In Section 2 In Sports An Associated Collegiate Press Star Wars Men's Four-Star All-American Newspaper lax loses toys strike late back page BIO page B 1 Non-profit Org. PREE U.S. Postage Prud TUESDAY Newark, DE Volume 122, Number 41 250 Student Center, University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716 Permn No. 26 March 12, 1996 Public Safety ceases Dionne Daisey protection BY VA ESSA ROTHSCHILD threatening phone calls Daisey said she university investigation against her. who was assigned to her sometime thi fall, outside her Rodney F residence hall and she Srudent Af!wrs EJaor received because of her colu mn. Capt. Jim Flatley would not comment un stopped guarding her "a long time ago" and began to receive the threatening phone calls. As of Friday. senior Dionne Daisey - the Initially Daisey said the check-ups were whether the university is investigating or that she wasn't aware of the hourly check­ It was reported at the time that the calls were African-Amencan student who last May stopped as a res ult of "a lot of personal pressing charges against Daisey. ups to Rodney F. bomb threats to Rodney. wrote a column for The Re1•iew that resulted problems" but later she said Public Safety Rahmer - along wi th Maxine Colm. the Daisey also brought up her recent A protest student group, Students Against in a campus wide controversy - is no longer pulled security because she is no longer vice president for Employee Relations and resignation from her post as a resident Continuous Racial Ignorance Found In being protected by Public Safety, Lt. receiving threats. head of several offices including Public assistant. Though not questioned on the College Environments~ formed in response Thomas J. Rahmer said. It is still unclear at thi s time, however, Safety, the Center for Black Culture and the subject, she maintained that she wasn't fired to what they called the negligent manner in Until at least Wednesday night, Public exactly what occurred between Wednesday Office of Affinnative Action - refused to but quit because of personal problems. which University Police handled the Safety hall been making hourly checks on and Friday to cause the drop of Daisey's comment on why the check-ups have In Daisey's column, she oppo ed the situation. SACRIFICE claimed that Public Daisey for an undisclosed amount of time, surveillance. stopped and how much money it has cost the hanging of a Confederate flag outside the Safety did not respond quickly enough to the Rahmer said. "The charges aren't true." Daisey said, university to guard Daisey. Kappa Alpha Order fraternity house. Soon The pol ice protection was a result of mentioning what she called rumors about a Daisey said her personal security guard, after, a miniature burning cross appeared cc DAISEY page A5 Student groups moved out of student center With the completion of the new student center set for Apri/15, renovations on Perkins will begin BY KELLY BROSNAHAN The univer ity will not provide them Cm News Edttor any office space until the tudent center W1th renovations in the works for renovations are completed in January the Perkins Student Center, s!lldent 1997. organizations occupying the upper two According to Manlyn Pnme, floors of the building will soon be director of the student center, the forced to move to other locations on Student Environmental Action campus and. in some cases, will be Coalition, Young Americans for without office space next semester. Freedom and the community service Four student organizations, the organization Circle K have been given Resident Student Association, the until May 28 to clear out their Delaware Undergraduate Student belongings from the office. Congress. the Graduate Student Since the cubicles arc not Assocmion and the Returning Adult considered private spaces like those Student Assoctation, will be moving belonging to the Outing Cl .. b, they are permanently to the sull-unnamed new g~ven out on a yearly basis, Prime said. THE REVtE'r\ I John Chabatko stuuent center once construction is Through an applicatton proces in the Low temperatures didn' t stop an estimated 800 to 900 participants from running in Saturday's 14th annual "SK For completed m Apri I, saJd Scott Ma.>on, srnng, the space i allocated to a group Bruce" sponsored by Phi Kappa Tau fraternity. The race has donated more than $60,000 to local children with assistant director of the Perkins Student by a student center committee, she said. disabilities or life-threatening diseases over the years and this year raised $6,000 for the Make-A-Wish Foundation, a Center. Those organizations must still re-apply non-profit organization dedicated to fulfilling the wishes of children who have a terminal or life-threatening illness. Other student organiLations located this spring to be allowed to move back m the student center. including Gamma in when reno\ations are finished, she S1gma Sigma service sorority, E-52 said. Theatre Group. the Lesbian Gay Sophomore Meg Chandler. B1sexual Student Union and the Outing president of SEAC. said the loss of Club. will be moving in April to the space wi II be a temporary Office of Greek Affairs. located on inconvenience for her organization hut With elections a month away, the Interfraternity and Panhellenic councils get started Ea:.t Delaware Avenue, Mason said. credits the student center staff fer Once student center renovations are "being so cooperative and keeping ·o completed in January 1997. he said, organized" about informtng stu dent these organizations will be able to groups of the situation. Mixed-Greek DUSC ticket announced return to their offices in the Perkins '·Since we used our space primarily Studem Center. for storage and as a working home Mason said since the projected base, this is a lo for us:· Chandler BY CATHERINE HOPKINSON has been specified yet, as the ticket was just count th e votes, Prime said. "We had been opening date for the ne~ student center said. addi ng that SEAC will keep most Stmletll A_tju,n Edttnr formed. in the stone age for years. I am ecstatic is April 15 , organizations will probably of their items in an officer' room umil With clecttons for the Delaware While Ward thought the switch to a about it.·· move out of their offices around Spring they arc allowed back into their office. Undergraduate Student Courictl just over a heterogeneous Greek ticket would probably The election will take place on April 23 Break. "We'll be homele ·until then." month away. the lntcrfraternit} Council and help with votes, Werde said "it really and 24. Plans are in the works for electi ons Once the clubs have vacated thc1r Another of the groups affected by the Panhellenic Council have announced wasn't about getting votes ... for other student organizations, such as the offices, Mason said any remaining the move i the Outing Club. Club th e candidates on the Greek ticket - and Werde added that next year DUSC will Resident Student Association. to be held items from the organization will be officer R.J. Cepaitis said the move was some of them aren't Greek. be an organization that more people feel over UDPHONE als . Prime said. boxed up and placed in storage until a "nuisance more than anythmg" For the first time in recent history, the comfortable working with as a result of this Running for vice president on the Greek renovation arc completed . '·Basically because most of the packing will need IFC and PHC are endorsin g candidates not year's mixed ticket. ti cker is ousr·~ curn•nt Tre~surer Aimee everything that' not bolted down will to be done before Sorinl! Rre<1k affiliated with fraternities or sororities. DUSC President Damian O'Doherty said Kreimer, a member of Alpha Epsilon Phi. go," he said. "It will be tough, especially ince we IFC President Bill Werde said the move DUSC has not yet formally recognized any The candidate for secretary is Chris Prime said the general condition of haven't started yet,'' said Cepaitis, to incorporate non-Greeks into the Greek tickets, but registration for tic~ets will Stoddard, president o( Kappa Alpha Order the building is the reason behind the whose club is planning a trip during ti cket was a conscious one. begin Friday. Campaigning will begin April and vice president of IFC. student center renovations. "This is an Spring Break. "Plus they want us to put " W e wanted to do a little coaliti on­ 9, O'Doherty said. Elana Messne r, head of the academ ic old lady, and she needs a lot of work," our stuff in boxes, but we really can't building of our own," Werde said, alluding Voting in the e lection this year will take affairs committee of DUSC, is a non-Greek she said, referring to plans to repair the unless it's something really little. What to the efforts of several student group to place over UDPHONE. inste:td of last who is running for treasurer. mechanical system as well as replace are we supposed to do, put one work together this year on such projects as year's system, in which students voted in The candidates for the two student the windows. Once the building backpack in a box?'· Leadershtp 2000 and the upcoming person using their ID card, said Marilyn Facu lty Senate positi ons are non-Greek renovation is complete, Prime said, Cepaitis ·aid arrangements have "University United." Prime, director of th e Perkins Student Kevin Laverty, a member of Delaware's there will be more office space fo r been made to store the club's bulky Current DUSC Secretary Staci Ward, a Center.
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