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In writing our admissi on standards 20 yea rs ago, IU's Trustees choral singing with imaginative choreography lo become one of the Students had difficulties choos­ believe d that a freshman should enter th e University with a solid most sought after entertainm ent g roups in the MidwesL ing between the variety of command of English grammar, the ability to write effectively, and 1 Founded in 1966, lhe University.Singers has received numerous worksh ops. The program offered an appreciation of the richness of the English language and its honors for performances. The popular young ense mble was judged work shops on photography, literature. For that reaso n, the Tru stees decided that a student , the nation's number one colleg iate group in the Bob Hope Search advertising, edi torial res posi­ should have eig ht se meste rs of English as a prerequisite for for the Top in Colleg iate Talent in America competition in 1978. The bility, techniqes of getting school ad mission to Indiana University. Today, that need is eve n greater. Indian a Ge nera l Asse mbly honored lhe Singers three limes, on one news, and layout and design,. to The ability to rea d quickly with compr ehension 2nd to utilize the occasion noting that the "B all State University Singers are the nam e ju st a few. Repo rters, language in writing and speaking is stresse d as never before by a Goodwill Ambassadors for the State of Indian a." editors, advertising and sa les wide variety of professions. Cons tanlly expa ndin g its original folk and standard song personnel, and photographers IU feels therefore, that a high school student should take every repe rtoire to include the best Broadway, rock, jazz, "go lden oldies" from the South end Bend Tribune opport unit y to master the languag e and to deve lop the skill of and popular songs , the Ball Stale Singers present a program of ran workshops, a long with writing und er compete nt , demanding, critical sup ervision. In family ente rtainm ent with some thin g for everyone. journali sm adviso rs from area addition to required courses in English Compo sition and Intensive Nationally and internati onally known, the Singers are seen by hig h schools. Writin g, all JU students must meet the writing req uirements of thousands of people each season. The company has appeared in 20 Away from the daily grind , courses in the Arts and Humaniti es , Social and Behavioral Sciences, states, and has trave led overseas to perform in Newfoundland , sta ff memb ers attended a and Natural and Mat hemati cal Sciences. Labrador, Greenland, Romania, Greece, Poland and the U.S.S. R In welcoming ass embly. Tribun e May, 1982, the Singers returned to the Soviet Union for a two week Managing Editor Ja ck Powers tour. and Notre Dame Athletic Director I.C.T.Luncheon held The ensemble also has appeared with such celebriti es as Red Ed Corr iga n spoke at this On October 21, the John Adams Industrial Cooperative Training Skelton, Lawrence Welk , Liza Minelli , Olivia Newt on-John , Rich assemb ly. Then it was off to the Little and a host of others. (I.C.T.) Clas s held a lunch eon at Puzzello's Italian Deli. first workshop. Aft er the I.C.T . class members atten4 school for half a day, then leave to workshop, stud ents met for lun ch work at different jobs, where they train for caree rs afte r high school. in the cP-nter's dining room. After I.C.T. st udents includ e drafters, nurses' aides, mechanics, and lunch, two more sem inar s were many others. offered. The adv iser is Mr. Dudley, with Peter Norton as president , Paul The workshops are a chance to Puzzello as vice-president, Lean n Wag ley as secretary, Julie meet profess ional journalists to Olmstead as treasurer, Kevin Lee as parliamentarian, and Scott T. get many inval uabl e hints. But, Hamlin as reporter . above and beyond all else, the most valuable, memorable aspect of this day is its cosmopolita n atmosphere. Students come not ClubPicture Requirements only from the South Bend To all club officers: Communit y School Corporation In order for clubs to be in the yearbook, certain requirements but also from schoo ls further out in the Michigan region, including must be met. Penn, Concord, Elkhart-Centra l, 1). Each club must elect officers includi ng President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary. and Elkhart Memor ial. This wide variety offers the chance to meet 2). Each club must meet at least four times before February 16, 1983. other st ud ent journalists, com­ 3). Each club must also have at least one major project to be pare not es, and see other completed by February 16, 1983. newspapers while also learnin g Please report to Christy Conklin , Carol Skelton, or P.J. Lindeman from profess ional journali sts. when these requirements are met. TheBEST Is Yet ToCome CampusPreview at I.U.S.B. Campus Preview Day at Indiana University at South Bend will be by Alu Engel Kosci elski's tenacity and domin ­ first half of th e seaso n. Thursday November 11, 1982 in North side Hall 158. ation of Indiana High School The number one doubles team So close . but yet, so far Reg istration and refres hments will be at 9:00-9:30 a.m.; 9:30-9:45 away. John Adams Tennis at its Tennis this yea r. That 's John of Foley and Roemer went 21-4 a.m., Welcome; 9:45-10:15 a.m., Information Sharin g (Everything best? Nol Not at all . Well th en, Adams Tennis. That 's it • at its with the highlight being a 6-3, 6-3 You Always Want ed to Know About Collgege But Were Afraid tc when is John Adam s Tennis at its be st. triumph over previously unbeaten Ask), College Credit for High School Students, Merit Scholarship • 'This was the best team in the best? Munst er. Number two doubles Progra m, Career Deve lop ment Workshops, Intr oductio n to College last thr ee years. They played well A young sophomore, Kurt player Chris Toal also went 21-4. Life Oass, SAT Preparation Course; 10:15-11:00 a.m. , Facult) and got beat by an exceptionally Roemer, and his junior partner, And both number two and Sessions (An Opportunity to Talk with Real, Live Professors in Theit talented team . But we'r e numb er Chris Foley, in the state finals, thr ee singles players , Benson Natural Habitat s); 11 :00-12:00 p.m. Campus Tours; 12:00-1 :OC two in th e state. And th e players Yang (20-5) and sophomore John surviving thr ee match points p.m., Admissions, Scholarships and Finan cial Aid, (In Case we have everything to be proud of," Rohan (15-10), also had fine under pres sure that most missed anything · qu es tions from those in the audience will be comm~nte d tenni s coach Mike seasons. In the futur e-dozens of answered). spectators could not bear; Benson Allen .' Coach Allen is right . tennis teams will be written up. It Lang, in the Semistate, coming This program provides an exce llent opportunity for st udents t, Regardless of the number at will be nothing new . But this one back from a 5-1 deficit to be up visit the campu s on an informal ba sis and receive informati on abou which our Nett ers fini shed , th ey was special. Koscie lski , Yang , 6-5, although ultimat ely losing adm issio ns, sc holarship s, finan cial aid, and other services availablo all had remarkable seasons. Most Rohan, Roemer , Foley, Gray son, the set 7-4 in the tie break er; the to st ud ents. Students will not only have the opportunity to receiv, notabl~. are senior Phil Grayson Toal , and Morris were number number two doubles team of Phil s~ecific inform ation abo ut Indiana University at South Bend , bu and State Single s Champ Paul two in the state-and number one Grayson and Chris Toal defeating will be able to hav e questions answered about colleges in genera Kosci elski. Their respectiv e where it really counts . .. at John North Central 7-5, 6-3 while only and tour a local uni versity. playing togeth er for the latter half records were 23-2 and 29-0. And Adams High School. If you plan on attending, please call our office at 237-4455 befor of the seaso n ; and Paul both of Phil 's losses came in the November 4, 1982.
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