THE RECORD SOCIETY OF LANCASHIRE AND CHESHIRE FOUNDED TO TRANSCRIBE AND PUBLISH ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS RELATING TO THE TWO COUNTIES VOLUME CXIII INDEX TO WILLS AND ADMINISTRATIONS FORMERLY PRESERVED IN THE PROBATE REGISTRY, CHESTER 1826- 1830 Edited by ROBERT DICKINSON, B.Sc, Ph.D. FHL TITLE # 2026718 Published for THE RECORD SOCIETY OF LANCASHIRE AND CHESHIRE BoOrX Area PHILLIMORE íe London and Chichester 1972 v. 113 COUNCIL AND OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1971/2 President Professor A.R. Myers, M.A., Ph.D., F.S.A., F.R.Hist.S. Hon. Secretary B.C. Redwood, M.A., c/o Cheshire Record Office, The Castle, Chester. Hon. Treasurer B.W. Quintrell, Ph.D., c/o School of History, Liverpool University, 8, Abercromby Square, Liverpool 7. Other Mei of Council Very Reverend G.W.O. Addleshaw, R. Dickinson, Ph. D., F.R.I.C. B.D., M.A., F.S.A., F.R.Hist.S. R. Sharpe France, M.A. J.J. Bagley, M.A., F.R.Hist.S. J.D. Marshall, B.Sc.(Econ.), C.N.L. Brooke, M.A., F.R.Hist.S. Ph.D. G.A. Carter, F.L.A. D. Palliser, M.A. W.H. Chaloner, M.A., Ph.D. J.S. Roskell, M.A., D.Phil. ©The Record Society of Lancashire & Cheshire, 1972 SBN 900592 68 0 Printed by Eyre & Spottiswoode Ltd.. Her Majesty's Printers at Grosvenor Press. Portsmouth. PREFACE THIS IS the 17th volume in the series of indexes of Chester Wills published by the Record Society. It covers the period 1826 to 1830 inclusive. th genera1, !he editor has continued the method adopted for Volume 107 in that e words 'parish of have been omitted, the date of probate restricted to year and month only and codicils are not recorded. All documents, unless otherwise desig- ' are Wllls °r administrations with a will attached. 'Infra' wills (i.e. those of theentry ^*" C°Urt 3nd fÜed seParately) are indicated by an asterisk at the end h P ent been pre ared from the ReJ0 d Off P Diocesan Index now at the Lancashire p. J. uttlce and the entries arranged under three headings, namely Lancashire, excentre i - Welsh wUls- The ori8inals, which have only been consulted in and CViTt Clrcumstances, are preserved in the County Record Offices at Preston now hTrfnd ln the Nati°nal Library of Wales. Ten of the Cheshire wills cannot 7 th T are Hsted here in italics" cent on th ^?" 1826 t0 1830 there are 9,745 items' an increase of some 13 Per of Fli^twl Previous flve years. A point of interest, perhaps, is the nuncupative will ^nzabeth Cooper of Liverpool. been added ^,previous v°lurne, indexes of places and of trades or professions have between th second index may prove useful in demonstrating the difference sen lall Lancashire; lt" ^ y agricultural Cheshire and the industrial and maritime The ed t3 ugh the Period covered is rather short for statistical purposes, wills in thl 1S lndebted t0 the National Library of Wales for confirming the list of for their ,! ™stody- and to the staffs of the Record Offices at Preston and Chester This r t f3"06 WhiGh Was freely available at all times. Probate TV ° probate records is published with the assent of the President ofthe , divorce and Admiralty Division of the High Court of Justice. V ABBREVIATIONS A Administration Bond Tuon Tuition Bond CO. County of esq. esquire gent. gentleman * An asterisk at the end of an entry indicates an 'Infra' will Italicised entries refer to missing documents i. vi ADDENDA thTlisn2!!S fOUI cross-references listed below were unfortunately omitted when was prepared and located too late for insertion in their proper places. D II caWu0n' Dorothy. Liverpool, widow. Oct. 1830 (2nd grant 1844) p 44 i:a;rbrother. Betty, Warrington, spinster. June 1828 1829 Mary WÍfe °f Th0mas Gittins' Manchester, woollen draper. Dec. n Vi Sr,ifFiths' Saran' Liverpool, widow. A May 1829 P- /3 Kilshaw, Esther ieeBiss I'll McCawley- Peter see Carrley lim in' Mary see Bal1 p. 09 Rymer, William, Manchester, gent. Feb. 1828 P131 ^eary'BettyieeCawson P-173 PowlTn U«r;,Ann' Leavengreave Banks, Rochdale, spinster. Oct. 1828 ^ownall, William, Northen Etchells, farmer. Nov. 1829 (1st grant 1824 then wrongly entered as Brownell) vii LANCASHIRE WILLS AbbolYo^ Nov. 1830 Nathan i' ' Publican- A Feb. 1828 Thorn« \Trp°^\ victual]er. May 1829 Abbott HuA RS-WVH°n> bachel0r- Nov" 1830 Jamès Hlvdork"^ ' lnnk eePe,r- Jan- J830 (2nd grant 1860) Thr.„'"aydock, farmerA. April 1826 Ableu Sc Jd0CKk' *°PkeePer- A Nov. 1830 a nc ester Abraham R*£ t *. merchant. A April 1829 Abram Heïrv R ' LlVerP°o1'lab°«™r. Dec 1827 Peter l il?' Burscough, innkeeper. May 1826 Robert R victuaUer. April 1827 ufford far SE" "r > meri March 1829 V erp 01 Ackers ^n D ° ' 8™*- Sept. 1826 0ct 1826 Thom^ " rley whe Acton pet' M°a K' elwright. July 1826 W Ih, ii Manchester. May 1830 Adams ^'Ma"chesjer, 'oiner & builder, July 1826 dy co e Mary, Liverooni ^ it - F* i carpenter. A Dec. 1830* Adamson 'ttnï^ol>,wldow. March 1828 Adcock JampTM uaw0n Norris' Publican. July 1828 Aindow' Th^m ^ Woolton- schoolmaster. Dec. 1828 Ainscough *Ji , ye0man- Aug- 1829 Ainscow Ali^ u/ uWdesley- widow- May 1826 James C ht Ï , Trees' walton-le-Dale, widow. May 1829 l Bury> 1 1 A A Elizabeth £u' n rdA • A - s?™ * - "g- 1826* Georpp H . ' > widow. A Sept. 1828 HetenfiKtS,de' Padiharn> weaver- March 1826 Jame, A Akburn-widow. Nov. 1830 n rton farrner Marc Jane Ru uK - - h 1826 John M uUrn'Widow-Aug. 1829 Mary RS^"' C^bÍnet maker- May 1830 Peter £lvlnSton> widow. Nov. 1826 Peter' Bo,?1^' yeoman- Dec. 1829* Thoma, il0n"le"Moors' 8rocer- A Oct. 1830 Thomas EE?*?' watchmaker. April 1828 WUliTr^ ^anchester-8ent Nov. 1828 AlcockfPH Kry; butcher- March 1828 William rï«t n.rpool» overseer of the poor. Feb. 1826 Aldersöri^ x,B0lt0n' yeornan- Sept. I«28 ' Jane- Newmarket in Manchester, widow. March 1827 2 LANCASHIRE WILLS Aldred, James, Manchester, butcher. A Sept. 1830 Thomas, Urmston, shopkeeper. A Sept. 1829 Alexander, William, Manchester, farmer. A Aug. 1829 Alington, Marmaduke, Lincolns Inn, Middlesex, esq. Oct. 1828 (Former grants 1820 and 1825) Alker, John, Adlington, mercer. A Jan. 1827* Nicholas, Aspull, yeoman. Oct. 1826 Alland, Catharine, Liverpool, spinster. A Aug. 1830* Allcock, Nathan, Chorlton Row, cotton spinner. A June 1829 Allen, George, Livetpool, gent. April 1827 George, Chapefield, Pilkington, weaver. April 1829 James, Hale, innkeeper. A Aug. 1828 James, Trusty Hillock, Radcliffe, weaver. A Dec. 1828 John, Ormskirk, innkeeper. May 1826 Peter, Radcliffe, whitster. Jan. 1828* Sarah, Taunton. A April 1828 Sarah, Potters Row, Radcliffe, widow. A April 1829 Thomas, Parsons Fold, Radcliffe, weaver. A Dec. 1830 William, Warrington, innkeeper. July 1828 (1st grant 1776) Allerton, John, Ormskirk, yeoman. Jan. 1826 <* Allin, John, Aughton, yeoman. Sept. 1827 John, Oldham, wheelwright. A July 1830 Allum, Henry, Denton, Manchester, shopkeeper. May 1829 Almond, James, Liverpool, yeoman. March 1827 (Former grants 1785 and 1815) John, Manchester, brassfounder. June 1829 Ralph, Higher Tonsharp, weaver. May 1828 Aired, Elizabeth, Wigan, widow. June 1827 Alsop, Alice, Latchford Hall, Blakeley, widow. Dec. 1826 Mary Ann, Chapel-en-le-Frith, co. Derby, spinster. Sept. 1828 Altham, Millicent, Dunnyshop, Accrington, widow. A Dec. 1829 Richard, Altham Hall, yeoman. Dec. 1830 Alty, Richard, Lydiate, husbandman. March 1826 Richard, Much Hoole, farmer. Jan. 1830 (2nd grant 1845) Amaright, William, Bedford, weaver. July 1828 Ambler, Bridget, Wigan, widow. Dec. 1829 Mary, Wigan, spinster. A May 1826; 2nd grant Sept. 1829 Ambrose, William, Liverpool, cartowner.,Jan. 1830 Amery, John, Liverpool, mariner. A Jan. 1830* Thomas, Liverpool, mariner. A Jan. 1830 Anderson, Henry, Liverpool, carpenter. Oct. 1826* Horner, Manchester, linen merchant. A Oct. 1829 John, Liverpool, mariner. Aug. 1826 (1st grant 1815) John, Liverpool, mariner. Jan. 1827* Robert, Liverpool, joiner. Nov. 1829 William Jamieson, Liverpool, master mariner. A Nov. 1828 Anderton, Ralph, Hoghton, farmer. Nov. 1830 (1st grant 1824) Robert, Wrightington, yeoman. April 1826 Roger, Mawdesley, farmer. Aug. 1830 Thomas, Billinge, yeoman. Sept. 1830 Andrew, George, Oldham. A Nov. 1828 John, Round Thorn, cotton weaver. A June 1828 John, Oldham, gent. Aug. 1829 John, Foulreaks, co. York, gent. A June 1830 LANCASHIRE WILLS xíeW'John' Broughton, Manchester. July 1830 Maria, Harpurhey, spinster. Oct. Í826 Martha, Clayton. May 1829 Mary, Middleton. Oct. 1827 Samuel, Alt Hill, farmer. A Feb. 1828 Samuel, Knot Lanes, Ashton-under-Lyne, farmer. Dec. 1829 (2nd grant 1855) William Pownall, Eccles, brickmaker. Oct. 1826* Andrews, David, Liverpool, mariner. A Aug. 1829 Joseph, St. Georges Road, Manchester, shopkeeper. Dec. 1826 Angus, Alexander, Liverpool, insurance broker. A Nov. 1828 (1st grant 1810) inkers, Sarah, Liverpool, widow. Sept. 1826 Ansdell, Elizabeth, Liverpool, widow. A Jan. 1828 apurston George, Liverpool, master mariner. A March 1828 Antrobus, Mary, Manchester, spinster. May 1828 Appleton, Henry, Liverpool, schoolmaster. A Oct. 1827* James, Liverpool, hairdresser. May 1829 Mary see Boardman Peter, Ardwick, cotton spinner. June 1826 ^muel, Bury, joiner. May 1826 William, Bury, innkeeper. April 1828 Archet, John, Liverpool, mariner. April 1827* ^Kwright, James, Liverpool, victualler. Jan. 1827* Margaret, Liverpool, widow. July 1826 Armistead, Thomas, Liverpool. Nov. 1830 ermitage, Matthew, Hull, co. York, mariner. A Dec. 1830 Ar il0"8, Mary> Liverpool, widow. May 1829 21 7 ohn' Liverpool, cabinet maker. Feb. 1826 Arr -i6' James' Audenshaw. June 1828 R!' Betsey,Manchester, spinster. A Nov. 1830* petsey, Manchester, spinster. A Nov. 1830* Mary Ann, Manchester, spinster. A Nov. 1830* ^ancy, Manchester, feme covert. July 1829 ^ancy, St. Peters Port, Island of Guernsey, spinster. A Nov. 1830* Arm aS' Manchester, bachelor. A Nov. 1830* rowsrnith, Alice, Astley, widow. A May 1829 ames, Darcey Lever, last of Little Bolton, counterpane manufacturer.
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