcoholic be as early as May, and there is a skybox suites would be more beverages," Bleymaier said. strong possibility that it could be marketable if alcohol service was According to the athletics de- up and running by this time next available. The approval from the partment, there was no talk of board allows BSU to approach 'marketing or selling the idea of year. The indoor facility will accom- ASBSUPr~stdent-ElectJoeHol1adayand former Chtefof StallPam MaGeecelebrate corporations and private donors the skyboxes until approval from aller the eleclionresults were anouncedFrtday. modate the football team as well interested in leasing the skybox- the State Board was granted. as golf, track and field, and soc- es. If constructed, skybox suites Now that the approval has been would only be accessible through made, they have immediately cer. The board's approval for cre- secured entries, and alcohol begun their marketing program is ation of design proposals for the would not be allowed in other ar- with the idea that the suites and facility. Boise State must return eas of the stadium. club seats will come packaged back to the board for approval of "We don't want it [alcohol] in with the incentive of having al- the facility's final design, con- the rest of the stadium," BSU coholic beverages sold within the struction, and financing terms. athletic director Gene Bleymaier designated areas. said. "I'm not an advocate of that. The prices for the new boxes 14 Orange Party candidates elected I don't think that would be a posi- will be about $2,000 per year tive thing." for the club scats and roughly committee, which is: The less Party candidates. The area of the new expan- $40,000 for the suites, BY RANDALL PDST Senator-elect from the College News Editor ' a state funds higher education, the more prisoners a state will of Business Sasa Zuko said it was important to fill those seats The Orange Party dominated have. in order to have a complete the ASBSUelections, as the un- Holladay said the way to heal Senate. Zuko also said he hopes official results were revealed ASBSU'swounds in the wake of next year students will form' a Friday at the SUB Brava Stage. David Morriss' removal is to be "Blue Party" to rival the Orange Current senators joe Hol1aday open with students. Party and double student par- and Kamron Ahmed won the "No more secrets. If I have to Group creates 'GoodWill' ticipation. - executive ticket, as all 14 Orange keep secrets from the students Christian Busnardo, College Party candidates were elected. ofBoise State, then what I'm do- of Education senator-elect, said The Orange Party will now ing is wrong," Holladay said. he is hopeful for the new stu- make up 12 of the 16 Senate Sen. Clark, who was re-elect- ed to represent the College of dent government. seats, giving them a three- "Allof us [in the Orange Party] campaign to support Engineering, said there would fourths majority. worked together campaign- "The campus recognized be a constitutional convention to Close loopholes that create ing. We don't have all the same what the Orange Party says it viewpoint on all the issues, but was: a group of hard working confusion amongst the three we know how to work together." individuals," Sen. LaTisha Clark branches of government. Holladay says the convention Election turnout was just said. under 10 percent, according classified employees will help define roles in the ex- Ho!laday said his first ac- .to Election Board Chairman tion as president-elect will be ecutive and legislative branch. in the private sector, and the Money from the fund goes to- Jim Wolfe. The national aver- BY WENDY SCHWEITZER to go to the Senate Education "Iwant to make sure everyone student's education suffers. But ward helping qualified classified knows what their job is. That's - age for college and university Spacial to The Arbiter employees buy meals on campus. Committee in the Idaho State voter turnout is 2 to 4 percent, that's only the beginning. Legislature and get the tuition like the most important thing, Once the challenge of finding Currently, 40 employees are re- Wolfe said. Last year, total voter The Association of Classified bill "killed." because if we don't, then every- competent employees at BSUhas ceiving meal compensation. turnout was 1,702,compared to Employees (ACE) of Boise State "I think that [bill] is going body fights about it," Holladay been met, often they arc lost to GoodWill is looking to the fu- 1,579this year. says the number one issue fac- to press a lot of students out said. the private sector and their posi- ture, trying to extend their rHO- Results will not be official un- ing them is the wages of their em- of higher education in Idaho," Six of the eight college Senate tions must be filled. New workers gram beyond food. Gathering til the ASBSUjudiciary certifies ployees. ACEhas responded with Holladay said, adding that he seats were run unopposed, and need training and often aren't proceeds from sales and raffles, them on March 15. the GoodWill campaign. would explain his logic to the all six were filled with Orange as skilled as their predecessors. GoodWill has begun taking ac- The GoodWill campaign has After training, many of the new tion to offer assistance with med- been designed to counteract employees leave. Quickly, the icine, transportation, and utili- average ACE employees' inad- cost of employee training be- ties. ACEis currently asking BSU equate wages. Classified employ-. comes a larger expense than pay- to get "Egg-cited" by selling Sees ees include secretaries, comput- ing the original worker an ample Candies Easter chocolates. er lab staff, custodians, grounds Garett, who is also the ACE FROM 1,579 VOTING STUDENTS keepers, library workers, and the wage. "It's really frustrating as state treasurer, said it is important traffic and transportation de- employees that we don't get the that students get involved. Garett COLLEGE SENATORIAL CANDIDATES partment. The wages of ACEem- # OF VOTES raises we deserve. I didn't real- says she understands that most 535 Katie Jo Rupert, Arts &. Sciences ployees are not competitive with' students arc not in a position to Christian Busnardo, Education ize how many of us are making 582 the private sector. donate money, so she encourages Jared Keith Dunn, Applied Technology below $7 an hour," GoodWill 514 "A lot of our members don't students to contact the state leg- LaTisha Clark, Engineering co-Chairwoman Valencia Garett 411 make a living wage. It costs $11 islature and tell them how hard 615 Sasa Zuko, Business an hour to live, and half of ACE said. Brandon J. Stocker, Soc Sciences &. Pub Affairs While ACEis hoping and wait- classified employees work. 386 doesn't make that," said current Whatlyne Frederick, Health Sciences ing for legislation to improve "Without them, we wouldn't 320 ACEPresident, Connie Charlton. their situation, they've chosen to have school," Garett said. Every classified employee look within for immediate assis- Garett is accepting orders for AT LARGE SENATOR CANDIDATES at Boise State is automatical- tance. ACE's ongoing GoodWill chocolates at 426-1368. The cost Antonio Bommarito ly an ACE member. According 619 project enables and encourages is$4. 591 Wyatt S. Parke to Charlton, members are not Dang DuCarlos Luna members who are making ad- "Wewant to be public servants, 574 making high enough wages or Russell O'Leary equate salaries to donate a por- but as healthcare and the cost of 557 benefits to off-set that low pay.
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