C•Hfornll ute Univ. lty, Northrld11 What are the pros and con of Valley New High Sclfool No. l euthanasia? students visit CSUN. Seepage 13. Seei)ageS. '1DlunleDAIL_ 47 • Number 49 Since 1957 - " ,cJ 1y NovPm bt r 16 200·1 h ttp >und1al csur1 edu A financially independe nt student ne wspape r Community colleges / seek ehronrrlent increase KRYSTLE WHITHURST be) a disaster for 1he sia1c:· DAILY SUNDIAL said Scou Lay. vice prcsi· dent of the Community Col- alifornia com munity lege League. colleges are trying to L.A . Harbor Coll ege. Creverse the 350.000- Santa Monica College. E.ast student decrease in enroll- Los Angeles Coll ege. and ment .i: hat occurred la~ t year. L.A. Pierce College. among. in hopes of increasing their others in California. experi- state funding and accommo- enced the most drastic drop in date more students this year. enrollment d uring 1hc 2003- Community colleges have 04 school year. due 10 the cuts recently Jost enrollment due they had 10 make. to budget cuts and increases "All the coll ege)> are in slate fees. which has resu lt - doing the best they cao to ed in less a\<i.ilable classes mcc1 (this years growthl tar- and space for students. get."' Rosas said. "'(Ou r This 1ype of reduction in school) has classes 111 place enrollment is one tha1 the 10 all ow for tha1 growth.'" state haSn't ex.perienced in The target for growth at severat years. said Cheryl L.A. Harbo; iS 5 percent. Fong. spokesperson for the )o;ud Rosas. , , ,....NtP•llMAYMSTOMS IOitJl.Y~ Community Colleges Chan- Bruce Smith, public infor- - ~ includln1 CSUN students, tumed out at the Northridp Republkan Headquvten on Nov. i to cellor's Office in. California. mation officer at Santa Moni- ~the ....i!' oftt., preslden,l"'l l"ll'e. This~~ an Increase ln-.n qes 18-29. The slate is trying to ca College. said that although restore Jost funding so Iha! enrollment numbers n~ctu- Youth turnout increases by 4.6 µ}iilion votes in recent election· programs can be streng1h- ate. SMC has a rather large ened. and IOs1 students can enrollmem . - ahd · is ' no~ ~ ~ . .. GHTON and Engagement (CIRCLE) ages 18-29 1IOl<d. while in the ·1y.bOsed on ihc ex ii .,01.; foc ., rC1Unl t0 .. Co1le8.e: Fong 'Said. ~ i)rcpa:i'tnttoiiiecQmme<lmc 11 ~ DAILY SUNDIAL sOid • was an increa<c of 2004 electioo, 52 percenl of 18-24-year-olds. She said that Marchetta Stephens. 30. a innux of students. 4.6 million V<l4C; among voters tegistmd voters in lhai age many non-partisan organiza- full-time child development SMC was forced to cut 26 ·1e initial reports ' 11F518-29. tions, :AJch as Rock the 'W><c. studem al Los Angeles South- percent of its class offeringS pwP 1IOl<d. Emil v• ~• only one in JO 1)lc stalislia were based oo Accixding to y ""uy, had hoped 10 &et 20 million west College and ~ working last year. he said. This year. D:youdl voters cast blJ. exit polls and early V<lle llllies research ~iate for CJR. young voters til cast bollols in mother. said she has been the school is trying to recu- IOll in lhe poesidential election . conduct<d by the Associated CU!, the "first reports thal went lhis election. They aua:cOded inconvenienced by the reduc- perate from that decision. The cut in classes result- ... Nov. 2, - reports from rr..s. They showed that in the OOI staling that youlh voters by getting • IUmOUt of about tion in class offerings. tho Calla- for Information 200) presicb1tial dcclion. 42.! did noc tum out in large num- "I feel like I am being ed in a 17 percent enroll- ~ .n Civic Ccaming perterll of registered Voters bm BS anticipated were false-. See YOUTH, page 8 shonchanged, .. she said. ment drop. The school is This year. community no w offering 100 sections colleges are expected to of online classes, has an meet a 3 percent increase in enrollment of 2.883. and is enrollment, but schools that planning to expand that On the move do not meet the proposed tar- number. get will not receive the extra 'That will be a 1rcnd rhat funding. according to Luis will continue." Smith said. Rosas. vice president of Aca- Smith said 1h at SMC is demic Affairs at L.A . Harbor also planning to open up a Coll ege. The incentive for Bundy campus next year lO growth comes from the state, alle viate space and parkrng which gives additional funds constrai nts a1 lhe main to community colleges every campus. SMC has five cam- year to encourage growth. puses. including the marn This yCar's state budget 1s c ampus and four off-site $5.37 billion dollars. a 7 per- locations. cent increase from lasl year. Ann Garten. spokesperson according to Fong. fo r El Camino College, said " It's a lricky game we restoring class offerings is lhe have to play (to get the exlra school's top priority. El funding)." Rosas said. Camino has added 150 cours- Growth is slow due to the es for the Fall 2004 And increased fees and budget Spring 2005 semesters. cuts that com111unit y. col- Because of budget cuts-, leges have experienced. the school didn't offer win- Rosas said. Colleges need ter session last yCar. but the extra state funding that is will this coming January. available in order to provide Online cl;\sscs will not be basic services and programs. added in l~rge numbers. rriany of which arc very Marten said. but will be under-funded. slowly expanded. " We 're going to continue According t~ Fran Hor- to remain under-funded vath, CSUN di=tor of lnsti- (unlil state funding tulionil Research and Plan- improves); he said. ning. 85 percent of transfer "(If lost students will nol students at CSUN come from return to college. that would communit~ collei;CS. Wire .Rice to step in as secretary of state WASHINGl'ON . (AP) - his inauguration Jan. 20! An ncx' the 67-ycar--0ld Powell fonh described Powell as "a President Bush has chosen administration that experi- said. "I don't know:· great person'" and "an out- national security ·adviser Con- enced few changes ov.er the ln a statement, Bosh called standing public servant.'' As dolcezza Rice to replace Colin lilSt (our years suddenly hit a Powell ••one of the great pub- to whether he might succeed Powell as secretary of state, a high-water mark for overhaul. lie servants of our time... Powell, Danforth said, .. II has- senior administration official Known for his mOOeraie Most of lhe speculation on a n 't been mentioned by me or said Monday. views and unblemished repu- sucCCSSOI" to Powell has ccn- to me." PoWcll, a retired four-slar tation, it was Powell who tcred oo Rice. who is generally Powell. one of the archi- general who often clashed went before the United scen as more ·hawkish, and is · tccts of the 1991 Persian Gulf with mOre hawkish members Nations in February 2003 to one of Bush's closest advisers. War in the administration of of the administration on Iraq ~II Bush·s argument for She is widely considered the Bush ·s father. often sparred in National and other foreign policy invading Iraq to skeptics president's first choice for the private with .hard-line admin- issues, resigned in a Cabinet -atfroad and at home. But Pow- top diplomat 1 job despite istration officials such as Vice exodus that promises a starkly ell's case w~ built on faulty repons that "she intends to President Dick Cheney and · different look to President intelligeqce that Sad- return to California Rumsfeld over how to pro- Many TV stations canceled Bush's second-tenn team. dam Hussein pos- - she was provost cccd in Iraq and the role.of the The White House on Mon- sessed weapons of at StanfOfd Univer- international (:ommunity. 'Saving.Private Ryan'.airings day ~nnounccd Powell's exit mass destruction. sity - or wM hop- In his most memorable a1ong with the resignations of Still. ·the former ing ti> replace Don- presentation. Powell 501diercd Education Secretary Rod Joint Chiefs of Staff chair- aid Rumsfeld as on and delivered the adminis- NEW YORK CAP) - More 1han 20 ABC affiliates Paige. AgriCult.ure Secretary person remained the most defense sectctary. tration line before the United around 1he coun1ry said they wouldn'I participale in the net- Ann Ve<neman and "Energy populaf' meq;iber of the Aides to Rice declined to Nations aOO a world audience work 's Veterans Day airing of "Saving Private Ryan :' say- Secretary Spencer Abraham. administration, more so than comment. In Ecuador for a on the rationale for ousting ing the acclaimed film "s violence and language couJd draw Stephen Hadley, deputy eve n Bush. meeting of defense mirlistcrs, Saddam Hussein. - s.anction!o from the Federal Communications Commission. national security adviser, will ln a resignation letter dated Rumsfeld gave no indication .. Secretary PoweWs The decisions marked a twist in the connict over the replace Rice, the ofl)cial said Nov'. 12. Powell told .Bush that he is on the verge of.step- depanurc is,.. a. loss to ·the aggressive s1and the FCC has iaken against obscenity and on condition of anonymity. that, With the election over, it ping down ...I have not dis- moderate internationalist profanity since Janet Jackson's breast flash at the las1 Super Combined with the resig- was time to .. step down ·... and cussed that with the presi- - voices irt the Bush ~dmlni~~ Bowl halflime shuw.
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