.INTEPx^CHOlASTlC LEAGUER VOL. XXXIX AUSTIN, TEXAS, DECEMBER, 1955 NO. 4 Regional Meet University Admission Sites Selected Directors general have been Conference B: Districts 54 named and sites selected for the through 73. Exams Start Feb. 4 regional meets scheduled for April REGION V "Testing time" for high school Jan. 23 is the registration dead­ verbal or linquistic) is the ability If later they decide to transfer 21, League Director R. J. Kidd an­ Site: University of Houston, seniors and graduates begins Feb. line for the first test Feb. 4. Other to work with words, to understand to the University, they may use nounced. Houston. 4, 1956, as The University of Texas tests are scheduled for May 12 and their meanings, and to see relations the results of the test already The League calendar, found on Director General: Walter F. Wil­ begins a history-making system of Aug. 10, 1956. (For details on between the ideas which they ex­ taken, or they may take the Uni­ page 4 of the Constitution and liams. selective admissions. times, dates and places, see related press. versity aptitude test for college transfers. Rules, lists dates for district, area Conference AA: Districts 12 The system is aimed at choosing, stories, this page.) The second ability (known as How to Apply for Tests: Test ap­ regional meets. through 14. through aptitude tests, only the best Students planning to attend the numerical or quantitative or math­ plication blanks will be distributed Regional meet sites have been Conference A: Districts 19 students, instead of admitting ap­ University now or after must take ematical) is the ability to work to high schools and will be sent to determined for eight Conference through 23. plicants on the first-come-first- these tests, or similar ones in the with numbers, to do simple math­ individuals on request. Students AA meets, eight in Conference B Conference B: Districts 74 served basis which would be neces­ case of those who transfer from ematical operations, and to solve and seven in Conference A. sary when the anticipated college another college to the University. problems. planning to apply for admission to through 90. the University—or who have al­ Conference B spring meets will enrollment boom hits about 1958. What the tests are about: The University officials emphasized REGION VI (See statement by University of tests are designed to measure two ready applied—should send in a be the largest in the history of the Site: Trinity University, San An­ that full consideration will be given Texas President Logan Wilson, this very general abilities needed in aca­ test application. It is not necessary Interscholastic League, Kidd pre­ tonio. to a student's high school record. dicted. page.) demic work. The first (known as to wait for the tests before apply­ Director General: Dale M. Mor­ Reports of test scores: Results of ing for housing. Directors general of Conference rison. the tests are confidential. The Uni­ Caution: Applying for and tak­ B meets for Division I and II will Conference AA: Districts 15 versity will give no publicity iden­ be responsible, Mr. Kidd said, for ing the test is entirely separate and 16. tifying scores of an individual stu­ from application for admission to seeing that schools in their districts • In a Nutshell. .. dent or school. Each student will send their certification of winners the University. Correspondence Site: Southwest Texas State Col­ receive a report of his own stand­ to the regional director on time, so Testing Dates: Saturday, Feb. 4, 1956 concerning admission to the Uni­ lege, San Marcos. ing, and a report will go to his high that the contestants will be eligible Saturday, May 12, 1956 versity should be addressed to the school and to the Admissions Office to participate in the regional meet. Director General: Dr. Pat H. Friday, August 10, 1956 Director of Admissions. Norwood. Time: Report at 8:30 a.m. Tests begin at 9 a.m. of the University. When the test application is re­ The regional director is au­ Application Dates: thorized to refuse to accept en­ Conference A: Districts 24 Special Cases: A student handi­ ceived, the University will send a tries filed after the deadline, through 28. For Test For Test For Test capped by blindness, paralysis, or card authorizing the student to take which is April 16. (Refer to Conference B: Districts 91 of of of similar disabilty in taking the tests, the tests at one of the testing cen­ Rule 21 of the Spring Meet Plan, through 105. Feb. 4 May 12 Aug. 10 and a student who through pro­ ters. This card should be presented Constitution and Rules.) REGION VII Applications may be sent beginning Nov. 15, March 1, June 1, longed illness is unable to take the to the examiner when the student Sites and directors for the re­ Site: Texas College of Arts & In­ 1955 1956 1956 tests at any of the dates specified reports for the test. gional meets will be: dustries, Kingsville. DR. LOGAN WILSON should present a statement from his Best Date for the Tests: Univer­ Registration for the test closes* Jan. 23, April 30, July 30, high school principal explaining REGION I Director General: Dr. Eldon 1956 1956 1956 sity officials urge that the test be Site: Texas Technological Col­ Brinley. fully the circumstances. The Direc­ taken at the earliest date possible, lege, Lubbock. Conference AA: Districts 17 (* Applications for taking the tests at the University center in Aus­ tor of the Testing Guidance Bureau for three reasons: (1) To' give tin will be received in emergency cases up to the day preceding the test.) Director General: Dr. P. Merville and 18. will explain procedure to be fol­ time for careful consideration of a Larson. Conference A: Districts 29 New Policy Defined Correspondence: Write to Director, Testing and Guidance Bureau, The lowed in each special case. student's college plans; (2) for a Conference AA: Districts 1 and through 31. University of Texas, Austin 12, Texas. Who should take the tests? All retest if the first score seems too 2. Conference B: Districts 106 high school seniors and grad­ low; and (3) since the number of Conference A: Districts 1 through 117. By UT President uates who plan to apply for admis­ testing places is reduced after the sion to the University as freshmen first test, the student may avoid through 4. REGION VIII lce,Schmice-- should take the tests. Students un­ unnecessary travel by choosing the Conference B: Districts 1 Site: Texas Western College, El By LOGAN WILSON Four Steps Needed through 17. decided but considering the Univer­ earliest date. Paso. President, University of Texas Exam Calls It sity are encouraged to take the REGION II Director General: William F. or Entry Testing Reassurance: Most students, Site: Tarleton State College, Ste- tests. Webb. Beginning with the fall of 1956, The University of Texas Students with a possible inter­ University officials say, will easily" phenville. Conference AA: District 19. will institute a policy of selective admissions. Our decision est in attending The University Frozen Water Students who plan to enroll in demonstrate that thc^ ale qualified Director General: W. P. Showal- • of Texas should take four simple Try this on for size: another college and transfer later for University work, through the ter was not prompted by any desire to fix a limit on enrollment to the University should follow one Site: Odessa College, Odessa. steps: testing and their high school rec­ Conference AA: Districts 3 or to curtail educational opportunity. It came as a result of "A statement exaggerated of two plans: Director General: Jack Rodgers. 1. Secure from the high school ords. through 5. a careful appraisal of our present capacity to cope adequately for effect is a (an) — (1) hy­ Conference B: Districts 118 principal or write directly to the (a) If they plan to transfer to And, they add: "Do not worry • perbole (2) analogy (3) ana­ through 128. with the problem of-numbers. Director of the Testing and Guid­ the University with less than a if you cannot answer all of the Site: Howard Payne College, The "first-comer" basis .of selectivity which some state in­ ance Bureau, The University of gram (4) hypothesis (5) fal­ semester of college work or if questions in the time allowed. No Brownwood. stitutions elsewhere have employed obviously is not the best. Texas, Austin 12, Texas, for a lacy." they plan to attend a non-ac­ one is expected to make a perfect ' Director General: Dr. Z. T. Huff. Test Application Blank and Bul­ That's a sample of the questions credited college, they should ap­ score." Conference A: Districts 5 NUEA to Sift Ideas If physical and staff resources cannot be provided for all, letin of Information. to be asked students tackling the ply for and take the University Conservatively, the testing au­ through 8. then I think it will be agreed that the fairest procedure is to 2. Fill in the information re­ University Aptitude Tests as a aptitude tests in the senior high thorities say that a student can be Conference B: Districts 18 limit educational opportunity to the most deserving—i.e., For Debate Topics quested on the Test Application prerequisite for admission to The school year. confident of his ability to succeed through 32. those who show the most likelihood of being able to use it University of Texas. Blank and send it to the Director (b) If they plan to attend an with University work if he is in REGION III Leading topics for the 1956-57 Dr. H. T.
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