1917. CONGRESSIONAL REOORn--sENA'TE. 49 Tbe reso1ution (S. ·nes. 8) was read and ordered to lie .on the Mr. WEEKS. I present Tesolutions adopted by th'e Legisla­ table, as follows: ture of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, which I ask .may b:e Wher€'as :tmnortant measures, vital to the bonor anti .safety of the incorporated in the REcoRD. · Nation, .<le-mand the .immediate attention of the Congress: Therefore The :reso1utions were m·dered to be printed 1n the REcoRD, as be 1t follows.; Resolved, That it is the sense of the Senate that the Congress _should THE 'COMMONWI!l'AL'IX frF MASSACHUSETTS, 1917. be convened in extraordinary flession at ·a date not later than the .26th day of the present ·month. Resolutions in support o'f amendments to the naturaUzntlon laws of the United States. NEWS-PR.INT-PAPKR INDUSTRY:. Resolved, That ihe General Court of Massachusetts, believing that 1\Ir. FLETCHER. .Mx:. Piesident, l desire to present a reso­ there Js injustice both to th<> alien desiring to become a. citizen and to the lution for In·inting the report of the Federal Trade Commission State because of the lack of interest in the Government by unnaturalized alie.!ls growing out of the present difficulty in securing naturalization, in response to Senate resolutio:Q., April 24, 1.916, T.elative to an respectfully petitions the Congress of the United States to amend ·tbe investigation of the news-print-paper industry in the United law relating thereto with a vieTT to making it less expensive to the alien States. It is not a very long document and there is great de­ to become a citizen, particularly by _providin_g night sessions of naturaliza­ tion courts. mand for it. I ask unanimous consent for the present consid­ .Resolved, That certified eoples of these resolutions be ·sent by the eration of the resolution. secretary of the Commonwealth to the £resident of the United States, The VICE PRESIDENT. Is there objection? The Chair to the presiding officers of both branches of Congress, _and t.o the hears none, and the Secretary rwill read the resolution. Senators and Representatives from Massachusetts. In house of representatives, adopted, February lG, ~917. The Secretary read the resolution (S. Res. 7), as follows: In senate, adopted, in conc-urrenee. February ~1, 1917. .Reso.l'Ved., That the .report of the Federal Trade Commisslon 'Sub­ A true copy . mitted in response to a Senate resolution of April 24, 1916, relative to Attest: an investigation of the news-print-paper industry 1n the United States ALBE.RT :P. LSXGTRY, be printed as a Senate document, and that 5,000 additional c-opies be Secretary of the 001mnomoealth. printed for the use of the Senate document room. Mr. ·Sl\IOOT. I did .not hear what the request was. THE COMllONW&ALTH OF l\1ASSACHUSETTS, .1917. Resolutions relative to the regulations of the National Gi>'vernment .in :hlr. FLETCHER. It is a report of the Federa1 "frade Cern­ respect to ·the shooting of migratory birds. mission in response to a Senate Tesolution regaraing an inquiry Whereas under the present rules and regulations of the United ·State.c; as to the ·news print paper in<lusb,·y. It is :not a very long report. 'Department of Agriculture, in -respect to the shooting of ,migratory The resolution provides for printing the report as a Senate docu­ birds, it is illegal to hunt before sunris.e or after sunset ; and ment. There is quite u demund for it. Whereas such rules and regula..tions are unjust to the inhabitants of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in that they do not permit th~ Mr. SMOOT. It is in answer to the resolution ph:ssed at tbe shooting of birds between the llonrs or one hour before sunrise and first session of the last Congress? one hour after sunset : Therefore be it Mr. FLETCHER. It is in nnswer :to that :resolution. Reso1'Ved, That the Senators and Representatives in Congress from Massachusetts are "hereby requested to -take early and concerted action Tbe VICE PRESIDENT. The question is .on agreeing to the to bring before the United States Department of .Agriculture the present resolution. injustice of tlU! rules and regUlations of that department as above The resolution was agreed to~ specified ; and Resolved, That copies of these resolutions, attested by the secretary PTIOTECTION OF FOREIGN COMMERCE. of the Commonwealth, be sent to each of the Senators and Representa­ tives in Congress from 1\.la,_<;Sacbusetts. 1\lr. LEWIS. Mr. President, J: merely rise 'to say 1tbat I gave In house of .representatives, auopted February 15, 1917. notice and ·had intended to address tlle Senate to-day upon the ln senate, adapted in concurrence, FebTuary !W, 1917. A true copy. resolution I introduced yesterday touching the executive :Power Attest: ALBERT C. LA~GTRY, of the President. I am requested this morning by the able Bel:retary of the Oo1nmonwcalt1J. Senator from VIrginia [Mr. MARTIN], the chairman of the Com­ WITHDRAWAL OF PAPERS--'SCHUYLER C. 'MOllGAN. mittee on Committees, to forego that the committee may have us much time as possible to arrange the general committees of On motion of l\.Ir. THoMAs it was the -senate. I have gladly ·acceded to the r.equest with the under­ Ordered, That the _papers in the case of fhe bill (S. 6686) granting :1. pension to Schuyler C . .Morgan, Sixty,fourth C<Ulgress. seeontl sessiou. standing that I may have the liberty of t:lking the floor on Mon­ be withdrawn from the :files of the S.enate, no adverse report having day instead of to-day. been made thereon. · MEMORIALS. ADJOURNMENT 'TO YOJI.'DAY. l\lr. NELSON. I present a resolution adopted by the Minne­ Mr. MARTIN. The Committee on Committees on both sides sota Editorial Association, which I ask may be read. of the Chamber are at work enueavoring to ·pel"fect the commit­ There being no objection the ·resolution was read, as follows : tees of the 'Senate. In order that :t11ey mn.y have an opportunity MINNESOTA. EDITORIAL ASSOCIATION, to dispatch that work as rapidly as possible, I move that the :JORDAN, MINN. Senate adjourn until .12 o'clock noon Mon(lay. Resolution adopted at tbe Fifty-first Annual Convention of the Minne­ The motion was llt,OTeeil to; and (at 12 o'clock and '10 minutes sota Editorial Association, at St. Paul, February 171 1917. Whereas a grave international crisis exists, involving the relations or the p. m.) the Senate adjourned until Monday, March 12, 1917, at United States and other world _powers, we, the member-s of the Minne­ 12 o'clock m&iUian. sota Editorial Association, in convention assembled, affirm our loyalty to our Government and pledge our undivided support to the President and Congress in defense of American institutions, and the J)rotection SENATE. of American rights and lives on land or sea; and Be it resolt:ed {urtl~er, !l'hnt we exert our influence in the promotion of national patriotism and loyalty among our people. 1\IoNDAY, March 12, 191'7. H. 1\I. WHEELOCK, Prcsiaen.t Minnesota 1JdiJo1'ial Association. The Chaplain, Rev. Forrest J. Prettyman, D. D., offered the Attest: following prayer : HERMAN ROE, Secretary. Almighty God, we call upon Thy name that we may reconcile the puL-poses and motives we have for our Nation with Thy I l\.Ir. SHEPPARD. present a resolution adopted by the Texas . revealed will. We would not go forward in the establishment State Senate, which I ask may be inserted in the REcoRD. of our commerce, we would not move for'\'\"ard in the defense of There being no objection, · the resolution was ordered to be our national bonor, unless it is to the call of God and in har­ printed in the REcoRD, as follows: mony with Thy purpose concerning us. Thou art the God of Simple resolution 97. (By Harley.) nations, and we put ourselves in Thy hands that we may work Whereas the Government of the United States has agam resnmed friendly relations with the Goyernmcnt of Mexico and has designated an am­ out a destiny that will redound to -the honor and glory of Thy bassador to said G<lvernment ; and name. To this end do Thou lead us now and always. For Whereas there are in the State of Texas a number of distinguished and Ghrist's sake. Amen. worthy citizens of our sister Republic, as well as a number of Ameri­ can citi~ens, who have large property noldings in Mexico: Therefore 'l'l1e Vice President being absent, the President pro tempore be it assumed the chair. Resolved, T.hat we request our State Department at Washington to The Journal of the proceedings of FTiday last was read and request our ambassador in the City of Mexico to continue to use hls approved. good offices in behalf of t.l:!ese unfortunate people, to the end that their property rights in Mexico may be respected and preserved by the GDv­ Several messages, in writing, from the President of the ernment of Mexico; and be it further United States were communicated to the .Senate by Mr. Sharkey, Resolved, That a copy of this resolution be sent to the State Depart­ one of his secretaries. ment at Washington and to each of our Senators and .Represf!ntatives at Wasbington. COMMITTEES OF THE SEN ATE. February 23, ~917; read and adopted. · .JoHN D. McCALL, Mr. MARTIN. Mr. P.resident, I send to the desk a resolu­ Secretary of the Senate. tion for which I ask immediate consideration. I will state that - 50 CONGRESSION.AL RECORD-SENATE.
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