November 19, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E2809 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS CONGRATULATING CAROL STREAM east Managed Heath Care Systems of New HONORING SIG SANCHEZ OF FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT York, Inc.; Trustee of North General Hospital; GILROY, CA ON THE OCCASION CHIEF MICHAEL KANZIA ON HIS Life Member of the NAACP; Member of the OF HIS RETIREMENT RETIREMENT Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity ‘‘Boule,’’ Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, National Association of Guards- HON. MICHAEL M. HONDA HON. PETER J. ROSKAM men, Comus Club Inc., National Organization OF CALIFORNIA OF ILLINOIS of Black Law Enforcement Executives IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES (NOBLE), 100 Black Men, 369th Veteran’s As- Thursday, November 19, 2009 sociation, Shriners and Prince Hall Masons; Thursday, November 19, 2009 Mr. HONDA. Madam Speaker, I rise along In May 2008, the North General Hospital’s Mr. ROSKAM. Madam Speaker, I am with my colleagues Ms. ZOE LOFGREN, Mr. Board of Trustees opened the new Arthur B. JERRY MCNERNEY, and Ms. ANNA ESHOO to pleased to rise today to recognize the long and Patricia Hill VIP Patient Room on the and distinguished service of Carol Stream Fire honor Sig Sanchez, a truly dedicated public Hospital’s sixth floor. Hill is a former board servant of California’s 15th Congressional Dis- Protection District Chief Michael Kanzia on the member and long-time supporter of North occasion of his retirement. On September 30 trict. Sig, a resident of Gilroy, California, will General Hospital and has helped ensure that retire this December, after 55 years of exem- of this year, Chief Kanzia concluded his loyal the people of Harlem continue to have access service to the community he has been faith- plary public service in Santa Clara County. His to excellent healthcare. At 87 years old, Arthur most recent service included 29 years as a Di- fully serving since 1976. B. ‘‘Artie’’ Hill, Sr. remains a tireless advocate On November 19, the Village of Carol rector and five-time Chairman of the Board of for a number of causes in the community. I Stream will gather to celebrate Chief Kanzia’s Directors of the Santa Clara Valley Water Dis- would like to take a moment to have the impressive career, from his time as an on-call trict. Prior to this, Mr. Sanchez served as an House of Representatives recognize and firefighter to his days as Fire Chief. elected member of the Santa Clara County honor Arthur B. ‘‘Artie’’ Hill, Sr. on his lifetime Day in and out Chief Kanzia led the men Board of Supervisors for 18 years, a Gilroy achievement in the community. and women of the Carol Stream Fire Protec- City Councilmember for 14 years, and Mayor tion District as they risked their lives to protect of the City of Gilroy for five years. our communities. His leadership is reflected in f During his busy and productive career, Mr. Sanchez has also been an active member of their bravery and courage. THE CITY OF TEMECULA CELE- Madam Speaker and Distinguished Col- numerous national, state, and local water re- BRATES ITS 20TH ANNIVERSARY source affiliations, including the Agricultural leagues, please join me in celebrating this AS A CITY special occasion and the long years of service Water Advisory Committee, Central Valley and commitment that it represents. Project Authority, Pajaro River Watershed Flood Prevention Authority, San Luis & Delta f HON. DARRELL E. ISSA Mendota Water Authority Board and Finance RECOGNITION OF ARTHUR OF CALIFORNIA Committee, Uvas/Llagas Flood Control and ‘‘ARTIE’’ HILL, SR. ON HIS LIFE- Watershed Advisory Committee, Santa Clara TIME ACHIEVEMENT IN THE IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Valley Water Commission, Santa Clara Valley COMMUNITY Thursday, November 19, 2009 Water District Board Ad Hoc Audit Committee, and the South County Regional Wastewater HON. GREGORY W. MEEKS Mr. ISSA. Madam Speaker, I rise today to Authority. Even while dedicating so much of his time OF NEW YORK congratulate the City of Temecula, on the to water issues, Sig did not lose focus on the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES celebration of its 20th Anniversary as a City on December 1, 2009. big picture, helping to strengthen the local Thursday, November 19, 2009 community through his efforts with HOPE Re- Since its founding, the City of Temecula has habilitation, Wheeler Hospital Foundation Mr. MEEKS of New York. Madam Speaker, quadrupled in population and continues to pro- Board, South Valley Hospital, Health Dimen- I would like to take a moment to recognize vide improvements and amenities to its citi- sions Inc., Odd-Fellows and Rebekah Chil- and honor Arthur B. ‘‘Artie’’ Hill, Sr. on his life- zens to ensure a high quality of life. Temecula time achievement in the community. Arthur B. dren’s Home, and the Gilroy Elks Club. has also prioritized the protection of its citi- In 1991, Mr. Sanchez was inducted into the ‘‘Artie’’ Hill, Sr. was born in New York City on zens, instigating both regional and federal April 2, 1922. ‘‘Artie’’ Hill, Sr. graduated from Gilroy Hall of Fame and was honored and rec- projects like the Murrieta Creek Flood Control ognized with a 10-mile portion of state High- John Jay College in 1966 and received his Project. Furthermore, the city has partnered MPA degree from City University of New York way Route 101 named for him. His work as a regionally to create jobs through economic de- farmer and businessman, along with his years in 1973. velopment, road improvements, and funding to On September 16, 1946, Arthur B. ‘‘Artie’’ as public servant to the water community as a enhance the community’s ability to serve its leader during very tumultuous times, has won Hill began his career in law enforcement as a citizens. patrolman, retiring after 27 years of service as him the hearts and good will of all who know assistant chief, commanding officer of the As one of California’s pioneering commu- him. Special Operations Division. Arthur B. ‘‘Artie’’ nities, the City of Temecula diligently works to Our community is grateful to Sig Sanchez Hill, Sr. began a career of over 17 years at preserve its rich historical culture, providing a for his dedication to public service and con- UPS on January 15, 1973 where he held sev- wealth of cultural opportunities to its citizens tributions to the residents of Santa Clara eral management positions throughout the through establishments like the Temecula County, and we wish him well in retirement. company, eventually retiring on September 30, Theater, History Museum, and Children’s Mu- f seum. The city also values its strong relation- 1990 as Vice President of Public Affairs. PERSONAL EXPLANATION Arthur B. ‘‘Artie’’ Hill served as an alternate ship with the Pechanga Band of Luiseno Indi- delegate to Democratic National Convention ans. HON. JIM GERLACH from New York in 1980 and 1984. Arthur B. On the occasion of its 20th Anniversary as OF PENNSYLVANIA ‘‘Artie’’ Hill is a distinguished member and affil- a City, I encourage the citizens of Temecula to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES iate of numerous organizations, including his reflect on both the present and historical sig- service as Director of the New York City Mu- nificance of their community and how it makes Thursday, November 19, 2009 nicipal Water Finance Authority, the Apollo the City of Temecula one of America’s most Mr. GERLACH. Madam Speaker, unfortu- Theater Foundation and AmeriChoice North- livable cities. nately, on Wednesday, November 18, 2009, I ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Nov 24 2008 05:50 Nov 20, 2009 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K19NO8.001 E19NOPT1 smartinez on DSKB9S0YB1PROD with REMARKS E2810 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 19, 2009 missed six recorded votes on the House floor. some of the things it has achieved since that That is why the mission of the Congres- Had I been present, I would have voted ‘‘nay’’ time. Through his hard work and dedication, sional Diabetes Caucus is to educate Mem- on rollcall 896, ‘‘nay’’ on rollcall 897, ‘‘nay’’ on not only as the Chief Administrative Officer bers of Congress and their staff about diabe- rollcall 898, ‘‘yea’’ on rollcall 899, ‘‘yea’’ on since 2004, but also as a member of the tes. It is also our mission to support legislation rollcall 900, and ‘‘yea’’ rollcall 901. Ripon Board of Directors dating back to 2001, and other efforts to improve diabetes re- f George has helped turn that dream into a re- search, education, and treatment. ality. The legislative priorities of the Congres- CONGRATULATING JOHN ‘‘HUT’’ In the process, he has not only made a dif- sional Diabetes Caucus support the goals and HUTSON, WILLIAM C. JENKINS, ference in the life of the Ripon Society, he has ideals of National Diabetes Month. For exam- DAVID F. LUCIER, PETER MAR- also added another impressive chapter to his ple, H.R. 1995, The Eliminating Disparities in TINEZ, PAT CHORPENNING, JOAN own rich and full life. It is a life that has taken Diabetes Prevention, Access and Care Act, is E. SISCO AND CARL G. SCHNEI- George from the streets of his birthplace in the designed to promote research, treatment, and DER—INDUCTEES TO THE ARI- Bronx to the hills of his ancestral home in education regarding diabetes in minority popu- ZONA VETERANS HALL OF FAME Scotland, from the jungles of his tour of duty lations. This specific focus will help us address in Vietnam to the meadows of his current the unique challenges faced by minority popu- HON.
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