IOWA'S FOURTH The Weather Finals WeI wiI __ cINdy ....., Mel ..... Largest Morning Daily .ith eccaienaI I... _. Hi9h ted.y fAm 15 of .. 25 ~. FIII'ftIw eutIMAc : AteW _t_ LaSalle in 64-56 Serving the State University of Iowa and the People of Iowa City Int with net I'IWd. cUftee in hmper.tvns. '. Loss to Cincinnati Established in 1868 Associated Presll Leased Wire aDd Wirepboto United Preu·lnternatiooallaaed W'uu tuniay, ~r 30,1 1. ]0 a City, Iowa In Holiday Tourney NEW YORK (uPll - CinciMati, the nation's second-ranked team st ruggled wilh scrappy LaSalle for • three quarters Thursday night be­ fore Tom Thacker hit five clut~ Held goals that helped produce ' a 1\4-56 victory and a berth in !be rene rmy eave gerla fi nal of the Holiday Basketball Fes­ tival. ~ LaSalle's hustle, a 15-poinl fir~ ~ half performance by 5-CooI-I0 To~ Violent Riots l Abbott and the Explorers' zone 4e. Belgian Denies U.S. Charges Divers Fail I rense gave Cincinnati trouble untQ mid -point in the second half. :'. Greet Speech t Then, with LaSalle leading 42·39, On Pro-Katanga Propaganda To Find Body : the Philadelphians' 6-fool·8 center, . Walt Sampson, picked up his four· By De Gaulle NEW YORK <U PI) -Michael ..' who Corm Am rican public opinion. th personal loul and was removed Of Trucker S t ru~len s, a Cormer Belgian Congo He said h. hod thll~ ..revolteel by Coach Dudey MOOre. Could Now Use Army official now operating a public r eo .neml., within tho Afric.... .f. Police Investigating Thacker also grabbed 16 reo lations office here for Katanga faira aedion of th41 U.S. St.to In Berlin, If Needed bounds, two more than the 6·foot·9 President Moise Tshombe Friday Deportment and for this r.o,,," Report of Hitch-Hiker P RI ( P) - Buldl d fy­ Hogue. Hogue was high scorer witb d n i~ d charges by high State De· was boln. persecuted. Th4I in· Seen After Accident 21 points. partment officials that he waged nlidotion of his vi,., h4I Indi· ing right.wing ('\.lrcmi\ls. Presi­ New York University n ear I y an expensive propaganda cam- cateel, wo. pert of his persocu· By BILL STRABALA dent harlC' c1" Coull" Fritluy paign against lhe United Nations tion. Staff Writ.r ~ wa sted away on 18-point first hair night nnn un ('d inlt'nliuns of ; lead and had to put on a late spurt CO D ~O operation. He said Rowan' aUock on him For the econd traighl d y Mrs. I to beat Providence, 73-6L, earlier in Struelens is under subpoena to was "an in. ult to 011 tho c good David Watson watched th grim withdrawing the lIu1 0 th n r­ the day and LeRoy Ellist's 3t tfstify before the Senate internal Am riCllns who shar my poinl of dragging operations Frld y which Iy h If·million Flt' nch trool t3- lioned in r Dlon·torn All! rin. I points paced Sl. John's to a 71-40 security subcommittee next year view" about th U. C()~go action might have turned up the bodY of concerning the invalidation oC his and Ihe U.S. upport of It. Among her hu band. Th it r ilurk PI Righli r pond)(\ ilh bloody , win over Dartmouth in the con· riots. bombinl! and no' y demon. solation round. U.S. visa Sept. 26 by the State De· these Americans he m ntioned IIlive a de perote hope that he partment. rOI"mer Pr ident H rhert Hoover, somehow might have escaped and slrations in France and Al gerin He defendod him.elf .goin,t former Vice President Richard M. wandered oCr. Watson's two broth· throul:h the night nnel this morn­ both the Stat. Department ac. Nixon, Sen. Richard Ru sell !D. ers Lood by her. ing. lion .nd statements b,. Assistant Ga.) lind Sen. J. Strom Thurmond The search Cor the Muscatine Armed b nds of Europt'an ond Socr.tary of Stat. far African Af. (D·S. C.): . bread truck driver, reared drowned Fr nch mUit ry piltrol la.hcd In fairs G. Mennen Williams .nd Asked II he had received support early Thursday morning continued wild rlotinll in Or n, th big w . t­ D.puty Assiltant Socrotar,. of from Am ri~an business c~ncerns, Friday afternoon a two div rs un­ ern Algerian <,uport. Two )'oung St.t. for Public Affain Carl T. Stru~ens said it was a maJOr part sue fully probed th murky, ice. J wi h boy ano a Fr n h marioe R a 01 hJS task to at\.racl American cold Iowa River near 11111 . Th Y we r porle<.l killt'd 111 th fighting o~ .n. MICHAEL STRUELENS capitol of Katangll, but thal h had will try again tad y, official said with guns ano "ren II . Wilh am,S s al~ Wednesday. that "Telling Other Side of Story" received no upport for his ause Slruelens scrvICe had fabricated Crom American bu In Bob Vog.I, on. of th41 more A. Do Goull. rope.ted hit do· termln. tlon to eom. to t.rm. "horrendous lies ?Cindi sc ri~in ate g r 0 ups and universilie and Slruclen said his efforts 10 bring tho" 10 volunt",I, .old tho op. off with AI,.rlan n. tion.ll s' s, ..plo · mayhem by Untted Nta t • 0 n S through mailing of newsletters to American bu ines. and ln ve tment .rotion may bo coIled If they .lens of pl.stlc: bombs crlpplocl troops." congressmen, senators, newspaper Into Katanga were repeatedly frus· find no trae. of Waf .....ft.r te­ w om all shoppIng, only Rowan said Struelens had gotten university presidents a nd oth rs traled by the Slale Departm nt. doy 'l .ffort.. A prl"... c.bln .hook rodlo . nd TV rela,. posts . t on th41 bonk ....r tho brw.. h•• Bordoau, Toulou .., Nlmes . nd I new Auditorium. 300 "some extremely vocal help on dis­ pensin g a string of myths and a b•• n opened for th41 ..,reh p.rty, Toulon, In Franco. IlS with' both • Garage .~ nee. Plenty of Parking . stream of misinformation about Report Somber, But Hopeful- pro.,ldln, ,h4IIt.r from th41 ..ar · In Oran. the ril:ht·wing &ecret urO w.athor. ervlce 10 Airport .. • Katanga and the Congo" by spend· lIrmy organization jammed his ew Red Carpet Floors ing at least $140,000 in the last Watson's bread yo n era hed broadca t announcem nt and put ultimate in luxury at year. Stevenson Warns JFK through a bridge roiling inlo the on 0 bitt rly anll· aull broad· lSI, Try our CounlTy Both charges, said Struelens at river early Thursday under my!!' ca 1 or their own. a crowded press conference in his Jst wonderful food at teriou circumstanc . 1" FrDncc', Libourn r<'lIion, Lhe :es. CONVENTION, Fifth Avenue office Friday, were Police official, holding to the Dc G ull hro dc,l'l w cut :ACILtTlES. untrue. po ibility of roul play, Investigated abruptly wh n a bomb knocked Struel,n, produced copies of On Goa Consequences . a report of a hitch·hiker seen only over 0 re.lay tow r. A similar bla t flnenc:ial records whieh he, lIS II PALM BEACH, Fla. (uPIl - months ago to hecome regional a few m ile trom th sccne shortly ot Muret crippl 1 th progl' m In . r.llistor.d forei,n ",ent, is re· Pre'sident Kennedy Friday rec ived th Toulou r l ion. quir.d to file eve,., six months director of th Agency for Inter· 1nfter the lIccident. a warning from Adlai E. Steven· nalional Development (AID) tor Eldon Duffy, Routa 4, told po­ A h• • '1Y chart . of plast ic: .If· with the Justice Department. son that inability of the United Na· Latin America. Stewart, !I former lie, Fridoy h4I picked up • """ pJo.lvo - f."erlt. w•• pon of the The 'itemized accounting Showed tions Security Cou ncil to deal with ..cret army - shook but fo llocl expenditures totaling $100,908.56 newspaperman who Joined the for. on tho und ro.d four mIlo, north the Indian attack on Goa could lead of HIIII obout 7 •. m. Thuradoy. to Int.rrupt 1h4I progr. m at between Oct. 1, 1960, when tile to serious consequ ences for world Pollc. plec, th41 eccldont time ot Nlm.s. Four blost. ot A'Ii,non Katanga information bureau was peace. shortly aft.r • a.m. foiled to h.1t th41 t.Joeast ther• • opened, to Sept. 30, 1961. In the The report from Stevenson, U.S. six months of his 1960 operation ambassador 10 the U.N., reached DuIfy, how ver, wa unabl to Beachwear? But anoth r pIll lIc bomb pla- he said he spent $47,000. the Chief Executive along with a identify the stranger (rom photo­ Blon severely damaged th t le­ vision relay po t outsid Toulon, Struelens said his budget from much more heartening message - graphs. He said the rider asked to Popul.r boechwur in Fort L.uderdol, (Whor. &hi.,.rln. In the colclelt Florid. w•• ther thl. Y'ar. interrupting the telecast in lhat the Katanga Government for lhe expert opinion that his Cather, for· be I t out on Highway 6 al the edge th41 Boys Ar.), Flo., Frld.y wos a fur co.t. Mrs _ Fr•• t .nd fr ..lln, temperatur.. wort preellcteel arca. year 1961 was $100 ,000 and that he mel' Ambassador Joseph P .
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