mm m ■ '" J .' • .. m TUESDAY, JANUARY 16. 1951 jliaturlrPBtrr Eopnittg If^rald Lend a Hand to Polio Victims—Join the^March of Himes ... lira. B. B. Hunan cd^ IdO Henry 8t Mary'a Guild will meat atraet wlU grant the uae o f her Thursday at 18:30, and members Record Blood Mancheater State Officers X borne for the monthly meeUng of wlU bring sandwiches as usual. EXPERT WATOH REPAIRMB Average Didly Net Press Run Tea, coffee and dessert will be The WatOrar the Woman’s Republican Club to­ For the Week Ending morrow afternoon at . 8:S0. The served by the following hoateases, Total Given Date Book To Be Guests SPECIALIZING IN CHRONOGRAPHS PorecaM of 0. a. Weather 1 gtieet speaker will be Judge of Mrs. Ludwig Hansen, Mrs. Edward AND TECHNICAL WATCHES Jaanary It, 1081 pirobate John J. Wallott. and the Dauchy and Mrs. William Brennan. ALL WORK DONE ON PREMISES jTeday laewieslag_____ Tomorrow BY EXPERT WATCHMAKERS hfgbect temperetaie aear 40| Roatn! ctftponUon, held Sunday, chairman o f the hoiteaa commit­ A cordial invitation Is extended to Lecture on Merit Systems tor 1 0 ^ 0 3 women of the church to attend or Collection of 145 Pints Delta Chapter to Be Host alght oloodjr aad wariaer U tb e f^ w ln c offlcera w*»re tee. Mrs. William Brennan. The Municipal Personnel by Charles F. PRICES — REASONABLE president, ■ Mrsj John Pickles, urg­ to join the Guild. Received ' Yesterday; Yard, at Center church,. imdcr To Grand Chapter To* Member of tke Aodlt lest alght: lowest eboot tS( Tin for the CQinlns year; present, FREE ESTLMATES lUoy Bayleas; vice preeldent, Cuaty es the members to attend this first auspices of League o f Woman Bnieao of Clicnlattoan Manchester^A City of Village Charm day elondy aad mild. Abnltu; flnandal eecretary, meeting of the year. Tony Bayless, chairman o f the Donors Are ■ Praised Voters, 8 p. m. morrow Evening testimonial banquet dance spon­ Saturday, January 20 ' R o l^ Cotdner; treaeurer, Emeet sored 'by the Young Democratic DEWEY-RICHMAN MarW. and recording aecretary, Gibbons Assembly, Catholic L a­ A total of 145 pints o f blood Annual entertainment and Delta Chapter No. 51, Royal club o f Manchester, reports that JEWELERS — EST. 1906 VOL. LXX, NO. 90 (ClaaoUled Advertlalag ra Pago Id) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 17, 1951 Jack Frouty. Preeldent Tony Bay- dies of Columbus, will meet this were collected for a record during dance of Manchester Band, Arch Masons, w ill be hosts tomor­ (EIGHTEEN PAGES) PRICE nvE CBIfni evening at eight o'clock In the K. at the first meeting of the com- 767 MAIN STREET leae*'appointed George Binok ae the visit of the Blood-mobile Unit at Rainbow ballroom. row evening to ■ visiting officers tbop ateward for the coming year. of C. Home. A fter the business mlttea held recently at the home to Manchester yesterday. John D. Sunday, January 2t meeUng Miss Mary Fraher will of President William Vlrns, plans LaBelle, chairman o f the Man­ Annual meeting ahd election of from the Grand Chapter, of Con­ for the banquet were completed. necticut. Attempt to “Fix” Cage The annual meeting of the Con- give an Illustrated talk on Europe, chester Blood program, praised officers of Red Men's Social club Berle Versus Rach Puts Tickets are now available from This will be the qccasion of the Explosion Rips e o i& Lutheran church will be which she visited In 1949. Mrs. the fine turn-out of .Manchester at Zipser club, Bralnard place, Tilt Leads to Two Arrests Chinese Communists Reject Lohengrin Into Reverse Jo.seph Reale, Ann Mahoney, Tina official visitation ' .by Ex. Comp. held tomorrow evening at eight Chester Morgan heads the hostess donors which resulted In the larg­ J:30 p. m. U. N. Raider Teams committee. DePumpo, Mrs. Viens and Olga est number of pints, so far collect­ Sunday, January 28 to February 4 Charles J. Fairhurst, who is New York. Jan. 17.— UP)—An oV«ork. Renort* for the paat year Plane to Bits Los Angeles, Jsn. 17.-^(,0- wUl be aubmlttcd and plane will .lohn.snn. ed here in one day. Observance of Youth Week, Grand Master o f the First Veil of attempt to "fix” last night’s Her husband would rather The Ladles Aid Society of the TEDFORD' z. til- ' r? for 1951. and new officers This number Is also one of the sponsored by United Christian the Grand Chapter, and Ex. Comp. De PauI-ManhaUan College Five Point U. N. Peace Bid; watch television than hear her Lutheran Women’s Missionary Friends In town have received highest to be attained anywhere Youth Movement. Wolcott S. Bisscll, Grand Cus­ basketball game disclosed to­ play the piano, Mrs. Kay Scott elected. League, win meet tomorrow eve­ As -Ten Perish Hold 3 Outposts; t news from Rev. James Stuart in the slate. It was collected dur­ Tuesday, February IS todian.. They will make their an­ Phone day a gambling scandal and 9 9 Nemey, 23. told the judge. She The Mancheater Choral Society ning at 7:30 at Zion Lutheran Neill and Mrs. Neill, to the effect ing a five-hour visit Instead of the Lecture by Dr. Roger Shaw on nual inspection o f the work, rec­ led t othc arrest of two former church. The teachers of the Label Proposals *Jmpossihle. got the divorce. win hold lU regular rehearsal thla that they have a new granddaugh­ u.sual six-hour stay so that the "Turbulent South America.” spon- ords, and property of the Chap­ Manhattan players aemsed of Mrs. Nerney, who described church school will meet tonight at ter. 8537 evening at 7:30 at the Second Con­ ter, born January 12 to Mr. and members of the Blood-mobile unit flored by Y. W. C. A. at ” Y.” 1:15 Airliner Oasliea on "throwing " games last year. herself as sn. actress, said hus­ the same hour. gregational church. Mrs. James S. Neill, Jr., who has and the local volunteer workers p.m. The meeting will open as usual Tokyo, Thiirsdny. Jan. 18 "r. "advantage should be taken of It I ’oiiimunist China since the Red band John. 34, often worked Defy 120,000 Reds StRVING MANCHESTER BOLTON, ANDOVER. COLUMBIA Farm in Norlliwesl The honesty of Manhattlin’s been named Mary Beth. They have were kept busy cbnstantly from Saturday, February 17 at 7:30 p. m„ and the officers will Negro renter, Julius Kellogg? Peiping Radio saiil today tlio lo pursue vonstderation of fur- mas.sc8 surged Into North Korea from 7 a. m. to 10 p. in., In­ another small daughter, Ann Caro­ exemplify the Royal Arch degree. twelve Jintll the last appointment Annual Ladies' Night at After Take-Off for 23, of rort.xnioiith. Va., In re­ fhlnrae Commiinisl Ucginie had Hit'i steps to bip taken for the last November. All other mes- cluding Sautrdaya and Sun- line. James, Jr., was recalled to the hour o f five o’clock. Amerlcan Club, 6:30 p. m. Harold E. Lord, High Priest of porting the latest bribe at­ rcpected the latest United Nalo'n.i restoration of jieace.” ■lagcs were rejected or Ignored. ila.vs. 'Then, she added, he "ob­ service and is in California, where Saturday, March 24 Delta Chapter, requests a good at­ Koresn proposal. Inflict Heavy Enemy Fifty volunteer workers from AVAILABLE SOOM Seattle in Blizzard tempt, unearthed the scandal. IV'MMiw* .\ll Far East IsMiea Explains I'. N. Support jected to my pla.ving classical his family hopes to Join him ns the local Red Cross chapter were Annual meeting and election of tendance of the local members to Manhattan is a New York It said the U. N. five pomi music. Mr preferred television W age-Price greet the Grand officers and S - All Non-Korean forces to bo Sei-n tary of State Acheson said Caeualties at Suwon m soon ns possible. Tlie senior Neills on duty under the direction of ofUcers of Club, EdwHll, Wash . , .Tan. (’alholie mstilution operated profio.iBls for pen--e In Korea ami programs.” who spend their summers at their 4 p. m. promises that those who attend 8 BEAUTIFUI.I.Y COLORED wiUidrawn with-arrangements to today the United States support­ 5frs. Francis Watts, chairman of by the Christian Brothers. Do other Far EaHtorn is.siies wa-s ” im- ed the latest United Nations Army Chief o f Stall I Dimes Rhymes place "In Gilead, are at Pompano will spend an enjoyable evening. Jagged pieces of airplano metal be made for the Korean people to Freeze Due Volunteer services. Paul is a Catholic (iniversity l»o.ssible.” ceaso-Hre proposal in order to Beach again this winter. The degree work will bp followed ALUMINUM 12 OL TUMHLERS sticking up through snow on an express their wishes for a future LooliH On; Air Force The largest group from one or­ in Chicago. The brondeast in t^rines^ ws.i ■'niaintain the unity of the free ganization _ was a contingent of by refreshmenu and a social hour eastern Washington wliest field Aionitored here by the .lapane.'.o government. Bucklancl School Kellogg saltl he was offered nations sgaiM.'.t aggrosalon." I-nniicbes New Hound Manchester Grange udll meet twenty-five" donors -from the Man­ giving the members a chance to ANU PLASTIC COASTERS were the only visible evidence to­ K.voijo News Agency. 4 An interim adnUnlitratlon to novel! to Talk 111 sS-6 Djiys renew acquaintances with oW Jl.OOO a game by bribers and Aehesoii devoted much of a ! tomorrow evening gt eight o’clock chester Modes who came to the day that 10 persons died there Sent by Eii-Ia I be set up in tl)S meantime.
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