October 2005 NUMBER 62 CONTENTS New CNEHA Bibliography This is the final call for entries!!! NEW CNEHA BIBLIOGRAPHY 1 OPINION PIECE: VIKING AMERICA: HISTORICAL The CNEHA Board is undertaking a comprehensive bibliog- ARCHAEOLOGY 1 raphy of publications pertaining to Northeast Historical UPDATE--Northeast Historical Archaeology 3 NEWSLETTER EDITOR'S REPORT 3 Archaeology, and the new bibliography will appear in 2006, CALL FOR PAPERS FOR 2006 NNI/AANSC coinciding with the 40th anniversary of the founding of CONFERENCE 4 CNEHA. It will include all publications since 1986, the year A “FROZEN CHARLOTTE” DOLL 4 of our last comprehensive bibliography (covering all years up CURRENT RESEARCH 6 to that date). Maine 6 If you would like your own publications, those of your New York 7 colleagues, friends, university, etc. included in this compre- Maryland 8 hensive listing, please send entries in now! If you do not Virginia 12 respond, then there is no guarantee that your publications Quebec 14 Ontario 15 will be included. See Northeast Historical Archaeology, Newfoundland 19 Volume 15 (1986), as a guide to the information you should Prince Edward Island 20 include in your entries. Nova Scotia 21 Please submit entries (or questions) to David Starbuck at NEW CANADIAN MEMBERS 23 d s t a r bu c k @ Fro n t i e rne t.net or mail your disk to Dav i d Starbuck, P.O. Box 492, Chestertown, NY 12817. All entries need to be in Microsoft Word to guarantee readability. The COUNCIL FOR NORTHEAST deadline for submitting entries for the bibl i ograp hy is HISTORICAL ARCHAEOLOGY January 1, 2006. Chairman: Karen Metheny Newsletter Editor: David Starbuck P.O. Box 492 OPINION PIECE Chestertown, New York 12817-0492 Tel. & Fax: (518) 494-5583 Viking America: Historical Archaeology Email: [email protected] by Michael Cohn Timeline Associates CNEHA Has a Permanent Address for Its Website: http://www.smcm.edu/cneha The existence of a Norse settlement in Newfoundland is now generally accepted by archaeologists and historians. Since the 1960s, scattered finds of Norse artifacts from northern Northeast Historical Archaeology seeks manuscripts dealing Maine to Hudson Bay, as well as the excavation of butternut with historical archaeology in the Northeast region, including husks in context at L’Anse aux Meadows, make it almost cer- field reports, artifact studies, and analytical presentations (e.g., tain that Norse ships probably based at Greenland explored physical anthropology, palynology, faunal analysis, etc.). We also welcome commentary and opinion pieces. To submit a America widely, both in space and time. Ramah chert from manuscript or request preparation of manuscript guidelines, Labrador has been found in Greenland. Since the Greenland w r ite to David B. Landon, A n t h ro p o l o gy Dep a r t m e n t , colony lasted into the 15th century, it can be assumed that the University of Massachusetts Boston, 100 Morrissey Boulevard, American mainland was utilized for furs, falcons and timber Boston, MA 02125. [email protected] b e yond the thirty ye a rs or so that the houses in Newfoundland lasted. 1 OFFICERS OF CNEHA EXECUTIVE BOARD CHAIR JOURNAL and MONOGRAPH EDITOR Karen Metheny David B. Landon 367 Burroughs Rd. University of Massachusetts Boston Boxborough, MA USA 0719 Anthropology Department Home: (978) 263-1753 100 Morrissey Boulevard E-mail: [email protected] Boston, MA USA 02125 Work: (617) 287-6835 VICE-CHAIR Fax: (617) 287-6857 Meta Janowitz E-mail: [email protected] 3 Moore Rd. Montville, NJ USA 07045 AT LARGE BOARD MEMBERS Work:(609) 499-3447 Nancy J. Brighton Fax: (609) 499-3516 24 Maplewood Drive E-mail: [email protected] Parsippany, New Jersey 07054 Work: (917) 790-8703 EXECUTIVE VICE-CHAIR (USA) Fax: (212) 264-6040 Ed Morin E-mail: [email protected] URS Corporation 561 Cedar Lane. Katherine Dinnel Florence, NJ USA 08518 5985 Broomes Island Rd. Work: (609) 499-3447 Fax: (609) 499-3516 Port Republic, MD USA 20676 E-mail: [email protected] Work: (410) 586-8538 Fax: (410) 586-8503 EXECUTIVE VICE-CHAIR (Canada) E-mail: [email protected] Joseph Last P.O. Box 1961 Joan H. Geismar Cornwall, Ontario 40 East 83rd Street CANADA, K6H6N7 New York, NY USA 10028 Home: (212) 734-6512 Work: (613) 938-5902 Fax: (212) 650-1521 E-mail:[email protected] E-mail: [email protected] TREASURER and MEMBERSHIP LIST Paul Huey Sara Mascia 537 Boght Rd. 16 Colby Lane Cohoes, NY USA 12047 Briarcliff Manor, NY USA 10510 Work: (518) 237-8643, ext. 3209 Home: (914) 762-0773 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Stephen F. Mills SECRETARY Archaeology Unit Dena Doroszenko Dept. of Anthropology Ontario Heritage Foundation Memorial University 10 Adelaide St., E. St. John's, Newfoundland Toronto, Ontario Canada A1A 5S7 CANADA M5C 1J3 Work: (709) 737-8923 Work: (416) 325-5038 Fax: (709) 737-2374 Fax: (416) 325-5071 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail:[email protected] Elizabeth S. Peña SECRETARY-ELECT Director and Professor Ellen Blaubergs Art Conservation Department 2 Petherwin Place, RR1 Buffalo State College Hawkestone, ON 1300 Elmwood Avenue Canada L0L 1T0 Buffalo, New York 14222 Home: (705) 326 - 2071 Work: (716) 878-4366 E-mail:: [email protected] Fax(716) 878-5039 E-mail:[email protected] NEWSLETTER EDITOR David Starbuck Gerard Scharfenberger P.O. Box 492 Louis Berger Group Chestertown, NY USA 12817 120 Halsted Street Home: (518) 494-5583 East Orange, NJ USA 07019 Fax: (518) 494-5583 Work: (973).678.1960 X770 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Richard Veit Dept. of Anthropology/ Sociology Monmouth University West Long Branch, NJ USA 07764 Work: (613) 938-5902 E-mail: [email protected] 2 During the same period of time, Basque, English and Norse PAUL R. HUEY fishermen hunted whales and cod in the Western Atlantic. An Annotated Bibliography of Selected Sources on the The possibility that they landed on the American continent to Archaeology of Old World Dutch Material Culture in the dry fish, obtain firewood and fresh water must be given seri- 16th, 17th, and 18th Centuries ous consideration. All of this places historical archaeologists in a quandary. The concept that the year 1500 CE divides prehistoric from historic eras seems no longer sustainable. Euro-American contact on both a casual cultural and biological basis has to be assumed from at least 950 CE on, and the early official explorers are likely to have had more than an inkling where they were headed. UPDATE--N o rtheast Historical A rch a e o l ogy Reported by: David B. Landon After a busy summer of fieldwork, the journal office is up and running at full speed once again. We currently have two major projects underway, a special publication on palisades The Van Lidth de Jeude family painted by W. Kessel in by Marshall Becker, and Volume 34 (2005), a thematic issue 1724, from Bartel’s article forthcoming in Volume 34. on Dutch Archaeology, edited by Paul Huey. It looks like Volume 34 should be out before the end of the year, so the journal will officially be caught up, with the issue published Newsletter Editor's Report in the correct calendar year. Reported by: David Starbuck, Newsletter Editor We are currently working on the review and revision process for articles that will make up the 2006 issue, so if you Please send news for the next issue of the CNEHA are planning a submission to the journal, now is the time! Newsletter by January 15 to the appropriate provincial or The long-awaited Dutch thematic issue promises to be state editor. an interesting and important publication. A preview of the contents is included below. Provincial Editors: PAUL R. HUEY ATLANTIC CANA DA : Rob Fe rg u s o n , Pa rks Canada, Introduction Upper Water Street, Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 1S9. rob.fer- [email protected] MICHIEL H. BARTELS The Van Lidth de Jeude Family and Their Waste; Material ONTARIO: Suzanne Plousos, Parks Canada, 111 Water St. Culture Remains from a Wealthy Family in 18th-century E, Cornwall, ON K6H 6S3. [email protected] Tiel, the Netherlands QU E B E C : Monique Elie, 840 Sir Adolphe Routhier, RICHARD SCHAEFER AND META FAYDEN Quebec, Quebec G1S 3P3. [email protected] JANOWITZ The Castello Plan – Evidence of Hort i c u l t u re in New State Editors: Netherland or Cartographer’s Whimsy? CONNECTICUT: Cece Saunders, Historical Perspectives, JAN M. BAART P.O. Box 3037, Westport, CT 06880-9998. [email protected] Cloth Seals at Iroquois Sites DELAWARE: Lu Ann De Cunzo, Dept. of Anthropology, GERALD A. DE WEERDT U n ive rsity of Delawa re, N ewa rk , DEL 19716. A Pre l i m i n a r y Assessment and Identifi c ation of the [email protected] Shipwreck Remains Uncovered in 1916 at the World Trade Center Site in New York City M A I N E : Leon Cra n m e r, Maine Historic Pre s e rva t i o n Commission, State House Station 65, Augusta, ME 04333. PAUL R. HUEY [email protected] The Archaeology of 17th-Century New Netherland Since 1985: An Update M A RY L A N D : Silas Hurry, R e s e a rch and Collections, 3 Historic St. Mary’s City, P.O. Box 39, St. Mary's City, MD This joint confe re n c e , wh i ch will replace the 2006 20686. [email protected] Rensselaerswijck Conference, will bring together historians, researchers, anthropologists, architectural historians, muse- MASSACHUSETTS: Linda M.
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