Candle-lighting/Shabbos ends Friday, March 28: 6:57/7:59 Vol. III No. 8 (#57) March 27, 2014 • 25 Adar II 5774 NOW WEEKLY! Free Bais Yaakov Of Queens Large Group Of Queens Musmakhim Steven Spielberg’s Student Wins Among RIETS’ Largest USC Shoah Foundation Second Place In Daily Class Of Rabbinic Students Marks 20-Year News New York City Record class celebrates ordination at recent Chag HaSemikhah Anniversary Spelling Bee Photo credit: Yeshiva University Photo credit: Yeshiva Filmmaker Steven Spielberg with Holo- caust survivor Rena Finder at the In- ternational Day of Commemoration in Devorah Simon The Musmakhim from Queens Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust SEE STORY ON P. 39 SEE STORY ON P. 36 SEE STORY ON P. 60 A Newlywed’s Thoughts Shabbos Inbox Delicious Pesach Desserts! Blue And White As I See It Local History Time Is Time This Pesach: Spain Rolls Out In The Classroom By Eytan Kobre Give Your Heart The Welcome Mat By Sergey Kadinsky And Soul For Sephardic Jews “You cannot kill time without injuring eternity.” Kosher By Shmuel Sackett By Cynthia Zalisky hose who have visited – Henry David Thoreau our apartment and for Passover! Tare familiar with our prominent young attor- am a very optimistic guy ore than fi ve centuries bookshelves know that the ney was on his way to and always look for a after the expulsion of collection is almost entirely Acourt for oral argument Iway at making sure the Mthe Jews from Spain nonfi ction, fi tting well with on a complex lawsuit when he glass is half full… even if it is in 1492, their descendants are my evening work as a his- suddenly found himself at the almost empty! The problem, being invited back by the Span- CONTINUED ON P. 27 CONTINUED ON P. 17 SEE RECIPES ON P. 55 CONTINUED ON P. 25 CONTINUED ON P. 30 , Best of ‘Late Night See ad See Page 64 on page 38 2 917.549.6145 • [email protected] March 27, 2014 25 Adar II 5774 917.549.6145 • [email protected] 3 4 917.549.6145 • [email protected] March 27, 2014 25 Adar II 5774 917.549.6145 • [email protected] 5 6 917.549.6145 • [email protected] March 27, 2014 25 Adar II 5774 917.549.6145 • [email protected] 7 PUBLISHED BY Queens Jewish Link, LLC RABBINIC CONSULTANT Forecast Rabbi Yoel Schonfeld MANAGING EDITOR FRI • MAR 28 SAT • MAR 29 55° 51° Contents Naftali Szrolovits 43° 41° SENIOR CONSULTANTS Showers / Regular Features Wind Rain Eliezer Szrolovits Advertiser spotlight – Shira Diamond ........ 33 SUN • MAR 30 MON • MAR 31 Yaniv Meirov As I see it – Cynthia Zalisky .................... 1 53° 59° Cynthia Zalisky Beauty briefs – Risselle Naimark ............. 52 Helen Hoffman 37° 40° Blue and white – Shmuel Sackett .............. 1 Showers Cloudy ADVERTISING MANAGER Classifieds ................................ 51 Yaakov Serle TUE • APR 1 WED • APR 2 Community calendar – Rebecca Wittert ...... 43 53° 52° –Susie Garber ........ 34-41 COPY EDITOR Community corner 34° 36° Community snapshots – Yaakov Katz ....... 35 R’ Yisroel Benedek Scattered Showers Showers Daf Yomi schedule – Rebecca Wittert ........ 42 STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER THU • APR 3 FRI • APR 4 Delectable dishes – Estee Kafka ............. 55 Yaakov Katz 52° 54° Feelin’ funny – Mordechai Schmutter ......... 50 40° 41° Financially forward – Gerald Harris .......... 28 For what it’s worth – Warren Hecht .......... 44 Cloudy Cloudy Frontlines – Dr. Joseph Frager ................ 45 IMPORTANT NUMBERS The fun side – QJL Staff ................... 64/65 Chaveirim — providing Mikvah Israel/ KGH A healthy outlook – Dr. Bo Rosenblatt ........ 46 147-24 69th Road roadside assistance Mikvah, Flushing 718-441-0505 718-268-6500 Home health care corner – Tania Hammer . 48 Flushing, New York 11367 Hatzolah Toby Pelman Mikvah/ Hooked on healing – Caroline Schumsky ..... 29 718-387-1750 JCC of Hillcrest [email protected] 718-969-4937 House and home – Chevra Kaddisha 917.549.6145 718-849-9700 Mikvah of Beth Israel R’ Gedalia and Sarah Newcomb ............... 49 of Spinka, Rego Park www.QueensJewishLink.com Eruv Hotline 718-592-9786 A Newlywed’s thoughts – Sergey Kadinsky .... 1 (Forest Hills) Design by Design2pro.com • Design & Production Erna Lindenfeld Parenting simply – Adina Soclof ............. 62 718-544-6898 Hachnossas Kallah Fund MICHAEL KUROV • Art Director Eruv Hotline (Kew 718-591-9599 Politics & ethics – Abe Fuchs ............... 18 Distributed by Prime Media Distribution Gardens Hills) Baby Equipment Shabbos inbox – Eytan Kobre ................. 1 718-263-3921 Gemach: Tzivia Dietch Bikur Cholim of Queens: 718-275-5287 The Shmuz – R’ Benzion Shafier .............. 12 718-380-7433 Shaindel Ruchel Snippets of strange – QJL Staff ............. 20 Disclaimer Kol Halashon Baby Food Gemach 718-395-2440 347-416-3672 Socially savvy – Esti Berkowitz . 47 While we make every ef- Table & Chair Vaad HaRabonim fort to publish articles that Gemach KGH Stories of greatness – R’ Dovid Hoffman ..... 10 of Queens 917-882-1414 are within the bounds of 718-520-9060 Style myths debunked – normative halachah and hashkafah, we can- Modest Hospital Gown not take responsibility for every article writ- Tomchei Shabbos Gemach of Queens Meira Schneider-Atik ........................ 59 ten. 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WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO ACCEPT OR REFUSE SUBMISSIONS AND EDIT FOR CONTENT AND LENGTH. WE ALSO RESERVE THE RIGHT TO REFUSE ADVERTISING THAT IN OUR OPINION DOES NOT REFLECT THE STANDARDS OF THE NEWSPAPER. THE OPINIONS EXPRESSED WITHIN, WHETHER BY PAID ADVERTISEMENT Thank You. To add to this list, please email your important OR EDITORIAL CONTENT, DO NOT NECESSARILY REFL ECT THE VIEWS OF THIS NEWSPAPER. WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR QJL Staff numbers to [email protected] THE KASHRUS OF ANY PRODUCT ADVERTISED IN THE QUEENS JEWISH LINK. 8 917.549.6145 • [email protected] March 27, 2014 25 Adar II 5774 917.549.6145 • [email protected] 9 Stories Of Greatness R’ Dovid Hoffman The Snub he year 1929 (5689) was a year of At one of the numerous offi cial cere- was a way to show that he was most un- restrained incitement against the Yishuv, pain and suffering for the Jews of monies that took place in Jerusalem, not desired and disrespected by the bulk of for the British would now have no rea- TEretz Yisrael. The murderous and long after the 1929 massacre, the Jewish his Jewish subjects. On the other hand, son at all to protect its Jewish subjects. marauding Arabs attacked the small Jew- delegation, led by the Chief Rabbi, Rav a great many of the Chief Rabbi’s foes A bitter war of words broke out among ish community of Chevron, including the Avraham Yitzchak HaKohen Kook zt”l, were upset with his actions and feared the various segments of the Yishuv, and it renowned Yeshiva Knesses Yisrael, killing further splintered the small community 67 Jews and wounding another 60. The into greater disunity. savagery infl icted by the Arab killers was The Chief Rabbi’s actions became the topic During this period, a bris milah was astounding even by their own bestial held in Jerusalem, and the Chief Rabbi standards, and Jews all over the world – of heated discussions all over Jerusalem, and beyond was invited to attend. When Rav Kook and even decent gentiles – were appalled arrived, the accusations and fi nger-point- at the massacre that took place. ing began in earnest, and the heat of the What was even more appalling was was met on the receiving line by the High that the High Commissioner, as well as arguments threatened to disturb the cele- that the local British authorities seemed Commissioner himself. Sir Harry Charles his underlings in the governing British bration. Finally, Rav Kook called over his to indicate that it was the Jews’ own fault Luke, prim and proper and totally devoid Mandate, would now have even more attendant and told him how to respond that they were subjected to this treat- of warmth, held out his hand in greeting; reason to dislike the Jews, and thereby to the naysayers. ment, and had they not insisted on liv- however, Rav Kook refused to shake the show greater favoritism to the Arabs. The man stood up and spoke. “Rabbo- ing amongst the Arabs, there would have hand of a person who so openly disre- Who knows, they claimed, if this does been no provocation to warrant such garded the Jews, and quickly walked on not lead to more pogroms and more un- CONTINUED ON P. 51 an attack. In fact, this was the distinct by. The slight was noticed by everyone impression that Sir Harry Charles Luke present and the High Commissioner was Rabbi Dovid Hoffman is the author of the popular “Torah Tavlin” book series, fi lled – High Commissioner of Palestine and mightily insulted. with stories, wit and hundreds of divrei Torah, including the brand new “Torah Tavlin later deputy to the acting Chief Secretary The Chief Rabbi’s actions became the Yamim Noraim” in stores everywhere.
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