Volume XXXV No. 6 June 1980 INFORMATION ISSUED BY THE josooAim OF jEvm Rtsmem m aEAT rnr/M C. C. Aronsfeld practising the big lie (as is commoiUy assumed). On the contrary, he blames those he hates, thc Jews, Marxists and the rest—they, he writes, "aci upon the very true principle that fhe bigger the he THE BIG LIE the more likely is it to be believed", and this great Attempts to re-write History "truth" about the big lie has so powerful a grip on the mind of the writer-agitator that he dwells Nearly 20 years ago the British Nazi Colin statement, a letter of September 16, 1919, he on if at remarkable length and with an intensity •lordan proclaimed from the plinth of Nelson's explains that his type of antisemitism was not fhat must attract the psychologist's attention. He column that "Hitler was right". Now a motley going to exhaust itself in pogroms but would make gets more than usually excited as he explains why Crowd of "revisionist historians" has met to con­ an end of the Jews "root and branch", and each that "truth" about the big lie is so very great— tinue this pioneering effort by presenting a record of his subsequent references to the Jews merely because, he says *s "seen through Hitler's eyes", distorting notori­ confirmed the ceaseless, concentrated, frenzied the great masses of the people in their heart of ous facts and denying such crimes as the exter- hate that could only end in murder. Extermina­ hearts tend to be corrupted rather than con­ •iiination of European Jewry. Hitler, we are told, tion (Ausrottung), physical, literal, complete anni­ sciously evil, and therefore, in view of the primi­ never wanted a war, he was a veritable "prince hilation, was always the method he proposed to tive simplicity of their minds, they more easily of peace", he would have been perfectly happy to apply to any object of his detestation (pp. 185-187, lie in little things but would be ashamed of lies get his lawless will without a war—after all, it was 372), and the most detested of course were the that were too big. In fact, such a falsehood will Britain and France who declared it. True he had Jews whom in turn he accused of wishing to exter­ never enter their heads, and they will not be 'P invade Russia but that was "preventative war" minate others (pp, 358, 703, 743, 750), just as he able to believe that others might be capable of such monstrous effrontery and infamously dis­ '1 which we should have supported him, and fhe accused them of hankering after world domina­ torting misrepresentation; yes, even when en­ British in particular ought to be eternally grateful tion; he revealed precisely himself when he wrote: lightened, they will long doubt and waver, and for having been allowed to escape from Dunkirk, "This goal they are looking forward to with continue to assume at least some sort of reason. '^s for the Jews, they were encouraged to emigrate, feverish eyes as it seems so near they think they Therefore, something of even the most insolent Certainly Hitler (who had preached the crimes and can almost touch it" (p, 343). lie will always stick—a fact which all the great gloated over them) had been blissfully ignorant Here then is at once basic truth and basic lie- lie-virtuosi and lying clubs in this world know of what was "done behind his back", and gas truth about Hitler and lie about the Jews. But the only too well and make the most treacherous chambers merely existed for the purpose of exter- truth seems so utterly incredible, even in Hitler's use of. •^linating vermin (which, incidentally, was what the own mind, that much of it must at first be pro­ Jews were considered to be). jected on to fhe Jews and lafer shrouded in such Addition to Untruth In canvassing these and other lies the "revi­ terms of calculated confusion as "special treat­ Clearly fhe man protests too much. Some of his sionist historians" are practising the sort of propa­ ment" and "final solution of the Jewish question". bumper lies will demonstrate his standing among ganda which was a favourite with Hitler—the big This is as it were the hidden meanuig of Mein the "great virtuosi". In 1930, three years after lie which was a constant companion of his crimes Kampf's most frequently quoted passage on the finishing Mein Kampf, he told the American jour­ even while the truth was not concealed. This strik- Big Lie (p. 252), as it is certainly fhe most charac­ nalist Karl von Wiegandt: "I am not in favour of 'ng and seemingly self-contradictory fact does not teristic of the author. the rights of the Jews in Germany being curbed *Ppear to have often been noticed and so if He does not (of course) claim fo be himself but I insist that we others who are not Jews shall •Reserves perhaps some attention. have no lesser rights". In the same year, after his Hitler laid down his aims in his book Mein spectacular success in the elections of September ^ampf which he expressly declared (p. 513) to be The Association of Jewish Refugees in 14, he assured the London Times that he had inalterable, and he rehashed them so often that Great Britain "nothing against decent Jews but if Jews asso­ 3t fhe peak of his fortunes, in 1941, he had every ciated themselves with Bolshevism as many unfor­ •"cason to jeer at "those gentlemen in that other reminds members and friends that it will hold its tunately did, they must be regarded as enemies". World" who "ought to have read what I have Not a doubt was cast on these brazen assertions. Written not once but a thousand times. No one GENERAL MEETING As soon as he was in power his constitutional "^ ever set down what he wanted more often on Tuesday, July 1, at 7.45 p.m. addiction fo untruth became irrepressibly apparent 'han myself and I kept on demanding: away with at Hannah Karminski House, when he announced, gratuitously (as no one sug­ Versailles". Now this is true and yet, charac­ 9 Adamson Road, Swiss Cottage, N.W.3 gested it): "We won't swindle and we won't lie", teristically, untrue, for his aim was not the rela­ (Side Entrance) and the flrst act of open aggression, the anti- tively modest one of doing away with the peace Jewish boycott, was dressed up as a "defence" ^Wlement of Versailles: that had largely been against "Jewish atrocity stories"—as if atrocities, <^one before he came to power, and in Mein Kampf Report on AJR Activities especially boycotts, had not been preached and he actually insists (p. 738) that the restoration of Treasurer's Report practised by the Nazi party for years. Few of the the old imperial Germany was definitely not what Discussion lies were surpassed by Hitler's "solemn declara­ he had in mind. He wanted something very differ­ Election of Executive and Board tion" in 1936 when a Jew had killed the Nazi ent—nothing less than world domination, "We Gauleiter of Switzerland, that "not one murdered •hust imperatively demand the right to overstep The list of candidates submitted by the Executive opponent lies in our path, not one attempt at houndaries that have been drawn by a political is published on page 10 H j^l assassination, we never fought with these development which we repudiate" (p, 648). He weapons". This was said less than two years after 'oresaw a time when "the one superior race, n the Roehm massacres, after the Nazi assassination polled from on high, the Herrenvolk, will have at RABBI HUGO GRYN of Dollfuss, the Austrian Chancellor, and after the 'ts disposal the means and resources of the whole Senior Rabbi of fhe Wesf London Synagogue string of murder, incitement to murder and glori­ Rlobe" (p. 422), because, so he sums up the book, will speak on fication of murder that stretched back to Nazi­ . a State which . dedicates itself to the cherish- "RELIGIOUS COMMUMTIES IN dom's origins in the Munich of the 1920s. It was "ig of its best racial elements, must one day be DIALOGUE— certainly an "astonishing claim" as the Daily Tele­ "faster of the world" (p, 782). Opportunities and Frustrations" graph reporter then remarked on what the Jewish His second aim was the extermination of the Chronicle called a "colossal lie"—the lie that in 'ews which he had made clear even before the Non-memhers are not entitled to vote itself is murder. Wnting of Mein Kampf. In his very first political but are welcome as guests at the meetrng Contimted at column I, page 2 Psge 2 AJR INFORMATION June 1980 Contd. from page 1 TO ALL OUR READERS It is impossible for us, much though we regret it, ATTEMPTS TO RE-WRITE HISTORY to ensure that AJR Information reaches our Hitler said he had "vastly profited" from a study In the face of liars of such calibre, there is point readers at the same time every month. The time of anti-German war-time propaganda and he in Hitler's question about "Marxism" but really of delivery entirely depends on various factors, greatly admired the skill of those "true geniuses" applying to Nazism: "Considering the diaboUcal over which we have no control such as the whose "unconditional, insolent, cussed obstinacy" skill of these seducers, who could condemn the industrial situation in the printing trade and in wretched victims? .
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