Internet resources for the 1996 election By the ACRL Law and Political Science Section Library Instruction Committee site. Access: http://www.hartford-hwp.com/cp- Extra! Extra! Get all your election usa/. information here! • Democratic Party Online. This official site has news and features from the party, con­ vention updates, briefings, press releases, and olitical Campaigning in Cyberspace: Se­ news from the White House. Read the P lecting Leaders for the Future” was the NewtGram, a newsletter published by the theme of an exciting program sponsored by Democratic National Committee that “chronicles ACRL’s Law and Political Science Section at the the exploits” of House Speaker Gingrich. Ac­ 1996 ALA Annual Conference. To support the cess: http://www.democrats.org. program, the section’s Library Instruction Com­ • Green Party. Research the party’s his­ mittee prepared a Web page devoted to Inter­ tory and platform, review past election results, net campaign resources called “Campaigning and read organizing and campaign tips. Access: in Cyberspace: Parties, Candidates, Issues and http://www.greens.org/usa/. Analysis” (http://refserver.lib.vt.edu/stemmer/ • Libertarian Party. This site offers the cyberpolitics.html). Committee members party’s position papers and publications explain­ worked on one or more sections of the page, ing the party’s history and goals, as well as in­ screening, selecting, and often annotating sites formation on upcoming elections. Access: http: dealing with political parties, primaries, con­ //www.lp.org/lp/lp.html. ventions, presidential candidates, issues, state • Natural Law Party. This page seeks to and local candidates, nonpartisan groups, news further the party’s emphasis on “proven solu­ analysis, scholarly discussion lists, and electronic tions for America through prevention-oriented conferences. This column is based on the re­ government” by providing information about sources selected by committee members. the party’s history, stance on the issues, and platform. Listen to audio clips from the party’s National political parties candidates. Access: http://www.natural-law.org/ The Information Superhighway allows inter­ nlpusa/. ested groups to promote their ideas and points • Reform Party. This page includes press of view easily and quickly. Political parties have releases, news articles, and state-by-state elec­ been quick to take advantage of this new way tion information. Access: http://www. to disseminate information on their candidates reformparty.org/. and recruit new members and volunteers. • Republican National Committee Smaller political parties, in particular, have (RNC). Organized around the concept of a small found that the Internet can greatly expand the town main street, this site includes the party reach of their organizations. platform, rules and other information about the • Com m unist Party USA. Party informa­ RNC (at H.Q.), news releases (at the newsstand), tion, position papers, and selected articles from position statements, charts and graphs (in the the People’s Weekly World are included at this school), and GOP contact information (in the Members o f the ACRL Law and Political Science Section Library Instruction Committee are Laura Bartolo (chair), Christine Angolia, Elaine Coppola, Janice Steed Lewis, John Stemmer, Lisa Stimatz, and Sally Willson Weimer. September 1996/481 post office). Order GOP golf shirts and coffee Republican Party candidates mugs in the gift shop. Access: http://www.rnc. Pat Buchanan org/. • Pat Buchanan’s Official Internet Cam­ • Socialist Party USA Cybercenter. The paign Headquarters. This official campaign Cybercenter includes the party’s principles and page includes articles and essays by Buchanan, history, an online discussion list, and informa­ his position statements, and biography. The site tion on how to join. Access: http://sunsite.unc. can be searched by keyword. Access: http:// edu/spc/index.html. www.buchanan.org/. • National Politics & Personalities. An • The Pat Buchanan for President Link. extensive list of links to mainstream and fringe This unofficial site has a comprehensive col­ political organizations, both liberal and con­ lection of Buchanan material, including sound servative. Access: http://www.rtis.com/nat/ clips. Access: http://www.iac.net/~davcam/ pol/. pat.html. • Third Party Central. Provides informa­ • Pat Buchanan’s Republican Primary tion on the third party movement in American Page. Buchanan’s announcement speech, bi­ politics in order to raise public awareness of ography, positions on the issues, speeches, and these alternative parties and to encourage par­ press coverage can be found at this site. Ac­ ticipation in the democratic process. Access: cess: http://www.umr.edu:80/~sears/primary/ http://www.math.princeton.edu/~tpbarber/3pc. buchanan.html. Democratic Party candidates Bob Dole Note: Only candidates w ho w ere still in the • Official Dole for President Homepage. presidential race in June 1996 are included here. This comprehensive, user-friendly site has many The information was current as of August 12. interactive features including a U.S. map that tracks the Dole campaign’s progress in every Bill Clinton state. The library includes press releases, fact • Clinton/Gore ’96. Funded by the Clinton/ sheets, speeches, sound clips, videos, and pho­ Gore Primary Committee, this site was unveiled tographs. Access: http://www.dole96.com/. in July. The administration’s accomplish­ • Bob Dole’s Republican Primary ments, campaign issues, and biog­ Page. Campaign finance information, raphies of the candidates are in­ Dole’s voting record, ratings by spe­ cluded. “Downloadables” lets cial-interest groups, speeches, and surfers download campaign but­ a biography can be found at this tons and video clips. Access: site. Access: http://www.umr.edu/ www.cg96.org/. ~ sears/primary/dole.html. • The President of the • The Bob Dole Supple­ United States. A de facto cam­ m en t. In addition to the usual paign site, with recent presidential speeches, news articles, and quotes, accomplishments, Clinton’s biography, this site includes trivia questions, com­ photographs, and the text of his public ad­ mentary, and the ability to search Usenet posts. dresses. Access: http://www.whitehouse.gov/. It also includes some Spanish-language articles. • Clinton, Yes! Unofficial homepage with Access: http://www.seas.upenn.edu/~lapple/ news articles and excerpts from speeches. Ac­ bobdole.html. cess: http://www.av.qnet.com/~yes/. • C lin to n /G o r e ’96. Humorous yet Robert K. D om an friendly unofficial campaign site, heavy on im­ • Bob Dornan’s Republican Primary ages, with links to other Clinton/Gore and Page. This unofficial site includes Dornan’s bi­ Democratic sites. Access: http://www.linknet. ography, voting record, ratings by special- net/~lsufan/politics.htm. interest groups, and campaign finance infor­ mation. Access: http://www.umr.edu:80/~sears/ Lyndon LaRouche primary/doman.html. • LaRouche Exploratory Committee. Official campaign headquarters, with biographi­ Alan Keyes cal information and issue areas. Access: http:// • Alan Keyes for President ’96. This un­ www.dark.net/larouche/welcome.html. official page from the Right Side of the Web 4 8 2 /C&RL News September 1996/483 includes a letter from Keyes, the text and audio Democratic Party vice-presidential of speeches, and Keyes’s biography. Access: candidate http://www.clark.net/pub/jeffd/keyes_96. Al Gore html. • Vice President Gore’s Homepage. Bi­ • Alan Keyes Network Home Page. Com­ ography and information about issues on which prehensive campaign information, including the vice-president has taken the lead, includ­ press releases, positions on issues, and speeches ing National Performance Review, the environ­ can be found at this unofficial page, along with ment, science, and technology. Access: http:// campaign paraphernalia ranging from brochures www.whitehouse.gov/WH/EOP/OVP/html/ to t-shirts. It also includes browsable archives GORE_Home.html. of mailing list messages and quotations by Keyes. Access: http://sandh.com/keyes/index. Libertarian vice-presidential html. candidate Jo Jorgensen • Jo Jorgensen for Vice President. Bi­ ography, press releases, and campaign infor­ mation aimed specifically at members of Gen­ eration X. Access: http://www.harrybrowne96. org/jo/. Green Party candidate Primaries Ralph Nader • AllPolitics: Primary & Caucus Dates. • The Unofficial Ralph Nader for Presi­ A detailed calendar of primary and caucus dates dent Page. This page includes interviews, press giving number of delegates for both Republi­ coverage, and links to organizations founded can and Democratic parties. Access: http://all by N ader. Access: http://www.rahul.net/ politics.com/candidates/calendar/primaries. cameron/nader/. shtml. • Draft Nader for President Clearing­ • Countdown ’96: Primaries and Cau­ house. This unofficial page includes informa­ cuses. Links to 1996 primary and caucus re­ tion on how to assist Nader’s campaign on a sults, primaries and caucuses by date and state, state-by-state basis. Access: http://www.vais.net/ and individual primaries. Access: http://www. ~nader96/. comeback.com/countdown/primary.html. • Cybercaucus: Iowa’s First-in-the-Na­ Libertarian Party candidate tion Caucus. This site includes a history of the Harry Browne Iowa caucus from 1846 to the present, a list of • Harry Browne for President. Official past election outcomes, and information on this homepage includes statements, articles, inter­ year’s caucus, with related stories from the
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