Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA Vol. 95, pp. 11032–11033, September 1998 From the Academy This paper is a summary of a session presented at the Ninth Annual Frontiers of Science Symposium, held November 7–9, 1997, at the Arnold and Mabel Beckman Center of the National Academies of Sciences and Engineering in Irvine, CA. Quantum computing GILLES BRASSARD*†,ISAAC CHUANG‡,SETH LLOYD§, AND CHRISTOPHER MONROE¶ *De´partement d’informatique et de recherche ope´rationnelle, Universite´ de Montre´al, C.P. 6128, succursale centre-ville, Montre´al, QC H3C 3J7 Canada; ‡IBM Almaden Research Center, 650 Harry Road, San Jose, CA 95120; §Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering, MIT 3-160, Cambridge, MA 02139; and ¶National Institute of Standards and Technology, Time and Frequency Division, 325 Broadway, Boulder, CO 80303 Quantum computation is the extension of classical computa- Quantum parallelism arises because a quantum operation tion to the processing of quantum information, using quantum acting on a superposition of inputs produces a superposition of systems such as individual atoms, molecules, or photons. It has outputs. For example, consider some function f and a quantum the potential to bring about a spectacular revolution in com- logic circuit U that computes it by mapping quantum register puter science. Current-day electronic computers are not fun- ux,0& to output ux, f(x)&. Let x and y be two distinct inputs, and damentally different from purely mechanical computers: the prepare the superposition (ux,0&1uy,0&)y=2. Applying U operation of either can be described completely in terms of produces (ux, f(x)&1uy, f(y)&)y=2: the value of function f is classical physics. By contrast, computers could in principle be computed on both inputs x and y even though circuit U is used built to profit from genuine quantum phenomena that have no once only. This works for even larger superpositions: applying ( u & 5 2ny2 classical analogue, such as entanglement and interference, U to xc x,0, where c 2 is a normalization factor, gives ( u & sometimes providing exponential speed-up compared with xc x, f(x) , an equal superposition of all input–output pairs. classical computers. An exponential amount of computation has been achieved in the Quantum Information. All computers manipulate informa- time it takes to compute the function on a single input. Unfor- tion, and the unit of quantum information is the quantum bit, tunately, if this exponentially rich state is measured, the entire or qubit. Classical bits can take either value 0 or 1, but qubits state collapses into a single randomly chosen input–output pair can be in a linear superposition of the two classical states. If we ux, f(x)&. Indeed, it would have been easier to choose x at denote the classical bits by u0& and u1&, a quantum bit can be in random before computing f(x) by classical means! To make any state au0&1bu1&, where a and b are complex numbers good use of quantum parallelism, we also must use the notion called amplitudes subject to uau2 1 ubu2 5 1. Any attempt at of quantum interference. measuring qubits induces an irreversible disturbance. For Imagine that we have an unknown function f that has a example, the most direct measurement on au0&1bu1& results one-bit input and a one-bit output, and that we are interested in the qubit making a probabilistic decision: with probability neither in the value of f(0) nor that of f(1), but rather in uau2, it becomes u0& and with complementary probability ubu2,it whether or not those two values are equal. If we have no other becomes u1&; in either case the measurement apparatus tells us access to f than a classical circuit to compute it, nothing better which choice has been taken, but all previous memory of the can be done than to run the circuit twice, to obtain and then original amplitudes a and b is lost. compare f(0) and f(1). However, if we are given a quantum Unlike classical bits, where a single string of n zeros and ones circuit U that transforms input ux, b& into output ux, bQf(x)&, suffices to describe the state of n bits, a physical system of n where Q denotes addition modulo two, we can do better. qubits requires 2n complex numbers to describe its state. For Prepare the first input in state (u0&1u1&)y=2 and the second au &1bu &1gu & example, two qubits can be in the state 00 01 10 input in state (u0&2u1&)y=2. Put together, the input state is 1 du & a b g d 11 for arbitrary complex numbers , , , and subject (u00&2u01&1u10&2u11&)y2. Applying U, the output is (u0, f(0)& uau2 1 ubu2 1 ugu2 1 udu2 5 only to the constraint 1. 2 u0, f(0)&1u1, f(1)&2u1, f(1)&)y2, where x denotes the Another feature of qubits is the property of entanglement. complement of bit x. Now apply to the first qubit the quantum u &2u &2u &1u & y Consider the two-qubit state ( 00 01 10 11 ) 2. This transformation that maps u0& to (u0&1u1&)y=2 and u1& to (u0& state is less complicated than it actually looks, because it can 2 u1&)y=2. The reader is encouraged to verify that the first be factored into the product of two one-qubit states, each of qubit ends up in the state uf(0)Qf(1)&: measuring this qubit now u &2u & y= which is ( 0 1 ) 2. Similarly, many n-qubit states can be produces the desired answer even though the quantum circuit U written in factored form and thus require only 2n numbers for to compute function f has been invoked once only. n their description, which is much less than the 2 numbers Intuitively, what happens is that interference occurs between u & generally required. However, some special states such as ( 01 computation paths. For example, there are two logical paths for 2 u & y= 10 ) 2 cannot be factored. When these two qubits are the case f(0) 5 f(1) 5 0 from the initial input state to output u10&: measured, they yield either 0 and 1 or 1 and 0, with equal one via f(0) 5 0, whose amplitude is 1y2=2, and one via f(1) 5 y= 2 5 y probability (1 2) 1 2, but which of these two outcomes 0, whose amplitude is 21y2=2. Both paths appear to have will occur is not determined until the measurement is actually nonzero probability of being observed, but actually they interfere performed. This has no classical analogue. destructively in a way that output u10& is in fact never observed. Quantum Computing. Computers that thrive on entangled Interference also can be constructive, as in the case for output u00&, quantum information could run exponentially faster than n which is twice more likely to be observed than the sum of the classical computers because n qubits require 2 numbers for probabilities associated with the two paths leading to it. their description. A few simple operations on these qubits can n The art of quantum programming is the clever exploitation affect all 2 numbers through the use of quantum parallelism of quantum interference to solve interesting problems by and quantum interference. reinforcing the probability of obtaining desired results while at © 1998 by The National Academy of Sciences 0027-8424y98y9511032-3$2.00y0 †To whom reprint requests should be addressed. email: brassard@iro. PNAS is available online at www.pnas.org. umontreal.ca. 11032 From the Academy: Brassard et al. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 95 (1998) 11033 the same time reducing or even annihilating the probability of obtaining unwanted results. It took nearly ten years after David Deutsch first suggested that such techniques could be useful (following earlier work by Paul Benioff and Richard Feynman) (1–3) that Peter Shor discovered in 1994 a quantum algorithm for efficiently factoring large numbers (4). This attracted considerable interest, not only for its tremendous cryptographic significance, but also as a first indication that quantum computers could be genuinely faster than classical computers for solving natural problems. Subsequently, an- other application was discovered: imagine searching for the name of a stranger whose phone number you know, given an ordinary phone directory ordered alphabetically by names. FIG. 2. Chloroform molecule as a two-bit quantum computer. Classically, this would require one to sift through one-half of the directory on average. Lov Grover’s quantum search algo- ties, but there appear to be no fundamental limits to the scaling. rithm (5) solves this problem in about square-root the amount Another nearly ideal physical system that can be used as of time required classically. This algorithm has been extended quantum computer is a single molecule, in which nuclear spins and applied to database searches and cryptography (6). of individual atoms represent qubits (9). Using NMR tech- All this theory of quantum computation is very nice, but is it niques, invented in the 1940’s and widely used in chemistry and only that: a theory? For the moment, no large-scale quantum medicine today, these spins can be manipulated, initialized, computation has been achieved in the laboratory, and there is no and measured. Most NMR applications treat spins as little ‘‘bar conclusive evidence than one will ever be. Nevertheless, several magnets,’’ whereas in reality, the naturally well isolated nuclei teams around the globe are working at small-scale prototypes. are nonclassical objects. The spins’ quantum behavior can be Next, we give a glimpse into that experimental world.
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