WESTFIELD LEADER The Leading and Most Widely Circulated Weekly Newspaper in Union County rf-SEVENTH YEAR— No. 15. WISSTWBLD, KEW JBMEY, WIDNMTOAY, DEOZMBEK 27, 1916. MOfflM OBRI. CALLS FAITHFUL 6ATEMAN POSTMEN NAD A WESTFIELD KIDDIES ICXECl'TOR ADMINISTRATOR IHIHENT RESIDENT TAKEN TO HOSPITAL VERY BUSY WEEK HAD A MERRY XMAS ,|, Perkim of Stoneletgh Michael Currld, Alter Twenty Local Carriers, Delivery Clerks; Over Two Hundred Little Tots | Pirk Passed Away at His five Yearsof Service itflroad and in Fact Every Member Guests at Christmas Tree Home Yesterday St. Crossing, a Nervous Wreck of the Staff Hustled on Monday Morning PRES. OF AEOLIAN CO. AOCIDENTiuRIMED END RECORD BREAKING MAIL ALL RECEIVED PRESENTS «»rd R. Perkins, vice president EXPERIENCE TEACHES aeml manager of the Aeolian Michael Currld, the faithful .gate- The 1916 mail will long be remera-; ' Tho Westflcld Theatro was tho The management of this Bank Is ID tho ba*4» y, paised away at bis home ln man at the Broad street cros»ihg of bered by the twenty odd employees of j scone of a merry gathering on ot mou whose experience and standing la ik* fh Part yesterday morning the Central Ilailroa.1, who has for the Westlield Post .Offlre, It was a Christmas morning •hen over two business affairs of ibis locality make sura U» fj'dock, after an Illness: of about the past twenty-five years gifirded reeord-breaker.an——-—• •—• d* a- back-breaker, hundred cliildien of the town wero wise handling of every matter Intrusted to 1U the live* of many of the but It did not stunt the post omce cave. duration. Complication* given a Christmas entertainment by Westfleld and vicinity, was bays, not them, they rolled up their t nil death. a number of tbe ladies of Woatfleld. Under their management we have built ip * Saint Alexlan Hospital, In sleeves, put on their seven league As the little tots gatlierod they banking service that Is unexcelled—on* which If, Perkins was born In 1869. He on Friday last suffering froi booU and the trick was done, you will find it to your special advantage lu • to lire In Westfield about twen- were given a llttlo badge and aBSlgn- vous breakdown. Not as quickly as you can utilise. ' • i ago,- be baa had an Interest ed to seats near ibe stage. Tlio Those who have passed dftt the about it, but with a sure steady grind attain, bavins been school program of the morning consisted of crossing each day knew n& liked the 571 sacks of parcel post inattor tor several terms. He was a'slUl of hand performance and tho Deposit* received by Jan. 10 ib»w tmttrwi tbe old man well, he was wways on and the 75 pouches of letters aud post nt of and a leading member old nine Punch and Judy show, do from Jan, lit the job and always and a I, pleasant cards were torted and resorted and |ta« WMtSeld Gait Club and also nated by the Weatacld Lodge of word for those who «toppeJ to greet delivered to the Westfleld homes In r ot the Balttu Roll Golf Clinks and given by the William him, he had held a position wlttt the time for Christmas. Christmas eve Ootfy, of Newark, ssid to be tbe best Assets Over One Million railroad previous to his being sta- nlng every letter and package was out man In this line ln the country. The III survived by a widow and two tioned here and was considered a of the otflco and In tbe hands of the show surely amused and delighted f 1. H., Jr., and Wlllllm. model employee. person for whom It was intended. the kids as their hearty laughter ti funeral services will be held Last weak a shifter engine struck in the G71 sacks of parcel post ana applause testified. ills late residence tomorrow at an automobile on the crossing and packages wore 750 packages sent In- |t'4lt«k, conducted by Rev. J. J\ Then followed the big event of the worry over this accident hastened sured, which had to be signed for by day. Irving stoani Impersonating i,of St. Paul's Episcopal church. the breakdown, ot Frldai last. the recipient From Nothing to $2,240,000.00 it will be''made In Falrvlew. Saint Nick, showed his bead and The accident, It la stated, was Hut while the people outside ot shoulders through tho opening near ^ ELCVBK YXAJIB OF PROQBIM caused by the fact that tbe engine Westnold were busily sanding Christ- the machine booth, some ohilil splod stopped, then Btarted up again, just mas letters, cards and packages to him and the applause was deafening. leOO-Nothing REQATIONAL as the gateman had rafted the gates tbe residents of thin town, the West Santa came down and proceeded to S. S. ENTERTAINMENT lor the auto to go over. The driver Held people wero also busy sending tho stage from which point he, as- 190e-| 233,640.00 of the machine Jumped In the nick similar messages and remembrances sisted by several of tho ladles, pre- 1907-1317,020.00 of time but the auto vas completely to their friends In other towns and sented each little guest with a stock- 1908-1433,180.00 i t Playlet Given Under the wrecked and carried several hundrod these filled 511 sacks and 78 pouches ln'g, filled with Christmas toys, a of Miss Emma yards on' the front of the engine. Postmaster DeCamp was extremely large orange, a box of candy and to 1009-S 883,400.00 JMree. It Is reported thai the gateman's pleased with the wonderful work each llttlo girl a doll and to the boys 1910~| 823,800.00 condition is serious ind It Is prob- done by his regular force and he llttlo pop guns. 1911-11,091,420.00 »n«rab(r» of tbe Congregational praised bis men for their faithfulness j School and their friends en- able If he rncoverB that he will not AB the children camo up the attles ' 1913-11,874,466.00 ' ' and »tlck-to-lt-tlvonc68 that made the and passed out ot tbe building the j i Christmas entertainment in be able to return to his old post of duty. feat possible. smiles on their happy faces amply J Jariih Home last evening. The i 1918-11,577,840.00 Many hundred dollars worth of repaid the ladles of the committee 1914-|l,8Sl,30O.OO 1 conslited ot a playlet entit- stainpB were sold through the win who had worked to make the affair U OJft of Olftj," pretexted un- dows, as well as the insuring ot hun a truly Christmas party. 1915-18,034,000.00 • | ' .•." V r'fki personal direction of Miss dreds of packages which took consld On the committee In charge of the 1816-12,340,000.00 ' The aoeoe of the play WOOD RECEIVED orsble time. entertainment etc., were Mrs. Frank I teM outside the walls ot Bethle- The post office clerks work togeth W. Smith, Mrs. It. I. Richardson, •BETTMK »tmUKED THANSOMY" er, each helping In turn the1 one that Mrs. n. A. Palrbalrn, Mrs. E. D. [Mtif those ln the cast were FROM RUSH WATTS was behind or the one with the larger Floyd, Mrs. C. M. F. Kgol, Mrs. J. lOUdys French, Ema Pelrce, bunch of mall, they toiled all day S. Foster, Mrs. E. R, Perkins, Mrs Wm. S. Welch & Son '"'" ve, Freda Halatead, Eliia- Letter Dated i (lovember 10th Sunday and all Christmas day, they R. E. Perry, Mrs. J. F. Cowportn- 214 Eait Broad Strtet Wt.tlUld, N. J, , Katharine Dennis, Kath- [ went homo tired but happy In the Mrs. Randal Stern,, Mrs, 3. 1* Vfltn Dyck, E. Cooper, Helen j Reached Westfield Last fact that they had finished their" , rtrit C." E. iralBlead! Mrs. R. " r, Lillian and Gladys Brad- Friday Morning work. Molntosh, Mrs. M. H, Phillipsp , WeslOoId can Justly feel proud tif Mrs. R. TOWIIO and Mrs. W. O. | Wlowing the playlet the scholars their poBt office force. Delemater, liirved with Ice cream and cake I >«>r, ae for the past three, In- WELL BUT A LITTLE CHILLY AOOODRIBOLUTIOM I of receiving presents the schol- EXPRESS_OFFICE BUSY ium presents to the Armenians. One of tbfl'best Christmas pres- for the New Your is-to patronm | The itfalr was a bis success. ents received >y Mrs. A, A. Watts, of Clerks and Drivers Worked Saturday CHRISTMAS AT a market of Known Standing. Elm street, f»s a letter from her son, Might and All Day Sunday. Lieutenant Buskin Watts, of the The amount of express matter that THE PLAYHOUSE We sell Only the'Bert in ' ' English Flying Squadron, who was came to Westfleld this year exceeded IE DAMAGES captured bf tho Germans and is now that of the combined volume of the POULTKY, MEATS, OKOOSRIM leing held' prisoner at Osnabruck. two previous years and established a Fine Bill and Real Christmas In the lejter, which was dated No- record for the town. 'lim STREET HOUSE vember 10/young Watts stales he Is Tree and Santa Claus De- The clerks and drivers were on the One; order—one price—quick ' well and tots something to eat but at Jump for the past week and at the lighted Little Folks times feels hungry and as his cloth- end had to keep going until late on delivery, eated Stove Started Blare tag has aot yet arrived he Is also a Saturday evening aiid all day Sun- Sunday Evening, That trine clw. hut outside of that he day.
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