17 January 2011 Dear Councillor, Special Development Control Committee A Special meeting of the Development Control Committee will be held on Thursday, 27 January 2011 at 2.00 p.m. in the Council Chamber, Civic Centre, Queen Elizabeth Drive, Pershore. The agenda is attached. Yours sincerely Chris Wilkes Committee Administrator. N.B. (1) Members should, if possible direct any questions on the planning application to Neil Pearce and have them answered by him, prior to the meeting. (2) The deadline for public speaking registration is noon on Friday 21 January 2011 (3) A light lunch for Members will be served in the Conservatory at 1pm and there will be a refreshment break for teas at 3.30pm-3.45pm. (4) All Members are reminded to collect their committee updates from the members’ room, prior to the commencement of the meeting. (5) A map of Pershore showing public car parks is attached. However, the car parks closest to the rear of the Civic Centre and the hospital are likely to be very busy, so anyone attending the meeting is urged to allow time to park elsewhere in the town, if necessary. Plans of the application site are attached to the committee report. Chris Wilkes Committee Administrator Direct Dial 01386 565436 Fax 01386 561091 [email protected] The agenda and associated papers are now available for public inspection during normal working hours at:- Civic Centre Evesham Community Contact Droitwich Community Queen Elizabeth Drive Centre Contact Centre Pershore Abbey Road 44 High Street Worcs WR10 1PT Evesham Droitwich Spa Worcs WR11 4SR Worcs WR9 8ES and may also be viewed on the council’s website: www.wychavon.gov.uk Distribution: Each Member of the Development Control Committee:- Councillor R Davis - Chairman Councillor Mrs J C Dowty - Vice-Chairman Councillors R C Adams Mrs A Gopsill Mrs J A Pearce Mrs W J Carter J T Grantham MBE Mrs L Robinson A M G Darby R A Jakeman Mrs A M Rowley Mrs P E Davey Mrs R W Kirke Mrs A Steel Mrs W D Dyke D B Lee K N Wright A G Fisher Mrs D A Mackison D W Folkes Mrs M M Mathews Copy to:- Other Members of the Council, as requested Managing Director Senior Officers Committee Administrators Mr J C Blakeley – Chairman of the Standards Committee Parish Councillor B Browne Parish Councillor R Pinfield Page 2 of 4 Wychavon District Council Special Development Control Committee Thursday, 27 January 2011 Agenda 1. Chairman's Announcements (if any). To receive any Chairman’s announcements. 2. Apologies for Absence and Notification of Substitutes (if any). To record any apologies for absence and note any substitutions. 3. Declarations of Interests (if any). To record any declarations of interests. 4. Background Papers and Advice on Planning Applications and Guidance for Public Speakers (Pages 1 - 4) 5. Note regarding Updates and Advice on Planning Applications and Guidance for Public Speakers. Your attention is drawn to the Advice Note to Applicants and the Public, where it states that, where updates have been received before the Development Control Committee’s meeting, a written summary of these is published generally by 5pm on the day prior to the Committee meeting. Please note that verbal updates may still be made at the meeting itself. MAJOR APPLICATION. 6. Planning application Ref W/10/01074/PN. Ward No 23. (Pages 5 - 100) Description: Installation and operation of a wind energy scheme comprising 5 wind turbines and ancillary infrastructure for a period of 25 years, including external transformers, crane hardstandings and laydown areas, control building and compound housing switchgear, onsite access tracks, turning heads and ditch crossings, permanent monitoring mast, site entrance, underground electric cables, site mast, site signage, associated groundworks, tree felling and replanting. Land East of Bishampton Bank, Sheriffs Lench. Scottish Power Renewables. Page 3 of 4 Page 4 of 4 Agenda Item 4 Public Speaking at Development Control Committee Code of Practice for Special meeting • Public speaking shall be limited to 30 minutes for supporters of the development and 30 minutes for objectors to the development. This time limit shall apply whether one person is speaking in each group, or the time is shared between a number of speakers. • Representatives of the appropriate Town or Parish Council who wish to speak in support of or against an application shall be included in the same 30 minute time period as other speakers. • The Chairman will introduce the agenda, after which: 1. the Planning Officer will briefly describe the proposal and/or verbally update the Committee, as appropriate; 2. objectors to the scheme will be invited to speak; 3. the Applicant, his or her agent and/or other supporters of the scheme will be invited to speak; 4. Members will debate the proposal. • Speakers may request clarification of any points raised in the Committee Update and/or the Planning Officer's verbal update. • The Chairman and/or Local Member(s) may ask questions of the speakers to clarify any points raised, but this should not unduly extend the time available for the speaker to make comments on the scheme. • Only persons who have registered their wish to speak with the Committee Team, and had this acknowledged, by 12 noon on Friday 21 January 2011 shall be able to speak at the meeting. 1 - 4 Page 1 • Members of the Council that have a prejudicial interest in an application may speak in support of or against the application and seek points of clarification in the same way and subject to the same rules as members of the public (including the requirement to register their wish to speak). They must however leave the Council Chamber as soon as they have answered any questions and prior to the debate on the application commencing. • Visual aids such as photographs produced by any speakers shall only be circulated or displayed at the discretion of the Chairman. It would normally be expected that such material is supplied to the Planning Officer at least 2 days before the meeting. Such material may be copied on the public planning application file. • A list of those wishing to speak shall be posted up in the Council Chamber at least 30 minutes before the start of the meeting. • The meeting shall be conducted in an orderly manner with no interruptions while speakers have their say or during the Committee Members’ debate on any item. The Chairman's ruling is final on any matter. • Any speaker making racist, offensive or other inappropriate comments shall be asked to stop speaking and shall forfeit any right to make verbal representations. Individuals may be asked to leave the Chamber. 2 - 4 Page 2 Wychavon District Council Development Control Committee BACKGROUND PAPERS. The following documents have been identified in accordance with the provisions of Section 100(D)(5)(a) of the Local Government Act, 1972 and are listed in accordance with Section 100(D)(1)(a) for inspection by members of the public. Background papers used in compiling the schedule of applications consist of:- (i) The individual planning application (which may include supplementary information supplied by or on behalf of the applicant) and representations received from persons or bodies consulted upon the application by the Local Planning Authority, and from members of the public and interested bodies, by the time of preparation of the schedule. (ii) The Town and Country Planning Act, 1990, as amended, and related Acts, Orders and Regulations, Circulars and Policy Guidance Notes published by or on behalf of the Secretary of State for the Department for Communities and Local Government. (iii) Regional Spatial Strategy for the West Midlands. (iv) The Structure Plan for Worcestershire. (v) The Wychavon District Local Plan 2006 and Supplementary Planning Guidance. (vi) Relevant decisions of the Secretary of State in relation to planning appeals and relevant decisions of the courts. These documents are available for inspection and will remain available for a period of up to 4 years from the date of the meeting, during the normal office hours. Requests to see them should be made to our Customer Services Officers on 01386 565565 and arrangements will be made to comply with the request as soon as practicable. The District Local Plan and the individual planning applications can be viewed on our web site www.wychavon.gov.uk Advice to Applicants and the Public The recommendations and reports of the Head of Planning contained in this schedule may, on occasions, be changed or updated as a result of any additional information received by the Local Planning Authority between the time of its preparation and the appropriate meeting of the Authority. 3 - 4 Page 3 Where updates have been received before the Development Control Committee’s meeting, a written summary of these is published generally by 5pm on the day before the Committee Meeting. Please note that verbal updates may still be made at the meeting itself. 4 - 4 Page 4 Agenda Item 6 Development Control Committee - 27/01/2011 W/10/01074/PN Parish: Church Lench Grid Ref: E:401686.02 N:250011.48 Ward: Inkberrow 23 Major Application Description: Installation and operation of a wind energy scheme comprising 5 wind turbines and ancillary infrastructure for a period of 25 years, including external transformers, crane hardstandings and laydown areas, control building and compound housing switchgear, onsite access tracks, turning heads and ditch crossings, permanent monitoring mast, site entrance, underground electric cables, site mast, site signage, associated groundworks, tree felling and replanting. Site: Land East of Bishampton Bank, Sheriffs Lench Applicant: ScottishPower Renewables Agent: Date Valid: 27/05/2010 Case Neil Pearce Officer: Expiry Date: 16/09/2010 Tel: 01386 565326 Member(s): Cllr David B Lee Cllr Mrs Audrey Steel 1.
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