American Renaissance There is not a truth existing which I fear or would wish unknown to the whole world. — Thomas Jefferson Vol. 16 No. 10 October 2005 Africa in Our Midst The media suppress Katri- day, Aug. 29. The levees broke on Tues- heads dispelled that view. day and the city began to flood. Before The day after the hurricane, a reporter na’s lessons. long, 80 percent of New Orleans was caught the atmosphere of high-spirited under as much as 20 feet of water. chaos at a Wal-Mart in the Lower Gar- by Jared Taylor The city’s 70,000-seat football sta- den District. People were grabbing dium, known as the Superdome, had things as quickly as they could, smash- n the aftermath of Hurricane ing open jewelry cabinets and Katrina, which blasted the scooping up double-handfuls. One IGulf Coast on Aug. 29, the man packed his van so full of elec- entire world saw images that left tronic equipment he could not no doubt that what is repeatedly close the rear doors. A teenage girl called the sole remaining super- passed out, face down, and people power can be reduced to squalor stepped on her. A man stopped to and chaos nearly as gruesome as roll her onto her back, and she anything found in the Third vomited pink liquid. “This is World. The weather—a Category f***ed up,” he said, and rolled her 4 hurricane—certainly had some- back on her stomach. An NBC cor- thing to do with it, but the most respondent filmed black, uni- serious damage was done not by formed police officers strolling nature but by man. through the aisles, filling shopping Much has been and will be carts. written about why the levees that At one store, a policeman broke are supposed to keep the water out of American-style hurricane relief. the glass on the DVD case so civilians below-sea-level New Orleans failed. been officially designated as a public would not cut themselves trying to break There will be bitter recrimination about shelter before the hurricane, and several it, but one man was ungrateful. “The whether the federal rescue effort could thousand people were already there the police got all the best stuff,” he said. have been launched sooner. Commis- night before the storm. It had some food “They’re crookeder than us.” One sions will ask questions and lessons will and medical supplies, but when the wa- woman stocking up on makeup was glad be learned. But there was another hu- ters began to rise, people poured in from to see the officers. “It must be legal,” man failing that was far more ominous. all directions, swelling its numbers to an she said. “The police are here taking No commission will study it, and offi- estimated 25,000. stuff, too.” cial America will refuse to learn from it. People came because their houses Violence of all kinds quickly spread In the orgy of finger-pointing it will be were under water, but also because New through the paralyzed city, where rob- all but forgotten. That human failing— bery, rape and even murder became rou- vastly more significant than the ones the The vastly more signifi- tine. There were still thousands of people commissions will investigate—is the trapped on rooftops and in attics, but on barbaric behavior of the people of New cant human failing Sept. 1, Mayor Ray Nagin called the Orleans. was the barbaric entire police force off of rescue work and New Orleans is 67 percent black, and behavior of the people ordered it to secure the city. The re- about half the blacks are poor. Of the sponse from the force? An estimated 200 city’s 480,000 people, all but an esti- of New Orleans. officers just walked off the job. “They mated 80 to 100 thousand left before the indicated that they had lost everything hurricane struck. This meant that aside Orleans very quickly collapsed into ban- and didn’t feel that it was worth them from patients in hospitals and eccentrics ditry. Looting began even while the going back to take fire from looters and in the French Quarter, most of the people storm was still blowing. At first there was losing their lives,” explained Henry who stayed behind were not just blacks, sympathetic clucking about the need for Whitehorn, chief of the Louisiana State but lower-class blacks without the means food and medicine, but news clips of Police. Many disappeared without a or foresight to leave. blacks wading happily through waist- word. Sheriff Harry Lee of Jefferson Katrina hit on the morning of Mon- deep water with television sets over their Continued on page 3 American Renaissance - 1 - October 2005 experimental means of identifying pow- erful, unconscious forms of prejudice, termed ‘implicit bias,’ that are all but universal and may shape behavior in subtle ways. What are the implications of measuring the prevalence of discrimi- nation for anti-discrimination law, and for strategies to overcome bias?” “Implicit bias” certainly is universal, and is nothing to be ashamed of. It is an integral part of our human makeup and guides our reproductive choices so as to preserve our biological distinctiveness. Even to consider passing laws to sup- press universal biological imperatives is a totalitarian outrage. My thoughts on “bias” can be would be considered completely alien to summed up in the following quote: Letters from Readers any European ethnic groups. Was her “There is nothing unbiased in the world. Sir — Wade Mackey’s article in the phenotype just an unusual, isolated ex- . Everything has a bias whether ac- July issue, “Race and the Fertility Para- ample? Photographs of Mehmet Ali knowledged or concealed.” dox,” like others I have read in AR, im- Agca, the Turk who tried to kill Jean Paul Bill Pepperell, San Francisco Friends plies that European populations are fated II, show a phenotype that is as non-Eu- of American Renaissance, Alamo, Ca- to decline indefinitely because of low ropean as that of Ms. Surucu. For an even lif. birth rates. This is not the case. The larger sample, look at the composition present low reproduction rate reflects the of the Turkish parliament, which can be introduction of reliable birth control. In found online. While some could pass as Sir — As webmaster of OurWayOf the evolutionary time scale, this devel- European, many others could not. Life.org, I disagree with Prof. Farron’s opment is very sudden, and will take Keep in mind as well that, just as dim assessment of its prospects, which several generations to correct. Mexican immigrants to the US are more appeared as a letter in your September If the average fertility rate for Euro- likely to be dark mestizos rather than the issue. In the few months of its existence, pean women continues at 1.55 children, white elite, so too Turkish migrants to OWOL has attracted over 70,000 page Europeans are doomed to oblivion, but Europe are likely to be from the Asiatic views and has over 170 members and this is an average rate, and is greatly in- masses rather than the whiter, more Eu- more than 250 postings. fluenced by the women who have no ropeanized elites. The Turkish gene pool We are pursuing two goals: first, to children at all. Whether this decision is is very heterogeneous, and there is ev- “lead by example” in showing those who affected by genes or social pressures, ery reason to think the Middle Eastern- espouse “neoconservatism” either out of these women will have no descendants Asian elements would be the ones emi- ignorance or out of a sense that it is the to carry on this custom. On the other grating to Europe. only option besides liberalism, that there hand, women who have several children Carl Lundgren is something better; and second, to cre- will pass that inclination on to their chil- ate an online community where racialist dren. Therefore the trend to lower fer- and non-racialist conservatives can dis- tility will bottom out and reverse. It will, Sir — It may well be that truth and cuss social and cultural issues and tear in fact, rise past the replacement level rationality will prevail in our struggle, down the barriers of taboo and ostracism of 2.1 until overcrowding eventually but we had better fight hard for it. Let that keep racialist positions out of the drives it back down to that level, the me draw your attention to an article in “mainstream.” natural stability point. the May/June 2005 issue of California Given these barriers, it is unremark- The choice is this: Should the van- Monthly, a magazine for UC Berkeley able that the Cato Institute would seek ishing Europeans be replaced by other alumni. The article, by Christopher to distance itself from Prof. Farron’s Europeans of higher fertility, but of the Edley, Jr., the black dean of the Berke- book. Nonetheless, a growing number same genetic stock and culture, or by ley law school, is called “Toward a Di- of whites have been, or soon will be, non-whites with different cultures? versity Research Agenda.” Dean Edley “mugged by reality” on the way to Charles Hayes, Tyler, Texas lays out 10 steps to guide Berkeley’s multicultural Never-never-land. When research for “diversity-related” initia- they wake up, they will need an ideo- tives, which would lead to “private prac- logical home. OWOL is working to build Sir — The picture of Hatun Surucu, tice and public policy.” that place—and to prevent the neocons the young Turkish woman murdered in Most of Dean Edley’s recommenda- from “kidnapping” the unwary before the “honor killing” mentioned in the tions are the usual laundry list of failed they get there.
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