RUBBEKCqQPSm MEN'S, WQM EM'S AND CHI UPREN'S, m COMPLETE LINES, AT BARKLEY'S i.jca.yy.'f7wjp'g,v;i.j' however, is likely to cpmp to thp earth BID YOU SEE THEM? cMfVAAAAlAAAAAAfVlAJ.lAAAA'VlAAAlAArUlAAAAAAAnaAAAAAfVAAlp THAT QOim. in tho near future. Prpf. Colt says, how-ove- r, of tho comot now 'agitating astro-nomic- al In Great circles; " It is impossible to de- Tho "Shooting Stars" A Pine Me- I Profusion; termine definitely as yet whether it is teoric Display That Comet Wise AstMftflBirs, 1,1 Donbt Concerning or not. A. marked feature of this Must be Near. dottitlil Biela's tramp. comet Sa that its motionsince discovery I Attractive, Desirable has been almost directly in the line of That new comet, vhothor it is Biela's sight." Thia illustrates, tho difficulty of or not, must bo getting pretty close to tho 1 telling the direction it ia going. is earth. I Think Approaching, It and Very CHEAP! Scpno It's While either going straight away from thp earth Tho sky was full of " ahooting atara " Others Think is Ito- - 'it or coming directly towards it. Prof. W. last night. Thoy wore flying in most S. Woods, of Washington, is sure it is overy'direction,butmo3tof them started Biela's comet, but says if it hits tho earth from a point almost directly overhead. "it will bo tho touch of the rose or the It was one of tho finest meteoric dis- eoplo haro become greatly interested zephyr." plays witnessed for years. 44 1 of lajtji; owrf tljq notj, comet. Few have Prof. Stone, of Princeton, says: "Ita It would have been a splendid night boon amo to locate it yet, but thoy take aubstanco is extremely-rare- . Our air ia for young couples to count " shooting I itfrgrantedthatit'BUpthoroBomowhero, soveral times morp dense, and if it doca stars," had it not been so cold. i- -Cf A P becauao the astronomers say so. The strike the earth it will do no more harm The display commonced just after dark, rxvtc&Esstsz, juYrmiHxmsr&?2 astronomers, however, seem to be a little to tho inhabitants than a feather bpd and continued pretty well through tho 'Air-m- - m&&gfa' u m(xed up on the subject, and are "unable would to fish if it should fall on the night. It was a reminder of some of the jmswzKAWyJ'zmxwmw-- to, inalfq head or. tnij of the celestial ocean. The principal harm that could fire-wor- at the late jollifications, only on 2 tramp." The New. York World says thoy, como would be tho falling of meteoric a grander scale. Maybe tho recent Dem- rrwr f s ore now disputing among thcmselve atones over the surface ot the earth, and ocratic victory ia bping celebrated up ' 1 Kr.rr M Ft jii uu whether it is going away or coming a alight disturbance in our atmosphere, there. viHr.iri towards the earth ftta rapid rate. Biela( caused by the gassea mixing with our air. Aa fine as the meteoric display was last conjtihlucs the World, has produced an; diameter is about 25,000 miles ; so the night, it was not a marker to what may Its $m- .Jj other sensation, and, once again a lot of falling of as many meteotic stones as it be expected next Saturday or Sunday beautifully curved and, harmonious, theo; seems to contain over such a surface night, if tho wise men know what they are rics are shaken to their foundations. would- - spread them so thinly that not talking about. Dr. Louia Swift, tho well Never before was, cpmot seen whiph acte4 very many would atrike tho earth, and known astronomer, predicts that on the Wc,- r- original.con-trovera- y " as this one is doing, and tlio these wpuld do little damage. If it evening of November 1 27th, aa soon v7 J 3!sff I whotjiqr; atrilcpa 'r - as to or not it is Biela's the earth next Saturday or Sunday as darkness falls, there will bo a rain m teJ s has bfion. side-tracke- d, by the grcate? night, about all we will see will.be a nice of fire which will be remembered question of whore, it came from an4 display of meteoric fireworks.'' for years. will be one of thoso me- It Our stock was never so complete and large as pres- where it ia goiiij. Well was it said of t teoric showers that fifty years ago startled at this comet by; Prof. Harold Jacoby, of New buckwheat .Calhouns. the world. The shower will bo duo to ent, and never did we have so many desirable bargains. In (jolumbia, Collegjj": gives ma a the comot Biela, which is now exciting so "It Tobacco in barns, ins. by D. M. Runyon. fact there are so many that we are puzzled as to which to pain 'in, the neck,'" He was speaking, . much wonder in the astronomical world. mention. however, of its position in the heavens, Geo. W. Sulseb, law, nro, insurance. An interesting article from the New York which is directly overhead, and long ob- World appears elsewhere on the eubject. LADIES' All Wool Fascinators, good sizo, in any color, 2oc. CHILDREN'S All Wool Hose, 10 and 12Jc. all sizes. 1 1 5 xw a pair, servation of itj.is npt unattended by phys- Tornado pollciea- - W. B. Warder, agt. id& CHILDREN'S Heavy Merino Underwear, from 12c. up. ical discomfort. Similarly the street Legislative News. i'S urchin epitomized the situation when ho G. S. Jodi, insurance and collection- - A bill ia pending to amend the nuw m& m MEN'S Heavy Merino Underwear, White or Camel's Hair 3 for 39c. c said, after a look at the sky : " It's out of. agency. Revenue law. It makes a technical effect, : All Wool Mittens, 10c. a pair and up. Canton Flannel Drawers, 25c. and up. sight, see ?" change by allowing the Assessor to writo j j A. Campbell, real-estat- e, loans and. II. some of the things which the party as- The news from the observatories, how- collections. ng is now required reflects of opinion pro-vaili- sessed towrite. ever, the diversity I j in the astronomical world. Prof. Duley & Baldwin, insurance, 205 west Mr. Hissem's bill to allow Campbell Kuotliml Dnlid., County to 8upplenient the salary of tho SAAlAWiAWAiAlAAlAlAVAjAVAlAAlAlA;AlAlAlAUVlA;Sbee xxxvsi Lowis Swift, of the Warner Observatory, side Court street. saya:. "It is, plainly cpming nearer and Judge of tho Circuit Court of that county growing larger." He is also convinced Congressman Payntek haa gone to was dofeated. that it is Biela's comet, and he treats it Kansas on business. Mr. Hay, fronl the Committee on Edu- McClanalian&Sliea aa such in all his discussions of the sub- cation, reported the original ilouse bill The C. and.O. will soon give an order for the book passed by ject. When asked in regard to the mon-stor'- a. Stewart text bill DEALERS in for 1,000 now box cars. tail, Prof. Swift said : "There is no Senate. Mr. Hay made a lengthy expla- tail to bo seen, but it never had a tail tq Opening; day Saturday, Novombor 26th, nation of why tho House bill was pre- amount- - to anything." Evidently the at J T. Kackley.& Co.'s. ferable. An amendment was adopted, head of the Warner Observatory remains 7 adding the County Judge and County At- TOVES firm in his belief that it is Biela's comet Mr. James N. Keiioe left last evening torney to the County Board of Education. for Detroit on legal business. The Senate did considerable work of MANTELS, GRATES. TINWARE, and, nq other that ia now so greatly agi- GUTTERING AND SPOUTING. tating the astronomical world. Even if aji important nature, and added to the Elder P. H, McGufry, ofNicholasvillo, does not strike earth on Sunday calendar a number of bills prepared by it the is assisting in a protracted meeting at night he. says that a shower of meteors the Revisory Committee. Thoi e was one JOB of Kinds Dover. in regard, to legal adyertis,ipg. WOEK All js ten to be looked, for, and Prof. Swift . says it will be a beautiful display. Judge Cole has appointed S. A. Ratlin", A House .bill to pay Sheriffs for services Executed In the Best Manner, . Prof. Pickering, o Harvard. College, is of Carlislo, assignee of Charles Ball, of for, work" done in other, counties was cautious and, refuses to say whether the Blue Licks. killed. comet is going or coming, and whether A bill is pending to so amend the new Marriage granted yester- or not it is Bielajs, although he has been license was election law aa to require that all election James Fpstor A. lipuse-holder- a observing it steadily for two weeks, as day to A. and'Sallie officers, bo and necessita- Brinley, a colored, couple. ting residence in tho precinct in which have most of the, other astronomers. ' TH0S. J, CHENOIWETH, Prof. Lewis Boss, of Dudley Observatory, they act. TnE revival conducted by Elder George Tlje Revisory Commission bill regula- Albany, "who was one of the first to in- Darsie at Carsisle had resulted in thirteen cline to the belief that this was Biela's ting. the.AjUditor's office, its duties, sala- additions at last accounts. N ries, etc., was passed by the 1 3 comet and lhat it w.quld be very close to 11 House. earth on Sunday night next, has now Boyd the The Democratic gain this year in CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED.
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