Max Planck Research Group Epistemes of Modern Acoustics ______________________________________ Scan licensed under: CC BY-SA 3.0 DE | Max Planck Institute for the History of Science _________________________________ ]; / 1/' ' I '' / SOUTH KENSINGTON MUSEUM SCIENCE HANDBOOKS. SPECIAL LOAN COLLECTION OF SCIENTIFIC APPARATUS S OUTH LOAN COLLECTION or. SSI N CT 0 N MUSE.UM. PLAN OF CALLERlES LENT B'f H. "'\~I E: N T I F I C APPARATUS 1876. z Ill 0 z TH E EXHIBITION OF 1- 4l COMMISS IONERS OF 0 a .Royal z cc t Ill < 2 0 I J:lort-ie ultva•a l w ---------"y " NDRT ~'l'L ' ?•dens. 0 '---------------- 1- PR IN CES CA R D EN!: nEF'EREN S ~ Cl ~ 1'0 GALLER I ES. <1: C R 0 U "t-... .. _ 0 l:l I> L 0 0 R. 0 "'" 0:: A EDUCAT I ONAL ...___ <!; Q UEE N's CAT E (f) M EcCo LL ECT I ONS 0 I TERRACE. 1- B.C.APPL I CD rr a: '"1 A. 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I .f: --- SOUTH KENSINGTON MUSEUM. HANDBOOK TO THE SPECIAL LOAN COLLECTION OF SCIENTIFIC APPARATUS 1876. P repared at the request of the Lords of the Committee of Council on Education, a11d Published f or them BY CH APMAN AND HALL, 193, PICCADILLY. l.ONDON: fll'lJNTED DV VI R1'tJU ANI> CO., LUtiTim, CITY, ROAD. LIST OF CONTENTS. I,AG1C INTRODUCTION vii GENERAL CoNS!J)ERATIONS RESPECTI NG {By Professor J· Clerk Max- ScU:NTl FIC APPARATu .· well, M.A., F.R.S.. AI ITI DIETICAL INSfRUMENTS . {By Profess?r H. J· S . Smith, M .A., l• .R.S. 22 GEOMETRICAL INSTRUMENTS AND { By Professor H. J'. S . Smitlt, MODELS Jlf.A., F.R.S. 34 !NST!tUMENTS USED I N MEASUREMENT {By b·ofess,or W .K.Clijfoni, J1f.A ., l •.R.S. 55 I NSTRUMENTS ILLUSTRATING K INE- f By Professor PV. K. Clijfoni, MATICS, STATICS, AN)) DYNAMICS ( il!l.A ., F.R.S. 6o MoLECULAR PHYSICS . { By P?·of esso•· J. Clerk 111'ax- well, Jl!l.A., F.R.S. • . 78 ACOUSTICAL I NSTRU~IENTS By Dr. W. I£. Stone 93 LIGHT- OPTICAL INSTRUMENTS By '?V. Spottiswoode, llf.A ., . { F.R.S. • . 107 PHOTOGRAPHIC PRINTING PRO- { By Cal(tain W. de fV. Almey, CESSES R.E. 125 INSTRUMENTS EMI'LOYED I N HEAT l N- {By Professor P. G. Tait, VESTIGATTONS JJ!l.A. • 129 f By Pr~fesso r G. Cany Fos- MAGNETIC APPARATUS . l ter, B .A ., F.R.S. 147 f By Prof.:ssor G. Cany Fos- E LECTRICAL INSTRUMENTS •( tcr, B .A ., F.R.S. 153 By J. Norman Lockyer, A STRONOMICAL I NSTRUMENTS · { F.R.S. • . 175 APPLIED MECHANICS By Professor Coodeve, M .A . 188 CHEMICAL APPARATUS AND PRODUCTS By Professor Me L eod 195 Vl LIST OF CONTENTS. l 'AGB lVIETEOROLOGICAL lNSTRUAIENTS By R.l'I.Scott, 1lf.A., F.R.S . 2I5 GEOGRAPHICAL I NSTRUMENTS AND MAI'S- r. INSTRUMENTS USED l!OR GEO· { By Clements R. ilfarkltam, GRAPHICAL PURPOSES C.B., F.R.S. 229 By Clmzents R . Jltfm·kltam, 2 , GEOGRAPHICAL MAPS · { C.B., F.R.S. • 237 . {By Ct_;ments R . .iJtfarkltam, 3· ARCTIC MAPS C.h., F.R.S. 244 4 · ANTARCTIC MAP By Captain :J. E. Davis • 263 By Clemcnts R. J11arkltam, 5· MAl'S OF INDIA • · { C.B., F.R.S. 268 . {By Professor Arcltibald Geikic, GEOLOGY F.R.S . • . 278 By I'V. fVm·ing ton Smytlt, APPARATUS USED IN ]\·fiNING · { J11.A., F. R.S. 291 CRYSTALLOGRAPII'l AND MINERALOG V • f By , N. S~or:}' .iJ[asl:elyne, ( Jlf.A., l .A.S . 304 INSTRUMENTS E~ll'LOYED JN llJOLO<..:I- f B)' Prof.:ssor 1: 1£. IIu:r:ley, CAL RESl,ARCH . \ LL.D., Sec. R .S . 321 MICROSCOPES . By II. C. Sorby, F .R.S. 327 I' I INTRODUCTION. I BY Minute dated zznd January, r875, the Lords of the. Com­ mittee of Council on E ducation approved of a proposal to form a Loan Collection of Scientific Apparatus, which was to include not only apparatus for teaching and for investigation, but also such as possessed historic interest on account of the persons by whom, or the researches in which, it had t een employed. Their Lordships then invited some of the leading men of science of the country­ the Presidents of the learned Societies and others-to act on a Committee to consider · the matter, and aid them with their advice. This Committee, to whose exertions the formation of the Collection is so largely clue, consisted of The Right Hon. the Lord Chancellor. Professor R . Stawell Ball, LL.D., P rofessor F . A . Abel, F.R.S., P resi­ F.R.S. dent of the Chemical Society. Professor 'VV. F. Barrett. The R.ight Hon. Lord Aberclare, Rev. A. Barry, D.D. P resident of the Horticultural Mr. vV. B. Baskcomb. Society. Mr. H. ·Bauerman. Capt. W. de W. Abney, R.E. Mr. G. Bentham, F.R.S. Professor H. W . Acland, M.D., Mr. Hugh Birley, 1\'I.P. F.R.S., President of the Mecl.ical Professor Bloxam. Council of the United Kingdom. Major Bolton. Professor J. C. Aclams, :M.A ., F .R.S . Professor F . A. Bradley. Professor W . G. Adams, M.A., Mr. F. J. Bramwell, F .R.S. F.R.S. Mr. T. Brassey, M.P. Sir G. B. Airy, K.C.B., D .C.L., Mr. H. W. Bristow, F.R.S. F .R.S., the Astronomer Royal. Mr. C. Brookc, ~LA ., F.R.S. Dr. G. J. Allman, F.R.S., President Mr. G. Busk, F.R.S. of the Linn<X) an Society. Major - General Cameron, C. B., Mr. J. Anderso1), LL.D., C.E. F.R.S. lVIr. D. T. Ansted, 1VLA., F .R .S. Dr. W. B. Carpenter, C.B., F.R.S. Professor E . Atkinson, P h. D. Mr. C. 0. F. Cator. Vlll INTRODUCTION. Mr. W . Chappell. Professor Goocleve, M.A. Mr. H . W. Chisholm, W arden of the Mr. A . C. L. G. Giinther, l\LA., S tandards. M.D ., F .R .S. Lord A lfred Churchill, Chairman of P rofessor Guthrie, P h. D., F.R.S. Council of Society of A rts. Mr. J. Baillie-Hamilton. M r. \r. T. Clark. The R ight Hon. Lord Hampton, Mr. Latimer Clark. G.C.B., F .R.S., President of the Professor R. Bellamy Clifton, :M:.A. , I nstitute of Naval Architects. F.R.S . Mr. T. E. Harrison, P resident of the Sir Henry Cole, K.C.B. Institution of Civil Engineers. Vice - Admiral Sir R. Collinson, Sir J. H awkshaw, F .R .S. K.C.B., Deputy Master of the 1\Ir. T. Hawksley, Frcsidcnt of th e Trinity House. Institute of Mechanical Engi­ Dr. Debus, l'.R .S. neers. Mr. \Varren De La Rue, D.C.L., The Hon. A lan Herbert. F.R.S. Mr. J. Hick, M.P. Mr. (1-. Dixon, M.P. Dr. J. D. Hooker, C.B., President of l'rofcssorP. M. Dun can, l\'LB. , F .R .S ., th e Royal Society. Presidentofthe Geological Society. Mr. J. Hopkinson, B.A., D. Se. Professor W. T. Thiselton Dyer, Mr. \V. Huggins, D .C.L., F.R.S., M .A ., B. Se. Presid ent of the Royal Astrono­ Major-General F. Earclley-Wilmot, mi cal Society. R.A., F .R .S. P rofessor W. Hughes. Mr. II. S . Eaton, President of the Professor T. H. Huxley, LL.D., Sec. Meteorological Society. R .S. S irP. De M. G. Egerton, Bart., M.P., Lieut.-General Sir H. J ames, R.E., F.R.S. F .R.S. Mr. R. r~th ericlge, F.R.S . Rev. J. H. Jellett, B .D. Captain Evans, R.N., C.B., F.R.S., P rofessor E. Ray Lankester, M.A., Hydrographer of the Navy. F .R.S. Mr. J. Evans, F.H.. S. Lord L indsay, M.P. l:'rofessor \V. H. F lower, F.R.S. Mr. J. Norm an Lockyer, F.R.S. Mr. D. Forbcs, F .R.S. Rev. R. Main, M.A., F.R.S. Professor G. Carey Foster, B .A., Dr. R. J. Mann.
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