ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF MOLDOVA DEPARTMENT OF NATURE AND LIFE SCIENCES INSTITUTE OF ZOOLOGY Actual problems of protection and sustainable use of ThE animal world diversity International Conference of Zoologists dedicated to the 50th anniversary from the foundation of Institute of Zoology of ASM Chisinau – 2011 ACTUAL PRObLEMS OF PROTECTION AND SUSTAINAbLE USE OF ThE ANIMAL wORLD DIVERSITY Content CZU 59/599:502.74 (082) D 53 Dumitru Murariu. READING ABOUT SPECIES CONCEPT IN BIOLOGY.......................................................................10 Dan Munteanu. AChievements Of Romania in ThE field Of nature The materials of International Conference of Zoologists „Actual problems of protection and protection and implementation Of European Union’S rules concerning ThE biodiversity conservation (1990-2010)...............................................................................11 sustainable use of animal world diversity” organized by the Institute of Zoology of the Aca- demy of Sciences of Moldova in celebration of the 50th anniversary of its foundation are a gene- Laszlo Varadi. ThE protection and sustainable use Of Aquatic resources.....................................13 ralization of the latest scientific researches in the country and abroad concerning the diversity of aquatic and terrestrial animal communities, molecular-genetic methods in systematics, phylo- Terrestrial Vertebrates.................................................................................................................................................15 geny, phylogeography and ecology of animals, taxonomy and evolution of animals, structure and dynamics of animal populations from natural and anthropized ecosystems, population func- bogdea Larisa, Munteanu A., Zubcov N., buciuceanu Ludmila, Vasilaşcu Natalia. TERRITORIAL tioning and animal role in ecological equilibrium maintenance, biological control in regulation INTERSPECIfIC RELATIONShIPS Of GENUS SYLVIA AND of pests number, invasive animal species, their ecological and socio-economic impact, protection PHYLLOSCOPUS IN RECREATIONAL BIOTOPES IN MOLDOVA..........................................................................................16 of rare, endangered and vulnerable animal species under conditions of anthropogenic pressing intensification. borodin A.V., M.A. Fominykh Maria P. Tiunov. MORPhOLOGICAL DIffERENTIATION BETwEEN ClETHRIONOMYS RUFOCANUS AND ClETHRIONOMYS REX fROM ThE URALS AND fAR EAST..............................17 The proceedings are destined for zoologists, ecologists, ethologists and for professionals in the Cemirtan Nelli, Nistreanu Victoria, Larion Alina, Savin A. Data on orientation- field of protection and sustainable use of natural patrimony. Exploratory behaviour in Apodemus sylvaticus (Rodentia, Muridae)................................................18 Ciocârlan V., Purcic V., Degteariov C.Biodiversity and number Of game Redactional board ornithOfauna from Straseni wetland sectors in spring season ......................................................20 Toderaş Ion, doctor habilitat of biology, professor, academician (chief redactor) Ungureanu Laurentia, doctor of biology, associate professor Corcimaru N., Nistreanu Victoria, Larion Alina. Fauna Of carnivorous Munteanu Andrei, doctor of biology, professor mammals in ThE ecosystems from lower course Of Nistru river..........................................................21 Derjanschi Valeriu, doctor habilitat of biology, associate professor David Anatolie, doctor habilitat of biology, professor Cozari T., Larisa Polp, Liliana Jalba, Natalia Cîrjă. Sensory Channels and sexual communication messengers Of caudal amphibians - synthetic analysis.....................................23 Zubcov Elena, doctor habilitat of biology, professor Usatîi Marin, doctor habilitat of biology, associate professor Fedosov E., Liudmila Kasianova, Natalia Caraman, Elena Kotenkova. ThE Nistreanu Victoria, doctor of biology, associate professor mechanisms Of ThE maternal Effect on ThE behaviour Of young Erhan Dumitru, doctor habilitat of biology, professor rabbits in ThE prepubertal period................................................................................................................................25 The reviewed materials are approved and recommended for editing by the Scientific Council of Gache Carmen, Johanna walie Müller. BIRDS fAUNA IN ThE PISCU MORII LAKE Institute of Zoology of A.S.M. AREA (VASLUI COUNTY, ROMANIA)..........................................................................................................................................27 Reviewers: Murariu Dumitru, doctor, professor, corresponding member of Romanian Academy – Bucharest Glushtsov A., V. bychcov ThE information system “State Cadastre brezeanu Gheorghe, doctor, professor, Instite of Biology of Romanian Academy – Bucharest Of ThE Animal World Of ThE Republic Of Belarus (Game Animals)” as A Andriescu Ionel, doctor, professor, University„Al. I. Cuza”, Iasi (Romania) tool Of protection and rational use Of biological resources.........................................................29 Ignat Alina Elena, Carmen Gache. ThE IMPORTANCE Of SOME DAM LAKES fOR BIRDS’ BREEDING IN BASINS Of PRUT AND SIRET RIVERS (ROMANIA).........................................................................30 Ion C., I. Ion; C. C. Stoleriu, A. Ursu. ASPECTS CONCERNING ORNIThOfAUNA IN VRANCEA REGION...........................................................................................................................................................................32 Jurminsky S. CONDITION Of wETLAND BIRD fAUNA Of MOLDOVA ON CONVENTIONAL STADES Of ThE LAST DECADES Of ITS DEVELOPMENT..................................................................34 Kozlo P. Ungulates (Artiodactyla) associations in Belarus populations structure and problem Of rational use Their recourses..........................................37 Larion Alina, A. Munteanu, Victoria Nistreanu, N. Corcimaru. Peculiarities Of mound building mouse Mus spicilegus Petenyi 1882 in Republic Of Moldova.....................................................39 ASM, 2011 Mantorov O.G., Vizir Ina A. ThE GREAT CORMORANT (Phalacrocorax carbO) ON NESTING IN LANDSCAPE RESERVE hOLOSNITA (Middle Dniester)...............................................................................................41 3 International Conference of Zoologists ACTUAL PRObLEMS OF PROTECTION AND SUSTAINAbLE USE OF ThE ANIMAL wORLD DIVERSITY Markov G. Population number dynamic Of ThE jackal (Canis aureus Zhigileva Oxana. INTROGRESSSIVE hYBRIDIZATION Of ThE SABLE AND ThE PINE L, 1758) in Bulgaria: past, present and future....................................................................................................42 MARTEN IN wESTERN SIBERIA....................................................................................................................................................75 Mühlböck P., Ch. walder, A. Vorauer. SMALL-MAMMALS IN EAST AND wEST Of Zykov S.V. CRANIAL AND DENTAL MORPhOLOGICAL ChARACTERISTICS IN AUSTRIA (COMPARISON Of TwO STUDIES).........................................................................................................................43 MURIDAE fROM ThE URAL REGION.........................................................................................................................................78 Nistreanu Victoria, burlacu Victoria, Caraman Natalia, burduniuc Olga. Shrew species Invertebrates..........................................................................................................................................................................79 (SoricomorphA, Soricidae) in urban ecosystems Of Chisinau city and its suburbs...............44 Arinton Mihaela. Data concerning ThE diversity Of scarabeoids (INSECTA, COLEOPTERA, Paraschiv Dalia. ASPECTS COMCERNING ThE DIVERSITY Of RODENTS (MAMMALIA: RODENTIA) SCARABAEOIDEA) fROM SLĂNIC MOLDOVA, BACĂU COUNTY..................................................................................80 IN AN ALfALfA CROP (BÂRSĂNEŞTI COMMUNE, BACĂU COUNTY, ROMANIA) (I)..................................................46 baban Elena. Analysis Of coleopteran communities from sessile oak Polyavina Olga V., Yalkovskaya Lidia E. BACKGROUND LEVELS Of ChROMOSOME forest („Plaiul fagului” scientific reserve)...........................................................................................................82 DAMAGE IN wILD RODENTS fROM ThE URAL ....................................................................................................................48 baban Elena, Calestru Livia. Contributions to ThE knowledge Of Postolachi V. CONTROVERSIES ON ThE PRESENCE Of LACERTA VIVIPARA coleopteran fauna (COLEOPTERA: CARABIDAE, rHYSODIDAE, SILPhIDAE, SPECIES jACqUIN, 1787 ON ThE TERRITORY Of REPUBLIC Of MOLDOVA................................................................50 SCARABAEIDAE, cHRYSOMELIDAE, CERAMBYCIDAE) from “PLAIUL fAGULUI” scientific reserve.....................................................................................................................................................................84 Savarin A. ODONTOLOGIC VARIABILITY Of TALPA EUROPAEA IN SOUTh-EASTERN BELARUS...........................51 bacal Svetlana, busmachiu Galina, Maican S., Fiera Cristina. inverTebrates Savarin A. ABOUT MORPhOLOGY Of ThE INTERNAL SURfACE Of ThE SKULL’S ARCh Of ThE EASTERN (Collembola, Coleoptera) from Brassica napus
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