Kehilath Jeshurun Bulletin Volume LXXI Number 5 June 28, 2002 18 Tammuz 5762 DR. NORMAN LAMM ADDRESSES HISTORIC ANNUAL MEETING SAME OFFICERS TO CONTINUE TO LEAD KJ On the eve of his retirement as opportunity to reminisce about his half Rabbi Lamm well in his future President of Yeshiva University, Dr. century in the rabbinate which began endeavors. Although Dr. Lamm Norman Lamm addressed the 130th when he was a rabbinic assistant to maintained a close relationship with Annual Meeting of Congregation Rabbi Joseph H. Lookstein here at Rabbi Haskel Lookstein and the Kehilath Jeshurun. His appearance Kehilath Jeshurun in 1952. There were congregation, it was further enhanced was in celebration of the 100th many members of the congregation during the 1990’s when his son-in-law, anniversary of the opening of our Main present who recalled when he served in Rabbi Mark Dratch, also served as a Synagogue which was completed in that capacity. It was an excellent rabbi of the congregation. 1902. Rabbi Lamm took the opportunity for our members to wish (Continued on page 4) ONE HUNDRED FOURTEEN SENIORS ARE GRADUATED FROM RAMAZ FORTY EIGHT TO SPEND NEXT YEAR IN ISRAEL OUTSTANDING COLLEGE ADMISSIONS RECORD AND HONORS ACHIEVED BY THE SENIOR CLASS At the graduation exercise of the Rabbi Joseph H. HONORS FOR THE SENIOR CLASS Lookstein Upper School on June 19, 114 seniors received We are proud to announce that three members of the their diplomas. Of that number, 48 will be spending next senior class were winners in the National Merit Scholarship year studying at a variety of Torah institutions in Israel. program while an additional four were finalists in this That is an astonishing number given the current security competition. In addition to these seven winners and situation in Israel. It indicates the extent of the commitment finalists, there are 23 seniors who received Letters of of the young people and their parents to Israel, and to the Commendation in the Merit Scholarship Competition. In opportunities offered to high school graduates these days to other words, 25 percent of the class was honored for their deepen their Jewish and religious roots by spending a year academic achievements in this prestigious program. of uninterrupted Torah study in the Holy Land. The seniors will attend the following colleges in multiple The students will be studying at the following numbers beginning either in September 2002 or 2003: institutions: Barnard Maryland Rochester Women: Men: Boston MIT Rutgers Machon Gold Yeshivat Hakotel University McGill Stern Michlelet Mevaseret Yeshivat Har Etzion Brandeis Michigan SUNY Yerushalayim Yeshivat Kerem B'Yavneh Columbia NYU Syracuse Midreshet HaRova Yeshivat Lev HaTorah Cornell Oberlin Tufts Migdal Oz Yeshivat Birkat Moshe Dartmouth University of Williams Midreshet Lindenbaum Yeshivat Ma'ale Gilboa George Pennsylvania Yale Midreshet Moriah Yeshivat Sha'arei Washington Princeton Yeshiva Mevaseret Zion Harvard Queens (University University Yeshivat Torat Shraga Hopkins Scholar) Page 2 KEHILATH JESHURUN BULLETIN SHIVAH ASSAR B’TAMMUZ, TISHA B’AV HIGH HOLY DAY AND THE THREE WEEKS SEAT RESERVATIONS JUNE 27 - JULY 18, 2002 DUE NOW During the summer months, we beyond the fasts themselves. The mourn the destruction of both Temples period between these last two fasts, Kehilath Jeshurun will once again in Jerusalem which took place on the traditionally called The Three Weeks be holding High Holy Day services ninth of Av, and the events that led to includes several practices of in four locations. In addition to the their destruction. We fast on the mourning. During these three weeks Main Synagogue, parallel services seventeenth day of the month of we do not get our hair cut, attend will be conducted in the Heyman Tammuz, Shivah Assar B'Tammuz weddings or involve ourselves in large Auditorium and in the Gottesman because, according to tradition it was joyous gatherings. During the nine Center’s Falk Auditorium. The on that day that the enemy penetrated days which begin on the first of Av, Beginners service will again be held the walls of Jerusalem prior to the July 10, and continue until midday on in the Lindenbaum Recreation destruction of the Second Temple. The the tenth day of Av, July 19, we are Center also in the Gottesman Center. Talmud, however, writes that these additionally forbidden to eat meat and We urge our members to return were not the only tragedies that befell drink wine, except on Shabbat, to go the seat reservation cards as quickly the Jewish people on this day. On the swimming or bathe for pleasure, and as possible whether or not you plan seventeenth of Tammuz four more to do any laundry or dry cleaning that to be with us this year. tragedies occurred: the first tablets is not absolutely necessary. In general, As this Bulletin goes to press, containing the Ten Commandments the Talmud writes that when the high holy day seat reservation cards were broken by Moses, the two daily month of Av begins, our mood should are being sent to all congregants. We sacrifices were suspended during the reflect our mourning for the ask you to please return the card time of the First Temple, the wicked destruction of the Temples. On Tisha with your requests no later than Apostumos burned the Torah, and an B'Av itself, besides fasting, we are the deadline of Monday, July 8. idol was erected in the Temple. prohibited from washing our bodies, If you are not planning to be with Additional tragedies also befell the wearing leather shoes, anointing us this year please return the card and Jewish people on Tisha B'Av. On this ourselves, and having marital tell us that as well. This is important day, the meraglim, the spies, returned relations. It is also forbidden to study information for us. to the Jews in the desert with a Torah on this day with the exception negative report about the Land of of the sections of the prophets and the Israel. In addition, it was on this day Talmud that discuss the destruction. KEHILATH JESHURUN BULLETIN that the city of Betar was destroyed We do not wear our tallit and tefillin Published Sept, Oct, Dec, Jan, Feb, Mar,, Jun and tens of thousands of Jews were until Mincha and the custom is to sit $15.00 Membership Dues of killed, and the day the wicked Turnus on low chairs like mourners until Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun Rufus plowed the site of the Temple midday. Our observance of mourning covers subscription cost. and its surroundings. Tradition asserts also forbids us from greeting friends 125 East 85th Street, New York, NY 10028 that the expulsion of the Jews from on Tisha B'Av. Phone (212 ) 774-5600 England in 1290 and the expulsion We mourn the Temple that was USPS-292-0600-Periodicals Postage paid at New York, New York from Spain in 1492 also took place on destroyed over nineteen hundred years and additional mailing offices. Tisha B'Av. ago and we pray that in the merit of POSTMASTER: Send Address Changes to: Our mourning for the destroyed our mourning we will be worthy to see Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun Temples and for the other calamities God rebuild the Temple in our 125 East 85th Street New York, NY 10028 which occured on these days extends lifetime. TISHA B’AV SCHEDULE THREE WEEKS FAST OF 17TH OF TAMMUZ Wednesday, July 17, Tisha B’Av Eve Fast Begins 8:10 PM Thursday, June 27, 2002 AND Mincha Services 8:20 PM TISHA B’AV Fast Begins 4:15 AM Followed by: Ma’ariv and Eicha WORKSHOP Shacharit 6:50 AM Thursday, July 18, Tisha B’Av Monday, June 24 Mincha 8:10 PM Morning Services 7:00 AM Followed by Kinot 8:00 PM Fast Ends 9:12 PM Evening Services 8:00 PM Conclusion of Fast 9:04 PM By Rabbi Joshua Cypess KEHILATH JESHURUN BULLETIN Page 3 SUMMER 2002 A TASTE OF TORAH AT KJ Tuesdays 7:00 - 8:00 pm Studies in the Weekly Portion Tuesdays 8:00 - 9:00 pm The Beauty of Jewish Law Wednesday 7:00 - 8:00 pm Profit from the Prophets: King David Wednesday 8:00 - 9:00 pm Jewish History: The Jewish Experience in America, 1891-1939 DATES (7 Weeks) June 25, 26 July 2, 3 July 16 (17th is Erev Tisha B’Av) July 23, 24 July 30, 31 August 6, 7 August 13, 14 Rabbi Yossi Weiser Senior Faculty Member Ramaz Upper School IS YOUR SUMMER “BRAIN FOOD” BLAND OR TASTELESS? ARE YOU LOOKING FOR SOME EXOTIC FLAVORS? We are happy to present to you our summer fare for the spiritually and intellectually famished. To spice up your week we are offering four “courses”: 1. STUDIES IN THE WEEKLY PORTION (Tuesday, 7-8 pm) Come and explore the beauty of Torah through an exciting analysis of the rich messages in the portion that is read each Shabbat morning. 2. THE BEAUTY OF JEWISH LAW (Tuesday, 8-9 pm) The Bible is the “Source of Life,” and “Halacha” (Jewish Law) is the map which shows us the way. In this course we will explore the practical and philosophical dimensions of Halacha through Responsa literature from Talmudic times (100-500 C.E.) until today. Topics will include: Surrogate Parenthood, “Occupied” Territories?, Loshon Hara vs. Freedom of the Press, Dual Loyalty: Jewish Americans vs. American Jews. 3. PROFIT FROM THE PROPHETS: KING DAVID (Wednesday, 7-8 pm) The books of the Prophets offer a feast of unparalleled insights and inspiration, through the lives of our greatest men and women. We will study the second book of Samuel, beginning with the coronation of King David, and address David and Batsheba, the conquest of Jerusalem, and other exciting topics too numerous to mention.
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