The Order of the Skulls and Bones This is something else. This is from my original thought on the subject along with some websites used as background information so enjoy. I put this work in paper form in my area and people were grabbing it up as soon as I've shown this pamphlet in my area. The Order of the Skulls and Bones is a secret society subordinate under the global elite that has existed for almost 2 centuries. To this day, the Skulls and Bones have meetings every year on Deer Island, which is part of the Thousands Island. It’s located in the St. Lawrence River, which is a few miles NE of Alexandria Baby, NY. People receive $15,000 for joining with no strings attached. Its 100% Satanic and evil to the core in its goal of wanting to create a New World Order. Some Skulls and Bones members want to have huge strategic power in the world. The new world order is basically about the establishment of an one world totalitarian, socialist, and communist government (with a one world currency, an one world police, etc). The Origin of the Skulls and Bones according to some researchers existed from the Bavarian Illuminati in Bavaria, Germany. Only males can join until recently, Jews were admitted in the early fifties, blacks have joined since 1949, and even homosexuals can join. One connection tying the Bavarian Illuminati and the Skulls and Bones together is that according to Esquire Magazine, on September 1977, from pg. 88 : “..haunting photograph of the altar room at one of the Masonic lodges at Nuremburg that is closely associated with Illuminism. Haunting because at the altar room's center, approached through an aisle of hanging human skeletons, is a coffin surmounted by...a skull and crossed bones that look exactly like the particular arrangement of jawbones and thighbones in the official Bones emblem. {Finally}, the skull and crossbones was the official crest of another key Illuminist lodge..." The link is there mainly because of the similarities between the Illuminati and Skulls and Bones involving bones, ceremonies, oaths, and rituals. Also, Phi Beta Kappa [a famous fraternity] was created in December 5, 1776 and the second chapter came to Yale at 1780. The S&B Charter of Transmission came from the “Brotherhood of Death” at Inglostadt, Germany (which is an offshoot of Continental Freemasonry’s Braun Von Hund’s Strict Observance Rite, who was also instrumental in the founding of the Illuminati of Bavaria. The Skulls and Bones therefore is related to Freemasonry). "A detail about the founding of Skull and Bones might help us understand the devil's place in this ritual. As it turns out, shortly before founding the secret society, William H. Russell had spent a year in Germany. 'When William Russell took some time off from Yale to study in Germany, he could very well have been introduced to a German student club with the death's head logo, and then returned to Yale and set up a branch of that club'. (Robbins, p.82). As time went on, Phi Beta Kappa influenced the organization of the Skulls and Bones as well. Phi Beta Kappa=Philosophia Biou Kubertes or Love of Wisdom, meaning the helmsman of life in Greek. Cutting Edge Ministries believe that a German counterpart of the Skulls of the early 1900s is the Thule Society (a society that has similar sexual rituals, magic, occultism, and pro-Satanism as the Skulls and Bones has. I say pro-Satanism because in Skulls and Bones ritual, a person says “Devil equal Death, Death equals Death“). Ravenscroft’s Spear of Destiny outlines the occult Thule Society in more depth. Hitler was imitated in the Thule Society in 1919 by performing a Satanic ceremony and the Thule Society is obvious an anti-Semitic cult. Dietrich Eckart, Alfred Rosenberg, and others participated in occult rites in Munich. The creator of the Thule Society is Count Rudolf von Sebbentendorf [who was a Freemason]. The Thule Society used literature from Blavatsky and Alice Bailey . In fact, the Thule Society believed they contacted Supermen called Aryans. Aryans to Madame Blavatasky was the highest evolved state of mankind. Blavatsky and Hitler believed that these supermen survived the destruction of Atlantis with their consciousness intact . The Nazis obsessed with superman, because they believed that Aryans were the most evolved race in the world. They want to promote the ideal of promoting a sick New Age/occult form of Evolution that the Aryans is a modern representation of supermen. The Thule Society members did séances and communicated to demons. According to Trevor Ravenscoft’s “The Spear of Destiny” book, the Thule Society performed debased sexual rituals. Eckert believed Hitler was the Anti- Christ. Adolf Hitler wasn’t, but he was a prelude to the Antichrist in the future. Occult principles from Europe spread to the United States in 1832 when General William Huntington Russell and Alfonso Taft (grandfather of former President William Howard Taft) crated the Skulls and Bones or Brotherhood of Death at Yale. Alphonso Taft served as the Secretary of War under President Rutherford B. Hayes (from 1876-1880). Bonesman William Howard Taft was the only man to serve both as the President and the Justice of the Supreme Court. Another influence to the Skulls and Bones origin was Nathan Halle [from Yale] and other Yale graduates which made up the Culper Ring. (This group was successful in the Revolutionary War, and it was the predecessor of the CIA). The Culper Ring was a spy ring organized by Benjamin Tallmadge under the orders of General George Washington in the summer of 1778. The Ring's task was to infiltrate British-controlled New York City and report troop dispositions and intentions. The Ring conducted covert operations until the end of the American Revolutionary War , though its heyday was between 1778 and 1781. Even today, the Intelligence communities have a good relationship with Yale. Many people are involved in the CIA and were in the Skulls and Bones like Bill Bundy, George H. W. Bush, William F. Buckley, and other people. Many elite families have participated in the Skulls and Bones like Lord Whitney, Taft, Jay, Bundy, Harriman, Weyerhaeuser, Pinchot, Rockefeller, Goodyear, Wadswroth, Gilman, Sloane, Stimson, Phelps, Perkins, Pillsbury, Kellogg, Vanderbilt, Bush, Lovett, etc. Bonesman William Collins Whitney (who was initiated in 1863) was the Secretary of the Navy from 1885 to 1889, and Payne Witney was a Bonesman. Bonesman Timothy Dwight was the 12 th President of Yale University. He studied at the Universities of Berlin and Bonn between 1856 and 1858. Dwight was initiated in 1849. Its logo is the skulls and crossbones with the number 322 under it. 322 means the year of its founding being 1832 and 322 B.C. (a date which Bonesmen claim in a fictional tale that its fraternity was a descendant of an old Greek patriot society by Demosthenes who died in 322 B.C.). Some point to Genesis 3:22 as another meaning to 322 since symbols have multiple levels of meaning. Also, a sacred room is named 322. The famous logo of the Skulls and Bones in German is “Wer war der Thor, wer Weiser, Bettler oder Kaiser? Ob Arm, ob Reich, im Tode gleich," That means, “Who was the fool, who was the wise man, beggar, or king? Whether poor or rich, alls same in death.” It means basically that you’re on your own or everyone regardless of position in society are all equal after death. [you’re in the same boat] That’s shows their non-sensitive attitude towards people and society. There are 2,500 members in almost 200 years and about 500-600 Bonesmen alive today. Other similar groups to the Skulls and Bones include: -Scroll and Key (from Yale) -Wolf’s Head (from Yale) - Book and Snake (from Yale) -Eliahu (from Yale) -Berzelius (from Yale) -Ivy Club and Cottage Club (from Princeton) -AUV (from Andover) -The Porcelain Club and the Fly Club (at Harvard) The Wolf’s Head and other Yale Secret Societies have an equally important role in political affairs as the Skulls and Bones has. The Skulls and Bones is just one of the more popular subjects that folks love to expose. The Wolf’s Head came into prominence by 1884. Prominent Wolf Head’s members include Cyrus Vance, Malcolm Baldrige, Arthur Hill Christy, and Thomas McCance. Wolf Head members have important families in them like the Phelps, Rogers, House, Hill, Carrington, and Lovejoy (according to Fritz Springmeier, these Wolf’s Head’s members work with the du Ponts, the Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Harriman, Reynolds, and the Merovingian bloodlines). Some Wolf’s Head members are son of generals (like H. W. Slocum. His father was General Slocum). Some of them indeed worked in WWI, WWII, Korea, and Vietnam (They include Captain G. Brush of WWI, 2 nd Lt. W.W. Collins the 3 rd during WWII, and J. G. Keller of WWII). Keller was a major in the field artillery. Ironically, Alexandra Robbins was a Scroll and Key member, who did a documentary on the Skulls and Bones. The Scroll and Key was invented in 1841 being the 2 nd oldest Secret Society of Yale University. Scroll and Key was established by John Porter , William Kingsley, Samuel Perkins, Enos Taft, Lebbeus Chapin, George Jackson, Homer Sprague, Charlton Lewis, Calvin Child and Josiah Harmer. They disagreed with some of the elections to the Skulls and Bones. In the Scroll and Key, new members are called Keys. Scroll and Keys members have many elites like the Skulls and Bones have (some of them are descendants from the Mayflower).
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