■ pouncs/3 Lorenz: a Qualified | | Turds & Tulips Third Party Success 1 to Democracy 1 T* That'S All Folks SPORTS/12 Arsonists Supes Victor Unknown Suspected Race Too Close to Call In Recent Pivotal Absentee Ballots Still Being Counted tion cards. “You’re looking at a By Connie Stevens good five minutes per envelope.” Reporter__________ Brush Fires With Wallace leading by only 197 votes, Chamberlin said he is By Brett Chapman Candidates for Santa Barbara hopefol the election will go his Reporter______ ___________ County 3rd District supervisor way. “I still feel very optimistic remain suspended in limbo to­ that I may well be elected as supervisor,” Chamberlin said. Santa Barbara County Fire day as elections officials count absentee ballots that could de­ “The absentee vote could very Dept, officials announced early cide the outcome of the heated well put me over.” Tuesday that the blaze that came race. Chamberlin added that he close to charring university picked up 344 votes late Tuesday buildings on Monday was the re­ The county elections office sult of arson. called it a day Wednesday, after night, while Wallace garnered The fire, which started at counting over a third of the only 167. Bishop Ranch in Goleta and was 11,000 absentee ballots received In Isla Vista, Wallace swept spread by warm winds south of by voters throughout the county. Chamberlin with 77% of the the 101 freeway to Mesa Road, Although incumbent Bill Wed- vote. Chamberlin said he is satis­ was set by human hands. lace leads challenger Willy fied with his support from the “County Fire has determined Chamberlin in early results, the college town. “I believe I did very [the original fire] was an incen­ outcome of the contest will not well in I.V. I would have liked to diary fire ... a roadside set,” said be official until all 3rd District have done better but I was Santa Barbara County Fire Cap­ absentee ballots are tallied, ac­ pleased and thought I was re­ tain Charles Johnson. cording to County Elections As­ ceived well,” he said. Johnson cojuld not release sistant Stephanie Hull. Ed Maschke, a Wallace cam­ specific details regarding how The race is still very tight, with paign staffer, acknowledged the Wallace earning 15,999 votes nearby campus community as a the fire started pending further and Chamberlin close behind investigation, except to confirm base of the incumbent’s support. with 15,625. Hull said the absen­ “The student community of that it was an arson fire. tee votes could change the direc­ Damage to campus on Tues­ UCSB and Isla Vista was re­ day was limited with the aid of tion of the race. sponsible for us being ahead,” he several employees from UCSB’s ' “It could make a considerable said. “I’m cautiously optimistic difference one way or the other,” that a majority of those absentee Facilities Management. They she said. “It depends on how played a key role in saving the ballots or close to half of them Central Stores Mail and Receiv­ many absentee ballots are within will be for Bill.” the 3rd District and how people The I.V. community will ben­ ing Building off Mesa Road. actually voted.” efit if Wallace wins because ‘They did contribute to the Final results could be avail­ Chamberlin may be a threat to containment of the fire,” John­ able by tomorrow, Hull said. I.V.’s environment, said Jennifer son said. “We clearly didn’t have “Our goal is Friday at about 4 Holweger of Students for Wal­ enough manpower out there.” [p.m.l, but it depends on how lace. Echoing a common student Maintenance and operations long it takes,” she said. Ballot concern, Holweger said Cham- Superintendent Jay Sullivan signatures must be matched to took Richard Luera, Gil Alonzo, See RACE, p.9 Felix Contraras and Curtis the signatures on voter registra- Baker to the site of the fire with backhoes to clear brush and ex­ tend the fire break protecting the building as flames threatened university structures. Final Precinct Count Shows “We worked under the direc­ AN DREY KUZYJQDtily Nona tion of Wes Herman, captain of the C shift,” Sullivan said. “We PJ on the Boards I.V. Voter Turnout Increase cut a line, cut down the brush Despite early tallies that re­ for apathy, Williams said turn­ about a hundred feet from the Senior Paul Johnson and the UCSB men 's basketball team flected a low turnout in the fam­ out in I.V. precincts at its lowest building.” began practice last Sunday. The Gauchos open the season ily oriented portion of Isla Vista, was 60.8%. at home on December 4. new information reveals that See FIRE, p.8 voters living on the 6800 blocks “There was a major effort for came out to the polls in full force I. V. turnout. I think I.V. had a on Tuesday. strong showing,” said IVRPD When all 110 precincts in Director Lisa Rothstein, adding Santa Barbara County’s 3rd Dis­ that students should turn up in San Diego State Faculty Fighting Layoffs trict reported final results, per­ higher numbers. “Frankly, it Outraged, the SDSU faculty took its case to the manent residents at the west end could be higher. It’s never By Ivy Weston enough until it’s 100%.” Staff Writer California Faculty Assn., a subsidiary of the Na­ of I.V, the so-called “R-l dis­ tional Education Assn, and the bargaining agent trict” precincts, registered a dis­ Although state and national between the CSU and its faculty. mal turnout of less than 20%. elections were decided on Tues­ All of California’s public universities have had The terms of the SDSU faculty contract, nego­ However, SB Elections Division day, 7,000 more absentee ballots to trim programs, services and staff during the tiated by the CFA, were violated when layoff no­ worker Lyle Williams reported in the county have to be counted past fewyears of state funding cuts, but San Diego tices were received without prior notification, ac­ that the R-l actually had a before a winner in the race for State University faculty recently refused to take cording to Gail Holmes, director of CFA field 72.7% turnout on Tuesday, with 3rd District supervisor can be their president’s budget plan lying down. operations. 533 casting votes. confirmed. Election officials re­ In May 1992, SDSU academic deans informed The CFA organized a meeting in August at­ Voter turnout in I.V. and ported on Tuesday that more faculty that 145 tenure-track teachers were to be tended by 800 SDSU faculty that resulted in a vote UCSB was up this year, at than 8,000 absentee ballots laid off and that nine academic departments of no confidence in SDSU’s president, Thomas B. 70.6%, Williams said. Reports needed to be tallied, but Wil­ would be eliminated. Day, and a call for his resignation. The CFA and on Tuesday had put the figure at liams said Wednesday that Until that time, only non-tenure-track instruc­ others present at the meeting took their case to 64.4%. II, 000 had been received on tors in the California State University system had the head of the CSU, Chancellor Barry Munoz. During the 1988 presidential Election Day and would be been laid off. Tenure-track professors — unlike Munoz forced Day to retain the 145 tenure-track race, which drew more student counted sometime this week. lecturers, visiting professors, etc. — cannot be instructors slated to be cut and not to touch the attention than subsequent local fired without reason, but they can be laid off nine departments. races, an estimated 69% of regis­ It is impossible to tell how Tenure-track instructors start on a five-year prog­ "There will be no tenure-track faculty layoffs tered I.V. residents showed up at much impact absentee ballots ram, during which they are evaluated by their the polls. will have on the 3rd District peers annually in order to receive job security. See SDSU, p.8 Although student? have count, Williams said. earned a reputation in the past —Lisa Nicolaysen -T* . 2 Thursday, November 5,1992 HEADLINERS Daily Nexus Clinton Planning Future, Congress Promises Cooperation WASHINGTON (AP) —President-elect Bill Clin­ ited States in pursuit of our shared goals,” he said. ton pledged Wednesday to “spare no effort to restore The newly elected members of the Democratic- jobs, growth and incomes” as he contemplated the first §| i | l “J think there will be a very posi- controlled Congress looked ahead to their terms in of­ Democratic administration in a dozen years. The M tive and cooperative spirit and fice, including 22 additional women in the House, 16 parly’s top leaders in Congress offered cooperation and additional Blacks and six additional Hispanic a fast start in setting the economy right. attitude.” legislators. President Bush flew home to a hero’s welcome at the ÌIJU1 Senate Majority Leader George Four new Democratic women were elected to the Se­ White House and said he would “cooperate fully” with WSwm Mitchell nate, including two from California. One of them, the man who defeated him. “If s been a wonderful four Dianne Feinstein, said voters want to see “steady prog­ years and nobody can take that away from us,” the pres­ ress being made, that the gridlock is gone” in ident told supporters. a i ____________________ i Washington. On the morning after his victory, Clinton took a brief To the voters, Ee said he would “get up every morn­ “I think there will be a veiy positive and cooperative hand-in-hand stroll with his wife, Hillary.
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