Workshop on the Issue of Martian Meteorites 7027.pdf RECOVERING MORE ANTARCTIC MARTIAN METEORITES: ANSWERS TO COMMON QUESTIONS. R. P. Harvey1 and W. A. Cassidy2, 1Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland OH 44106-7216, USA ([email protected]), 2Department of Geology and Planetary Science, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh PA 15260, USA ([email protected]). Introduction: Of the 13 Martian meteorites reported, they could, tell them from Earth rocks), they can help us almost half were collected in Antarctica. With the increased find exposed blue ice, and help us discern the shape and interest in Martian meteorite studies accompanying the re- topography of an icefield. These images speed up our re- port of possible biogenic activity in ALH84001, many have connaissance and greatly facilitate systematic searching wondered whether recoveries of Antarctic Martian meteor- efforts. They also serve as the only available basemap for ites could be enhanced or accelerated. Given that the recov- precisely locating our finds, given that many Antarctic ice- ery of Antarctic meteorites is a planned activity, (unlike the fields lie off existing topographical maps. recovery of non-Antarctic Martian meteorites via random finds and falls), such questions are worth considering. 3. If we sent an army of professional meteorite Listed below are several topical questions, followed by an- hunters, could we gather Martian meteorites more swers based on experience gathered during the 21 com- quickly? pleted field seasons of ANSMET (the Antarctic Search for The answer to this one is “maybe”. Success in Meteorites program). finding Antarctic meteorites depends on a lot of factors, of which manpower is only one. Reconnaissance is perhaps 1. Can Antarctic meteorite collection activities be the most important factor; you will recover more meteorites focused on recovery of Martian samples? if you know where to go to find the densest concentration. The answer is no. Antarctic meteorite hunting is Weather is another vitally important factor. Too much wind analogous to mining placer deposits- we visit areas where and you can’t see because of blowing snow and freezing meteorites are concentrated by ice sheet processes, and only skin; too much snow and it buries the meteorites; too little by collecting all the meteorites can we ensure recovery of a wind and they stay buried. Given good weather and a me- few of special interest. The reason is simple; Martian me- teorite stranding surface that’s a known provider, adding teorites are so physically and mineralogically similar to more people to a field team means covering more territory other meteorite types that they cannot be recognized as more quickly. Experience among field party members also “Martian” during observations possible in the field. Thin- helps, and we typically aim for a 50:50 mix of novices and section work would be the minimum needed to suggest that experts; however, the benefits of a fully “professional” field a specimen is Martian, and positive confirmation would team are not as clear. While novices typically need a few require much more detailed chemistry. Anecdotal evidence extra days to learn to recognize meteorites, they are also suggests that several of the Martian meteorites were recog- more likely to be cautious and “over-identify” possible me- nized as “different” in the field, but such designations have teorites, helping ensure that nothing interesting gets left been notoriously inaccurate. Systematically collecting all behind. Antarctic field work also demands a significant time the meteorites from a given stranding surface is the best commitment that many professionals would find difficult to possible way to increase the chances something rare will be conform to. recovered. It should also be recognized that, even if we did recover specimens at double or triple the average pace 2. Could we recover more meteorites using tech- (~350 per year), there is a bottleneck at the initial charac- nologically advanced techniques? terization and curation end, where Martian specimens would The answer is no, not with present-day technology first be identified. Currently the Meteorite Processing Fa- anyway. While technology makes available an amazing cility at Johnson Space Center can handle several hundred array of sensors, none can match the amazing capabilities of recoveries per year very well; but recoveries of a thousand the human vision system. With just a few days training, a or more dramatically slow things down. meteorite hunter can visually acquire, recognize, and catego- rize dozens of rocks within view at rates surpassing any 4. Do searches miss types of Martian meteorites mechanical data acquisition system by several orders of that resemble terrestrial rock? magnitude. Humans store these data and learn as they go, It’s possible, but past performance suggests such are mobile, easy to care for, abundant and cheap (particu- potential losses are minimal. Most of the areas of meteorite larly graduate students). Proposals have been made to try stranding surfaces are isolated from nearby sources of ter- magnetometers, spectral photometers, metal detectors, restrial rock. Areas like the Allan Hills Western Icefields ground penetrating radar, and brainy robots to help (where ALH84001 came from), are many km from exposed ANSMET find meteorites. Currently and for the foreseeable bedrock and have no terrestrial rock on their ice surfaces- future, the human outperforms all of these by a huge margin any rock we find is almost certainly a meteorite regardless in terms of speed, recognition, and cost. of how “terrestrial” it looks. Regions of some icefields, One aspect of modern technology that has proven however, lie close to exposed bedrock and can have a scat- of enormous value is highly detailed satellite imagery. tering of terrestrial rock on their surfaces. Only by careful While images from above can’t see meteorites (or even if observation of each and every rock can one find the meteor- Workshop on the Issue of Martian Meteorites 7027.pdf RECOVERING MORE METEORITES: R. P. Harvey and W. A. Cassidy ites included there; looking for fusion crust, a particular collection efforts yielded nearly 4000 specimens, but be- glossy patina, or perhaps just a rock that looks out of place cause no infrastructure for rapid characterization was in by virtue of size or mineralogy. Luckily, we have just the place, many of the specimens were never carefully exam- instrument to allow such a search to succeed (see question 2 ined. 15 years after collection Y-793605 was recognized as above). Proof that Martian meteorites can be found mixed a “new” Martian lherzolite. Similarly, support continued in with terrestrial rocks is that the last two discovered study of existing modern falls. By virtue of their masses (LEW88516 and QUE94201) both came from regions with these specimens can include a more varied lithology within significant earth-rock; the latter from a moraine filled with a single sample than is typically seen in Antarctic specimens millions of like-sized pebbles. In summary, while we might and may contain new clues concerning the Martian crust and miss a fusion-crust-free Martian sandstone mixed in with its interaction with the Martian environment. Witness the terrestrial sandstone, we wouldn’t miss it lying on an iso- discovery of NaCl in Nakhla last year: who knows what lies lated icefield or mixed in with dolerite; chances are such in the many kilograms of Chassigny not yet studied? losses are minimal. It is also important to note that Third, support recovery from dry deserts, and ANSMET field parties always err on the side of caution, searches in Greenland. Given about 1 of every 2000 mete- routinely bringing back any rock that resembles a meteorite orites found in Antarctica turns out to be Martian, with even or simply doesn’t fit within the observed range of local rock better odds for non-Antarctic recoveries, systematic recovery types and sizes. of more meteorites means finding more Martians. However, such searches are meaningless if not done guaranteeing 5. What CAN be done to help gather more Martian unbiased and rapid distribution of samples to interested meteorites? scientists. Commercial or private meteorite collection is First, support annual field parties. Going hunt- antithetical to this goal. ing every year minimizes the stochastic influence of the Finally, minimize restrictions on the distribution weather, maximizing the chance that ANSMET field parties of the Martian samples. New Martian samples can be most will be in the right place at the right time. If you feel gener- quickly studied if they are widely distributed; and the more ous, support multiple field parties. This likewise minimizes complex and unique the sample, the wider and quicker this the effect of weather, but also allows simultaneous recon- distribution should be. The hastily imposed moratorium on naissance and systematic searching. The annual rate of re- distribution of ALH84001 samples is a case in point, since turns goes up because icefields for future searching can be new researchers were effectively locked out of this research more readily prioritized while recoveries take place, not in for almost a year. their stead. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have Second, support survey-level characterization as something to add. ANSMET operations have evolved stead- fully as possible. In order to find the Martians in the mix, ily over the past two decades with the help of input from the all the specimens need to be characterized in a timely fash- meteoritics community. And please remember to tell NSF ion. YAM793605 is a superb example of the importance of how important ANSMET operations are to your research. this early step. The 1979, Japanese Antarctic meteorite.
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