- ~": ..--- .. ISBA ~tAt£ UIG~ loe UOO • aT 18 pages ' :i'Fi :::::' ..... ::""';;, three sections HERA Ocr ar ... NINETY ·TlllRD YEAR Second Cislis Postage Paid at Wayne, -NIOOIER'II'TY'IIEVDI Absentee, Blind, Disabled Voters Should Take Steps to Vote Tuesday ack of Quorum Slows Work Voterll who are gotng to be abient from Wayne County m their ballots m Tue8da.Y, Weible Tuollday have ml,y mtll Set ...• stated. dllJ( to appl,y In writing for an Following Is a ",omplete list­ absentee ball(t,accordfngtoNor­ ing ct where Wayne COtnty vot~ s Council Meets Tuesday ria Weible, eounty clerk. Ap­ ers are to cast their bellots: -+---------- ~ck rt • quorum ItOIlI>Od tho pUcatim can be made at the Wayne, First Ward (south d city c....,11 from dolnr..,..h d .lGI to ltart work within 30 cotllty clerk's dftce In the Wayne Filth Street and those In Wrledt's .. bualne .. Tueo4ay nllht, 1U day. and complete the job ..tthkl C 0tIIty courthouse. secood addltloo south or east d ,atch Out For C.....,II ..... Ed Smith rot out d 210 day,. H the vlXer does not make out Valley drlve}-Fire Hall; Secood hll sick bed lq encqb to per­ 8«i.h low bidden were .,ked the written appUcattoo he wtIl Ward (north cI. Fifth and east d UHle Goblins mit the ('OI.I\cll toapproveclalmJ. to .ubmit deltan lpecUlcatlon1 Mafn}-Publlc Library; Third not be able to cast an ahllentee lC1llgti Is that special nlghl: wid "III a retoll'lm r1 nece ... for eommlttee It~ Wednelday taUot In Tuesday' 8 general elec­ Ward (north ci Fifth and west d ci'l the year when little goblbts, Itty Cor the creatloo d Storm momlna· ttm, Weible warned. Mafn}-County courthouse. ghosts, witches and spooks In Sewer District 68--1. BIdeS.,r' weTC! allowed chole. Weible also noted that para­ Brenna Preclncl---.School Dis­ general, will be out r08.mtng The ne" dlatrlct wtll prO\t"tde ci' material. and clellan In the plegics or blind pers0'l8 wishing trict No. 23; Strahan--School Dist. through most every nelghbor­ additional drainage Cor much d buUdtng IS Iq •• they lta,Yed a rriends or relattve's help In No. 51; Hunter-School Dist. No. hopd. the north end d town. w'thln the minimum requlr&­ the voting booth Tuesday must 47; Hoskins and village eI Hos­ Halloween Is always an e"­ Bide were ac cepted for tM new rnentlI rt the bulldlna. make 8PpHcatloo In perBm to kins-Hoskins town hall; Gar­ clUng time for youngsters. Too city storage buUdlna. lid no ac­ Mothor chotce WIll dfered the comty clerk or electloo com­ CIeld-..'ichool Dist. No. 55; aft,ien when' there Is excitement tloo. was taken. nlds and the the c(Qlctl when Fred Rohrke mls8100er by 4 p.m. Mmday. Sherman and vUlagecl.Sholes­ be~1nd a scary mask, there is Plans and specttlcatiml for each told the councl1 he would • .,n Voters who are disabled and Nelsm's Steak !louse; lIancock­ little caution thought d. while will be referred to committee hi, 40 x 140 root building and wiIl be unable to make it to Winside city auditorium; Chapin-­ dairttng Crom door to door, yard (or recommendatloo. the land m which 11 llAnd. tar the polls Tuesday have lI'lttl Moo­ Winside Legloo Hall; village d. to yard and across streets. Five bids were received for 130,000. The building,' he tOld, da.y to pick up their ballots at the Winside-Winside city audltor1- "Trlck or Treat" tlme I!Ihould the b.dldlng, each meter the en­ adjoins ('11~ propeny and till a Wtlbur~old School Dist. No. gineer's estimate d $18,()OO. A~ COll1ty clerk's altlce. A physi­ urn: be f\II an~ laughter with memor­ 1lJ..lneh rUllcrct.e noor and laTle cian's note stating the reasoo. 48. tea never to be forgOCten. In PlU'ent 1<M bidder was Bleyhl doors. No. Cmstructlon company Nor­ the vOCer cannot go to the polls Plum Creek-School Dlst. ~er tor thos~ memories to ct The Cotl'1ctl took the eI(er W)­ must accompany the awllcatloo. 34; Leslte---.'ichool Dtst. No. 25; bel good ooes, adults should use Colk at $14,112, wtth a provi­ der advlHment. new Wakerteld school house, Deer sion they could start work wit~ People living In Wayne who JUST IN TIME. County Clerk Norris W.lbl. e,qtreme cautioo iJI driving. When ~her bidden 00 the new bull6- d in five days and complel'te the have just recently moved to Ne­ Creek and vIllage Carroll­ (right) helps Mr. and Mr.. John 0.11 of W.yne ~~~C~~.;~"I:~;~i7.;~F~~d.i ~:~i:.t·d~:~:~ haiving the reSp<»1siblltty behind Ina: were Lobere Cmstructtm. job day •• braska have to make appllcatioo Carroll auditorium. with the registration form. they h.d to fill out In r.gidretlon. Welbl. said over no people regl •. the wheel r1 a car, there is within 75 Carroll, '17,046; SI~'s1n('., tered I•• f w.. k, .bout 60 of 'hem doing on low bidder Otte at the county cler~ s cifice at order to be .ble to vote In the general election. '0 al~s being exce~ Secood was Norfolk $17,762; Cullom Build-­ Frld.y. need for least two days before the gen­ Wayne High Girls The oalll h.d moved from on. werd to .nother tlOOally careful, but even more Co:uKruction company r1 Wayne, Ins Service, Omaha, '16,812. eral electloo ortthey cannot take se) CIl Halloween. Eyes behind a blddhlg $14,725, with a prov,"" A bid from Carl.oo CClurtrue· part In the electlttl. This rule Plan UNICEF Drive mask may easily miss seeing tim d Wayne was no: received applies to people who have not an mcomlng auto and the child because It was not accompanied Wayne High School's chapter d ltved in Nebraska over six may dart out In froot 0( Its Concert Tonight Ends by a bid bmd as required. " Future Homemakers a America Wednesday Breakfast Starts m<nths. pt.th. Such an accident would be Althotch noob}ectorll appeared wlll be cooductlng their annual the for an Voters should also make sure a I horrible mar m the memory Winside Vocal CUnic at hearing rezmlng they know where they are to cast Halloween UNIC EF drive Thurs­ area in the southwest part d day night from 6:30 to 8:00. ~ everyme Involved. Tft'e Cler Dwellers, a group rents, remind your yomg­ town rrom R·l to n·2, no actlm Girls will be In groups cJ. two '69 Community Chest Drive which sings show tll'le", oollads, rs to avold dressing In a was taken. The hearing WDII held, and three and will be carrying pqmlar mU8ic and eomtry and The Wayne Commtmity Chest said. A suggested gift Is me t Ily black or Clark costwne as western soogs, will give a coo­ but aetlm will have to await Winside Drawing UNIC F.F cartons. Bookmarkers sharing part ci the campaign f a quorum at the next meettn&'. and pamphlets explaining pushed the starter switch 00 its day's pay from each persm em­ It is almost Impossible for a cert at 7;30 p.m. tooigtt In the campaign (or 1969 funds Wednes­ cost, F'uelberth said. driver to see them. Check to The area involved Includell sev­ UNICEF will be given those plqyed In Wayne. Winside HIgh School audttorlum. day morning. Workers met with Fuelberth reports that many 8~ your "ghost" or "witch" Is eral square blocks located gen­ Changed from people cootrlbuting to the fund. The gool is to surpass thegoaJ. The coocert wlll end t~ Lewis veterans d previous Chest cam­ wFtng some arti-:le rl light erally between Grainland and last year the girls collected Campaign Chairman Darrel Fuel­ ri $8,400, all but a small portim and Clark Vocal Clinic set ror paiBns are working again. All cll1hlng to less~n ti"e danger d Third streets Bnd (rom Douglal Eve to Afternoon $271 (or the (und. berth and Chest President Larry ci it to be divided ammg seven all day tolay at WIn.lde High DeForge to get materials for organizations that serve Wayne­ business blocks, Including those n~ being seen by an lIlwary School. to a halt block past nlatne.Chanee Wmside's Lucky Rucks draw­ the campaign starting Friday. the Wayne youth Program, which In suburban areas, have a block driver. Guest cooductor for the sing­ r:I ZCllIng will permit the cm-­ ing will no lrnger be held ttl A week later they hope to have chairman, assisted by several struct Ion r:J multiple ramlly Saturday nights starting Nov. will re<Jeive 35 per cent; the Boy Ing grOUp Is Dr. F:ugene Nelsm a gift or pledge from every Scouts, 17 per cent: Girl Scouts, wortkers who. will visit business d. Midland College. The group dwellings In the area. 16. Starting then the drawing Jeep Needed employee at every business firm, 13 per cent; Red Cross, 14 per managers and employees. raxes Soon Due has appeared at numerous cm­ Complaints were received will be held each Saturday after­ This is Wayne's sixteenth Com­ . about two old hou!!es moved lall Help! Help! An army-type- jeep industrial plant, institutioo and cent; Salvatioo Army, 12 per ventloos and has made USOtours nooo at 3 p.m. instead ci 9 p.m. County TreasQTer Lecna Bahde summer rrom Seventh and Main cifice In Wayne. There will be cent; United Service Organiza­ munlty Chest year, Fuelberth tn EW"~ and the Caribbean.
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