National Register of Historic Places Weekly Lists for 1996

National Register of Historic Places Weekly Lists for 1996

• United States Department of the Interior - :\IATIONAL PARK SERVICE !)­ P.O. Box 37127 • \Vashington. D.C. 20013-7127 - 1:--.: REPLY Rf.FER TO: - The Director of the National Park Service is pleased to announce actions on the following properties for the National Register of Historic Places. For further information call 202-343-9542 or 202-343-1572 or you may respond via cc:Mail. DUE TO THE GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN THERE ARE NO WEEKLY LISTS OF ACTIONS FOR 12/22/95, 12/29/95, AND 01/05/96. JAN I 1 1996 WEEKLY LIST OF ACTIONS TAKEN ON PROPERTIES: 12/11/95 THROUGH 12/15/95 KEY: State, County, Property Name, Address/Boundary, City, Vicinity, Reference Number, NHL, Action, Date, Multiple Name ARKANSAS, CLEBURNE COUNTY, Olmstead, T. E., & Son Funeral Home, 108 S. Fourth St., Heber Springs, 95001438, LISTED, 12/13/95 ARKANSAS, POINSETT COUNTY, Bacon Hotel, Homestead Rd. at jct. with RR tracks, SE corner, Whitehall, 95001437, LISTED, 12/13/95 IDAHO, CANYON COUNTY, Caldwell Oregon Short Line Railroad Depot, 701 S. 7th St., Caldwell, 95001403, OWNER OBJECTION DETERMINED ELIGIBLE, 12/11/95 MAINE, FRANKLIN COUNTY, Madrid Village Schoolhouse, Reeds Mills Rd. W side, 0.05 mi. N of jct. with ME 4, Madrid, 95001460, LISTED, 12/14/95 ~H•TW,_ t1"1,;fr"',...!'" ,...,..r..-., ,... ___,,_ "C'.., ...... "~~~..,'·'side, 0.3 mi. NW of ir:-'-- ·.~ith Crooked Rd., Hulls Cove, 95001464. r,JSTED. ~.1..~i:., .... :..~ .....u.uN '--'-''-'•h.1., Loudville Chul.1...1<, '~enter of Louds Islanc; !..nur..viJ...1.~·v:1.cinity, 95001.,.:,,, -~- ·--, :.~.·:..:,'·,~ MAINE, OXFORD COUNTY, Philbrook, John M. 1 House, 32 Main St., Bethel,· 95001465, LISTED, 12/14/95 MAINE, SAGADAHOC COUNTY, Swan Island Historic District, Kennebec R., between Richmond and Dresden, Richmond vicinity, 95001461, LISTED, 12/14/95 MAINE, SOMERSET COUNTY, Holden. Samuel. House, US 201 E side, 0.25 mi. N of jct. with MDOT Rd., Moose River, 95001459, LISTED, _.,._. ~ ~ 1 95 MAINE, ~C 1F.Y. COC-:ITY, Division No. 9 School, ME 9 S side, 0.15 mi. E of jct. with Bragdon Rd., North Berwick v:i.~_-:_nity, 950014U, :.:..:STX:::V, 12/14/95 MAINE, [C•~,:< ~.'CF,TY, Ogunquit Playhouse, US 1 E side, 0.2 mi. S of jct. with Bourne Rd., Ogunquit, .95001458, LT.'<""'T:D, 12/14/9.i MAINE, 1'":R.J·: ·:·.:-:miI'Y, Way Way General Store, 93 Buxton Rd., Saco vicinity, 95001462, LISTED, 12/14/95 MASSACHU51::'!'TS, l'lORCESTER COUNTY, Brown- -Davis--Frost Farm, 17 Whitney St., Town of Holden, Jefferson, 9500144•.'. LIS.,...C:D, 12/13/95 MASSACHUSETTS, WORCESTER COUNTY, Hubbard--Dawson House, 925 Main St., Holden, 9S001443, LISTED, 12/13/95 MASSACHUSETTS, WORCESTER COUNTY, Manning--Ball House, 370 Manning St., Town of Holden, Jefferson, 95001442, LISTED, 12/13/95 MASSACHUSETTS, WORCESTER COUNTY, Stony Farm, 428 Salisbury St., Holden, 95001441, LISTED, 12/13/95 MICHIGAN, INGHAM COUNTY, Goetsch--Winckler House, 2410 Hulett Rd., Meridian Township, Okemos, 95001423, LISTED, 12/13/95 NEW MEXICO, CURRY COUNTY, Santa Fe Passenger Depot--Clovis, 221 w, First St., Clovis, 95001451, LISTED, 12/14/95 NEW MEXICO, LEA COUNTY, Pyburn House, 203 Fourth St., Lovington, 95001429, LISTED, 12/13/95 NEW MEXICO, SANTA FE COUNTY, Nuestra Senora de Luz Church and Cemetery, 13 mi. SE of Santa Fe, N of I-25 frontage rd., Canoncito, 95001452, LISTED, 12/14/95 (Religious Properties of New Mexico MPS) NORTH CAROLINA, GUILFORD COUNTY, Deep River Friends Meeting House and Cemetery. 5300 W. Wendover Ave., High Point, 95001448, LISTED, 12/13/95 NORTH CAROLINA, WAKE COUNTY, Haywood. Dr. Hubert Benbury. House, 634 N. Blount St., Raleigh, 95001440, LISTED, 12/13/95 OHIO, ASHTABULA COUNTY, Griggs Grange No. 1467, 1467 Brown Rd., Jefferson vicinity, 95001414, LISTED, 12/13/95 OHIO, MARION COUNTY, Marion Cemetery Receiving Vault, 620 Delaware Ave., Marion, 95001415, LISTED, 12/13/95 OKLAHOMA, OKLAHOMA COUNTY, Jefferson Park Historic District, Roughly bounded by NW. 23rd St., N. Walker Ave., NW. 30th St. and I-235, Oklahoma City, 95001466, LISTED, 12/14/95 SOUTH DAKOTA, BON HOMME COUNTY, Scotland Residential Historic District, Roughly bounded by Chestnut, Fifth, Juniper and third Sts., Scotland, 95001439, LISTED, 12/13/95 SOUTH DAKOTA, DEWEY COUNTY, Laurens Polygonal Hog House, SD 63, 1 mi. N of US 212, Eagle Butte vicinity, 95001468, LISTED, 12/14/95 (South Dakota's Round and Polygonal Barns and Pavilions MPS) SOUTH DAKOTA, FAULK COUNTY, Haider Polygonal Barn and Hog House, S of US 212, Zell vicinity, 95001473, OWNER OBJECTION DETERMINED ELIGIBLE, 12/14/95 (South Dakota's Round and Polygonal Barns and Pavilions MPS) SOUTH DAKOTA, JONES COUNTY, Freier Round Barn, 2 mi. N and 2 mi. E of Draper, Draper vicinity, 95001471, LISTED, 12/14/95 (South Dakota's Round and Polygonal Barns and Pavilions MPS) SOUTH DAKOTA, MINNEHAHA COUNTY, Austin--Olson Farm, 24993 465th Ave., Colton vicinity, 95001474, LISTED, 12/14/95 SOUTH DAKOTA, MINNEHAHA COUNTY, Shafer Round Barn, 1600 S. Powder House Rd., Sioux Falls vicinity, 95001470, LISTED, 12/14/95 (South Da~ota's Round and Polygonal Barns and Pavilions MPS) SOUTH DAKOTA, MINNEHAHA COUNTY, Springer. R. D. and Mary, House, 201 W. 19th St., Sioux Falls, 95001436, LISTED, 12/13/95 SOUTH DAKOTA, MOODY COUNTY, Little Village Farm Sale Barn, Off OS 77, NE of Dell Rapids, Dell Rapids vicinity, 95001469, LISTED, 12/14/95 (South Dakota's Round and Polygonal Barns and Pavilions MPS) SOUTH DAKOTA, PENNINGTON COUNTY, Sitting Bull Crystal Cavern Dance Pavilion, US 16 NE of Rockerville, Rockerville vicinity, 95001475, LISTED, 12/14/95 SOUTH DAKOTA, TURNER COUNTY, Bones Hereford Ranch Sale Barn, 45874 268th St., Parker vicinity, 95001472, LISTED, 12/14/95 (South Dakota's Round and Polygonal Barns and Pavilions MPS) TENNESSEE, BRADLEY COUNTY, Ocoee Street Historic District, 1455--1981 N. Ocoee St., Cleveland, 95001447, LISTED, 12/13/95 TENNESSEE, FAYETTE COUNTY, Williston Historic District, Roughly, along Hotel and Railroad Sts. and Walker Ave., Williston, 95001409, LISTED, 12/14/95 TENNESSEE, GREENE COUNTY, Andrew Johnson National Historic Site, Depot and College Sts., Greeneville, 66000073, ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION APPROVED, 12/01/95 TENNESSEE, WASHINGTON COUNTY, Shelbridge, Jct. of N. Roan and E. 11th Sts., Johnson City, 95001477, LISTED, 12/14/95 TENNESSEE, WILLIAMSON COUNTY, L'OVerture, Toussaint, County Cemetery, Del Rio Pike at jct. with Hillsboro Rd., Franklin, 95001435, LISTED, 12/13/95 TEXAS, GOLIAD COUNTY, San Antonio River Valley (West of Goliad) Rural Historic District, Address Restricted, Goliad vicinity, 95001453, LISTED, 12/14/95 UTAH, MILLARD COUNTY, Deseret Relief Society Hall, 4365 S. 4000 W., Deseret, 95001431, LISTED, 12/13/95 (Mormon Church Buildings in Utah MPS) UTAH, SALT LAKE COUNTY, University Neighborhood Historic District, Roughly bounded by 500 S., S. Temple, 100 E. and University St., Salt Lake City, 95001430, LISTED, 12/13/95 UTAH, TOOELE COUNTY, Grantsville School and Meetinghouse, 90 N. Cooley Ln., Grantsville, 95001432, LISTED, 12/13/95 (Mormon Church Buildings in Utah MPS) UTAH, TOOELE COUNTY, Johnson, Alex and Mary Alice, House, 5 W. Main St., Grantsville, 95001433, LISTED, 12/13/95 UTAH, UTAH COUNTY, Pleasant Grove Historic District, Roughly bounded by 100 N.,. 500 S., 300 E. and 100 W., Pleasant Grove, 95001434, LISTED, 12/13/95 VERMONT, BENNINGTON COUNTY, Wilson House, Jct. of Village St. and Mad Tom Rd., Town of Dorset, East Dorset, 95001427, LISTED, 12/13/95 VERMONT, FRANKLIN COUNTY, Brigham Academy, Jct. of VT 108 and Academy Rd., Bakersfield, 95001428, LISTED, 12/13/95 (Educational Resources of Vermont MPS) VERMONT, RUTLAND COUNTY, Pawlet Town Hall, School St., Pawlet, 95001449, LISTED, 12/13/95 (Historic Government Buildings MPS) WASHINGTON, KING COUNTY, Shafer Building, 523 Pine St., Seattle, 95001445, LISTED, 12/13/95 WASHINGTON, YAKIMA COUNTY, Grandview Road--Yellowstone Trail, Grandview Pavement Rd. between Mabton--Sunnyside Rd. and Apple Way, Grandview, 95001446, LISTED, 12/11/95 WISCONSIN, :-.,,,...:i-'. _,xr.~..:·..:, \...;.u.0-,·, u"u,l~S iJ. 1 ;.~u.1::;~·;-- .LuU~ ~ ... _.,...... ..L<>.;.~ _:._~-.,.., Janesville, 9500, ~:;-~, L.:STED, 12/14/95 WISCONSIN, 'i.~.::-:"".''!' r",'lTTIIITV ::;s__•.:-:.':"...!'ni:1':S S.~tholir ,., ' '. ~ ....: -::~1.:"tF.r:z::, ,13963 Brehm Ave.' ":.1.:<::en"'!oOd, "~1'101455, LIST.r:.:';. 12/14/95 TAKE ■ PRIDE IN United States Department of the Interior AMERICA - ~ATIO;\AL PARK SER\lCE P.O. Box 37127 !;­ -• Washington. D.C. ~0013~7127 i:-,: REPLY REFER TO, - The Director of the National Park Service is pleased to announce actions on the following properties for the National Register of Historic Places. For further information call 202-343-9542 or 202-343-1572 or you may respond via cc:Mail. JAN 19 1996 WEEKLY LIST OF ACTIONS TAKEN ON PROPERTIES: 12/18/95 THROUGH 1/12/96 KEY: State, County, Property Name, Address/Boundary, City, Vicinity, Reference Number, NHL, Action, Date, Multiple Name ARIZONA, MARICOPA COUNTY, Encanto-Palmcroft Historic District, Bounded by N. 7th and N. 15th Aves., McDowell and Thomas Rds., Phoenix, 84000696, ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION APPROVED, 12/14/95 ARKANSAS, CRAWFORD COUNTY, No. 12 School, E of Co. Rd. 402, approximately 6 mi. W of Chester, Chester vicinity, 95001481, LISTED, 1/04/96 ARKANSAS, WASHINGTON COUNTY, Shelton. Lynn, American Legion Post No. 27, 28 S. College Ave., Fayetteville, 95001480, LISTED, 1/04/96 COLORADO, DENVER COUNTY, Austin Building, 2400--2418 E. Colfax and 1742 ·Josephine St., Denver, 95001512, LISTED, 1/11/96 COLORADO, DENVER CUUNTY, Joshel. Lloyd M.• House, 220 s. Dahlia St., Denver, 95001456, LISTED, 12/28/95 COLORADO, DENVER COUNTY, Romeo Block, 2944 Zuni St., Denver, 95001485, LISTED, 1/04/96 COLORADO, JEFFERSON COUNTY, Thiede Ranch, 22258 Shingle Creek Rd., Golden, 95001509, LISTED, 1/11/96 COLORADO, LARIMER COUNTY, Baldpate Inn, 4900 S. co 7, Estes Park vicinity, 950·01S10, LISTED, 1/11/96 COLORADO, MOFFAT COUNTY, Vanatta Apartments, 660 Yampa Ave., Craig, 95001511, LISTED, 1/11/96 COLORADO, OURAY COUNTY, Jackson.

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