Eastern Kentucky University Encompass The Athlete Kentucky High School Athletic Association 8-1-1975 The Kentucky High School Athlete, August 1975 Kentucky High School Athletic Association Follow this and additional works at: http://encompass.eku.edu/athlete Recommended Citation Kentucky High School Athletic Association, "The Kentucky High School Athlete, August 1975" (1975). The Athlete. Book 204. http://encompass.eku.edu/athlete/204 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Kentucky High School Athletic Association at Encompass. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Athlete by an authorized administrator of Encompass. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ELI2ABETHTOWN HIGH SCHOOL BASEBALL TEAM K.H.S.A.A. CHAMPION— 1975 (Left to Right) Front Row: Shawn Myers, Jeff Myers. Second Row: Trey Gas- pard. Tommy Skees, David Taylor, Kevan Dowdell, Robert Reid, Eric Brandenburg, Wendall Grant. Third Row: Mgr. P. J. Hartlage, Tim Pickerrell, Steve Kerrick, Tim Brandenburg, Chuck Morris, Kent Mudd, Curtis Bradley, Larry Lanz, Mark Puckett. Fourth Row: Coach Ron Myers, Mgr. Jerry Bryant, Mark Bradley, Robert Weathers, David Clark, Curtis Wright, Donnie Thomas, Richie Hart, Todd Overton, Coach George Lynch, Coach Tim Johnson. Member Of National Fcdemnon of Sratc High School Associations Official Organ of tlie KENTUCKY HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION AUGUST 1975 — 2 —— — KENTUCKY HIGH SCHOOL TRACK MEET — CLASS AA GIRLS Bowling Green, Kentucky, May 23-24, 1975 Paducah Tilghman High School Track Team — K.H.S.A.A. Champion 1975 (Lefl lo Righll Fronl Row: Coach Cecil Ward, Opal Hamilion, Vickie Beasley, Julie Tyler, Marilyn Marshall, Laura Lynn, Teresa Pipes, Lynn Maxwell. Second Row: Tonya Ward, Levia Greer, Janice Ridgeway, Lucille Morris, Christene Lee, Jshonetta Meade, Carmen Jones. 60 Yard Hurdles— Mile Run Discus— 1. \oz in, Brvan Station 1. Witt, Bourbon County 1. Hamilton, Paducah Tilghman 2. Handley, LaRue County 2. Mass2y, Hopkinsville 2. Willingham, Henderson County 3. Taylor. Daviess County 3. Andersen. Franklin County 3. Lewis. Hopkinsville 4. Connoughty. Nelson County 4. Patterson. Russell 4. Samuels. Franklin Simpson 5. Dreyer. Dixie Heights 5. Meeker, Boone County 5. Coats, Madisonville Time—S. Time ,'i:2n.5 Distance— 114' 9 3/4" Logan set a state record in this High Jump— of 8.2. new event with her time 440 Yard Relay- 1. Tolle. Harrison County 1. Lafayette 2. Murphy, Newport 110 Yard Hurdles— 2. Paducah Tilghman 3. Hamilton. Paducah Tilghman 1. Logan. Bryan Station .?. Owensboro 4. Distler, Clark County 2. Dreyer. Dixie Heights 4. Hopkinsville 5. Williams, Bryan Station 3. Duncan. Union Countv 5. Bryan Station Height—5' 4" 4. Harris, Franklin Simpson Time—49.0 Long Jump set a record in this 5. Handley, LaRue County Lafayette new 1. Kuepel, Apollo 15.0 event with their time of 49.0. Time 2. Durham. Newport in this Logan set a state record 3. Thies. Highlands new event with her time of 15.0. 880 Yard Relay— 4. Davis. Franklin Ccunty 1. Hopkinsville 5. Meade, Paducah Tilghman 100 Yard Dash— 2. Madisonville Distance— 17' 5 1/2" 3. Owensboro 1. Maxwell, Paducah Tilghman TOTAL POINTS 4. Ft Knox 2. Blackburn, Lafayette Paducah Tilghman 4E 5. Franklin County 3. Ridgeway, Paducah Tilghman Hopkinsville 22 Time— 1:45.4 4. Reid, Ft. Knox Boone Cojinly 15 5. Marton, Owensboro Bryan Station 14 -11 Time- 880 Yard Medley Relay— Lafayette 12 1. Paducah Tilghman FrankU;! County 12 220 Yard Dash— 2. Highlands Harrison County 10 3. Christian County 1. Maxwell, Paducah Tilghman Highlands 9 4. Franklin County 2. Reid, Ft. Knox Christian County 9 5. Lafayette 3. Cargle. Breckinridge County Apollo 8 Time 1:49.7 4. Greer, Paducah Tilghman Henderson County 8 Paducah Tilghman set a new state 5. Blackborn, Lafayette 8 record in this event with their ime Newport Time— 24.7 Ft. 8 of 1:49.7. Knox Maxwell set a new state record in Owensboro 7 this event with her time of 21.7. Relay Bourbon County 6 Mile Boyd Cou^y 6 1. Hopkinsville 440 Yard Run— LaRue Coiuity SV4 2. Harrison County Madisonville 5 1. Meade, Paducah Tilghman 3. Christian County Heights 5 2. Penner, Calloway County 4. Boone County Dixie 3. Steele, Tales Creek 5. Shelby County Calloway County 4 4. Theis. Highlands Time—4:04.1 Franklin-Simpson 3H 5. Hullett, Conner Daviess County 3 Time—53.5 Shot Put Russell 3 Tates Creek 3 1. County Patrick, Boyd Union County 3 880 Yard Run 2. Stinson. Henderson County Breckinridge County 3 1. Boone County 3. Hamilton, Paducah Tilghman Zembrodt, Nelson Coiinly 2 2. Cook, Franklin County 4. Duncan. Apollo Clark County S 3. Butler, Christian County 5. Doyle, Hopkinsville 41' 5" Oldham County 2 4. Borders, Oldham County Distance— 1 B. Patterson, Russell Patrick set a new state record in Conner Time—2:19 this event with her distance of 41' 5". Shelby County 1 The Kentucky High School Athlete Official Organ of the Kentucky High School Athletic Association VOL. XXXVIII—No. 1 AUGUST, 1975 $1.00 Per Year with each would void. Minutes of Board Meeting, May 23, 1975 become George Sauer seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. The Board of Control of the Kentucky High The Board of Control approved the recommen- School Athletic Association met in Bowlin.s? Green, dations of the State Wrestling Committee and Kentucky, on Friday, May 23, 1975. The meeting authorized the Commissioner to conduct an opin- was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by President W. ion poll of principals of schools sponsorng wrest- P. Wheeler. Present were Board members, Arthur Img teams. The subject being the establishment David- Hawkins, Jack Fultz, Louie Martin, Eldon of districts in this sport. It is to be sent after the son, George Sauer, Ray Story, Frank Simpson, schools open in the fall. (The minutes of the and Fairce Woods; Commissioner J. B. Mansfield, meeting will appear in the Athlete.) and Assistant Commissioners Tom Mills and Billy The possibility of moving the district basket- V. Wise. Mr. Conley Manning was in attendance ball tournament to the last week in March be- representing the State Department of Ediication. ginning with the 1977-78 school year was discuss- Th invocation was given by Frank Simpson, ed. Mr. Mansfield was instructed to conduct a poll Ray Story moved, seconed by Fairce Woods of the member schools to see if they were in favor that the reading of the minutes of the April meet- of this change. The poll will be conducted at the inging be waived since members of the Board beginning of the 1975-76 school year. had received copies in the mail. The motion was Mr. Mansfield presented a letter from Prin. carried unanimously. OUie Howard of Oldham County High School re- George Sauer moved that each school whose questing that the Board send out a referendum team participated in the State Girls' Basketball to the member schools on whether or not spring Tournament be given $200.00 to help defray ex- football practice should be eliminated. Following addition to those already assum- penses. This is in a lengthy discussion, Frank Simpson moved that ed by the Association. The motion was seconded the request be tabled. Eldon Davidson seconded by Arthur Hawkins and carried unanimously. the motion and all members voted aye. The Chairman of the Policy Committie, Jack Prin. J. T. Pendergraph, Breckinridge County Fultz, stated that the Committee recommended High School, appealed to the Board of Control to that the salaries for the administrative staff restore Scott Brumfield's eligibility at his school. and secretaries for the 1975-76 fiscal year be The correspondence concerning the case was read as follows: Commissioner Mansfield $25,000.00. by the Commssioner. Scott has been a varsity Assistant Commissioners Mills and Wise $20,000.00. player at St. Romuald and is ineligible for thirty- Assistant Commissioner Stout $17,500.00. The six weeks. The finances involved and subject of- secretaries will receive a ten percent increase in fered were the basis of the request. After discuss- salary. Mr. Fultz made the motion that these ing the case, it was moved by Eldon Davidson, recommendations be adopted. Frank Simpson seconded by Fairce Woods, not to restore his seconded the motion and all members voted aye. eligibility. Eight members voted "aye" and one Chairman Louie Martin stated that the Retire- dissented. ment Committee recommended that the Board of Prin. Jim Bishop, Beechwood High School, re- Control submit a letter to the Board of Trustees quested the Board to restore Christopher G. of the Teachers' Retirement System requesting Riche's eligibility at Beechwood. Christopher at- that the three Assistant Commissioners of the tended Covington Catholic where he has been a Kentucky High School Athletic Association be member of the football team for two years. In- accepted as members of the Teachers' Retirement creased tuition and other financial matters were System effective July 1, 1975, under provisions the reason for the transfer. Commissioner Mans- provided under KRS 161.220-4.f. The Committee field read the correspondence concerning the case recommended that the Board of Control contribute and after much discussion George Sauer moved, the necessary funds to the Teachers' Retirement seconded by Fairce Woods, that Christopher's System to cover their acceptance. The Retire- eligibility not be restored at Beechwood High ment Committee further recommended that Arti- School. Eight voted in favor of the motion and cle, VIII, Section 1, of the K.H.S.A.A. Pension one dissented. Plan Agreement contract with Commissioner J. Prin. Roy A. Weatherly, Hopkinsville High B. Mansfield be changed to show that he "will School, requested the Board to restore the eligi- receive $25.00 for each year of credited service." bility of Louis Knight.
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