CMYK Are you a poor What’s all the communicator? buzz about? Check out conversation traps You can get a free preview you could be stumbling into of Microsoft’s Windows 8 HEALTH, 1C BUSINESS, 7B 759802 The Times Leader WILKES-BARRE, PA timesleader.com TUESDAY,JUNE 5, 2012 50¢ SPORTS PENN STATE ABUSE SCANDAL SHOWCASE Homestead tax break going up The removal of ineligible properties will increase the assistance for others. By JENNIFER LEARN-ANDES [email protected] Sharapova advances Luzerne County school dis- at Open tricts will receive a combined $11.8 million in gambling reve- After dropping a total nue to reduce property taxes on of five games in three primary residences this year, a matches that averaged new state estimate shows. The overall allocation to coun- less than an hour each, ty districts has remained about Maria Sharapova the same since the gambling- moved into the quar- funded breaks started with 2008- 09 school tax bills. terfinals at the only The owners of 84,340 primary AP PHOTO/CENTRE DAILY TIMES, NABIL K. MARK Grand Slam tourna- residences eligible for the home- Media trucks line Allegheny Street in front of the Centre County Courthouse in downtown Bellefonte on Monday. Jury se- ment she hasn’t won stead/farmstead break will pay lection in the Jerry Sandusky sexual abuse trial is scheduled for today. $52 to $212 less for school taxes, by dispensing with depending on the district, the tactics and swinging state says. Elimination of more away until she finally than 3,500 ineligible households pulled out a 6-4, 6-7 by the county and school districts boosts the individual credit (5), 6-2 victory over slightly. 44th-ranked Klara Za- Judge: No pseudonyms The estimates stem from the kopalova of the Czech state’s legal requirement to an- nually publicize how much gam- Republic. Page 1B By MARK SCOLFORO bling money each district will re- ceive and project how much each Associated Press KEY PLAYERS IN ELLEFONTE— Alleged vic- Better days home or farm owner will save in PENN STATE SCANDAL: the coming school year. NATIONAL LEAGUE Btims of former Penn State as- JERRY SANDUSKY foreseen for The estimated tax bill reduc- Role: Former assistant tions by district: sistant football coach Jerry Sandus- •Crestwood, $76 CARDINALS 5 football coach and ky will have to testify using their real founder of The Second Penn State •Dallas, $52 METS 3 Mile charity for chil- •Greater Nanticoke Area, names, and tweets or other electron- dren, accused of mo- $145 lesting boys over a •Hanover Area, $202 GIANTS 3 ic communications by reporters will 15-year period. The Sandusky case can make •Hazleton Area, $154 Background: Arrested •Lake-Lehman, $97 in November after a university stronger, expert CUBS 2 not be permitted during the trial, •Northwest Area, $167 long investigation by a statewide grand and some area grads say. the judge ruled Monday. jury. He had been a very successful defen- •Pittston Area, $106 H.S. SOFTBALL sive coach for the Nittany Lions for 30 •Wilkes-Barre Area, $212 years, and prosecutors say he used his •Wyoming Area, $84 NANTICOKE 5 Meanwhile, Sandusky’s hopes for a last- fame in the community to attract victims. By BILL O’BOYLE •Wyoming Valley West, $146 minute delay in his trial on charges he sexual- Charges: Involuntary deviate sexual in- [email protected] The reductions will be deduct- PINE GROVE 4 ly abused 10 boys were dashed when the state tercourse, indecent assault of a young child, WILKES-BARRE – A crisis ed from school tax bills issued unlawful contact with minors, corruption of this summer. Supreme Court issued a one-paragraph order minors, endangering the welfare of children. management expert says Penn INTERNATIONAL that denied a sealed motion but did not dis- State can use the Jerry Sandus- The state Department of Edu- Status: Faces trial with jury selection today. cation has a pot of $615.6 million LEAGUE close the justices’ reasoning. ky case to strengthen its bond in slots revenue from11 operating That sets the stage for the start of jury selec- DOTTIE SANDUSKY with students and alumni and casinos to divvy up among school tion this morning at the Centre County Cour- Role: Married to Jerry YANKEES 5 Sandusky. rebuild its image. Local sup- districts this year. thouse. TIDES 4 Background: Dottie porters say their loyalty has not That’s a $3.5 million increase Lawyers for several of the accusers had Sandusky has stood by wavered, although some are compared to 2011-12, when asked that their clients be allowed to testify her husband, issuing a disappointed with the treat- $612.1 million was collected from under pseudonyms, a rarity in criminal cases. statement in December ment of former head football gambling facilities. The highest Cleland said they must use their real names, that proclaimed his coach Joe Paterno. collection was $616.5 million in but that he and lawyers will “cooperate when innocence and said “If Penn State University is INSIDE accusers were making 2010-11, records show. possible” to protect witness privacy and per- up stories. She is not charged. larger than the Sandusky case – The education department us- ANEWS: Local 3A sonal information. and I believe it is – then it es a formula based largely on en- Nation & World 5A “Arguably any victim of any crime would TIM CURLEY should act like it,” said Scott So- rollment, personal income and Obituaries 8A prefer not to appear in court, not to be sub- Role: Penn State ath- bel, president and chief execu- property market values to deter- Editorials 11A letic director, on leave jected to cross-examination, not to have his or tive officer of Media & Commu- mine allotments for each district, while he fights criminal said department spokesperson BSPORTS: 1B her credibility evaluated by a jury — not to charges for actions nications Strategies in Wash- Tim Eller. BUSINESS :7B put his name and reputation at stake,” the related to the Sand- ington, D.C. “Crisis situations Wilkes-Barre Area will receive Stocks 7B judge wrote. “But we ask citizens to do that usky scandal. are also opportunities to have a the most -- $2.9 million – followed Weather 8B every day in courts across the nation.” Background: Curley focus on your school, do the by Hazleton Area, with $2.7 mil- Media organizations, including The Associ- fielded a complaint right thing and rebound even CHEALTH: 1C about Sandusky in a lion. ated Press, typically do not identify people stronger.” Birthdays 5C team shower with a boy in early 2001, and The lowest allocation is without their consent who say they were sex- Television 6C told a grand jury he instructed Sandusky Sobel, whose firm has exten- $322,084 for Dallas. Crossword/Horoscope 7C ually abused. not to be inside Penn State athletic facil- sive experience in crisis man- School districts divide their al- Comics 8C Sandusky, 68, faces 52 charges he abused ities with any young people. agement, referred to the old ad- location by the number of proper- the boys over 15 years, allegations he has re- Charges: Failure to properly report suspect- age that “What doesn’t kill you ty owners who signed up for the DCLASSIFIED: 1D ed child abuse and perjury for lying to the peatedly denied. He remains confined to his makes you stronger.” homestead/farmstead break. home as he awaits trial. grand jury. He denies the allegations and is “Going through the pain of al- seeking to have the charges dismissed. The number of eligible house- BenAndreozzi,whorepresentsoneoftheal- most getting killed actually holds has decreased 3,550 coun- WEATHER INSIDE: see more key players on Page 12A tywide from last year’s 87,890, re- Madelyn Evan. Afternoon SeeDENIES, Page 12A SeeFUTURE, Page 12A showers, cool. High 67, low SeeHOMESTEAD, Page 12A 47. Details, Page 8B Discovery of Skinhead committeeman perplexes area GOP Chairman Casey calls for vestigate its op- 4th ward. intends to serve out his term on of power in our party,” Casey tions before No candidates had sought the the committee and he has said said. But those views must be careful, legal action, but a making any de- committee member seat, allow- that he would fight any efforts to tempered with the party rules Jewish candidate is angry. cisions regard- ing Smith, of Pittston, to win the have him removed. He received and regulations. ing whether unpaid party post through a one vote, according to election “The knee-jerk reaction should Smith can write-in campaign in the primary results. be that we should throw him By ANDREW M. SEDER maintain his election. The election result didn’t at- out,” Casey said, but the party seat. Following the first committee tract attention until it was publi- has bylaws it must follow. “The [email protected] Smith Smith, 41, meeting since the election, Smith cized on white supremacist web- minute you start parsing off who Luzerne County Republican the former di- on Thursday night said the meet- sites when Smith notified sup- can hold a seat it becomes a slip- Party Chairman Terry Casey on rector of the Keystone State Skin- ing went “fine” and the reception porters of his victory last week by pery slope.” Monday called recently elected heads, was elected in April to the he received there was “OK.” He posting a message to the online He said none of the members of party committeeman Steve party committee position in the said no one there asked him to re- forum White News Now. 6 09815 10011 Smith’s viewpoints “despicable.” county’s third district.
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