ME-08 FULL LINE TIRE GUIDE www.us.metzelermoto.com HISTORYHISTORY METZELER MOMOTORCYCLETORCYCLE TIRES: ON THE ROAD SINCE 1892 1996:1996: MetzelerMetzeler developsdevelops thethe firstfirst 0°0° steelsteel beltedbelted radialradial frontfront tire.tire. TheThe MEME In its 115116 year historhistoryy Metzeler has always satisfied market market demands demands with with Z4Z4 waswas thethe worldwideworldwide firstfirst tiretire setset withwith thethe revolutionarrevolutionaryy 0˚0˚ steelsteel innovation. Metzeler has always been an industrindustryy leadeleader,r, setting trends that beltedbelted radialradial technology.technology. thatothers others are stillare tryingstill tr yingto achieve. to achieve. Here Here are someare some milestones milestones in the in compa the com- - 2000:2000: MetzelerMetzeler introducesintroduces thethe newnew MetzelerMetzeler ME880ME880 inin thethe sizesize ofof 240/40240/40 pany'sny’s long long history: history: R-18R-18 toto meetmeet thethe demandsdemands ofof tunerstuners worldworld wide.wide. WithWith aa widthwidth ofof 243243 mmmm itit waswas thethe world’sworld's widestwidest motorcyclemotorcycle tire.tire. Furthermore,Furthermore, itit 1863: Robert Friedrich Metzeler opened a commercial firm selling selling rubber rubber featuredfeatured thethe patentedpatented 0˚0˚ steelsteel beltedbelted technology.technology. and elastic goods in Munich, GermanGermany.y. Some of Metzeler'sMetzeler’s early 2004:2004: MetzelerMetzeler introducesintroduces thethe newnew MetzelerMetzeler ME880ME880 inin thethe sizesize ofof 280/35280/35 products included technical and surgical articles, sports equipmentequipment,, R-18.R-18. ThisThis newnew tiretire becomesbecomes thethe world’sworld's widestwidest steelsteel beltedbelted motor-motor- toys and weatherproof clothing. cyclecycle tire.tire. Furthermore,Furthermore, itit featuredfeatured thethe patentedpatented 0˚0˚ steelsteel beltedbelted tech-tech- 1890: Metzeler became leaders in the growing aviation industindustry,ry, develop- nology.nology. ing a multilevel rubber manufacturing method for linen and cotton 2006:2006: MetzelerMetzeler introducesintroduces thethe world’sworld’s largestlargest diameterdiameter steel-beltedsteel-belted motor-motor- fabric. This product was used for balloon,balloon, airship and aircraft cons-cons- cyclecycle tiretire -- thethe ME880ME880 260/35260/35 R-21.R-21. ThisThis isis thethe firstfirst customcustom v-twinv-twin truction. tiretire inin thethe worldworld toto bebe builtbuilt withwith Metzeler’sMetzeler’s roboticrobotic tiretire buildingbuilding equip-equip- 1892: Metzeler played an important role in tire development for the bicycle , ment, known as MIRS. motorcyclebicycle, motorcycle and motor and-car motor-car industry .industry. 2007: 130/70-24 Metzeler offers the perfect match to the new 1937: Set the high-speed world record for motorcycles at 173.29 mph. 260/35-R21 rear 1974: First low profile tire tire in in the the 80 80 and and 90 90 series series of of products. products. 2008: Once again Metzeler shows its commitment to the HD market by 1978: Developed the first tubeless tubeless tire tire in in Europe. Europe. introducing the mileage proven ME880 in Alphanumeric Sizes. This 1979: Metzeler changed its company focus due to economic reasons, anandd means you can get the same quality, handling and wet performance started producing only motorcycle tires. The Munich manufacturingmanufacturing of the ME880 in sizes perfectly suited as original replacement equip plant was closed and all of the production was moved into the se- ment to your Harley Davidson. cond Breuberg factorfactoryy in OdenwaldOdenwald.. 19831983:: Metzeler introduces the first cross cross ply ply tire tire with with a akevlar kevlar belt belt fo forr mass production. This leads to the introduction of the “MBS”"MBS" -- Metzeler Belt System. 1987: Metzeler launches the first Silica-tread Silica-tread compound compound for for motorcycl motorcyclee tires, called “Comp"Comp K.”K." 1992: Metzeler introduces the worldwide first 0° 0° steel steel belted belted radial radial rear rear tire for motorcycles - the MEZ1. 02 www.us.metzelermoto.com UPGRADE YOUR RIDE METZELER MOTORCYCLE TIRES: USAGE CHART 2300 cc 1800 cc 1200 cc ME880 MARATHON 1000 cc (NWS, WWW & XL-XXXL) 900 cc ROADTEC Z6 750 cc SPORTEC M3 SPORTEC M-1 600 cc RACETEC LASERTEC 400 cc 250 cc RACE/TRACKDAY ULTRA SPORT SUPERSPORT SPORT TOURING TOURING CRUISER/CUSTOM Metzeler continues to be a leader in the motorcycle tire industry by offering a wide range of products across every market segment. Whether it’s a Cruiser, Trackday or Supersport, no matter how you ride, Metzeler has your tire. Shown above: The Sportec M3 on a Suzuki GSX-R1000. 03 CRUISER/TOURINGCRUISER/TOURING THON THON MARA MARA ME880 ME880 > HIGH LEVEL OFOF RIDINGRIDING COMFORT:COMFORT: Due Due to to machine-specific machine-specific optimizedoptimized >> MATCHINGMATCHING FRONTFRONT && REARREAR TREADTREAD PATTERNS:PATTERNS: OverOver 6462 sizessizes available,available, carcasscarcass construction asas aa resultresult ofof reducedreduced tread tread curvature curvature in in the the center center up to 300mm, with matching front and rear pattern.pattern ofof thethe tire tread. LargerLarger contactcontact patchpatch when when running running straight, straight, high high mile- mile- aage,ge, reducedreduced rolling noisenoise andand increasedincreased riding riding comfort.Convincing comfort. >> 0˚0˚ STEELSTEEL BELT:BELT: ResistsResists centrifugalcentrifugal growthgrowth andand tiretire deformation,deformation, creatingcreating straight line stability due to specially developed tread design a more stable contact patch, aiding traction and extending tire life. ManyMany Convincingfor dedicated straight touring line sizes stability due to specially developed tread design ME880'sME880’s including the 240, 260,260, 280280 andand newnew 300300 featurefeature 0˚0˚ steelsteel beltbelt. for dedicated touring sizes. > RELIABLE HANDLING: By using high-grip tread compound, while at the >> SPECSPEC TIRES:TIRES: GG andand GLGL SpecSpec Tires:Tires:ires: ForForFor HondaHondaHonda GL1800GL1800GL1800 andandand HHH SpecSpecSpec > RELIABLEsame time, HANDLING: providing high By mileageusing high-grip due to increased tread compound, tread depth while at the Front: for Honda VTX 1800C1800C. same time, providing high mileage due to increased tread depth. > MILEAGE: Advanced Silica Compound reduces rolling resistance, which >> SPECSPEC TIRES:TIRES: NewNew radialradial fitmentfitment forfor KawasakiKawasaki VNVN 2000.2000 > MILEAGE:increases mileage.Advanced Advanced Silica Compound Silica compounding reduces rolling allows resistance, softer com whichwhich increasesincreasespounds to mileage. mileage.be used, Advanced while retaining Silica highcompounding mileage allows softer compounds >> SPECSPEC TIRES:TIRES: Bias-beltedBias-belted fitmentfitment forfor BMWBMW K1200K1200 LTLT. to be used, while retaining high mileage. Most consumers get > 2000WET GRIP:(or more) Advanced miles thanSilica O.E. Compound tires. - combined with tread pattern, >> SPECSTAGE TIRES: ONE UPGRADE: New D Spec YYamaha 160/70-17 Stratoliner for Dynas,, Roadliner and Dueces and WWarriorarrior.. significantly increases wet grip > WET GRIP: Advanced Silica Compound - combined with tread pattern, >> SPECSTAGE TIRES: ONE UPGRADE: For Yamaha Kawasaki Star Raider 1600 Nomad and Classic. > significantlyRIDE COMFORT: increases Softer wet ride grip. due to high-quality construction materials. Metzeler’s advanced carcass materials provide customers with an >> STAGESTAGE ONEONE UPGRADE:AND TWOTWO UPGRADES:UPGRADES:Yamaha Stratoliner, HONDA Roadliner VTX 1300R and and Warrior S, > RIDEexceptional COMFOR rideT: and Softer precise ride duehandling, to high-quality but require construction more air pressure. materials. VTX 1800S1800S.. Metzeler’(Maximums advanced sidewall pressure carcass materials- 2 up riding) provide customers with an > STAGE ONE UPGRADE: Kawasaki 1600 Nomad and Classic exceptional ride and precise handling, but require more air pressure. > (MaximumGROOVED PAVEMENTsidewall pressure AND STEEL-GRATED- 2 up riding) BRIDGES: > STAGE ONE UPGRADES: HONDA VTX 1300R and S, No circumferential grooves in the pattern, will not lock into directional VTX 1800S > GROOgroovesVED or PAridgesVEMENT AND STEEL-GRSTEEL-GRAATTEDED BRIDGES: No circumferential grooves in the pattern, will not lock into directional PLEASE CONSUCONSULLTT THE METZELER V-V-TWINTWIN grooves or ridges. BROCHURE FOR MORE DETAILS 04 www.us.metzelermoto.com.us.metzelermoto.com UPGRADE YOUR RIDE NWS WWW NWS WWW ME880 ME880 ME880 ME880 > ME880 WIDEWIDE WHITEWALL WHITEWALL / /NARROW NARROW WHITE WHITE STRIPE: STRIPE: Technology for CRITICALobstacles, AIRwas PRESSURE also gone! TINFORMATION:ruly amazing! I also noticed that impacts trans- Tethechnolog Future,y Traditionfor the Future, for Your T raditionSoul. Reinforced for Your Soul.bias beltedReinforced construction bias mitted through the frame were reduced, giving me a noticeably smoother beltedrewards construction the rider with rewards increased the mileagerider with and increased load carrying mileage capabilities and load Forride. many I swear years, that Metzeler even the has rolling been resistance supporting has its been dealers reduced, and interacting making it carrthat yingsurpass capabilities many OEM that tires. surpass many OEM tires. witheasier consumers to push out at ofevents the garage. across North America. All of this experience of working with thousands of Metzeler
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