L E IC H T PRESS «NONA MINNESOTA LINDEN, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, JULY 22, 1927 PRICE THREE CENTS BILL BOOSTER SAYS: -------- ------- —-— "■ wm L in d en Boy Adrift In Bay On PUBLIC SERVICE Ecause cur. tcwiu is mot DEMOCRAT RULES Hemingway, Who S t e p p e d BUIS TWO EDGAR © THE LARS-EST Ikl -THE T in ; Tube Gains Wide Publicity eouwrKv is woTums to its GOVERNING BODY R(AD LINE BUSES discredit; or auv reasou City Improvement?, Is Silent BUT MODEST LEO BROZOZOWSKl why we should be less proud FOR ONE SESSION THINKS l i t t l e o f f e a t t h a t Acquisitii of Buses Nos. 68 and 88 op it Q uality is ijever RADIO PROGRAM N. N E w S PA PERMAN TRIED Marksnroad On County’s Only MEASURED BY SIZE, ELSE A Caggiano’s Defense of Statements PRICE STREET MAN SAYS OF­ and Controversy Over Park hard t o g e t h im t o t a l k idependent Route. , PIECE o f ICE WOULD be CHILD IN ROAD FICIALS KNOW THEY MADE THE about. Park Sewer Feature. IDEA SUPPORTED WORTH MORE THAU A MISTAKE THAT LED HIM TO Yesteriy the Public Service HIT BY ’CYCLE TIE UP WORK ON THIRTEEN Leo Brzo/.ovvski, who startled the ’ Chamber and Business Men Inclined Transposition Company' took con­ 1 lie unusual happened Monday STREETS. To Favor Booster Plan. light. A Democrat— Councilman metropolitan area Sunday with his! trol of Res 09 and 8c of the Edgar Three-Year Old Runs Into Machine unusual display of fortitude in mat-! road rog. The transaction was a -Jan Schulhafer— presided over the of Patrolamn Orze at 9 P. M. Maintaining a silence that is as meeting of City Council, and Nieho- baffling as the legal action he has ing a live tour voyage in lower New Advertising the city through the culminai» to repeated overture- medium ot the radio is being consid­ made tolie owners of the only in- ,as Doktor’ just back from his Cana- Another accident caused by a child taken against the city, Charles A. York Bay on an inflated inner tube, Me ni ill g wav. of West Price street, ered by a group of business men and dependej line in Union County. ia tour, jovially remarked, “ See I being in the road unaccompanied was does not like the notoriety achieved. the Chamber of Commerce . The bps were owned bv William old the you the Democrats would declines at this tin i1 to discuss for recorded last night when Frank Za- publication his reason for securing To ■ ight year old Leo, who had \n olfer to use the broadcasting O’Brien d Patrick Kenah, of Eliza­ >e running things around here.” berska, 3, of West 18th street, got ¡1 court order to have the city show brat trying to rest and sleep at the facilities tor a Linden Hour twice a beth. 1- four remaining vehicles are cony lied by John Carney, of Encouraged by his apparent suc- in the wav of the motorcycle of Pa­ cause why the contemplated im­ Richmond Memorial Hospital, t week for a period of three months a fo''eeaster, the leader of the trolman Jack Orze, provement of thirteen streets should seemed as f the big city newspaper was made by a representative of ElizahetFelice Beviano, Frank Vil- lani, anfohn Ma bar, of this city. mtv Democratic Club, ventured to Orze picked the child up and, to­ not be set a.sid •. men were making much out of a Station WGCP. Attorney James B. Bus Ipector Champion and As- predict councilmanic victories for his gether with Win. Kimball, of West I In only explanation he had for trifle. At all hours, he says, even Furber, president of the Berlant Co , sitant JiSitarski. in their efforts to oarty at the general election. lath street, rushed him to St. Eliza- "ie nress was that “They (city of­ up to 2 a. in., reporters and photo­ freeholder N. M. Palermo and John Doktor said Schulhafer»* tempor­ beths Hospital. The inpuries con­ ficials) know why” lie applied for graphers besieged him. And non Fedor, realtors, were favorably im­ better tlserviee locally, have struck a snag ¡dealing vvih the P. S„ who ary occupancy of the honored seat sisted i>f contusions to the forehead tlie writ. “They’ve made the mis­ that the novelty has worn off he is! pressed. Wednesday night the dir­ accordii to reports want to oper­ and left shoulder, also abrasions to take and they know it”, he declar­ ectors ot the Chamber of Com mere narked an innovation in that is was ed. glad. ate t heigh way buses on a twenty the left leg and knee and a cut on hd tlie plan explained in an infrom- 'he first time in the history of Lin­ Union Be ich. to where the Brzozow- 1,1 in tie led ule during most oT the the chin. The tot remained at the J W hen asked if he was acting for a al way and expressed themselves as en that a Democrat has ever filled ski family had motored to spent day inst! of the prevailing 15 min­ hospital ovr night. The accident oc- : group or an organization he had agreeable to join in. t- And Dan made so good a job Sunday afternoon, was Leo’s starting ute heifay. The reason given for curred sortiy before nine o’clock. nothing to say other than “ they’ll ’ it that his colleagues will likely point. He wes having a gay time ! The Chamber directors discussed reduemhe number of buses is that know soon enough”. He was non­ -;elect him as its presiding officer floating armnd on the inflated tube routine business and did not talk it is nssarv to take one off each committal when asked if tie owns City Manager, as was predicted. of an automobile tire until the re­ day fojnspection. Champion and OWE GRATITUDE Then ever President Winans and property on any of the streets affect­ ---------® - ceding tid 1 carried him so far ort Sitarskire fighting to retain the councilman Archipley are absent si- NURSE ASSIGNED ed by the proposed improvement that his cries for help were not and- j present hedule. Aiultaneously. “ Are you a taxpayer?”, he was TO COMMUNITY asked. He replied “Maybe”. ible.to his parents. He tried to re­ McGILLVRAY ZONE ,'?nd Jom Arehiplev were FOR NEW CENTER turn to shore, hut the swiftness of j MUCLOCAL INTEREST (Continued on last page) A taxpayer, though not directly Backbone of Service Found in Sup affected by an improvement, can the tide made it impossible He N SPARRING CONTEST District Supervisor and Former Jer­ port Merchants Give. JOHNN Y MOLSON ADDS seek an injunction in a case of this could only go in one direction, so ie BOARD CHAIRMAN sey City Worker Coming. resolver I to get a lirnr grip on t re Linn was as mich agog over TITLE TO HIS NAME sort because he is indirectly affected | What do you owe your home town? in the expenditure of city funds. tube nd wait patiently until some Appeal of Radio Electric Clock Corp the ivy weight championship Whatever the bill is, none will be Miss Loretta Lyons, R. N., a dis- Inasmuch as ’tlie ordinances were one Lund him. Although he fail 'd hoxirmatch at New Y'ork last Introducing Attorney John J nct supervisor of child hygiene work Is First to Be Heard. i presented to you for payment. The .Molson, Jr. adopted without a word of protest to attract attention several times, he! night any othei town, for sev­ | debt is an intangible one, no matter o- the State Department of Health, Ibis week’s mail brought John will he in charge of the Linden Health by the people at public hearings, hud the greatest confidence that Be , Holding their first meeting Tues­ eral vs. the a fair being the how large it is. If you do not realize would either he picked up or e sc chief [he along Vood avenue. the size of it, nobody will try to toil oflicial notification ot his success -enter, Abraham Weinberg, presi- i iti officials are at a loss to explain day night the recently appointed lent of the Board of Health, an-, tlie motive for opposition now reach the opopsite shore. Opons were taried, among you. You know what the town has in the recent bar exams and also Board of Adjustment on zoning af­ done for you, and you know better oounced yesterday. Miss Lvons wa The reason cannot be laid to the Jl For live hours he drifted, iiis head tlioseiv oring Mt Sharkey be­ that m the middle of the coming than anybody else what you ought ormerly in’ charge of work in Jer recent asphalt-cement controversy, Bbing up and down in the waves fairs elected former Mayor George ing Cirlie Drake,J-;ric Murray, month he is to be sworn in. And €*\ Citv and conies here highly rec- ; to do for the town. then up goes the shingle. it is claim d, because City Council fed the water splashing over iris McGiilvray as its chairman. Tom illivan, Fredie Lombardi Two questions *Vnay serve to bring tmmended to carry on the special ’ Ice- At a point half way between The board will prepare its own Gy .Sth, Sam Briiste.in, the issue home to you: Sportman, entertainer and all- c-hnic work. lias arranged for alternate bids, al­ though there are those who see some Winces- Bay.
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