~ . 1896 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. FEBRUARY _19, Also, resolutions of G. W. Childs Division 353, Brotherhood of diana, praying for the repeal of the so-called desert-land law Locomotive Engineers, Philadelphia, Pa., in favor of laws re­ and also for the commutation clause of the homestead act; which stricting immigration-to the Committee on Immigration and were referred to the Committee on Public Lands. Naturalization. He also presented petitions of Hackelman Post, No. 64, of. Also, papers to accompany House bill for the removal of the Brookville; of Harrison Cathcart Post, No. 117, of Bristol, De­ charge of desertion from the military record of George W. Smith­ partment of Indiana, Grand Army of the Republic; of Elwood to the Committee on Military Affairs. Typographical Union, No. 331, of Elwood; of Friendship Lodge, No. 70, of Fort Wayne, and of Journeymen Horseshoers' Local Union No. 81, of the American Federation of Labor, all in the SENATE. State of Indiana, praying for the enactment of legislation author­ WEDNESDAY, Februar-y 19, 1902. izing the construction of war vessels in the navy-yards of the country; which were referred to the Committee on Naval Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. W. H. MILBURN, D. D. ·- ­ Affairs. The Secretary proceeded to read the Journal of yesterday's pro­ Mr. McMILLAN presented a petition of sundry business men ceedings, when, on request of Mr. KEAN, and by unanimous con- of Detroit, Mich., prayin~ for the establishment of reciprocal sent, the fm-ther reading was dispensed with. · trade relations with the Dominion of Canada; which was re­ The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Without objection, the Jour­ ferred to the Committee on Relations with Canada. nal will stand approved. Mr. WETMORE presented a petition of Farragut Post, No. 8, PRINTING OF GEOLOGICAL SURVEY REPORTS. Grand Army of the Republic, Department of Rhode Island, of The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate a com­ Providence, R. I., praying for the enactment of ,legislation au­ munication from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting a thorizing the construction of war vessels in the navy-yards of letter from the Director of the Geological Survey calling atten­ the country; which was referred to the Committee on Naval tion to the advisability of a change in existing law regarding the Affairs. Mr. PERKINS presented petitions of United Metal Workers' printing of his annual report, etc., which,· with the acc9mpany­ Union No. 47, Granite Cutters' National Union, of Raymond; of ing papers, was referred to the Committee on the Geological the Federated Trades Union, American Federation of Labor, of Survey, and ordered to be printed. Stockton; of the Marine Cooks and Stewards' Association of the PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS. Pacific Coast, of San Francisco, and of the Chamber of Com­ Mr. KEAN presented the memorial of Mrs. Joel Borton, of New merce and Merchants' Exchange of San Francisco, all in the Jersey, remonstrating against the regulation and control of vice State of California, praying for the reenactment of the Chinese­ by the board of health of Manila; which was referred to the exclusion law; which were referred to the Committee on Immi­ Committee on the Philippines. gration. He also presented a petition of Hiawatha Council, No. 110, He also presented a petition of the Chamber of Commerce of Junior Order United American Mechanics, of East Millstone, San Francisco, Cal., praying for the adoption of certain changes N.J., praying for the enactment of legislation to suppress an­ in the consular service; which was ordered to lie on the table. archy; which was ordered to lie on the table. He also presented a petition of the Chamber of Commerce and He also presented a petition of Cigar Makers' Local Union No. Merchants' Exchange of San Francisco, Cal., praying for the 427, American Federation of Labor, of Rahway, N.J., praying enactment of legislation granting unrestricted entrance into the for the enactment of legislation authorizing the construction of United States to all members of the mercantile class of Chinese, war vessels in the navy-yards of the country; which was referred such as salesmen, clerks, buyers, bookkeepers, accountants, man­ to the Committee on Naval Affairs. agers, storekeepers, bankers. and cashiers; which was referred to He also presented petitions of Monitor Council, No. 83, of Hack­ the Committee on Immigration. ettstown; of Speedwell Council, No. 227, of Morristown, Junior Mr. NELSON presented a petition of the Chamber of Com­ Order United American Mechanics, and of Federal Labor Union merce of St. Paul Minn., praying that an appropriation be made No. 7211, American Federation of Labor, of Dover, all in the for the construction of reservoirs in the arid regions of the coun­ State of New Jersey, praying for the reenactment of the Chinese­ try; which was referred to the Committee on Irrigation and exclusion law; which were referred to the Committee on Immi Reclamation of Arid Lands. gration. Mr. HAWLEY presented a petition of sundry citizens of Mr. FAIRBANKS presented a petition of the Quarterly Meet­ Watertown, Conn., praying that generous treatment be accorded ing of Friends, of Westfield, Ind., praying for the enactment of the inhabitants of Cuba and the Philippines; which was referred legislation to prohibit the sale of firearms and intoxicating liquors to the Committee on Finance. in the island possessions of the United States; which was ordered He also presented a petition of sundry citizens of Watertown to lie on the table. Conn., praying for the ratification of reciprocity treaties with He also presented petitions of Division No. 11, Brotherhood of foreign countries; which was referred to the Committee on For­ Locomotive Engineers, of Indianapolis, and of Division No. 221, eign Relations. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, of Huntington, in the Mr. DIETRICH presented petitions of sundry citizens of Dor­ State of Indiana, praying for the passage of the so-called Hoar Jey, Omaha, Blackbird, .M~ek, Knoxville, Be~evue , Fairburg, anti-injunction bill to limit the meaning of the word "con­ and of the Woman's Christian Temperance Umon of Fairburg spiracy" and the use of "restraining orders and injunctions" in all in the State of Nebraska, praying for the adoption of a~ certain cases; which were ordered to lie on the table. amendment to the Constitution to prohibit polygamy; which were He also presented the petition of Katherine H. Day and sundry referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. other members of the Home Missionary Society of the Presby­ He also presented a petition of the Omaha Associatioo of Credit terian Church, of Indianapolis, Ind., praying for the adoption of Men, of Omaha, Nebr., praying for the adoption of certain amend­ an amendment to the Constitution to prohibit polygamy; which ments to the present bankruptcy law; which was referred to the was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. Committee on the Judiciary. He also presented petitions of Steam Engineers' Local Union He also presented a petition of Cigar Makers' Local Union No. No. 19, of Fm-t Wayne; of Cigar Makers' Local Union No. 221. 276, of Plattsmouth, Nebr., praying for the reenactment of the of South Bend; of Local Branch No. 61, Glass Bottle Blowers' Chinese-exclusion law; which was referred to the Committee on Union of Gas City, and of W. C. Beaty and sundry other citi­ Immigration. · zens of Linton, all- in the State of Indiana, praying for the reen­ He also presented petitions of Local Union No. 82, Brotherhood actment of the Chinese-exclusion law; which were referred to the of Stationary Firemen, of Omaha; of Carpenters and Joiners' Committee on Immigration. Local Union No. 427, of Omaha; of Local Union No. 180 Inter­ He also presented a petition of the Goshen Milling Company, of national Association of Ma-chinists, of North Platte; of Omaha Goshen, Ind., praying for the a-d~ption of certain amendments ~ Typographical Union, No. 190, of Omaha; of Carpenters and the interstate-commerce law; which was referred to the Commit­ Joiners' Local Union No. 113, of Lincoln, and of Cigar Makers' tee on Interstate Commerce. Local Union No. 276, of Plattsmouth, all of the American Fed­ He also presented the petitions of Charley Thornton and sundry eration of Labor, in the State of Nebraska, praying for the en­ other citizens of BTistol; of Z. T. Strong and sundry other citizens actment of legislation authorizing the construction of war ves­ of :Muncie; of I. 0. Grimes, of Martinsburg, and of L. D. Pierle, sels in the navy-yards of the country; which were referred to of Martinsburg, all in the State of Indiana, praying for the pas­ the Committee on Naval Affairs. sage of the so-called Grout bill to regulate the manufacture and He also presented petitions of Buford Post, No. 23, of Central sale of oleomargarine; which were referred to the Committee on City; of Rising City Post, No. 20, of Rising City; of Local Post Agriculture and Forestry. No. 155, of Kenesaw; of Neligh Post., No. 68, of Neligh, and of He also presented petitions of Local Union No. 652, United Lyon Post, No. 11, of Grand Island, all of the Department of Ne­ Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners, of Elwood, and <>f t-he braska, Grand Army of the Republic, in the State of Nebraska Trades and Labor Council of Fort Wayne, in the State of In- praying that preference be given to veterans in the employment 1902. CONGR.ESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 1897 of mechanics and laborers in the navy-yards of the country; which E. M. Stanton Post, No. 20, of Rising City, and of D. S. Crawford were referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs. Post, No. 197, of Westpoint, all of the Department of Nebraska, · He also prese)lted a memorial of the Chamber of Comm(;lrce of Grand Army of the Republic, in the State of Nebraska, praying Sacramento, Cal., remonstrating against the admission of sugar for the enactment of legislation authorizing the construction of and other products grown in Cuba free of duty into this country; war vessels-in the navy-yards of the country; which were referred which was referred to the Committee on Finance.
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