It Pays See Township’s. To Advertise History Museum In The Times Grove Boardwalk OCEAN GROVE TjMES. TOWNSHIP OF NEPTUNE, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1,1 !)(M YOUTir WIXXEKS (left to riff lit) arc Sharon Dietz, 70 Central Avi*m Class Ay (10. and under) ; Uly Wu, 12 ;WcI>!> Ave.r; CJass 15, (11 -11), arid Caryl'JiN, 2 Mt. 7/tpn Way, Class. C, (15-1 Sj in Ocean. Grove's^ Youth Appreciation Contest, jprnisored by Mu* Camp Meeting Association. The winners are posed with Caryl Gill’s cartoon poster. On New Schools “Sept. Serenade” Labor Day Night ; OCEAN GROVE ~ “Septem- ber Serenade” is the name of the Labor Day concert to be given Monday at 8:15 P .M., In the Ocean Grove Auditorium by artists from the New York Opera Festival. Selections from "Oklahoma/- “Sound of Music,” “Naughty M arietta," La Bohe- me," La T rav lata,*' “S h o w Boat,” “Kiss Me Kate,” and other musical comedies and operas are on the program. The concluding number will be the fourth act quartet from Verdi’s “Rigoletto.,# ■ MONMOUTH COUNTY GOLDNVATF.li-MILI.l-n VOLUXTKtJKS The vocalists are. June Fis.ke, opened hciidtiunricrs this week at 2:1 Ilmad street, lied Hunk, (.ell soprano; Gladys Krlese, mezzo- to right iit the ribbon cutting are Edward J. Sharp of Neptune, soprano;. Giovanni Consiglio, county chairman «f the volunteer unit; J. Russell Woolley, Mon­ tenor; Philip Maero, baritone, mouth County Republican chairman; Ally. John Armine ol Red and Marienka IMIcha, pianist- Bank, president of tho Columbian League; .Mrs. Laura Rudolph, headquarters manager, and llannolor. Sweetwood, county coor­ director/ dinator of women's efforts. PAG 13 T WO OCEAN GROVE TIMES and NEPTUNE TIMES. TOWNSHIP OF NEPfUNE, NEW JERSEY FRIDAY, SEPTEMBERS, 1964 nnd,Mrs. Dennis Wood; Mrs..Harold this week with a party at Iicr home. Among the friends who helped her ilersch; Mrs. George. Iienson;’ Mrs. clebrate were Ronnie Millering, Nancy Wielert, Paul Graham, John Kinsey Merritt: Mrs. Fred Ulmer;: Rernacclii, Ciridy,'Bobby and Jimmy Jobes, Bobby. Johnson and Karen Voorhces. ■ 1 " ,; v-"':, 1 ■ Mrs.; Charles Lindsay : Jlrs. August • Scolt" Tzorinan, 17 jennne drive,, celebrated, his Bar Mitzvah last Stoll;. Mrs. iinrry Elehprn; Mrs. week, in the. big Way th at'su ch 'an iiccasiori sHoitld be celebrated. About ti.::;1. £[]■; ■/, Mifliacl t\ Angelo David siiotwell, rind M rs, Olto Stoll; one hundred friends and relatives dined and daricod rit. the New Irving- ' ^ V v ^ - - S / V-An’o‘unt •Kxi'cutiye all of the Grove. ton Hotel- in Lakew.ood.' Scott is the .Son' of. Sally and Maryin 'Tzcrnian. ■' ' ^ B rie h i “'Siillivan- .Co . 11»c. ■ V- .. Members of the Oriole baseball-team held a,picnic Inst weck at Earl Also. Mrs, Elias Bukoiy Rumson; Woolley Park :and the boys presented- their-favorite teammate, Man­ •A'v;v.>v'’- A reader 'ymies*. h • Mrs. Harry Baker, Schenectady, N. ager Tohy -.Dc Marco with a gift. Those attending were Mr, and Mrs. .. ^ rmi'n;«V * t Iiv '-‘W1* Vy-; flqw u |4i te o’ V.: Mrs. E. B. Baker . Nnvesink;, Oekle Johnson, Mr. arid Mrs.' Dick Young, Mr. and Mrs. Trachtenberg, jcxien^i v'oiv n iici ;liave not iced. a ju'Ot Mrs. William Turner, Atlantic High­ Mi-, and. Mrs. Bill Applegate and Mr. and Mrs. Cooper and all the': «icVeVolini^iiv .the AVbst and lands; Mrs. Jospph P. Foley, St; Da­ children of each of these families. ., . Margaret arid Bill Freed rind, children Sandy, Douglas and Gary to the • poss- vids, Pa.; Miss. Nancy Hendricks, have returned, from a trip to 'Williamsburg and Charlottesville, Va. On ■ ^ ib itS i) 0!;t;ng(>;:0 f; fre-^H .waior., as ■ t hd‘ Bradley Beach; Mr.?. P. J, Strass- the way home they visited relatives in Pennsylvania and'stopped at ’Ts: any t hi rig bei rig donedono burger and Mrs .Samuel I. Ziegler, Gettysburg. • ' l^Aito.^convJ‘ert"'bi*ackish •.. wntcjr‘.•VJr ^soa- both of Interlaken, Mr. and Mi'S. Frank Howland, 419'Slocum Ave. have announced' the engagement of their daughter Nuncy . Marie, to, Douglas Bering of “^p;‘\svatorVto. fresh ;;\vaie>%, ov-Id seek ad-. And Mrs. Alice Newcomer; Mrs: Somerset.; . ’■' " . : V x ' ^•V/:‘;:‘dlUonal; fresh, w ater. , Ernest Flnkelday, both of Neptune; Doiina/Ritzendollar, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Raiph Ritzendollar, ; i, ,, 1 Fiom nn investor's standpoint, I Miss' Nancy Cross’' Bradley Beach; 405 Old Corlies Ave., became the bride of Charles Seidenglanz last Mrs.; Albert Strtissburger; Miss' Ca­ Sunday' at Holy Innocents .■ Church. A reception.: was .'held. »t:. .the '» ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ would : be- inter* Shadowbrdok in Shrewsbury. After a wedding trip to. Cape Cod the ( sled in knowing' thie Strassburger, both of Rumson; couple will reside-in Trenton. Mi's. William Paddock; Miss Karen what companies are ^Congratulations' to M r, and. Mrs.- Alvin Aron, 125 Sunshine Park- Booker; Jlrs. Nettie Manley; Mrs.. way,who are the parents of a baby boy. involved . in water Fred Niedenstein, rind Mrs. Charles Don’t forget the orientation for'children; entering kindergarten j\ ii v i' t.i c avion hud Lynch, all.of Ocean .Grove. which will be held next Tuesday from ;0; to , 9:45 arid 10 to 10:45 at wliar . you might each elementary school. Also mark, your calendar, for the Pop Warner kick oft dance to;be held at the Sun Motel oh Saturday, September 12th. -: liuii'i- nri; the two Justice Proctor To Speak • Tickets are $1.50 per person. ' ivst to.ln.iv for the . Rehiember that the last day .to register in order that you 'may. be;-, 'one Jotmf. WEST. LONG BRANCH '— The eligible to vote'in the November election is September 24th'.'. You may A n s w e r s Monmouth County.Library Associa­ do so any weekday from 9,a,m. to 5 p..m in . the clerk’s office in-the tion will hold its annual dinner municipal.building. Residents from. our area who' are unable to get Ves,something.' is being'done’; The down .during these hours may register at the Hamilton Fire House on"- ■ - pioblem cu no-.h water has been meeting a t.6 ‘.30 p. m., October " at Wednesday, • Septeriiber IGth frorn 2 to 4 p.m. and at the- SpoHsmen’s ■■'. , .. lecognized and 'worked on for a long the Deal Country Club. Supreme Chib, 040 Greeri. Gr.ove rdad on Monday, September 21st'from 7 to !) , i time. Alt houghpi-Oces^es have' al* Court Justice Hayden Proctor, In'-, P.m. T he township clerk’s office will also,-be .open ?,for registration on ■ terlaken, will .be. the gues*. speaker. the 23rd nnd 24tr from 7 to 9 p.m..' I think-the .township'committee-is - l'oady been deyetflped■ .for the. cort* being-more than cooperative with the potential voters in providing these version of sea or brackish water to INSIDE JOR — Dr. Georpes M. Temmer. (left Tear), dircctor. of the Uutgers Accelerator Laboratory, : Justice Proctor became an associate extra places and times for registration rind we should do our part iii ')ei?n prolillii- • helps with the installation of a 15 million electron volt tandem Van de. Graaff acceleratoj.at the Uni­ justice of the' Supreme Court in getting the new residents and those who have shirked their respon-. : ;tiye, Rece ri t:, even t ?: a t; ;GGuantanamo u a ri t an ? versity’s Science Center* He is pictured with severaV graduate students and technicians inside the ac­ October, -1957 and .was reappointed' sibility ln: the.past out to-register. : .Bay, where, of course, cost is no celerator’s H-foot-long\,pressure vessel in which the firing of nuclear‘‘bullets” will permit new stud- to the Supreme Court for life, April ■ • -AVel!, we s ta rt the ra t race'again next Wednesday. Four children pb- ies of the structure and properties of the nucleus of the atom. The accelerator is expected to be in jec.t, bear out .the need.fovvfresh ' 27, 10B4, by Governor Hughes. going back to three different schools, leaving and arriving,him at three ,: I . ..... .. .va- operation in the fall.- - . different times, .With this new schedule .of departures wo will no longer' - ter In many aioa= of the world. have our 7 n.ni. fight for the bathroom. Knowing my children I’m sure • Following is n list of companies Guests included‘.Miss Muriel and Hand grenades have, been used for they Will find.something just as exciting .to start the .day with. i imohecl in the «eaich for-a process Mrs. Lois Wegel,. both of ; Shark; 1000 years . ^ . ./ Happy birthday to John Beracchi, 21S Birch drive, who will be nine, Richard Wallo, 3D03 W. BangseAve.' and Catherine Conklin, 712 ...................... to tn-odue'e fresh w ater I.r'nnnmirtil. Rtyer: llWls; Miss Andrea^aiid; Mrs; Luzon is the largest" and richest It*s A Woman’s island, in thcj Phillippines. f ; East Lawn drive, both celebrating their tenth arid Claudia Pickett, ,10 David: Aik man; Mrs. JaniesCamp- , Serfdom in England was a product Dianne drive; who turns eleven. Drugs. Calgen.’ Ionics, Those of you who: saw the Pop Warner cheer leaders kissing '.Xv • ■ -' : By Rosemary . Housewives .who are concerned bell; Miss Pam Hancox; -Miss Penny of the Norman conquest. ' . ' ..Striithers Wells. Culligan. Ztirn In- Jeariie Osborn’s hand,last Ttiesday night might like to know why. It ''/The mysterious powers of ;e.\otic about the future ill effects heavy seems that Jeanie went to Atlantic City to see the'Beatles and '.v'nile Jj|fifj|§| g dustries,' ' Pimbiirgh '. Chemical; fr,uits: and spices, can be asily cap­ federal spending' will bring, to the there she touched^ the hand of a girl who'had shook hands with Ringb .
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