University of Plymouth PEARL https://pearl.plymouth.ac.uk 04 University of Plymouth Research Theses 01 Research Theses Main Collection 2018 'UNIVERSITY MUST BE SAVED' GENEALOGY AS A KNOWLEDGE APPROACH. Moschella, Patrizia http://hdl.handle.net/10026.1/13072 University of Plymouth All content in PEARL is protected by copyright law. Author manuscripts are made available in accordance with publisher policies. Please cite only the published version using the details provided on the item record or document. In the absence of an open licence (e.g. Creative Commons), permissions for further reuse of content should be sought from the publisher or author. Copyright Statement This copy of the thesis has been supplied on condition that anyone who consults it is understood to recognise that its copyright rests with its author and that no quotation from the thesis and no information derived from it may be published without the author's prior consent. 1 ‘UNIVERSITY MUST BE SAVED’ GENEALOGY AS A KNOWLEDGE APPROACH By PATRIZIA MOSCHELLA A thesis submitted to the University of Plymouth in partial fulfillment for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY School of Art, Design and Architecture August 2018 2 UNIVERSITY OF PLYMOUTH DRAKE CIRCUS, PLYMOUTH PL4 8AA The Doctoral College August 2018 3 Acknowledgements I would like to express my thanks to the directors of studies and supervisors, Prof. Pier Luigi Capucci, Prof. Derrick De Kerckhove, Prof. Francesco Monico, and Prof. Roy Ascott for their strength support. Particular thanks to Prof. Antonio Caronia, who dedicated to my research considerable attention and passion before leaving us. He was a man with overflowing and transversal culture, curious and deeply dissident. A few months before leaving us, he participated in the nascent Milanese movement (Macao). I owe to him the capacity to observe dissidence, even in the science fiction version, and in particular, I owe him the discovery of Foucault . I am particularly grateful to Roy Ascott, who founded Planetary Collegium, which allowed me to participate in a unique and innovative research and knowledge experience. In these years I have met artists, scientists and philosophers who have worked on common reflections on new technologies. In particular, they developed an awareness that has also enriched my research. The encounter with Derrik de Kerckhove has been important, too. A scholar of exceptional vitality, a writer, sociologist and teacher. Despite being the heir to Marshal McLhuan, his availability and affability are remarkable. Thanks to him, I deepened my studies on the automation that, social sciences had abandoned for decades. Thanks to the Planetary Collegium I encountered such interesting fellows, with whom I spent time in research sharing interests and ideas, and creating a common consciousness. Between them I am expecially thankfull to Amos Bianchi who I have mentioned several times and with whom I share the analysis of the contemporary processes of subjectivation; Denis Roio a.k.a. Jaromil, an informatics activist and 4 enthusiastic supporter of my research from the very beginning, and Massimiliano Viel, musician and precious partner of studies: our researches intersect on the study of complexity and cybernetics. I dedicate exclusive thanks to Francesco Monico. Beyond his theoretical knowledge, his supervisions enlightened by a syncretic approach, were useful to undermine certainties. I am grateful to his audacity and persistence: without Monico the Italian Node (arising with the Planetary Collegium project) would have died. Continuing my thanks, I cannot forget Alberto Melucci. This research allowed me to continue the studies started with him and to renew the interest in training as a space- time for actualization of cultural resources (saperi) through generational exchange. Obviously I dedicate a special recognition to Friedrich Nietzsche and not only because I have appreciated his thoughts since high school. He was the philosopher who most involved me in my adolescence even if I could not fully understand his importance at the time. I also thank NABA Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti for the essential support in funding my research and Paola Restelli which cared for the English editing. Finally, my gratitude to friends and family who trusted me and, in particular, to Paolo who encouraged me to take this knowledge path. 5 Author’s Declaration At no time during the registration for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy has the author been registered for any other University award without prior agreement of the Doctoral College Quality Sub-Committee. Work submitted for this research degree at the University of Plymouth has not formed part of any other degree either at the University of Plymouth or at another establishment. This study was financed with the aid of a studentship from NABA Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti Milano. Relevant scientific seminars and conferences were regularly attended at which work was often presented; external institutions were visited for consultation purposes and several papers prepared for publication. Word count of main body of thesis: 83,017 Signed…………………………………… Date……28/08/2018 (Amedment Submission) 6 Publications Moschella, P. 2016. Genealogia e Università. Profezia, Scenario, Utopia. In Bianchi A., and Leghissa G. Mondi altri. Processi di soggettivazione nell’era postumana a partire dal pensiero di Antonio Caronia. Milano: Mimesis, pp. 87-98. Cavriani N., and Moschella, P. 2015. The problematic issues concerning classroom and behaviour management in childhood and in particular the regulation of children with ADHD. Moschella, P. From 2014 Articles in the Doppiozero’. University Section (www.doppiozero.com.) Moschella, P. 2012. Cognitive Behavior in Hybrid System, Mutamorphosis: Tribute to Uncertainty, Technoetic Arts: A Journal of Speculative Research 10/1 Moschella, P. 2012. New Poetics of Knowledge in Telematics Era, a small publication | M-Node of Abstracts will be available ISBN 978-1-84102-319-9, Planetary Collegium CAiiA-Hub/M-Node. Milano, Lupetti Moschella, P. 2012. The Paradox of Plentitude. Limina n.2/2012. Milano: M-Node per NABA Libri – Laureate Education pp. 231-242. Moschella, P. 2012. Education myth: Persistence, resistances, breaks and connection. The Secret of Telematic Art. Techonetic Arts: Journal of Speculative Research. Vol. 10, Number 1, Intellect journals. UK pp. 17-23. Moschella, P. 2011. Quando la creatività rende visibile l’invisibile, Comunicare l’antimafia. Milano, Narcomafie, N.12/2011 pp. 231-242. 7 Moschella, P. 2011. Open School. Immersion in the Higher Educational Environment, in Consciousness Reframed 12, Art Identity and Technology of Transformation, Lisbon, Portugal, pp. 193-198. Moschella, P. 2003. La ricerca Espressiva: Modi e Luoghi della Formazione. In Laffi, L’Educazione Diffusa, L’Ancora del Mediterraneo, pp. 31-50 Moschella, P. 1998. Le metodologie qualitative (Ipertesto CD), in Melucci, A., Verso la Sociologia Riflessiva, Ricerca qualitativa e cultura. Milano, Mulino. Presentations and Conferences Attended: 2015, June. Paper title: ‘The Audit University’. Logic Lane: Giornate di studio Antonio Caronia. Milano: Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera. 2014, October. Seminary title: Discussing on Gampling. Milano, NABA – New Academy of Art, Milan. 2013, June, Paper Title: Memory and Communication. Tribute to the Victim of Mafia. Public University of Milan. 2013, October. Paper title: ‘The Threshold-Part III’ (Co-authored with Gabriela Galati). Media Art Histories-RENEW. Riga: Stockholm School of Economics. 2012, December, Paper Title: Cognitive Behavior in Hybrid Systems. Tribute to Uncertainty, MutaMorphosis, Prague (Czech Republic). 2012, April. Paper Title: Education Myth: Persistence, Resistances, Breaks and Connection. The secret of Telematic Art. Technoetic Telos: Art, Myth and Media. Kefalonia (Greece) 8 2011, November/December. Paper Title: Open School. Immersion in the Higher Educational Environment. CR12 Presence in the Mindfield Art Identity and Technology of Transformation, Lisbon, Portugal 2011, November. Paper Title: Knowledge and Education. New Media Art Education and Research 4: Always Already New, Milano (Italy), 2011, October. Paper Title: Mafia Milano. Public University of Milan, Italy. 2010, November, Paper Title: The Paradox of Plentitude. New Media Art Education and Research 3: Always Already New, Milano (Italy) Abstract The research offers an elaboration of genealogy as an approach to knowledge from Friedrich Nietzsche's original work on method (1887) processed by Michel Foucault (1971). It provides an interdisciplinary version that integrates theoretical and analytical contributions from the philosophy of knowledge, from exact and social sciences to artistic research. This work also takes into account those who have most explicitly enhanced the potentialities of geneaalogy such as Gilles Deleuze (1962) and, more recently, Carlo Sini (2007) and Giorgio Agamben (2010), but also embraces the reflections of researchers, from the past or present, whom I dare associate with the genealogy approach such as Max Weber (1922), Bruno Latour (2013), Fritjof Capra (2014), Diego Velázquez (1656) and the newer holistic and immersive approaches in digital art (Roy Ascott 2007). The result will be a “grid of intelligibility”, an instrument of knowledge of the emerging phenomena that can be used for mappings and interdisciplinary networks and that, as in 9 the original version (by Nietzsche and Foucault), intends to overcome the epistemological limits and disciplinary
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