Flowering plants An index of common and scientific names This is an index of scientific names and common (`vernacular') names (in English) of flowering plants and plant products. It serves as an index to the Chart of Flowering Plant Families (www.botanicalchart.org.uk). All names appearing on the chart are included in the index. In addition, we include many further scientific names and also common names of useful and ornamental plants and plant products, thus giving a more extensive listing than is possible on the chart itself. The index may be used to locate common names, families and other names on the chart using the hierarchical structure as follows. Given a common name or plant product, for example `Mango', the entry in the index says that Mango is in the genus Mangifera, in the family Anacardiaceae. This family has an entry giving the order as Sapindales, which is in the Malvids, in the Rosids, which, finally, is in the Eudicots, one of the major taxa of flowering plants. Warning: The common, or vernacular, names in this index cover familiar plants and plant products. These names vary from language to language. Moreover, often only local names are available. Sometimes, the same name is used for several (sometimes quite unrelated) species. We have tried to disambiguate common names using genera. However, some common names can be used quite loosely of a range of different species (usage sometimes varying around the world). Particular problems arise with names of timbers and also with some descriptive names of garden plants. In this index, as well as covering scientific names, we have tried to provide a guide to the current usage of many common names, but inevitably some usages may not be included and others may be not precise enough to be specified. Resources For a comprehensive index of flowering plants and ferns consult: Mabberley's Plant-book: A Portable Dictionary of Plants, their Classifications, and Uses, 3rd Edition, David J. Mabberley. Cambridge Univ. Press. 2008. A valuable resource is the website: Angiosperm Phylogeny Website. Version 9, June 2008 [and more or less continuously updated since], P.F. Stevens, (2001 onwards). URL http://www.mobot.org/MOBOT/research/APweb/ Families and orders are those in the following paper, updated with more recent work where relevant: An update of the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group classification for the orders and families of flowering plants: APG III. Angiosperm Phylogeny Group. 2009. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 161:105-121. Availability This document and the Chart of Flowering Plant Families (David Rydeheard, 2011) are available from the Botanical Chart website at http://www.botanicalchart.org.uk. 1 Index Alseuosmiaceae, Asterales Alstroemeriaceae, Liliales Abelia, Caprifoliaceae (Linnaeaceae) Altingiaceae, Saxifragales Abolbodaceae, in Xyridaceae Alyssum, Brassicaceae Abutilon, Malvaceae Alzateaceae, Myrtales Acacia, Fabaceae Amaranthaceae, Caryophyllales Acai palm (Euterpe), Arecaceae Amaryllidaceae, Asparagales Acanthaceae, Lamiales Amborellaceae, Amborellales Acanthus, Acanthaceae Amborellales, Early-branching order Aceraceae, in Sapindaceae Ambrette (Abelmoschus), Malvaceae Acerola (Malpighia), Malpighiaceae Amelanchier, Rosaceae Achariaceae, Malpighiales Amphorogynaceae, in Santalaceae Achatocarpaceae, Caryophyllales Anacardiaceae, Sapindales Achiote (Bixa), Bixaceae Anarthriaceae, Poales Acoraceae, Monocots Ancistrocladaceae, Caryophyllales Actinidiaceae, Ericales Andaman marblewood (Diospyros), Ebenaceae Adoxaceae, Dipsacales Androsace, Primulaceae Aextoxicaceae, Berberidopsidales Aneulophus, Erythroxylaceae Afara (Terminalia), Combretaceae Angelica, Apiaceae Afina wood (Strombosia), Strombosiaceae Angostura (bark) (Galipea & African blackwood (Dalbergia), Fabaceae Cusparia = Angostura), Rutaceae African dogrose (Oncoba), Salicaceae Angueuk wood (Ongokea), Aptandraceae African dogrose (Xylotheca), Achariaceae Anemone, Ranunculaceae African forest elder (Nuxia), Stilbaceae Anise (Pimpinella), Apiaceae African hemp (Sparrmannia), Malvaceae Aniseed myrtle (Syzygium), Myrtaceae African oak (Lophira), Ochnaceae Anisophyllaceae, Cucurbitales African oak (Oldfieldia), Picrodendraceae Annatto (Bixa), Bixaceae African violet (Saintpaulia), Gesneriaceae Annonaceae, Magnoliales African walnut (Coula), Coulaceae Anthurium, Araceae African white pear (Apodytes), Aphelandra, Acanthaceae Icacinaceae (provisionally) Aphyllanthaceae, in Asparagaceae Afrostyrax, Huaceae Apiaceae, Apiales Agapanthus, Amaryllidaceae Apiales, Campanulids Agapanthaceae, in Amaryllidaceae Apocynaceae, Gentianales Agar wood (Aquilaria, sometimes Gyrinops), Apodanthaceae, Cucurbitales (provisionally) Thymelaeaceae Apodytes, Icacinaceae (provisionally) Agavaceae, in Asparagaceae Aponogetonaceae, Alismatales Agave, Asparagaceae Apostasiaceae, in Orchidaceae Agdestis, Phytolaccaceae Apple (Malus), Rosaceae Ageratum, Asteraceae Apple, Custard (Annona), Annonaceae Airplants (Tillandsia), Bromeliaceae Apple, Kei (Dovyalis = Aberia), Salicaceae Aizoaceae, Caryophyllales Apple, Star (Chrysophyllum), Sapotaceae Akaniaceae, Brassicales Apricot (Prunus), Rosaceae Akebia, Lardizabalaceae Aptandraceae, Santalales Akee (Blighia), Sapindaceae Aquifoliaceae, Aquifoliales Alangiaceae, in Cornaceae Aquifoliales, Campanulids Alder (Alnus), Betulaceae Araceae, Alismatales Alfalfa (Medicago), Fabaceae Araliaceae, Apiales Alismataceae, Alismatales Aralidiaceae, in Torricelliaceae Alismatales, Monocots Ardisia, Primulaceae Alkanet (various genera, including Anchusa Areca, Arecaceae & Alkanna), Boraginaceae Arecaceae, Arecales Alliaceae, in Amaryllidaceae Arecales, Monocots Allspice (Pimenta), Myrtaceae Argan oil (Argania), Sapotaceae Allspice, Carolina (Calycanthus), Calycanthaceae Argophyllaceae, Asterales Almond (Prunus), Rosaceae Aristolochiaceae, Piperales Aloe, Xanthorrhoeaceae Arracacha (Arracacia), Apiaceae 2 Arrowgrass, various genera in Juncaginaceae Balsam of Peru (Myroxylon), Fabaceae and Scheuchzeriaceae Balsam poplar (Populus), Salicaceae Arrowhead (Sagittaria), Alismataceae Balsaminaceae, Ericales Arrowhead (Nephthytis & Syngonium), Araceae Bamboo (various genera), Poaceae Arrowroot, various genera and common names, Bamboo, Sacred/Heavenly (Nandina), Berberidaceae including: Bamburanta (Ctenanthe), Marantaceae `East Indian arrowroot' (Curcuma), Zingiberaceae Bambusaceae, in Poaceae `Polynesian arrowroot' (Tacca), Dioscoreaceae Banana (Musa & Ensete), Musaceae `West Indian arrowroot' (Maranta), Marantaceae Banksia, Proteaceae Artemisia, Asteraceae Banyan (Ficus), Moraceae Artichoke, Globe (Cynara), Asteraceae Baobab (Adansonia), Malvaceae Artichoke, Jerusalem (Helianthus), Asteraceae Barbados cherry (Malpighia), Malpighiaceae Arum, Araceae Barberry (Berberis), Berberidaceae Asclepiadaceae, in Apocynaceae Barbeuiaceae, Caryophyllales Asafoetida (Ferula), Apiaceae Barbeyaceae, Rosales Ash (Fraxinus), Oleaceae Barclaya, Nymphaeaceae Ash, Silver (Flindersia), Rutaceae Barclayaceae, in Nymphaeaceae Ashoka tree (Saraca), Fabaceae Barley (Hordeum), Poaceae Asparagaceae, Asparagales Barringtonia, Lecythidaceae Asparagales, Monocots Barringtoniaceae, in Lecythidaceae Asparagus, Asparagaceae Basellaceae, Caryophyllales Aspen (Populus), Salicaceae Basil (Ocimum), Lamiaceae Asphodel (Asphodelus), Xanthorrhoeaceae Basswood [NAm] (Tilia), Malvaceae Asphodel, Bog (Narthecium), Nartheciaceae Bastard bullet tree (Humiria), Humiriaceae Asphodelaceae, in Xanthorrhoeaceae Bat flower (Tacca), Dioscoreaceae Aspidistra, Asparagaceae Bataceae, Brassicales Astelia, Asteliaceae Batidaceae = Bataceae Asteliaceae, Asparagales Baueraceae, in Cunoniaceae Asteraceae, Asterales Bay [tree/leaves] (Laurus), Lauraceae Asterales, Campanulids Bay, Loblolly (Gordonia), Theaceae Asterids, Eudicots Bay, West Indian (Pimenta), Myrtaceae Astilbe, Saxifragaceae Bayberry (Myrica), Myricaceae Athel tree (Tamarix), Tamaricaceae Bdellium (Commiphora), Burseraceae Atherospermataceae, Laurales Bean (Phaseolus, Vigna, Vicia etc), Fabaceae Aubergine (Solanum), Solanaceae Beautyberry (Callicarpa), Lamiaceae Aucuba, Garryaceae Bedstraw (Galium), Rubiaceae Australian flycatcher (Cephalotus), Cephalotaceae Bee balm (Monarda), Lamiaceae Australian heath (Epacris), Ericaceae Beebrush (Aloysia), Verbenaceae Austrobaileyaceae, Austrobaileyales Beech (Fagus), Fagaceae Austrobaileyales, Early-branching order Beech, Southern (Nothofagus), Nothofagaceae Averrhoaceae, in Oxalidaceae Beech, White (Gmelina), Lamiaceae Avicennia, Acanthaceae Beech myrtle (Nothofagus), Nothofagaceae Avicenniaceae, in Acanthaceae Beefsteak plant (Perilla), Lamiaceae Avocado (Persea), Lauraceae Beet (Beta), Amaranthaceae Azalea (Rhododendron), Ericales Begonia, Begoniaceae Begoniaceae, Cucurbitales Belladonna (Atropa), Solanaceae Bael (Aegle), Rutaceae Bellflowers (Campanula, Campanulastrum, Bacuri (Platonia), Clusiaceae Codonopsis, Platycodon, etc.
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